Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Frozen World || Chapter 3 - The Demon and The Angel

When waking up there was nothing but bars around that gave her the idea she was being in a cell. What has happened since the arrival? Why was she in the cell? Did they catch her? The Shinigami have her for treason against them? No…this place was different with no one wearing black shinigami robes at all. It was only with white robes which she spotted someone sitting in the room waiting for her to wake up.

Snowy white hair was shown within the room with his eyes closed so she could not see who it was directly. He moved off the chair in walking up to the bars. Opening his eyes there they were the teal eyes of her childhood friend who watched her with sorrow. He wanted to ask her everything that has happened. He only had brief moment with her. Aizen would require him once again. “Hinamori…” Those were his only words which caused the young brunette to shiver with a feeling of the past.

Standing up her body was not chained or nothing only she had noticed her clothing has changed with white dress. Underneath the dress was some black leg stockings which she did not find comfortable. Her hair had been down with sleeves down to her fingers with a shape of a V on her palm. Why did they change her clothing? To make her one of them? Or was this some sick trick that she is still dreaming. “What are you doing here?” The boy voice was cold toward the female who he just spoke to. Hinamori remained quiet in taking everything in. Shiro-chan was acting cold towards her like he always did but it was different. Even his eyes reflected those same coldness inside her chocolate orbs which was warm. 

“Shiro-chan….I…” She started feeling those eyes shift away from her own. “You should have stayed. Now you can’t leave by Aizen’s orders do you understand? Nor would I help you. I didn’t want you to be here! Why didn’t you wait for me?” He bit his bottom lip afraid to look her way. Such a foolish girl indeed…she did not wait for me. Hinamori eyes opened up wide in seeing his expression. “What do you mean wait for you? I heard you never existed and you expect me to just sit back and think my friend was a fake!? Shiro-chan…I came to find out answers from you. I take risks I do it because you are the one person who saved me.” Her words blurted out right in front of him out of emotion toward her best friend. Hitsugaya remained quiet in hearing her words toward him. He knew that the Soul Society never wanted her to know the truth. That was foolish of them to hide such a thing. Now he is dealing with it… “Just stay here. There nothing more you can do… you are now a prisoner and your questioning have to wait.” With those last words he walked up toward the door in talking to the guard. “Keep her here that is an order. If you disobey I will kill you.” His voice sounded sinister almost as if he enjoyed it. On his face was a dark smirk upon his features.

Momo stared in shock over what just happened. Shiro….killing? Was it true? Was he the killer to those families? And why would he even do this? The guard stood in fear watching the prince leave to go see his Father. “Yes at once my Prince.” 

Back in the Soul Society there was a riot over where the 5th fukutaichou had gone. Haru feet stomped over to Hinamori’s room. He has heard that Hinamori had not reported into their Taichou. After yelling at her he should have stayed by her side that night. Instead he walked off to let his steam out. What a fool he was! “Hina-chan…I am sorry about last night I was angry. Is that why you stayed inside?” He waited for a response to hear her yelling or saying ‘go away.’  He waited for a few minutes thinking maybe she fallen asleep. Crossing his arms, he tilts his head off to the head unaware that she was not even in the room.
“Trouble, trouble!” Haru yelled down the hall trying to find his Fukutaichou which he did not mean to send her away. Did she go after him…? Damn! He so in trouble by his Taichou and everyone here by blurting out such information that was top secret. This child…he is, he is….! The boy who never should be named in this place of the Soul Society. 

The footsteps in the 10th division drove a blonde hair girl crazy with fear. Had her members been searching for her? This wasn’t good… with her Taichou being absent she follows orders by Rangiku Matsumoto who took the lead since he left with Aizen. The truth was he was nothing but a murder behind the scenes. “Where is Haku?!” The voice roared from Haru’s voice toward the lowly subordinates. “I need to speak with her, now come on! OUT WITH IT!” The members pointed down the hall to her room. “D-Down there.” Haru gave the man a serious look knowing he was one of the lowlifes that attacked her. “Thank you.” His feet stomped over to the door. He opened it, his eyes serious as if nothing could break his expression. “Haku, I need your assistance it is a top secret mission.” He walked in the room slowly knowing they be listening. “And…your members can’t come. Can you be ready by the front gate in a few?” He turned his expression toward the young shinigami. His eyes were soft with warmth of giving her the okay. Nodding her head, she gave him the okay that to be ready in a five minutes. “I will be ready soon. I just need to bathe so we can get ready to go.”  

Haru left the room; his hand closed the door quickly in waiting for Haku to be done with whatever she needs to do. He thought she be enough on this little trip. Momo… why did you go after someone like that? Why did this have to happen? He didn’t understand why. Why….? 

Haku was ready within twenty minutes with her mission to be headed out to Haru’s command. Whatever it was she knew he was serious by his eyes. We both left to be right in front of the gate as he said but this he spoke of being ‘top secret’ what kind of secret? "Haku… we need to keep this from your Fukutaichou and my Taichou. You should know that Hinamori been gone for today.” Haku expression widens seeing his was serious with a look of worry. “I can’t help but get the feeling she went to Hueco Mundo.” The blonde knew this be a top secret mission that only they could go to but how would they get there? “I need you to hide your spiritual pressure. At least till we get there. I am sure they know we gone. However…I need to do this. I need to for Hinamori! He could kill her at any given time.” Bri knew that Haru was worried about what would happen if she was killed. Haru be filled with rage. A deep rage that would not be witness for anyone. “I understand…I will do my best.” 

“Well…let’s go!” Haru and Haku both put a barrier on their reiatsu to hide where they went. Moving in the portal the two went in secret like agents to save their friend. Haku wanted to save Hinamori for what she done for her that day. She saved her… It has to be done. They had to go alone without their help from the Shinigami. As of today they could be traitors. 

Back in Hueco Mundo Momo Hinamori looked at the door that was closed in the room. What has happened to Shiro-chan? Was he…the same? No, he was one of them an Espada---her enemy. That pain had sunk in deeply as if a blade pierced her in the chest. How can she move on? “Shiro-chan…” Suddenly the guard opened the door hearing that a few people were terrified. “Shinigami … do you love him?” Momo eyes opened up wide thinking of that question. The question that really been wondering since she heard of what he was. “….I do.” The guard walked up to her gate to look right into her eyes. “Don’t love him. You need to forget this man. He nothing but a murder! He kill you if you’re some fool to get close to that monster…” Hinamori closed her eyes tightly. She could not believe he was a monster. Perhaps they say that because he killed… how could he do this? What is he? “Then…can you tell me why he did it? Why he kills?” 

The guard shook his head knowing he be breaking a rule however she been brought here safe and not harmed. What was Aizen planning? Hinamori could care less what that mad man would want to do. In fact, she rather see him die right in front of him for his acts toward her. Seeing him by Toshiro side made her want to throw up. Why would he….work with Aizen? Didn’t he know what Aizen did? The brunette was lost in thought when a tall figure came into the room. “Hinamori…” The male spoke in a low voice. “Come.” Aizen voice came into the room with a bit of cunning from that smirk on his face. Without another second the guard would let the chains drop only to let Hinamori walk to Aizen. He would whisper softly only she would hear. “Be careful…” 

 Those last words made her feel cautious to be careful around her when she walked behind Aizen. What…to be careful of?
“Our Prince had to take care of things actually… we have two of your friends coming.” He stopped to point out toward the window they passed. Hinamori felt outside there was a familiar reiatsu who she knew by the feel. “Haru-kun…!” The brunette ran to the small window afraid to watch them die because of her. “Don’t kill them! P-Please…don’t!” She begged her ex Taichou. “Please…” The brown eyed male watched outside knowing his son would be having his fun with them before they captured them. Perhaps could he kill his third seat and a best friend to Hinamori? “Can you do it I wonder…?” 

Outside the white castle there be a battle going on between the two shinigami’s against their former friend. “Such a waste of time…you both can’t kill me.” The white prodigy would speak cold towards the two shinigami who been caught by him. Haru pulled out his zanpakuto ready to fight him. “Haku… stay back, alright?” Bri knew that she be in the way to fight her Taichou together with Haru. In fact, her whole body was shaking just facing him right now, right here. She couldn’t even call out her zanpakuto. He looked emotionless like a dead doll with no feelings at all. Toshiro moved behind Haru without giving the chance for Haku to flee. “Too slow!” He swings the sword right at Haru’s back in slashing him quickly with one attack. The attack sent Haru back a few feet into the sand. “HARU-KUN?!” The white haired boy would walk up to Haku slowly seeing she was frozen with fear. He hated how Haru got her involved as well. Perhaps Hinamori came due to him coming after her. Such a fool… “….Run away.” Toshiro warned her with a expression she never seen before. “Unless you want to die, I suggest you run away and leave this place. Back to your home with Matsumoto-san.” His voice was quiet with a concern for her. Being his third seat he worried for her a lot. 

‘Run away…’ His voice echoed in her mind afraid to hear those words by him. He wanted Hinamori and myself included to not get hurt. Even so, hearing those words did not stop her from moving at all. Haru could feel his back was bleeding from that simple would with ice on his sword. “Damn brat…” He got up from the sand slowly. “You think we run just because you got o---“ The albino boy flash step right in front of Haru in a quick second without the two of them moving at all. “…..” Bri eyes were blinking. Did she see her Taichou move? Why didn’t he strike her down? It was as if he didn’t want to harm her at all… Haru grabbed his zanpakuto in his right hand quickly ready to strike. Before his attack could continue Toshiro stepped on his hand with his left foot. “…You are stupid aren’t you?” He stepped harder on Haru’s hand with his shoe. “You are a waste of my time… even so; I hate you for bringing them into this!” His right foot would raise against Haru’s face. 

Two blue eyes would widen even more seeing Toshiro was attacking Haru. This….no, this isn’t Toshiro. “…Stop.” Toshiro continued to kick Haru knowing he was held down by his foot. “….No, stop it.” Haru maroon eyes looked over at Haku who was starting to lose it. “Bri…chan.” Toshiro turned his head over to Haku. He noticed her tears that came down his face right in the scene that was happening. He flash step over to Haku with his hands behind her. “Bri…” Haru got up after being beaten so many times by Toshiro who had a powerful kick. “Don’t touch her!” The silver haired boy ran toward Toshiro and Bri with rage inside of his eyes. With one hand around Bri he swings his sword down causing ice to come out toward Haru in hitting him backwards. “Haku…you need to run. Escape bef---“ He fell down with his head right on Bri’s chest. He felt tired in which using all of his energy in one attack. “Run….just run…” 

Haku cheeks turned bright red feeling his face land right into her chest. He was taller than her in height so he was too heavy for her to run away. “Taichou….” She noticed two guards appeared right by  Haku and Toshiro. “…What about the girl?” One guard looked at Toshiro then at Haku. “Kill her.” Toshiro heard the words they spoke with one strike he cut one guard in half with his sword. Reiatsu was rising inside the albino boy who watched the remaining guard. “Touch her…then you join your friend that got slashed into. Do not test me…” He said with a cold serious tone. Haku eyes widen seeing blood splatter across the sand field right before her very eyes. “Tai…chou.” His clothing was different but still his stance was the same during the hollow attack back when she joined. He saved her back then with his back facing her with that same stance. The same voice as well in warning whoever harmed her will die. “Y-Yes, my Prince…. Please forgive us for being rude.” He went on his knees to bow toward the Prince.
Toshiro turned his head over to Haku who sat there confused by the sudden name calling. “From now on…call me Prince.” He picked Haku by her arm in pulling her close. “You are now my slave.” He spoke right into her ear. 

As of right now he knew Aizen would have her be killed. It enjoy him however he was just happy seeing the two people important to his life. Haku he found when she was near death. He had saved her by becoming her friend. That he over joyed hearing she had his same power. Haku….Bri. His third seat who joined with his help of taking her to the academy. She was just someone he met. Aizen…would never let her live. He enjoy watching me kill her slowly. For now he hopes that she will live. For now.
Toshiro had taken Bri to a cell so a guard would watch over her in case she tried to run. Funny he told her to run yet she did not. Asking someone to run such as her is impossible. “As for that other shinigami….” He thought about how much Hinamori cared about him. “Kill him.” He left down the hall without regretting his decision. He needed to help Haku escape so
 me how.  Perhaps when he becomes King she will become his slave even then. Hinamori will be his queen without a doubt.

“I wonder if Hinamori will forgive me….” He walked down the hall to notice Hinamori stood by Aizen. Stopping his feet watched Aizen closely. Without glancing her way he knew she was informed over the whole thing. He waited to hear Aizen’s next order in which he did not want to disobey his orders. Even if it meant his very life he would protect Hinamori forever.

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