Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Frozen World || Chapter 6 - The Inner Demon

A deep voice woke Hinamori from her sudden dream of the past with Shiro-chan. The peaceful times she had with him been like heaven being by his side. Where had he gone…? Why did he change so suddenly? Or was he…not the one she knew since meeting him that day. Where had he gone…? 

“Hinamori…you need to wake up.” The voice spoke with a bit sinister inside of it. When she heard the voice; the male inside was Aizen her ex Taichou. The voice inside made her want to vomit just inside on the clean floor to show how much he meant to her. “Why…did you wake me up?” Hinamori snapped at Aizen who woken her from a great dream. Aizen glared at Hinamori which caused her to freeze. “I wanted you to see how powerful your little Shiro-chan gotten.” The words he used made her quiver a bit. Power…? He already harmed Bri in such a matter that made him seem powerful. But why should she see? This is something she rather avoid. What was Aizen planning? 

Walking with Aizen down the corridor, she could feel her heart was beating faster each time they took a step down the long white hallway. Since when has she been walking at his side? Perhaps too long… she hated this feeling of wishing he never betray her. Those feelings for him died out when he strike her down with his blade without any regret. That regret she wanted to show him for crossing her path once more. “Here we are…” The room was filled with ice on the walls and floor inside with a boy sleeping peacefully. Two brown eyes would open up in seeing her friend chained to the wall with a mask covering his mouth. “…W-What is this? Why is Shiro-chan chained up like that?” Aizen spoke in a low whisper to her ear. “Why don’t you go up there and find out?” The room inside had a chilly air that when you breathe the air could be seen right in front of you. Was this…what harmed Bri? Was it something so dangerous to be locked away in here? It was then that the boy started to wake up. It was like a monster was chained up to never be unlocked ever again.

“…Daddy…I want to kill.” He spoke in a low voice. He could see the fear around him which the game of mouse and cat was in his mind. He wanted to play with his little toy that wander inside. Hinamori took a step back from the room. “…S-Shiro….chan, please don’t do this!” She begged him in a soft voice. “Please stop!” The small boy did not hear her cries for his mind has become blank with no emotion. “Daddy…let me out!” The boy struggled against the chains feeling his thirst for chasing her was strong. “I…want to play.” He looked at the girl with nothing to show but his cold teal eyes. The petite girl turned around and ran the other way feeling fear approaching. Aizen quickly let his son go knowing the outcome could end up badly. Something his son would not ever want to have. Something so devious, so dangerous, that Hinamori would regret coming here to find out. She was far too late in saving something that never was what she thought. “Poor Hinamori-kun… You thought he was like that in the beginning. How you are so wrong!”  The prodigy left the room after Hinamori to hope the game last long enough before he kills her. It was now the start of the chase…he hopes she puts up a fight instead of running away like a coward. 

Deep breaths came out from the small girl who ran from Toshiro. Her nightmare was becoming a realization. Why…? Why did he have to change? She did not understand what or who he was. She knew the nice peaceful Toshiro had to be real. He was part of something else…not Aizen. To be Aizen’s son…it has to be a lie! He never harm the people he didn’t mean. It has to be all a trick and that this was some nightmare. It has to be! While running the girl could sense Toshiro was following her though he was getting tired of this running. By the time she knew it already was outside of the white castle which Hinamori did not plan to do. However…it seemed he was about to give up on this little rat. “Father…! You should get me a better toy. This one is boring and dull…” He spoke right out in the open knowing he was watching him from some device as usual. He always kept his eyes on his son. To watch how he progress just like with that stupid shinigami boy that he met. Ichigo Kurosaki who he wanted to keep an eye on the whole time.

“I am growing bored…! I need someone else. Someone more entertaining. That girl with blonde hair…she at least was fun to catch and break that arm.” His laugh was dark full of pleasure. He wanted to hear her scream some more and beg for him to stop. Hinamori hid behind a wall watching Toshiro from behind. This was not….Shiro-chan! No….this was not him. She had no choice but to fight her best friend. She had to stop him before they bring Bri out to be finished by him once and for all. He kill her without any second thought. Bri-chan…you die for a monster wouldn’t you? That girl was an idiot…. 

Pulling out her blade from her sheathe the small petite would run out toward Toshiro. “I-I will kill you…” Hinamori tears fell from her face afraid to do the worst. Toshiro watched her with his eyes changing emotion. She did not get why he would draw her out like this. He had her run the whole time then had her come out here? What was the point? To show her how powerful…she already knew. He was strong, dangerous, loved to kill which she still didn’t understand. Why…? “Kill me…?” He walked up to her slowly with his reiatsu raising with each step he took. 

The brunette was helpless without even moving an inch he was standing in front of her. Their bodies were inches apart from each other. “….Can you do it?” Her body shook with fear over the childhood friend staring into her brown eyes. No…I-I can’t kill him. I should be able to yet I feel like he can be saved. He just needs me. That is all…He only needs my help. To remain at his side to keep him from falling into the darkness. You know..Shiro-chan? You still have no changed about one thing….You went soft on woman didn’t you? Bri’s injury wasn’t meant to show power. You were trying to scare her weren’t you? Scare her so she would not approach you. Now you want me to end it all. To end your life. Do you think Aizen let you do such a thing? Baka…. Hinamori knew Aizen from what he did to her. By using her like some tool then throwing her away. He was nothing but trash that needed to be killed off. This blade was not for you….No. It was for him. Aizen….! 

“Hinamori…why do you hesitate? You said you kill me didn’t you?” He asked her with that expression of nothingness. Hinamori dropped her blade on the sand. She could not kill the person that has stolen her heart. “I can’t do this….I-I can’t!” Running up to Toshiro with her arms wrapped around him tightly. “I….can’t kill someone I love so much.” Toshiro stood still feeling the brunette in his grasp. Such a funny feeling…. She says she kill and yet….she does not. He knew that she must have noticed his plan was to free her. To free from all of this. 

Though the plan did not work out with her coming when he was going to kill her. He didn’t even attack….yet he chased her out of the building. Now…. He wanted to at least prove to her that he was a monster. Perhaps she will see in the future. Or has that already happened? “Hinamori….to say this you must mean that your heart loves a killer?” Shaking her head, she would gaze right into those teal eyes she loved so much. “You’re wrong….I do not love a killer. I love a boy who took my heart the day we met. Even if this is what you do….it is something you hate right? You have to do it otherwise he will….he will….” A finger would grab her chin slightly so she look him still in those eyes. “You are wrong…I do it because I enjoy killing. It never was against my will. A-At least when I first was born there was nothing I knew of. No friendship or love. It was only to kill. I was the killing machine he wanted to create and they picked me.”

Hitsugaya could feel memories come back to him over being born the first time. He could barely picture it right deep inside his mind. He did not want to remember everything that happened during that from now. “I only will tell you this once.” He lightly removed himself away from Hinamori. He can’t let her get close. This will prove he was not meant to kill her. Without Hinamori….he knew that everything will turn to black. “Run!” Those words echoed in his mind while he left to the castle once more on his feet. “Run…away!” He could feel the tears fall from his face over protecting someone and letting the go. He wanted her to stay by his side forever. But that will never come true. He only want to kill her….or watch her beg for mercy. He was a killer….a dangerous killer. Leaving her behind was the only choice he have right now to avoid the heart break of finding out his lover has been killed. By him alone---the blood running down his hands made it so hard to keep her away. He wished to have her forever. He wanted that…someday he hoped to free himself to have his own choices. Someday….he wishes to have that ice castle with her as his Queen. Someday he hoped for that to happen….

Hinamori knew Toshiro was saving her life now after the words he spoke of. Run away….? While you and Bri suffer at the hands of Aizen. She rather be dead then just run away to her own safety. But if she goes back….would Aizen kill her off or some hollow out here? Picking up her blade, the brunette did what she was told and ran the other direction not knowing what will happen. She hoped Bri be safe from everyone who harmed her. She hoped that somehow the girl be safe from anyone. Perhaps Toshiro will still keep her safe. That theory started to fade when she thought of his words that sounded so cruel.

Two girls came down the hall whispering softly to each other. “That stupid whore…! She got some espada guarding her like she hot. Since when do we guard a shinigami? That is the nerve…and why is Ulquiorra not killing her and letting us feed off of her?” Loly hands were shaking out of anger. “I know Ulquiorra got called out so I must see her for myself and teach her a lesson. To be scared of us, to fear us so badly she want to run like Momo.”  She stomped her feet down to the hall till the room came up to her face. Her partner was more gentle and kind with no hollow instinct. She was more of the type you want to kill out of pity. “Here it is Menoly.” The black haired pig tail girl would speak in a dark tone. “We will show her.” 

When the door opened; Bri had thought Ulquiorra had returned early from his trip to see Aizen. The daily trip usually takes time, but she likes being on her own to think for herself. It wasn’t that she enjoyed having some espada bite her neck every time when he got hungry. It felt strange in a way that he does it quite a lot. It was his way of saying he owns me. Once the order is given to kill he gladly do it without any regret. She welcomes that death openly to his hands alone or Toshiro’s. The room felt not like Ulquiorra at all. Instead she felt some strange aura of two arrancars. The feeling was not something of an espada. It was low however she knew that he wouldn’t allow anyone but him inside. So…why would they come in? Has her death been sentence right now? Not like she could run away or anything… Loly walked up to the bed seeing Bri had been slightly confused. “There you are…playing the game of Husband and Wife? I sorry but that game is over now. 

He is sure to give us the task of breaking you into little PIECES!” Her hand gripped right around her right arm tightly. Using her finger nails she pierced right into the cast. Menoly watched the girl scream out in agony to Loly attacks without even showing fear in her eyes. “L-Loly…come on, let’s go! Someone is bound to hear her screaming.” Loly glared at Menoly seriously. “SHUT UP!” She kept squeezing till the arm started to bleed. “I have to kill this bitch now before he gets back…if he sees she is dead then Ulquiorra be next. And then, I am sure he choose me since I tell him Bri dead because of Ulquiorra.” Menoly shook her head at Loly who was crazy with her plan. “He know it is you! He isn’t stupid enough to fall for some stupid trick…your reiatsu will be on it! He knows everyone…H---“ Loly dropped her arm seeing it now was broken once again. “I told you to shut up! I have to do this…I have to!” Menoly was afraid to see what will happen Prince Toshiro did see what happened. If he believed it was Ulquiorra. His rage was scary enough that she did not want to mess with him. “…Loly.”

Bri breathing was deep with a few tears leaving out from her face. The fear of the two girls was nothing compared to the fear she felt when her arm got broken by her beloved Taichou. Anything that he does against her would bring fear upon her. She was loyal to him. She would die for him even if he is now Aizen’s son. Or was ever since the beginning… Bri has accepted him for who he is. Loly didn’t like the way she looked. Her eyes… “I will stab your eyes out. Then I will watch you cry for your helpless Taichou as he watches your body rots here in death!”

 At that moment her words were silenced when Menoly body hit the wall with blood hitting part of the wall after his first attack. “…You do what, Loly?” Hitsugaya voice was dark with rage rising. “Did you get permission to come in here?” Loly stood still with a shocked expression on her face. “I-I…yes! Ulquiorra ordered me to kill this girl. Slowly and painfully he ordered us!” Toshiro did not believe a word she was saying in knowing they hated Bri and Momo for being so close. He was foolish to leave the guarding to Ulquiorra who leaves to get his daily report to Aizen. He doesn’t give her the proper protection. He can’t force the rules upon him when Aizen gave him the guard but also if he leaves she is on her own. How foolish! 

“Get out of here…or do you want to end up like her?” The one attack had slashed Menoly into pieces which he did not mean to do. His anger from hearing them caused the Prince to feel useless. Loly ran out of the room afraid to pressure him anymore. The loss of her friend was making her feel regret. Menoly did nothing and yet he killed her with one attack alone. His anger…it was truly frightening then Aizen. Indeed he was frightening…. 

When Loly was out of sight there was one thing Toshiro had to do. He knew that Bri arm had been healing due to Ulquiorra caring for her. He did not want to do this under any circumstance… but she was in need to some pain relief. “Hold still.” He ordered his third seat. “I will give you something to ease your pain.” Using his nail against his own skin the boy felt a slight pain when he cut open his arm. The blood was running which he usually tends to get in the killer mood. However right now he was calm in saving his third seat from the slight pain. 

Quickly before it healed he would place the blood on his two fingers. Perhaps…his own blood does not make him lose control. The blood color was different from the ones he killed. It looked black almost like he didn’t even have their blood. He moved the finger up to Bri’s lips slowly with being careful not to harm her in any way. “Open your mouth.” He ordered her in a serious tone. When Bri opened her mouth two fingers would put the blood right inside of her mouth. Carefully he would let the blood drop right on her tongue so she taste it. He wonder if this will work to heal her injuries at least till Ulquiorra comes back. Taking his seat right next to her, his lips did press together wondering how her blood taste. Even Hinamori….what would that taste like? No! He must not think of such things… Hinamori and Bri aren’t like his test subjects. “It will help you get stronger…please bear with the pain.” When she got the drop of blood; his two fingers would leave her mouth. The change happening to her was slightly different with the blood going down her throat. He lowered his hand down to Bri’s cheek feeling her expression changed quickly. With one stroke he felt Haku body would sit up slowly with the wound on her arm disappearing as if the whole thing never happened. 

Hitsugaya eyes would widen at the remarkable thing that has happened. What…? Did his blood do this? He gave her blood from his Father. Blood from himself being a espada that is one of the army that Aizen created amongst the others. “…Wow.” He knew with this he could help Bri and Hinamori. He wrapped one arm around Haku to bring her in close. The expression on her face was surprising all the pain went away. Not only that….her arm…. He paused thinking if Aizen punish him for saving a life. His Father did not like when he saved lives even if it helped her heal. He suppose he get punished for it as well she would too. He ust not reveal this to anyone. Not even his Father. “Bri…keep this a secret alright?” Hitsugaya had Bri lay down again knowing she was tired. His head would lie right on her chest. He felt exhausted from what had happened with all his reiatsu being used up in one day. “….I will sleep here for a while.” He started to whisper softly in falling into deep sleep. 

Bri watched Hitsugaya lay there remembering the incident with her getting the arm broken which made her flinch a bit. If he broke her other arm…no. He wouldn’t is what she believed in her mind that he feels like he can save us now. Hinamori and herself were not his enemies here. He did not trust his own Father---that much she could tell by how much he hates to harm the two of them. “Sleep well….Prince Hitsugaya.” She would whisper softly in his ear before closing her eyes for to sleep. With one hand on top of his head while the other would wrap around his waist in feeling her body was too tired to even move him off of her chest. Both arms seemed to work which she no longer needed a guardian. Would that mean….that the deal is done? Perhaps now Ulquiorra can have his life back without guarding some shinigami. He did not complain at all during the whole thing. More or less he wondered about the heart. Questions she could not give him unless he felt the heart. 

Ulquiorra… the heart you seek is not one I could give, nor can I help you find it. The heart you seek will not be opened to me. It be open to you. Please keep searching for it…

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