Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Frozen World || Chapter 2 - The Inner Truth

The world began to spin around her with memories of the past flowing through her like a movie scene of seeing everything you have forgotten. That can’t be the truth! It can’t be. No, no, no! Shiro-chan was real. He was! Hands gripped onto her head in feeling the madness was starting. Shiro-chan… I know you are real. Why is this happening? Why doesn’t he remember? Why?! 

Without a second thought; her feet pounded against the ground in thought of asking her Taichou. What if he gives the same answer? Saying there was no such name in this world… What could she do then? Just accept the fact he is dead. What if they erased her memories or gave her some fake lie to live. Aizen… he could have had this planned. It has to be him! She must go into research at the library. Or somehow stop her reiatsu from leaking out so the records in central 46 are easy to access. 

Haru was left with Miko right outside her room which he blinked is eyes in confusion. “Hina-chan…?” He noticed Miko was taking some fish right inside of his mouth. “Such a silly creature.” He closed the door just a crack for the cat to walk in and out as he pleased. He must stay here in case someone comes into the room in search for Hinamori’s stuff. That won’t happen! As her guardian he will do everything to protect what is hers. Hina-chan…I will be waiting! 

Feet pounded on the ground in rush toward the central 46 building which is where the law of the Soul Society was forced. A captain has no authority to stop their decisions even if they wish to. Her hair was blowing in the wind to rush over toward the building. This she has to find out on her own. Even if it’s painful to hear the truth. It was empty due to all of them being slaughtered by Aizen. Her footsteps took each step with care slowly toward the entrance in the lower archives. She almost was there to find out if what Haru says is true. It wouldn’t be true. It can’t! 

Once inside; her memories of this place came to when Aizen came back to life with Gin standing in the room. That was when the memories of his blade collide with her chest. Blood splattered around her to that memory she doesn’t even know if it was real or not.  When she approached the books there was a lot to search for. One being she had to search for Toshiro’s name. It was a name that said ‘top secret’ on the book as if he had some secret. “Shiro-chan….”  

The story inside had of what he did as a young child which seemed normal. It was the next page that shocked her in reading what was to come. “Ten murders before he joined as a shinigami? No…that is not possible!” Her eyes snapped shut in dropping the book onto the ground. Shiro-chan would never do something like this…! They have to be a lie. Picking up the book, she kept it against her chest in leaving the place quickly before someone would come down for research. When she arrived there was a peach tree where they always hang out. Tears came flowing down her cheeks in hearing about this news. He was a murder…? He killed families and even before a shinigami? Then why didn’t he kill her? That didn’t make sense after all if he was a killer then he should be able to do it. Did he have some sort of problem? But what most of all shocked her was that the rest of the pages were blank. Or perhaps someone erased it. The only truth she had was murder for the families. If that is true then he must be in Hueco Mundo. She had heard Aizen regroup there since his betrayal. 

Closing the book right in front of her there be two more tears from her eyes. “I have to go…I have to question him myself.” That was the true words that set the journey for me. I have to find out myself what or why he was doing those awful things. I have to go! 

When arriving back at the room; there was someone sitting leaning against the wall. It had been Haru who was leaning against that wall. “Haru-kun…you waited all this time for me?” She knew that he would not leave the room for anyone to get in. Raising a finger, a soft finger would poke right up against his cheek. He was drooling from his lips with a cute expression. Hinamori couldn’t help but laugh at his expression. Her third seat was just adorable being belief when she watched him sit there with his head leaning against the wall. Sitting beside him her head would lean against his in taking a quick nap. 

It was nightfall when the two had woken up with their bodies lying side by side. Hinamori was the first to wake up in seeing Haru had waited once again in sitting on the floor inside of her room. “Hina-chan!” He called out. Her eyes opened up wide in feeling the time passed by in her dreams. There again she met her future self in warning her about Toshiro. She did not tell her what would happen. If she were to follow to Hueco Mundo it would not be a peaceful place to go. She has no other choice. Hinamori had her mind set. That was in seeing Toshiro Hitsugaya in getting the answers out of him! “Hina-chan…” Haru called out once again. 

“Ah, gomen…I seem to be in a daze. I actually didn’t get anything done. Gomen…” Hinamori said sorry to her third seat who also doesn’t do any work. How would she be a great example if she starts to slack off. Haru had a serious look on his face over the next matter he was going to speak of. “Where did you find this?” He asked, maroon eyes gazed right into her chocolate ones. Hinamori had let her guard down in sleeping next to him. Of course he looked at it. He must have known and kept it a secret from her to hide the fact her friend was a murder. A killer to be a betrayal to all of the shinigami who live here in the Seireitei. “I found it lying around. I-I just tend to pick it up. I did not read anything from it to be honest I was going to return it back to where it belongs.” She informed him with a lie that was not so believable. 

Of course he would see that she lied to where it had come from. “Hina-chan…this book is from the central 46 records which is where criminals or top secrets are meant to stay secret. You know this…yet you lie and say it happened to be outside of that place. Don’t be such a fool! I know what I see here.” His voice raised within the room which had scared Hinamori a bit. Never have she seen him this angry before or even shout at her. Haru let out a sigh from his lips softly. “I’m sorry…Hina-chan. It’s just that this book we didn’t mean to keep it a secret. They told me to keep quiet over your friend. This is why to save you from the pain. To erase what knowledge you would know of him…that is why we lied. But it is not just that…!” Haru stood up from the floor. “Never ever speak of this to anyone. You do realize that don’t you?” Without another word he left with the book and closed the door with his feet touching the ground slowly. 

Sitting alone her whole body froze in his words. Keep it a secret? She suppose no one else would believe her or think she found out something secret. Would they erase her memory? This had to be done. She knew what Haru said was pointless that following after a murder was wrong. Gomen….Haru-kun. I can’t stay here knowing my friend is somewhere else. I have to find out who or what he is. Even if I die in the process you will always be my third seat no matter what.

She left no note for anyone to know where she went in the matter of Haru. Would he know? Well she left Miko with some food to know in the morning Haru will go after her if he can. Using her shunpo she had left to go to Hueco Mundo. It was not a simple task just for anyone. That had to be opened by someone else. Someone who know how to enter without the Soul Society knowing of it. Hinamori had learned how to open it without Urahara or the Soul Society’s help. That secret she learned from one of the books inside. Running down the road it had created her own reiatsu which skilled in her own way. She could run on the road without making it break and falling down into the dark abyss. 

Shiro-chan…please wait for me. I know me finding you will be a surprise unless you are the killer you have no choice but to strike me down. That you will do. Also knowing that I will be killed will upset the Shinigami. Your friends unless you were playing the act like Aizen did. Please….tell me the truth Shiro-chan! Who or what are you?

When arriving there was nothing but sand around with no sun. The moon was held up in the sky being not full but crimson. This place seemed to be quiet with nothing much but dead silence. Shiro-chan is here…? In this place? Taking a few steps she could feel something was coming. It was not expected her presence would be found so quickly being Aizen’s lair. I will be ready for anything! Even if I have to face Shiro myself. I want to know everything about him. The good and the bad of what he done to know why he done it. I come only for that reason…. I do not care what happens to Aizen to be honest I hope he rots. Those feelings will never change how I feel as of now. Shiro-chan was my whole world in this universe I only want to be close to him. Even if I turn out to be evil myself. I will support him in every way. 

Two arrancars approached the girl from behind without letting them know of her presence. Quickly one hand hit the back of Hinamori’s neck in knocking her out. It was two blink seconds that she noticed arrancars which was too late to respond. Falling forward, her body landed in one arrancars arms. “Good.. bring her back to Lord Aizen immediately. Along with Prince to examine the girl as ordered.” The other arrancars followed orders to both not wanting to be slain for such acts in killing the girl. It was then that being brought to this place was not wanting to get caught. In her inner thoughts she had believed Shiro came. It was not that---her life was about to change forever in meeting the person she hated the most.

“We have come Lord Aizen and Prince.” The two arrancars dropped the girl’s body in revealing who has come to the Hueco Mundo alone with no back up. The prince stared at the body with his teal eyes opening up wide in shock. Hinamori…?! Why are you here? The fool! He gripped the chair with one hand to watch the girl closely in knowing that Aizen had plans for her to come. Or did she come on her own free will? He has to watch and see what will happen to confront her for coming without anything to back it up. Stupid….girl.

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