Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Frozen World || Chapter 4 - Ice and Fire

“You done well…” Aizen spoke in his usual cold tone of not caring what happens. “Thank you, Father.” He spoke without thinking to what Hinamori would say. The brunette eyes opened up wide toward hearing the words Toshiro spoke of. F-Father…? That can’t be right. “W-What…?” Her hands started to shake constantly. “Oh, dear…seems she has not been told.” He chuckled softly watching his ex fukutaichou. “You are so dense. Have you forgotten about it already?” Hinamori stomped her foot in front of her. “What do you mean?! This is the first time I heard of it.” Her body turned to Toshiro with fear. “Shiro-chan…is this true?” She wanted to hear the truth from him. The honest truth from her best friend who lied to her for years. “…..” Toshiro nodded his head without answering her by a yes answer. “I didn’t want you to know. I told you…you shouldn’t be here.” 

Hitsugaya watched his Father with emotionless eyes. “I am tired….may I sleep Father?” Aizen smiled at his son who asked for some rest. Of course he would let him seeing he is tired in his eyes. If he did not let him, then something may happen. Something bad will happen in him not being himself or he would kill someone he does not mean. “Sleep well, my son.” He said with a cheerful tone. “Oh, Hinamori-kun you should see him when he sleeps. I assure you it is something to witness by his only dear fri—Oh, I mean you are one of his close friends along with Bri.” 

Momo looked at Toshiro who walked away. “What about the two of them? Where are they?! I demand to see them.” Aizen grabbed Momo’s chin with one finger. “Do you know who you’re talking to? I could kill you right now for being so rude to your Master.” Momo eyes glared at Aizen for calling himself a master. Never would she bow down to him. “I never will bow down to scum like you!” Aizen let go of her chin with one hand he grabbed around her neck. Toshiro watched the scene knowing he have to interfere. “Father…I demand you to stop. She has done nothing wrong.” Aizen raised his reiatsu which rose up in the room making it hard to move. “Who owns you?” Aizen eyes watched Toshiro who was standing still. “Y-You do…” He dropped Momo on the ground slightly not caring if she was dead or alive. “Hinamori…if you’re looking for Haru it is too late.” Toshiro bit his bottom lip feeling guilty for letting her hear of it. “Stop it, Father!” Hinamori looked behind her feeling Bri reiatsu was normal with nothing wrong. She was alright…? Didn’t they say he was dangerous? “Haru is dead my dear.” Toshiro breath was deep toward what just was said. “FATHER!!!” Hitsugaya could see Hinamori’s look on her face. It was there---the pain was right on her face. “I wonder why you didn’t kill Bri as well.” 

The brunette turned around to run down the hall afraid to hear anymore. At least Bri was alive even if she was here. Seeing the two die would shatter her heart. Haru-kun… this is all my fault! The guard watched Hinamori closely to make sure she does nothing bad. When she arrived at the room Bri was held. Only two guards were there by Toshiro’s order. “Please…can I see her?” The two guards watched Hinamori in seeing Toshiro was busy with Aizen. “We are sorry but only the Prince is requested to see her.” Hinamori knew that getting approval will be hard if she were to use kido. They are stupid enough to not test her. She had to make sure Bri is alright and safe without being killed. Toshiro appeared at Hinamori’s side with only a bruise on his right cheek which he could ask to use Bri’s powers in the art of healing. “She may enter. Please…” He begged the guards in a pleading manner to let her in. “I need to see her anyway after Hinamori is done.” 

Stepping aside the guards let Hinamori through thanks to Toshiro for arriving when he did. She didn’t care only to want see her best friend. Pushing the door open, her feet pounded against the ground feeling a worry over her. What if he done things to her? What if…! She noticed Bri was chained to the wall with her eyes being heavy from the reiatsu that was released. “Bri-chan…” Her hands grabbed the bars feeling sorrow fill in her eyes. “I will get you out of here.” She whispered to Bri. Hitsugaya walked inside over to Hinamori who whispered those words. “Hinamori…learn your place.” He stared at her with cold eyes. “I get to order her around not you.” 

The brunette glared at Toshiro making Bri be a slave is not acceptable. The guards ran over to Hinamori with their hands at her neck. Toshiro hand did a gesture to tell them to back off before he sends them to their death. “…Haku. I need to tell you your role here in this place as I hope you understand being captured.” Toshiro continued with his voice being calm. “You are going to be my slave; however I will tell you that your role is to heal all the wounded Espada at will. If they come to see you then do what you are required. Only you listen to my command in that. If not, then you be punished.” Hinamori bit her bottom lip in listening to the order. How dare he…he planned this didn’t he? With Aizen no doubt she knew that this was bad. She had to get her out without Toshiro knowing. 

Bri head slowly lifted from seeing her vision was blurry in front of her. Two small blurry images came into her vision. The two looked familiar to her however she had been weak due to lack of food. “Guards!” He called toward the two standing right outside. “Get this girl a better room with someone else as their care taker.” He whispered to them softly. The two guards nod their heads. “Yes Prince!” Both of them yelled in unison to walk in taking off the chains. “Who would be her care taker?” The prodigy turned to the guards who stepped into the cell. “Ulquiorra Schifer.” Hinamori blinked her eyes at who he mentioned. Who was that? She was worried that her care taker would be mean to her. “Wait…!” The white haired boy would look at Hinamori. “...Do it.” He told the guards ignoring Hinamori pleading to stop. 

Bri looked at Momo who wanted to talk with her. “It’s okay…I be fine, Hinamori. You should not worry. I-I…will be alright.” Toshiro looked at the guards to gaze at Hinamori. “Take her to a new room as well. I will visit her shortly.” He walked out of the room leaving Hinamori alone. Guards grabbed Bri’s arms in leaving Hinamori as well. 

Brown eyes would glare at the guards who left her behind. “Shiro-chan…I won’t ever forgive you! Never…for what you done to Haru-kun.” She walked out of the room in wait for the guards to take her to the new one she be staying at. “I will get you out of here. That I promise…Bri-chan.” She whispered to herself to promise something to her friend. She doesn’t belong here in using her powers that way. It is not fair…! 

Walking down the corridor; her hands would grip the robes tightly feeling everything here is very tense. The guards held onto her arms so she could not run. Where would she run? Toshiro seemed so fast he catch her or kill her. Either way she trapped here. Why didn’t he kill her? Save him the guilt with keeping her alive. “I will check up on you when Ulquiorra can’t, however you are to follow his orders if I am gone you understand?” Blonde hair would swing from right to left while walking. Toshiro walked up next to Bri. “I understand, Prince.” Once arriving at the doors; inside the room had a couch inside with a great view outside. Right in the next room would be a bed for two people at least. The curtains were white to cover the sky which was black with a moon. Truthfully the view was amazing to behold. “I do hope you like it. It beat having to be chained to a wall all day.” He looked down the hall in seeing the guards had left to his order. Closing the door, he walked over to the sofa to take a seat. 

“I need your healing powers right now…before I fall asleep. It would be dangerous if I do, I will attack you so if this happens…run. Do not look back or stay. Just RUN!” He warned the girl in a serious tone. Jumping slightly she would walk over to Toshiro feeling a bit scared by his threat. What if he attacked her while staying here? Hands would move over to his body slowly. Hitsugaya grabbed her hand tightly feeling concerned for Haku. The things she have to endure due to coming here alone. Now she will be alone with one Espada who knows what he do to her. He shouldn’t worry so much about it though she would be not just some girl he takes care of. No… a slave to two men. Him and now to Ulquiorra who may wonder about something he never had. “Haku, be careful out there alright?” Pulling her up to his lap; his eyes would slowly close in falling asleep. He felt his reiatsu was going out of control right after falling asleep. ‘Run…!’ He told me that yet his grips on her hands were tight. “Taichou…” The warning he gave did not scare her to die here by his hands. The third seat welcomed it quite greatly to die by him. “It’s alright…you can kill me to fill your thirst I welcome it, Taichou.” His hands were resting right against her chest. 

Twenty minutes passed for him to go crazy how he always did which he woke up with the new reiatsu causing the room to turn into a ice castle. “….” The boy spoke of nothing when he saw the girl was sleeping on the sofa. “Who is this?” He glared at the woman. Grabbing her throat he threw her out of the room to cause a hole in the wall. “Stupid idiot…why are you in my room?” Being thrown out of the room there she woke up feeling blood down her forehead. Toshiro walked slowly out of the room with his reiatsu growing. “…Come on, let’s play.” He said with a thrill in his voice. 

The blonde girl started to run in picking up the speed being the fastest shinigami in the Soul Society. Perhaps same speed as Yoruichi. She was her sensei after all who trained her during the time her parents could not. Toshiro appeared in front of Bri with his hand raising. On his nails were small ice crystals which he slashed down at Bri a few times leaving her chest with blood running down. He cut her robes in showing part of her chest which she did not wear a bra. “You’re so easy to catch, girl.” He was so fast…! How did he do it? How?! Was it due to Aizen making a perfect son? He was playing them all a fool even herself included when she came he saved her from being alone. All those words….they were a lie. Yet she treasured her Taichou so much that she die for him. Toshiro walked up to the girl slowly noticing she was lost in thought. Her blood looked so good that he wanted to see her bleed more. So much more! His ice slashed at her shoulder, then at her stomach till her front was covered in blood. “You’re weak!” His foot kicked at her stomach roughly to feel her body was so small he could break it. 

The blood fell from her lips as her body went backwards a few inches into the room which she found out the male was watching her. “….” He walked up to the girl feeling the Prince was outside. “So, you ran into him at this time?” The black haired male spoke seeing she was the one he was told to take care of. The prince walked in the room when he noticed Ulquiorra. “You can finish her off. She is just pathetic… can’t believe I went up against a weakling.” He walked up to Bri with his hands covered in blood by her blood. “Don’t be in my room ever!” Ulquiorra knew once he came to his senses he see that she had been wounded by someone. He will be in rage to whoever has done it. Not that he care for she was supposed to heal them. ”One more thing…” He grabbed her arm tightly. Pulling it backwards he hears Bri scream for mercy. “You will feel the pain for disobeying me!” Haku could feel pain in her arm from him pulling on it. Ulquiorra watched Haku and Toshiro knowing this would be enough. “….” He said no words. He had no emotion like him he didn’t care if she died or lived. Either way she was part of their team. Though can she heal with just one arm? Pulling the arm in a wrong direction there was a snap in the room in which Haku screamed out in pain. She endured this pain from her members with broken bones and bruises all over her body. There were scars with some dying away slowly. Dropping her arm, he turned around to walk away when he noticed something was wrong. 

Hinamori heard the screams in seeing the witness who harmed Bri in such a matter. She could not forgive him. He protected her then went out of his way to almost kill her? This was horrible! “…How dare you.” She growled softly. “Bri-chan!” The brunette ran inside to past Toshiro. Ulquiorra looked at the girl who stepped near his slave. “Back off, shinigami.” Hinamori growled louder at Ulquiorra. “Who are you?!” He picked up Bri carefully into his arms to feel she was badly injured or near death. “I am her new Master now orders by him.” He nod his head in Hitsugaya direction. “I didn’t think he do it so roughly. Seems he can’t control this little urge he has to attack. I suppose Aizen planned this to make fun when he wakes up.” Brown eyes filled with sorrow toward Bri. She suffered so much to be taken here then now she is broken or at least about ready to break. “I will take care of her. As promised by Prince here who asked me. Aizen agreed or I just kill the girl right now. He knows that Prince here is stronger or will be someday. Not that he betray Aizen ever. So don’t expect him to change suddenly. This is his power…you should be happy your life was spared.” 

Happy…? No. She was not happy this happened to Bri and only her. Why didn’t he harm her? Why?! Bri was serving underneath Shiro-chan. She loved him with all her heart and now this made it seem like the love is dying out. Hinamori never wish for her death even if the two got closer. She was close to Aizen while he was to his third seat that helped him every day. It wasn’t fiar… it wasn’t fair! It wasn’t….! “I understand…” She walked out of the room when the guards came looking for her. They both watched the scene in noticing the girl broken arm. “…” Grabbing Hinamori’s arms they left quickly to avoid seeing her arm dangle there. 

Toshiro left the room afraid to even look back at the damage. “Prince…” Hitsugaya stopped suddenly. His eyes shifted in the room with tears down his cheeks. He knew the damage was done. His own third seat broken by his own hands. “You showed the power to let her fear you now. I doubt she even want to be near someone like you.” He looked away quickly. “…Shut up.” Ulquiorra laughed slightly. “Well, at least Aizen had his fun and I am sure you enjoyed watching her blood. She needs new robes. The black ones probably make Aizen feel sick just watching.”  The prodigy nods his head in giving the okay for her to get some new clothing. “Take care of her. That is an order by your Prince.” He left quickly not wanting to see Haku’s face at the moment. She must be in pain. The pain of him almost taking her life by the one she admired the most.” 

“Taichou….” Haku whispered those last words before Ulquiorra started to call for the nurse to take care of her arm. It was badly wounded which may have her be out of the job. A useless tool that they wanted to use during the times they needed it. However Aizen allowed her time to heal with the okay after the next meeting happened. It was then that Loly felt sick to hear. Two girls came to be serving underneath Toshiro Hitsugaya. 

They really admired him and his strength. “I say it be good to see her dead.” One of the girls spoke. “Have something to say Loly?” Aizen spoke with a hand on his cheek. “N-No sir!” Toshiro sat on his chair next to his Father in spite of their rudeness. Would death be able to save her? Loly looked up at Toshiro with a smile. “Want me to do you a favor?” His teal eyes filled with hate down toward Loly. “What favor are you talking about?” Loly laughed out loud in the room. “Oh come on now Prince. I am talking about killing that girl you didn’t get to because she landed in Ulquiorra’s room.” His body moved down to Loly in which his nails pointed at her neck. “Dare speak of her that way and I will kill you myself!” Loly stepped back a bit, “Prince forgive me! I was out of line…” He walked out of the room not wanting to hear anymore. “Make sure you understand your place filthy trash.” 

In Ulquiorra’s room there on the bed lay Bri who was under protection over Ulquiorra himself. He walked inside seeing the barrier was placed under Prince’s orders. Only a high ranking Ulquiorra or himself can enter by the spiritual pressure. Any other will be shocked or killed by the strong power. He knew Loly would make a move seeing she got really close. “Bri…” He saw she smiled at him as she always does. He hated it! Why didn’t she feel hatred? Like Hinamori…. her hatred was burning like fire toward him. So why…? He sat on the edge of the bed with hands running through his white locks of hair. “Why…?” Haku looked confused at his question. “Why what?” Toshiro crawled on the bed with his head planted right against her chest in avoiding her arm.

 It was bandaged but numb by using his ice to help the pain. If someone came in; they could easily kill her with breaking two arms. She be useless… Loly would find that perfect opportunity to break her apart. In truth… that makes him fill with rage. Not something he needs at the moment. He would kill Loly and whoever else harmed Bri and Hinamori. 

Why…? Tell me why you won’t hate me, Haku? I killed Haru-kun. I harmed you in the most horrible way and yet you forgive me with that smile. He rubbed his face right into her chest feeling like a child right now. A hand would trace through his hair slowly feeling not afraid. She knew that wasn’t Toshiro no matter what he did. Right now he was himself and that… was someone who controlled him. Aizen’s dna was the possibly that he loved to taste blood. As if he enjoyed it which he did at that time he was enjoying it so much he kill her. “Taichou…I never could hate you for this. You had no control over yourself in which I saw that. You were acting different…I know you are ordered to do things you don’t want, however you have to do it or things could happen to you.” Toshiro let out a few tears from his eyes feeling guilty hearing her words of kindness. He wanted to say sorry this way. To be by her side forever as her Taichou in which he could not now. He was a murder which he knew that Bri had got told by everyone. They hid from Hinamori which he did not understand. Why did they…? Would they be killed if she found out? He had to find out in which the dreams he been having. They lead him to the path he needed to go to see what his Future would be like. 

“Haku…remain here and if anyone comes in you scream loud you understand? Raise your reiatsu anything to give me the sign I will come.” He warned the girl in a serious tone. Just before he went berserk on her over the whole room thing. With a warm smile she would nod her head. Perhaps someone did not like her closeness to Hitsugaya which he could have gained some new friends or girls who wanted him for themselves. Loly…she heard of this girl from Hinamori who seemed to want herself dead.

 “I understand, Prince. Please do not worry about me. Even if I die…please do not get angry. You must protect Hinamori-chan with everything you have. Protect and get stronger as you promised.” She would speak in a low whisper knowing he never give up his feelings for her. She knew that since he told her why he got stronger. Hitsugaya grabbed her chin; his pale lips would press right into hers quickly. “I will protect you both. That is a promise from me to you. Do not forget.” He left the room seeing Ulquiorra came. 

“Have you finished your soap opera? I am indeed hungry once again…I have found a better food source.” Toshiro stopped suddenly hearing his words. “What do you mean…?” He looked at Ulquiorra with fear in his eyes. “Oh, have you just now noticed? You are quite dull. I mean, this girl has great blood if you seemed to notice Shinigami have the best blood that hollows seem to enjoy. I was once a hollow. So, I think you should think straight.” He walked inside the room with the door closed behind him.
Hitsugaya turned around walking fast before he could hear Bri cries for help. He told her that yet he knew Ulquiorra would stop him. “Fool…it is only because I ask for your protection. Damn!” He kicked the wall leaving a mark. He just needs to rest for now. That is all. This time he asked Aizen to lock him up so he can’t do anything to anyone. Not Haku again who suffered enough. Once this deal was done he let his thoughts wander into dream land. He prayed that Haku could sleep well tonight. He prayed for it….

Hinamori….please forgive me for my sins. Please….

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