Saturday, July 6, 2013

Sands Of Destiny || Chapter 2 - A Kind Heart

 The rest of the night went on smoothly with Toshiro having Hyorinmaru look outside for any interruption. The young Prince had told me to stay here until I was ready to work. He could not keep me here forever while his Father would suspect someone had gone missing in his slaves he bought recently. Many times I had told him it was fine---though he refused to even let me out of the room. It would be sad to not talk with my other friend I have met before knowing the Prince has a soft heart. His heart was indeed kind to save me, but very risky in this action he has no power to refuse his Father. That I know he is well aware.

“Princ--- I mean, Toshiro-kun?” He turned toward me with his hands touching my ribs to notice the look of pain on my face. “Yes, Bri what is it?” He would have something on his fingers of some kind liquid that was mixed together with other things I have not seen in my entire life. “Why, don’t you just take me back? I be disposed of then I can’t worry what will happen next.” The words I spoke were true and the Prince knew that his Father would have me be killed for being the weak link. His eyes would close for a moment before he answered. “That is out of the question. I told you that things would be going my way. I do not care to disagree with Father his methods are disgusting.” 

Closing my eyes I understood that Toshiro would not let me leave no matter what. He is a brave soul to fight against someone he loves. Doesn’t he know that things can go wrong? I surely had no doubts he could keep me protected, but this will not last long. He will find me and when he does I will be punished for hiding for so long. 

Hyorinmaru told Toshiro the coast was clear for him to take me toward the waters where they bathe in clean water. “Come this way, Bri.” He had a cloak place on top of my head with decent clothing that I changed into so we fool them I am one of them. It was smart idea though I know this won’t last long. “Y-Yes!” I quickly walked after Toshiro who had a hand out toward my own. Taking it; my whole body reacted with shivers running through my whole being. We were only kids yet he was acting mature for his age. Way like an adult already in a small body. “Toshi---“ The young Prince covered my lips with one hand to notice guards had approached him. 

“Prince, where are you going?” The guards would hold their spears in hand in case of attack. Typical that they come right when he did not want any attention. “I need to take a bath so I require to do so.” He lowered his eyes toward the female which the guards eyed her to notice his arm was wrapped around. “Prince, you may hurry it is quite late. Also this girl would she happen to be your personal slave? We have not heard of yours coming just yet, do you want us to search if that is not her?” Toshiro had not heard that he have his own slave. What was Father thinking?! He does not want one! He may have to say this is her however, the time he needs to heal this girl be taken away. “I have not heard of this ‘slave’ though I assure you this woman means no harm. I am merely taking her to bathe with me as well. She is quite filthy and you know my Father hates dirty things.” 

Two guards nod their head knowing the King does not take things to be dirty. “Understood.. we will inform your Father of the slave right away.” They marched off with their spears in each hand with footsteps fading away as they leave the three alone. The white haired male continued to walk hoping no more will interrupt him. Father…what have you need for me to have a personal slave? Do you realize what that could lead me to? I do not need one. Therefore whoever it is I will refuse. 

When we reached the bath area; I saw the rectangle shape with water inside where steam would leave from within the room. All I know is this was huge enough for a family to bathe in. Such amazing things here that I could have no known if I still was not hurt by that guard. “Can you get in the water? I may have to take off your clothing.” He spoke into my ear to inform me that I need to take them off. My cheeks were blushing a bit; with my hands I lowered them to my bow in the back. It had been tied since I had it put on for me to fool the guards. “I-I will take it off myself. Though what if someone comes in and you are not in the tub with me?” Toshiro smiled at me with his hand touching my head. “Do not worry so much. I know my Father will not suspect a thing. Though that personal slave… I do hope they do not come at all. I do not require one. I can do things my own way no matter how much he explains they are needed.” 

His speech toward the slaves made my heart warm up toward how kind he be if become King. That would not happen till he was older, much older. “I am happy you see us differently. Still at this age you are mature though very young as well.” The white haired male would smile warmly at me with his hand underneath his chin. “You are young as well, Bri.” He looked at the door seeing Hyorinmaru stood to keep on watch in case someone came in. 

My clothes would strip down to be naked with nothing much on me. It was cold a bit, but the water did feel nice against my pale skin. The small wounds I had on my arms, chest, and, legs had scars from being whipped a bit at this young age. The Prince stared in sorrow watching the young girl sit in the water. How could his Father enjoy this? He did not understand why he would buy them. Continue to torture their lives like it was some game. If he was tortured the same---would he enjoy it as well? Not likely…if only he could show him that. The stubborn fool will never see eye to eye. 

My bath did feel good after a while before my fingers turned very strange. Even Toshiro kept watch with no interest in what most men find in young girls. He wasn’t that type from the looks of it---he wasn’t even embarrassed. The wounds that appeared on my body seemed to be healed by a simple bath. I wondered if it was black magic or some witchcraft that they cooked up. “You are wondering about your wounds, aren’t you?” He noticed my head nod up and down with a confused expression. “We have herbs in the water mixed in for when we get harmed; there is a way to stop that without losing many deaths. Truthfully I find it quite useful to have for slaves as well. They are people like us and we are not higher than they are. My Father is such a pitiful man that I hope he gets what he deserves. I love him, but things like this can’t continue on!”

Listening to the Prince made me wonder if he rather be a slave like us. He knew his Father find him strange to not follow the path set for him. Just like me; my path was already decided by the way I was born into this world. Standing up, my body would move over to the towel slowly to reach for it when I noticed the Prince had already grabbed it. “A-Ah, Prince wait! Yo---“ He ignored my pleading with his hand moving the towel against my skin softly. “Let me for once do this. You may be a slave, but to me I will treat you like a human being.” He continued to move the towel so my body be dried off for the clothing I would wear.

Shaking my head, water would lightly hit his cheek which he laughed softly hearing a guard came in to check but noticed he was smiling. It had been a long time which the guard found whoever this female was, he hoped she remained for a long time. He knew she was not royalty, but in a way, she could be if perhaps he asked to help along with Hyorinmaru. Instead the male just nod his head and left the room. He would keep quiet on this matter unless it got heavy he just hopes nothing bad would force upon him to harm this girl. 

Wearing a white dress, around my waist be a golden material that seemed to tie in the back. The dress was short due to my size being small. “I did try to get the best size. Your Mother seemed curious who it was for.” Toshiro smiled at his guard who did quite well to lie. “I do hope you said it be a lie or something that wouldn’t lead her on.” Hyorinmaru smirked at the child with his hands on top of each of the male’s side. “You think I be that foolish? I had lied to her about it saying it was for you to study the woman body.” My whole face turned red by his words spoken out toward the two of us. “Y-You said that?! What if she comes to check on me now? I have no time to look at woman!” He let out a sigh from his lips and lead me out of the room with the cloak on top of my head.

Such a foolish guard…he at least could have said I use the material for some project or perhaps new clothing the slaves could wear. Now his Mother think he want to be married at an early age. What nonsense…he never want such a thing.
We both went down the corridor to go back to his room. I had thought he send me back to where I should be---instead I was taken in his room where he said I sleep. I-I could not sleep here in case others would see me on his bed, sleeping with the Prince would be leading to my death. The look on my face said it all which Toshiro pulled me over to the bed. “I told you it be fine. Even if you are caught, I will not stop until my Father will see that slaves are not needed for our dirty work we could do ourselves.”
My head would nod slowly up and down at his choice of words. I decided to trust him he knew what to do even solo this could not end well. I knew the guards were easy to fool. Would this be easy to fool his Father? I did not think so. He sees a slave from a Princess any day. I could not pull that off if his Father was indeed listening to his son pleading. I have known what his Father could be like. A ruthless male who only cares for greed and nothing else over his own people that could help him in time of need. Such a foolish male indeed. 

I lay on the bed that was large enough for two people. Toshiro still would not wear a shirt either to the hot sun or perhaps he did not need it. With arms wrapped around; his body would lean against mine in case something did happen. Wouldn’t this confuse others or draw to conclusion that he is holding a slave in his room? Perhaps I worry too much… I knew I could trust Toshiro with what he had planned. I had to for the sake of my own life! Or was it because I could trust him? What gave me that mind to do so? He seemed so smart at such a young age. 

“Good night, Bri.” He would whisper right into my ear a secret message. I could remember his words were true which he closed his eyes after mine. We both were holding onto each other in hopes nothing would separate us. Nothing at all to bring us apart. I did not want to lose him, however I knew if someone did find us it would be the end of my life as I know it. That scared me, but in his arms I felt safe even if I knew this would not last. “Good night, my Prince.” I would whisper those words right back into his ear which he had already fallen asleep with a cute display on his face. 

Where would this life lead us? Would it take us to Heaven where I could meet my parents once again? I wanted to, I longed to meet them and tell them a Prince had taken care of me. Or could they see from in the skies? I perhaps knew that from the feeling of being guarded by a safe light. Oh, how I wish they could see me now. My parents…I miss you so. I wish to see you again. How I miss them so much! 

The next morning I could hear the birds chirping with voices right outside the Prince’s room. He still slept with me in his arms which Hyorinmaru did sleep at the door to keep guard on both of us. In case of warning he would come in to hide me quickly so no one would know. That was his job which I never heard him complain about a thing. How I loved how close he was to a guard. It was as if they had a past together or perhaps Hyorinmaru was young when Toshiro was born and always protect him with open arms. I did not know the past they shared, but it seemed like family was becoming of them. A woman ran inside to be the size of an adult. Quickly I felt my head would go underneath the blanket with it pressed against the Prince chest. He would keep me still with his words whispering to me. “Stay quiet…” 

“My child you still rest?” The Mother would whisper softly noticing he looked up at his Mother with eyes still heavy from his dream. “I was until hearing voices right outside my door. Why is it you always are so loud?” He began to question when he felt something hit his head. A letter wrapped tightly with ribbon around the object. “My child, you have much to learn about respecting your elders.” The funny thing was she isn’t his elder so why should he? Besides he loved his Mother and knew that he only teased her. Still he wishes they learn to keep quiet when others slept. “A message from the North which I am sure you find this quite interesting.” She looked at Hyorinmaru with a nod to leave them in peace with her warm smiles on her face. 

He looked under the blanket seeing my whole face was red. He did not understand the way I was blushing unless she found him attractive at this age. “Are you alright? You may have a fever due to this heat. I do apologize for not seeing it before. Would you like some wa---“ My head would snap up watching the young child in front of me. “N-No! I do not require water, Prince. You are a male and I a female. I am surprised you are not embarrassed by such a thing!” Toshiro head would shift off toward the right at my yelling. “I find you silly, Bri. Yet you are interesting at your logic and this is nothing compared to what I have to go through.” My turn to be confused by his words yet again. “What do you mean by this?” I would ask with that same confused look. Toshiro let out a sigh from his thin lips. “Marriage is what I meant by this. Now my Mother probably got some woman wanting to marry me so young.” 

He would untie the ribbon at a slow pace which I felt my heart cringe. Why should I feel painful? It isn’t lie I am getting married to someone which I never would. Slaves don’t get to love and if the female gets pregnant then they would be killed for sure. I never have happiness so long this slave rule is in order. Toshiro opened the letter to read it upon himself with eyes opening in a wide state. Both Hyorinmaru and I looked at each other in confusion what that letter could have said. He looked somewhat happy by the letters upon the nice sleet of paper.

Hitsugaya Toshiro, Prince of the south that knows this handwriting or I hope you do. I am coming along the way to see you. It has been quite some time since we have seen each other possibly only a year. I felt it been too long. I do hope you are alright and not causing mischief as you always have. Well, be ready by noon I am coming whether you like me to be there or not.
                                                                                                                                                                 Your friend, Hinamori Momo.

Standing up on his feet, his eyes would shift toward Bri and Hyorinmaru. “Get ready the both of you! I need to be perfect for my friend is coming over to see me.” My eyes would open up wide toward his words at what he meant. A friend…? SO it wasn’t a marriage proposal? I was happy which I did not know why I would be. If he was to be married then it would lead to a perfect life for him. A life I could never have knowing I wouldn’t want it either. Though this friend would be like his Father? Perhaps I should hide. Though Toshiro noticed I was searching for a box to hide in or somewhere that isn’t here. With his head shaking; he grabbed my hand softly to whisper in my ear.

“Do not be afraid. She is not like my Father I am sure she understand that you are a new friend of mine. I require you to meet her though we need to make sure you are ready with proper stuff so we can fool others if you are to come with me.” He told me this all in my ear softly so he would not cause other guards to come in. “Now, let us be off!” He had a few hours to get ready with me going along the ride. I was happy he let me come along with to see his friend. However I wondered about Azumi. How was she? I probably should learn how to sneak so this Prince could get a break. He sacrificed everything to keep me safe and not harmed. I thank him…but it soon time I should return to reality. I can’t keep playing this game much longer. Sooner or later they will find me.

Toshiro my Prince,  I do not want you to be harmed… I want you to be safe where you can rest when you can and not worry about me. I do not want that. I do not….forgive me if I leave suddenly due to the fact you are a new friend. I only wish to keep you happy. What should I do, Mother and Father….? I do not know what is right or wrong. I want to stay, but that require him getting in trouble. I need help. Oh, what should I do?!

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