Monday, July 8, 2013

The Beautiful Skies || Chapter 1 - Distant Lives

One life, one destiny many would say to the boy who I was close to. Many of them foretold the end of the human world. That did not happen due to his choice in saving them instead of bloodshed. I did not wish for it to happen at all. Not the blood, not the darkness that would consume me. Still I had fallen for this boy who decided to keep the peace toward both worlds. The living and the dead… he was the one where my heart been taken by him. The one who kept our worlds together during this very day I still remember how we met. That memory will never fade away no matter I wish it to. He remains there forever inside my heart as I watch the skies change into darkness. The seasons had passed again, and, again with our love coming closer. One life, one destiny---he chose the peace.

The few clouds in the sky would show a pink color over the horizon where the sun would set. Two violet orbs would watch that sun fall down to be night once again. It had been a while since coming to this grave. The grave of a good friend I had lost due to me being too weak to protect her. She was the Mother to me that I never could replace. Even so; I still see my husband coming to visit her and tell her how much he misses her. He had promised to see her a lot when she visited but that day it was dark for us to watch her go. Reading the tombstone I kept my eyes on it for a few minutes.



The kindest hearted shinigami in the Seireitei in protecting the ones she loved. We hope you rest in peace for a long time and forever will be remembered for what you have done. Never will we forget what you did to save us both. How I wish to keep you in my arms once again. Though now you may rest peacefully never to be hurt again.

Alice read the message over, and, over again with a few tears leaving from her eyes. Why did it have to take her? My dearest husband would tell me not to think of sadness over what she had to do. Her body started to get weak after a while from the sickness we could not figure out over the years. She lied in bed next to her baby where her Taichou had watched her. He promised her that the daughter she had would be in his squad when she was ready. Just like her Mother---he had promised he protect her. “Alice… are you ready to go?” The male’s voice distracted the petite woman who had a round stomach at the size of a watermelon or almost. Her hand touched on toop of her stomach feeling a small smile appear on her face. “Hai I am coming, my love.” 

The male I married was Toshiro’s son who was born to bring destruction foretold from his Father before him. Aizen was that Father that Haku lived through in hell trying to protect him from what she foreseen. Turning away from the grave; her eyes would let out a few tears before she slowly walked up to her husband. Toshiki arm would wrap around his wife’s waist gently. “You cried again didn’t you? I told you not to do that when you are pregnant.” He raised his lips up against her cheek to try and comfort her. “I-I can’t help it! It has been too long since I have heard her voice. Don’t you even have a heart? She was your best friend wasn’t she?!” She felt her heart began to pick up the pace with a bit of anger mixed inside. Toshiki let out a deep sigh from his lips. “She still is. You know that I care for her, Alice. It is just she rather see you move on instead of cry over blaming yourself. She is in a better place now away from the pain.” 

Alice knew he was right to not blame herself over what no one could do. Toshiki did not wish for her death---but it happened. Toshiro was in agony over it though he made a vow to keep his promise to her. Even Momo cried longer than all of us with their friendship being as long with her Taichou. They all loved her in the bottom of their hearts. She was someone who be remembered for a long time. Surely her Daughter would wonder where she has gone. We have yet to tell her that she has taken ill. We are sure she knows of it---she must know of it at least this once when she is older we can show her. 

A small child ran toward the two of us with her bright smile appearing upon her features. “Mommy, Father you came back!” She jumped up at Toshiki with her arms spread out wide. “Mei tackle!” She would call out just before causing him to fall back. Alice would laugh softly at the two lying on the ground. “H-Hey, Mei you should be careful. Did you do what I told you to?” Aika shook her head at her Father with her cheeks puffing out. Alice could see the resemblance with Mei  having her blonde hair and the eyes of teal. She could only imagine who the Father had been which she had talked to Momo about it. Momo did not get angry that things happened since she was in a coma and now that she had died. It be wrong for her to be angry that the child could be her husband’s. 

“Mommy, why do you look so sad?” She jumped off of Toshiki with her hand moving up to her stomach. “Does my bro-sis cause you pain?” The small child would look up at her Mother with sorrow in her teal eyes. Alice shook her head trying to avoid staring down at her. Deep down she knew that this child was not hers nor was it for her to have the title ‘Mommy’ still she wanted to give her a Mother. “Your Mother just is thinking about things a lot lately. That is all.” Mei head would tilt off to the right over her statement. “What would you be thinking about?” She asked, her voice filled with curiouscity over what it could be. Toshiki picked up Yuki in his left arm to bring a hand up to Alice back. “Come on, Alice. I have work to do and this little munchkin needs to do her homework.” Mei kicked her small feet out wanting to get away from him though his grip on her was pretty tight. With a nod, Alice would move with Toshiki to the tenth division where he now took over his Father’s job. He was captain of tenth squad where his Father was….

Back in the first division in the chair was Toshiro who was working on paperwork in a different place. He did not in his mind think he take this job. No one else would be taking it at this point so he allowed himself to take it while his son was in his place. “Taichou, why are you so serious all the time? Loosen up! Come on, let’s get a drink!” His white eyebrow would twitch to see she has not changed one bit. Sometimes he wished Bri Haku had not gone away. She wouldn’t complain about the work and just do it. “Rangiku, I am not to abandon my post and leave as you can see I am Head Captain. That means this work must be done seriously. If you want to drink I suppose I could send you to a different division that requires not much work.” He gave her a threat that he was not going to do as she pleased. “E-Eh?! Taichou, don’t do that! You know no one will replace me.” He grumbled softly, moving his eyes to meet hers he let out a huff. “Fine! Go drink but I am not responsible if you have a headache you big oaf.” 

The blonde would jump for joy at his approval over leaving though she did not approve of him calling her a big oaf. “Be nice or you won’t get a sneak peek.” She lifted her bottom half of her uniform at his eyes. “Not like I want to see that.” He would answer her with a grumpy expression. “Now, go!” With a soft laughter she left quickly to go outside in the Soul Society away from him. Alone in his office he felt now that he was alone there he appear on the porch where his division had the view of outside. It was a perfect view of the lights all around the division where he ruled over them all. No ice had been formed like before when he took over. “Haku…” He spoke in a soft voice. “You still think of her don’t you?” A voice was soft disrupting his thoughts of his third seat.

Turning around; his eyes would widen seeing Momo was standing in the room with a haori on her shoulders. “Hinamori…?! Are you even allowed to leave your division?” He could hear her soft giggle leaving from her lips. “Of course! I got my work finished in time to see my Husband.” Everyone was showing up when not expected though he did not mind seeing his wife. With a ring on his finger it reminded him of their love still growing stronger. Hinamori walked over to stand beside Toshiro. “I miss her as well. Even if she was alive I would not hate you for what you did. I know you were lonely during the time, but now that Alice and Toshiki take care of her. There is a job to be fulfilled when she reaches that age.” The white haired male closed his eyes tightly over the thought of telling her that all this time Alice was not her Mother. In fact, her Mother is dead buried under that dirt where her soul has left the lifeless body she use to linger inside. “I do know that we both do. All of us! I have heard Alice went to see her again today.” The brunette eyes would widen at that thought of her crying again. “She still blames herself for not being able to do anything. We all couldn’t… I even felt bad that nothing would work. Bri…she said it was alright and that she accepted her fate.” Her eyes shifted over to her husband to see he opened his two eyelids with his teal orbs showing sorrow inside of them. 

Four years ago~

On the bed laid Haku’s body with her skin very pale and fragile with her eyes shifting around the room where a few people have gathered. Underneath her eyes laid two black lines that looked her body did not get any rest. “B-Bri!” Momo yelled at her friend who laid on the bed inside of her room where she was lived. Next to her on the left side laid her baby who slept peacefully. “You can’t go! You just can’t…” The blonde haired girl would lift her lips up forward into a small smile. “Momo-chan… do not cry for me. Please smile like you always have even before knowing me. I feel this is my fate to die this way. I finally fulfilled my job to protect who I wished. Now, my body is saying it is time to go. I will watch over all of you in the heavens even if I am not here please continue to smile.” Toshiro looked down at Bri with his eyes filled with sorrow. “Haku…” Bri smiled warmly at her Taichou with a hand raised up to him. He grabbed it tightly feeling it was cold. “Promise me you will take care of her. Mei…please promise you will keep her happy.” His head would nod slowly knowing that she had not much time left. “Please be safe. I wish to be at your side always…no matter what. I accept my fate that I lived long enough to know all of you and I love you guys with all of my heart.” 

Alice felt her tears fall from her cheeks over the thought of taking care of the baby. She knew Toshiro would be too busy to do so which meant she would take the job. Bri watched all of them just before her eyes closed with a warm smile across her face. The words she spoke of over her fate still bothered Momo. She did not feel that her fate had to die like that as if she was some tool. The very scenery left Momo in her tears like a waterfall. “BRI!” She called out with her head on top of her chest. The very life of her disappeared suddenly feeling nothing was left of her. Everything she left was now gone with nothing to bring her back. Momo knew that but this was the second time she had to watch her die. It wasn’t fair! What had she meant by ‘fate’? She still wondered if someday she get the chance to ask her.

Present day~

“Hinamori…you must forget all sorrow and remember that she always be with us.” He said with his words sounding emotionless. Still she could feel he was putting up a mask in front of her. “Stop acting all cold! I know you wish to cry in front of me. She was your third seat wasn’t she?! You can just let her go?” His footsteps would stop in the middle of the room with his head hanging down. “I already did cry without you being here. Yes, she was my third seat, but get your mind back on what you are living for. She told us to smile and is this what you want? To be sad forever? You know she would be angry if you broke what she wanted us to keep.” His feet would move again out of the room wanting to avoid Momo. She always hit the spot that hurt him the most. Yes…he did care for his third seat that she went through hell to get to that spot. He did not want her to go… he had no choice. He can’t just keep begging the sky to bring her back---she was gone for good this time. He had to accept it.

“Shiro-chan, you baka…” She turned her back after watching him walk out of the room. A single tear would leave from her right eye. She hoped that Haku was alright in heaven wherever she was at. “Haku, I hope you are happy in the heavens. We still grieve over your death. Forgive me, I could not return what you promised. I can’t smile…not without you here being with us. I just…wish it didn’t end this way.” She closed her eyes tightly before leaving the room back to her division. 

In a dark cave within the rukongai there was a child inside plotting. He had a book in his hand with brunette hair and brown eyes. His eyes looked devious with great power seeking out of him. He hid down there researching to bring something back that he had lost. With a smirk appearing; his eyes would watch the sky for a brief moment. “Celebrate all you can, you fools! I will come back with someone who dying to meet you.” His voice would sound sinister with a laughter echoing. He had promised his Mother to free her. She was being held within the Soul Society where he had a plan to bring back his Father. “Father…you will get revenge on these foolish idiots. Mark my words you will! I promised you I will have our family reunite.” He turned the page to write down his name. On the paper it had said ‘Yuu Sosuke’. He left the cave to put on a bright smile not revealing to the villagers who he really was. Under that smile there laid a dark sinister that no one knew that he was to break the peaceful times---once again…

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