Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Sands Of Destiny || Chapter 1 - Morning of Time

Many wounds would be found on the slave bodies that endure the pain over each beating from their Master. The fear of being killed over one simple accident brought many in tears. The eyes of a child saw most of the deaths where friends had been made---but quickly to be ended in a blink of an eye. Those blue eyes were mine to witness my friend cry out for me only to be stained with their blood. It was then that I wanted to be stronger, to be able to help them. I was weak, filthy, worthless, and, pathetic. 

A deep voice would come right in the cell where my family was being held with me. They required only two more slaves for the trip to Eygpt. I felt scared that they pick me to send away from my parents where I be alone and not sheltered by their love. That what kept me alive all this time. Holding onto my Mother and Father; I heard the guard walk by the cells where our friends had stayed alive. I was five years old at a young age to be surviving through slavery. “This one.” The guard weapon would smack the bars ordering it to be open. Ayame held onto her daughter tightly hoping he choose someone else. Not their daughter! Their sweet daughter. The male wore his uniform without a shirt on but had pants with round shoes. He came from Egypt which his eyes narrowed in search for the perfect slave to go along with. My whole body was trembling in my Mother’s arms. 

He bars would be opened with the guard orders to take two. One was chosen which she had long brunette hair to her waist with the same color of eyes as me. Her hands were tied by rope behind her back so none of us could try anything. Only thing was; her parents were killed with no family to have. The female did not speak or argue with their choice in picking her. It was obvious that her soul held nothing inside but emptiness. That emptiness that made it hard for me to swallow, without feeling sympathy for the loss that she never can gain back. The guard eyes would gaze toward my Mother with a smirk on his face. My hands held tightly onto her arms. No, do not take her! Do not take my Mother! I would pray to realize it was not her who they wanted… It was me.
“Give me the child.” He ordered the female who would not let me go at this instant. 

“No, you can’t have her! She is not for sale. Go, find another child to take. I will not leave my girl to some filthy pigs!”  Ayame would spat at the male with hatred in her eyes. The male felt her spit hit his right eye with a bit of anger building up. “You filthy whore!” He snapped his fingers to call his men. “Get me the child!” The guards moved over in groups which the male stood up about ready to fight. No, please… no more bloodshed! “I will not give her to you! I will not.” Ayame yelled in a warning tone toward the guards. One blade would be pulled from the guard which he slashed across my Dad. His body splilt in half which his last words were ‘I love you, darling.’ Ayame whole body would shake in fear while she held onto me in her chest. A guard grabbed her hair pulling her back, with another hitting her in the stomach. She let out a painful cry so I would be let go. Quickly a guard grabbed me so we would be separated. “NO! Give me back, my baby! Give her back!” Without any regrets the guards would slash the female head off having tears fall down her cheeks. My whole family been murdered right before my very eyes. I was shocked to even speak or say a word to those guards that pulled me out of my Mother’s loving hands. 

It was then I realized that one girl’s pain over losing something that never will be brought back again. My parents, my loving parents were now gone. They be in a better place now away from all this pain. Would I join them? I had no strength to even move or disobey their orders. Once put in the carriage; I was next to the girl who spoke and said nothing. But something changed that.
Her head would fall right on my lap gently with her blue eyes staring up into mine. “Do not give in. I know you lost your parents… but, you can’t lose them as they always will be in your heart.” Her words were kind toward what I just experienced. The loss of two loving parents was not something I could never forget nor could I erase. A small smile would appear on my face over what she said. “Thank you…” I would thank her with that smile still remaining on my lips. 

Our ride to Egypt was long with many of us talking about our families. Half of the people were children at my age going to be slaves for Egyptian Princes. We were being bought by a powerful King who requires more working people. At our age we be too young to be working. They did not care what the age, but perhaps they also require woman to be there for the Prince’s to have useful for. I felt sick that they even consider making us have sex at this age. I did not know much though when we arrived I could see the guard pull us out one, by, one to be tested.

My friend was first with a few guards keeping an eye on her. I was next which the guard threw me on the ground without much care I get hurt along the way. We all traveled into the city of Egypt where the great palace was built in the city where we would live to be slaves for the rest of our lives. “Whatever happens I will protect you.” The girl would whisper to me with her smile still on her pale face. “My name is Azumi Hanashia. What is your name?” She would tilt her head off to the right in wait for my answer. “M-My name…” I felt my throat was dry without much of any liquid in the last few days. “My name is Bri Haku. It is nice to meet you, Azumi-chan.” A small smile would show up on my small features. Azumi smiled back toward my effort to smile after everything. “Bri-chan, I love your name very, very much.” Her tone was sweet with a warm tone behind it. 

Our happiness did not last long as Azumi was pulled away from me to meet her Master. I wanted to reach out toward her, but it was already too late. She was gone… What would happen to me? Would I be with some slob guy who would whip me every night or be into little children with their sick games. I did not like that! I did not want this. I don’t! 

The male guard would pull on my chain that happens to be on a collar around the neck placed on me. “Come on!” He pulled on the chain to take me to wherever I needed to go. Inside the city there be many people staring with their eyes in fear. The guards had that look you did not want to mess with. Being in slavery frightened me but I would not show fear. If I did, they would win with their little games to play with emotions. Right inside the palace there would be two tall dog like shapes in having writing in Egyptian. My eyes widen at the very sight of the artitect that was glowing right in front of me. “Come on, move faster!” He pulled on my chain a bit harder to hear a thump behind him. “Stupid slave, get up!” His foot would kick right into my left side which a crack was heard. My voice would echo down the hall in agony toward the male’s feet hitting my small ribs. With small effort I tried to get up but only fell down. Get up…! You have to get up. I can’t die here! I can’t! 

“Such a useless girl!” He was about to raise his foot again when a hand would lower down to the female. He stopped his leg from hitting me once more. “P-Prince! I did not see you there.” The young Prince hand would wrap around the female slave. Teal orbs would fill with sorrow toward the girl. “Do not harm her any further. I will take her to my Father myself after I take care of her.”  In appearance he had on tan pants that would reach to his ankles with a small obi at the middle of his top of those pants. It was blue. He had on golden earrings shaped out of dragons would be on his ears. Golden bracelets would be on his wrists with a necklace around his neck given by his Mother. The guard would bit his bottom lip to the Prince words. “Listen, Prince she is not to be taken care of. She will work for your King when the time is right. Now please let me do m---“ The Prince grabbed the chain away from his hand quickly to grab the blade that was in his holster around his waist. “What was that?” His arm would hold onto my body as if I was his very own child. He was a bit taller than me with his hand being soft. “P-Prince, I am only following orders.” The guard would raise his hands up in defense. “Please let her go and move along. Your Father will be displeased with your orders to me.”

The white haired male would walk away with me in his arms to go down the hall. “I do not care what that fat oaf has to say. This girl will not be seeing him until then. Do I make myself clear?” The guard would bow his head toward the Prince. “U-Understood.” 

A gentle care was given to me by this boy I did not know his name only that the guard said ‘Prince’. Why did he come to my rescue? I had thought they all only cared for greed and nothing else. Why did this one boy come to save me? Why…? Many things I did not know what to explain what could of happened if he continued to beat me down. I would have died at that time and cut into pieces to be buried without no one would know. Not even Azumi… my new best friend. Oh, how I wish to ask why he saved me. If only I could wake up…. 

It felt cool with the soft breeze coming into the room where I rested. My small body would lay underneath the covers that was inside the Prince room. On top of my head I felt a cool rag that been placed by whoever helped me. Quickly I sat up with my eyes widen in shock. I am alive? How did this happen…? Why would anyone save a slave? It was confusing! “Oh, you have woke up. I apologize for that guard rude behavior. I sometimes think my Father has wild animals running around to harm people even slaves like that. I do not like it…” He would come inside with his back against the wall beside his huge bed. It had to be King size fit for a Prince no doubt. He was lucky to have no fear over who would kill you in your sleep. My hand would raise up toward my throat. “W-Wa…” The Prince would see the actions I took which he quickly snapped his fingers for his personal butler. 

“Hyorinmaru, fetch me a cup of water and fast!” The male was taller with his hair a light green color with a strange mark on his forehead. He nod his head without saying much a word over who was inside the room. “Yes, Master.” He bowed his head in respect and left soon to do what he was told.

What was happening? I first got here with a friend and now the Prince is taking care of me like some doctor. I could not speak well with a dry throat. It was lucky he found me when he did. “T-Tha….” His finger would touch my lips softly. “Do not speak. I will ask more after you had some liquid.” His chest would lift up slowly. “Just what are they doing to you poor people?” He raised a hand. “Wait, do not answer that! I will wait for more. I am so interested in you! Your hair color, your eyes, everything about you is so beautiful!” He took a seat on his bed feeling my whole body jumped slightly. “My Father would be upset I took care of you. I do not care what he says or does! To me he is ruling this place into Hell. Treating you guys like tools is not something I want. To me you people will not be tools…” 

My whole body sat still trying to take in what he is telling me. He loved us? What kind of Prince was he? I could not believe what was being foretold. This Prince is not like all the others I worked under. I only began at this age for pulling weeds. They would not force a child at such a young age to work. They knew so much stress would kill them quickly which meant a replacement. What would happen if his Father found out? I could not fake being like him. Or even a Princess… This Prince is taking risks in helping me. Only question I knew that was left is why he thought of us interesting. Perhaps life around here was dull and me coming was something he needed. Some excitement. 

Hyorinmaru came quickly with the glass of water to hand it out to me. “Here you go.” My hands would reach up, shaking heavily I knew that with grabbing this would take time. Instead the young Prince grabbed the cup to move his hand behind my head and he raised the mug up toward my lips. “I will give you the liquid just swallow, alright?” My head would nod slowly with my head leaned back a little. The cold liquid fell down my throat giving me some coolness for my throat that was tasting like sand been shoved down my throat. It felt nice! “Ah, that fee---“ My throat would try to swallow some water but backfired and I began to cough. The Prince raised his right eyebrow at my attempt to speak. Such a strange girl… he found her quite adorable the way she tried to do things. “Careful.” He pat my back gently with the cup being placed on the small table next to him. 

My whole journey was beginning out of Hell to be Heaven with some Egyptian Prince taking care of me. I was not special nor was I important. Yet, he treated me like I was some Princess who got harmed by some bandits or some rats. He never treated me like some disease. I felt calm around him as if he calmed my soul. 

“May I ask something of you? I like to know what your name is…I do not wish to call you slave because you should have the right to speak your own name.” He would speak with his voice sounding very calm. “Can you answer me this?” My eyes would shift up toward his teal orbs filled with warmth. I could feel my whole body start to heal with this boy love and care being gentle like I was his doll. How should I answer him? With the title Prince be nice and respectful as he gave me that reason to not treat him like dirt.

“Prince I can answer you this. After all, you gave me hope to be able to make it here. I do not want to put that to waste…m-my name is…” I would pause hearing a few guards past down the hall. The Prince would hear the guards run by with a bit of panic on their face. “Ignore them as you can see they run around like idiots.” He would hear my voice giggle like a soft angel from the heavens. His cheeks would blush a little at her giggles. He was right…she is adorable! “Thank you, Prince. My name is Bri Haku, I do hope we can be good friends!” My lips would shift upward into a warm smile toward the young prince. “Enough with that, Bri. Call me Toshiro. Not ‘Prince’ I know you can refer to me like that when I am alone. However to save your life call me Prince outside with others to show we are not close. That I can assure you will live if you follow their orders.” He would raise a finger to fix the bangs that would cover part of my face. Moving the strand of hair behind my ear, his eyes would be lighting up in th dark room where we both sat.

“Yes, Prin--- I mean, Toshiro-kun. I will follow your orders.” I could not believe myself in finding such nice people around here even if I was afraid at first.

 Meeting Toshiro brighten up my life since this point on we had started a bond. A secret bond that made me smile with happiness to not think Hell would be every day. I wanted to stay this way for a long time. A very, very long time with Azumi and Toshiro. Would my dream come true? Would happiness come in my hands like a gift from the Gods? I pray it would, I pray that somehow this wish would be granted…

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