Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Frozen World || Chapter 5 - Distant Time

The night has fallen in Hueco Mundo where dreams can collide in time of the same place. Once fallen in deep sleep the young prodigy could feel time and space was drifting by. His time in the Soul Society as just a soul, then joining the academy which he excelled perfectly with ‘child prodigy,’ he joined the rank of third seat with his crazy fukutaichou and their meeting had happened by the chest. He was not kidding… the chest is how he met her. Almost killed him; that he fears girls with huge chest size. That time he still remembered how scary she could be. The times with his Taichou were fun though he gained a rank up from third seat to Taichou. That was when he noticed time did not stop there---that he was going into the future with nothing but ice.

“…W-What is this?!” The tenth Taichou walked around the place in confusion who could have done this. Taking a step forward, his eyes would scan the area. No one was around in the Soul Society as if everyone had vanished. This can’t be right… when did this happen? Another footstep came right behind him with his clothing being different from his own. When he turned around; there his teal orbs would widen at the sight of himself. A older version of himself wearing the robes that Aizen had on when he took over Hueco Mundo. His skin was showing a bit being white as snow from his skin. “W-Who are you?!” Toshiro demanded from the older male. 

“Such a silly question…” He smirked slightly; his chuckles had become a bit dark with his teal orbs gazing into his. “I am you from the future.” His older self-seemed to be cocky with a bit more evil from the young Toshiro’s eyes could see. “You…are me? Impossible!” The young Toshiro yelled at his older self. “Get out of my dreams! I do not need to have some older self-saying he is me. You have no proof.”  Older Toshiro would walk up to his younger self with a blade in his hand. He showed it to him right in front of the boy’s eyes. “Hyo…rinmaru.” The older nod his head in watching his eyes. “I could not get this blade unless I am the one Toshiro who got it by killing my best friend.” 

The younger Toshiro shook his head at his older self. “I-I didn’t want to do it!” He fell on his knees right into the ice hearing it crack just a bit. “You can’t deny…there is another thing you must know.” He walked over to his younger self with the blade dropped right beside him. “You are…King here. Later when you live to this moment, it will become yours. All of this will be yours. It will with Hinamori as your Queen.” The young albino would stare around him with nothing but ice all around like it was a nightmare. 

I…did this? No, I couldn’t. I never would kill just to have a kingdom! It has to be a lie. It has to be!!! The older Toshiro had to warn his younger self over what will happen. “If you…still kill other people, this will not go away. You will become the King.” His eyes shifted over to the castle. “Oh… and one more thing.” He leaned down to the younger boy’s ears. “Our Father is dead.”
The young boy’s eyes opened up wide in hearing the truth. No…Aizen is dead? But how…? And why? The boy could not comprehend what is going to happen next. He wanted to ask more to reveal to him. However he could not figure out what will happen if he continues his killing path. Did his Future self-hate what he become? Is this why for his warning…? What did this all mean…? The boy had to ask more to find out if this path will be good for him. 

In a room a brunette would be sleeping with her hand placed right against her chest. “Hinamori-chan!” A familiar voice came into the room she was at. Inside the small brunette would lie against the ground inside of her room. A finger would slightly poke the younger girl softly. The small shinigami would sit up quickly feeling her whole body jump a bit. “W-Who’s out there?” The brunette noticed herself right in front of her very eyes. “Young me you been well I presume?” Her short hair swing to side with a bigger chest from the younger Momo. “Who are you?!” The older Momo laughed at her whole body jumping at her. “I am you silly.” Hinamori shook her head, eyes widen in checking if this was real or not. “Do not be alarmed…I came to see you. Actually, I came to warn you of something.” 

The younger brunette fixed her hair from being all out of place during to her older self. “What do you mean by this?” The older Hinamori knew that words would not make her believe such a simple thing. Nor if she said it was her friend who did it. “Please follow me.” The older demanded in opening a portal to her time. “Follow me through here. I must show you what it to become of this world…” The smaller Hinamori felt a bit scared to see what was to become, however she trusted her own self. Walking forward her feet would come to a stop toward the portal. The older Hinamori raised her hand out to her. It was a feeling of trust that ran deep between the two. One that could not be explained by just words. Actions toward one of each other. Taking the older self-hand she would be taken into the future where the truth will be told. 

When arriving out of the portal; there all she could see was buildings made out of ice that felt so familiar. “W-What…is this?!” Younger Hinamori felt her eyes shake with fear inside of them. Could this be…? No. It has to be a lie. It just has to! She wouldn’t believe that this was made by him. “You are correct by the thoughts… Shiro-chan no, this was made by Prince. The one you know by that name.” She told in a serious tone to try and ease her fear. “However…he is not the same you know as of now. Right now you are facing the future or what to become if you do not heed my warning.” Brown chocolate eyes opened up widely to the older Hinamori’s words. “What do you mean?” Walking forward, her eyes would look at the ground with seeing a few people stepping out. They noticed two girls that looked the same with different hair styles. “T-The devil! Go die you stupid bitch.” 

The elder roared with hate filled inside of his eyes. The two Hinamori stood still watching a crowd surround the two quickly with them throwing rocks at them. Hinamori with her eyes closed, she felt something hit her face which caused a bit of bleeding. “Get out of here!” One other male yelled. The older Hinamori hands grabbed her younger self. “Are you alright…? Please forgive them as they now hate us. They hate us because the lord is Toshiro Hitsugaya and by that order he keeps them to follow his rules or…”  There was a sudden scream from within the crowd with blood hitting the wall. Older Hinamori knew that Toshiro was coming in which she could not let young Hinamori see. “We must go back!” Before she could take the young Hinamori away there she noticed the two people standing around the people who got slaughtered. 

“Queen Hinamori…” A deep voice came from behind the group with a female standing beside him. Young Hinamori eyes opened up wide watching the two who came to save them. “You should not be out alone…” He noticed Hinamori younger self. “U-Ulquiorra…?! But how is this possible?” Older Hinamori had so much to tell Young Hinamori that they did not die not even… Her smile appeared when she saw Bri was beside Ulquiorra who had long black hair to his middle of the espada’s back. His skin was white as snow with the two emerald color of eyes. “Queen…have you been leaving this world to see yourself in the past?” He wondered how the King would take it to hear that she been leaving without permission. Future Hinamori let out a sigh from her lips. “Please…do not tell him of this. I am certain he himself has brought his younger self to speak of the warning.” She informed Ulquiorra in a calm tone with a bit of anger. She was not some pet he can keep inside with a collar around her neck. She wants to have a life without feeling locked down. “Young me please don’t feel afraid of these two…I am sure you know of them.”

 The young Hinamori was in shock with seeing her best friend in Ulquiorra’s arms with something on her left finger. “…Y-You two got married?” Ulquiorra nod his head feeling his protection for Bri was still there. “I did not think to fall for such a shinigami be possible. Though she has taken my heart or gave me one from her kindness…” Bri lips would press together in having her arms around Ulquiorra’s waist. “Do not be afraid, Hinamori-chan. I am perfectly fine as you can see your best friend did not harm me.” She informed her with a warm smile soon after Hinamori’s eyes would watch her arm. “It did heal you must realize I was shocked as well. But it was not just due to that…Aizen let me recover even after I healed with one arm. It was tricky to follow his orders…I-I done things I am not proud of.” The girl would admit to Hinamori with a sad face appearing. Walking up to Bri her arms would wrap around her best friend. “I-I understand…I just can’t believe Shiro-chan would do this! Why would he do this…? I don’t get it. He use to be kind, sweet, caring, and he never kill anyone.” She felt a pain appear right into her chest over the thought of him changing. 

Older Hinamori placed a hand right on top of her shoulder. “That Shiro-chan you know no longer exists…” The truth stung deeper than any wound ever could. That wound made her realize that nothing was or ever could be the same. She missed those times of sharing watermelon to laughing with Shiro-chan. Why…? Why did it have to happen? Older Hinamori would see the two bow down to her with a smile. “You better hurry…I can sense the Lord is around here.” He walked away with Bri still having that arm around her waist. When Hinamori could watch there she noticed her stomach was large. “W-Wait…did she get pregnant?!” The younger Momo would point at Bri. “Hai…do not worry though! I am sure Lord Hitsugaya would not harm her baby. He knows she is loyal to him and so is Ulquiorra who did serve Aizen. But that changed when he helped them kill Aizen.” 

Future Hinamori opened up the portal knowing that she has to take Hinamori back and let her wake up. This was all a dream no matter what she saw today. Though now if she told Bri about it. Would she believe that her future self be here? “Please do not utter this to Bri. She be shocked in her condition you know of what I speak of…” Nodding her head the other Hinamori would walk inside the portal. She has to say goodbye to the future. Whatever will happen now she must endure. Being a queen… would it be all worth it? 

“Dead…how did he die?” Older Hitsugaya noticed from outside of the castle he could feel Hinamori had returned. Her younger self had seen what his younger did. Which means she knows a piece of it. “…I knew you want to know.” He walked forward seeing two people in front of him. He must thank Ulquiorra for saving the two from those idiotic villagers. Shifting his teal orbs, he have to see Hinamori when he got the chance. For now he will show the power to little young himself. “I will show you how I killed him.” The young Toshiro whole body backed up slowly. “I-I killed Father…?” 

The truth sunk in right to his chest afraid to hear anything else over the matter. “I wouldn’t…no, Father is too strong! I couldn’t even lay a finger on him.” He fell onto his butt afraid to hear anything else. Older Toshiro watched his younger fall with a shocked expression. “So, you think you never be able to kill him? You did…he is no longer alive.” He raised his spiritual pressure up very high. The air started to become dense around when the little Toshiro could feel the power was raising. It was very strong that even he could not focus on his vision. “…So powerful!” He swallowed roughly feeling the lump in his throat still remained. So…this what killed Aizen? When did it happen? Did I really kill my own Father? 

Older Hitsugaya had a feeling that he have to see Hinamori before she goes to bed tonight. For Young Toshiro will have this power even if he wants it or not. “You will have a choice. You can live in peace or you can join the rebellion that will happen! It is a warning to you. A warning to choose… you may choose this or you may give up and live as Taichou later if you so well wish.” He opened up the portal for little Toshiro to return. “I give you this choices….be warned, if you decide one thing I am certain it change the future.” 

He stood up from the ground after feeling the reiatsu and given a warning? What would he know which is right…? If he takes over the Soul Society. This becomes of his Future with power and Momo be at his side. It felt great to be this strong with nothing to stand in his way. Nothing! He could fight against anyone even his Father when he has the chance. He will take his Father’s life. That he is certain of… Turning around, his whole body would enter the portal to go right back into his bed. When he woke up, the chains did not hold however to his demise he wanted to taste blood. “…I want to kill.” The boy whispered softly wanting to gain more power. More power to hold and grasp in his hands. 

Hinamori had woken up from her dream in sweat with fear over what will happen. She had to stop Toshiro before he turns into some monster. Was it too late…? First to see Bri about the future if she really does love Ulquiorra. What if he hurt her so bad that she obeyed him? She doesn’t know how it happened in the past though seeing it in the future was shocking enough. “Bri-chan…” Getting up from her bed; she would slowly leave the room knowing no guards really watch her. It was a surprise even they didn’t watch this girl. She did use kido on the guards in the Soul Society which was their mistake to not take her seriously. Walking down the corridor she felt Bri’s reiatsu which was leveled enough for her to find her easily. She was not harmed… the words she spoke was that Aizen let her heal. But…what did she do? What did Aizen make her do? Did he make her kill too?! The sick bastard… how dare he! 

Her feet stomped against the ground over to the door where she stayed with Ulquiorra. Perhaps  asking Prince Toshiro to allow her staying closer to Hinamori. Would that be alright to ask? She had to find out for herself what he done as well. After all, she had no idea what or why he doing this. He never really talked to her lately about it. He just had her come here as a slave even Bri! He murdered her best friend and…what if he does to Bri? What if he kills her? I doubt anyone would care let alone him… This made her want to kill all of them. She knew that wasn’t possible… 

Knocking on the door, her hands would hit the wood carefully in hopes it did not wake Ulquiorra up or if he even in there. The door slowly opened to reveal the black haired espada she saw in her dream. Perhaps that was just a dream and maybe none of it was real. It couldn’t be… “Ulquiorra…would it be possible I can see Bri right now?” She titled her head slightly to watch him. Ulquiorra walked out of the room letting Momo inside if she so wished to. “Prince allows you to visit her under his orders. Do not think I will not be watching you…my orders is to watch her during the time she is in healing. Until then… you should follow orders as well.” He turned his back to Hinamori. “I be careful around here, girl. There may be some people who hate you for being close to Toshiro. Just a warning…you don’t have to take it. I am sure you rather see for yourself.” He leaned right against the wall. His hands went right into his pockets with no expression on his face. Momo walked inside the room with the door closed behind her. She knew he watch her or keep his eyes on her even with the door closed. 

There laid Bri peacefully upon the bed that she had shared with Ulquiorra. “Hinamori-chan…did you come to see me?” Her arm was in a cast on the right side with a strap holding it in place. “Of course…you didn’t feel bothered that I come see you right?” The brunette took a seat right next to the blonde with a warm smile appearing on her face. “N-No! Not bothered at all. All I see is the wall and door. Most of the time it is Ulquiorra who comes to feed me some food since I can’t pick it up.” She spoke with a soft voice over the thought of it. “He seems quite fond of you. Or that he doesn’t care whether you live or die. You shouldn’t get too close to him. 

After all, he just serving Aizen till the order is to kill you.” She warned Bri in a serious tone. “I-I just think you should be more careful. Aizen will not care whether you live or die if you know him like I do, you be killed in a second or even today!” Bri eyes filled with sorrow over the thought of dying by either of them. It was something she never want for Momo to experience. “Momo…if I do die, I probably let it happen knowing that I came here for you. I don’t want you to feel sorrow for my death. Haru-kun would say the same thing as well. He came here to save you knowing he could die…and I knew that too.” Bri spoke with no fear in her voice. “I already lost an arm due to Toshiro becoming something when he falls asleep. His reiatsu was very strong and even my flash steps were no match.”

Hinamori lowered her head down knowing this was all her fault. “Gomen…” She whispered softly, her hands reached for Bri’s gently. “If only I didn’t leave so suddenly…you both would be alive, well at least safe and Haru-kun be alright.” She noticed two fang markings on Bri’s neck. “Bri-chan, what are those markings from?” Bri looked down, her eyes wandered around the part of her body to see what she meant. Hinamori let out a soft giggle from her lips before she pointed a finger to Bri’s neck. “You have markings there… did someone…bite you?” Bri voice became silent when she was asked that. It was clear she could not hide that fact. “…Well, they are bites from a espada.” The look on Hinamori’s face made Bri feel worried. “Do not worry it isn’t Prince Toshiro!” The brunette shook her head not caring about that at all. “I don’t care about that! A-And if it was…I kick his ass. Besides…” She cleared her throat, “Who would be biting you?!” Her face would press right against mine to wait for an answer. 

“…Ulquiorra.” Bri answered in a nervous tone. Hinamori looked at the door wondering why he would bite a shinigami. “B-But why would he? I thought he consider us trash. O-Or that’s what I get anyway…” She was going to ask him more when leaving here. “I don’t understand myself, yet he tends to do it often and by that it makes me nervous. I wonder if you and Taichou will ever make up, Hinamori-chan.” Her voice was low in feeling a bit dizzy from losing her energy today. Ulquiorra walked in the room with his eyes on Hinamori. “Your session is over.” He said with no emotion. “Bri-chan…I will see you again.” She said before leaving the room. 

Ulquiorra hand would slowly touch Bri’s cheek in feeling something cold. “You’re cold again… perhaps I should get you more blankets.” Shaking her head, a left hand would reach up to Ulquiorra chest. “You are still searching aren’t you?” Her fingers lightly traced down to remove slowly knowing he was wondering about the heart. Without another word his hands would place right beside her head. “Tell me…what is a heart? Why do you humans love to have one? Does it give you feelings?” He wanted to know more about the heart. Through the girl’s eyes there lay no fear, no pain, only the blue ocean that reflected in those eyes. “…What is a heart exactly?” His emerald eyes would stare right into her ocean blue ones. “Can you tell me that, woman?” 

The blonde hair woman stared right into his eyes seeing that he would not let her go. Not that she could run away with a male right on top. “A heart is something that all of us have…something you will feel that is warm inside you with many feelings. Even if you do not have one… somewhere it is there waiting to be filled. Some day you may find it, Ulquiorra-kun. I know it!” With that said; the room got quiet while his fangs pierced right into Bri’s neck without trying to give her pain. He knew that taking shinigami blood would not make him stronger. Though her blood…it tasted quite refreshing with a cool feeling to it. He pulled away to let her blood drop right on her cheeks. “…I wonder if I can ever have a heart.” He said before letting the room turn into that dead silence once again.

There was one thing she wanted to ask Toshiro but that had to wait for later.  She couldn’t ask him right now being dead tired from that dream. It felt all real, felt like there was something about it that was telling her to stop Toshiro. What if its too late now? He became Aizen’s top espada that may attack the Soul Society… Perhaps there is some way he can still be himself. How or what can she do…so he never attack anyone again? 

Shiro-chan…tell me, what can I do?

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