Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Bleach: Chapter 1:The New Student

It was in the middle of May when something different was happening that night I sensed it. I sensed an evil near Ichigo’s house. I sensed…someone familiar it was something deep inside me was calling out to be. I woke up sitting up in my bed seeing the time was five a.m. and I sensed something as a death god. That can’t be… a shinigami? I had dreams of living in the world of souls. 

I saw a boy with silver hair he was eating watermelon alone. I watched him in my dream but I never could see his face well enough with the sun shining on his face. Who are you? I asked knowing I never hear the answer. The next hour I couldn’t sleep at all after that the dreams kept the same of the little boy. I got up taking a quick shower seeing black lines under my eyes. 

I always have this look every morning… I don’t know if this is healthy or not. I got out of the shower feeling my head hurt seeing a vision of a girl with blood on her arm and she was wearing black robes. “A soul reaper…” I gasped feeling tears fall down my face. “Why…? Why do I see such things?” I noticed the time was close for getting ready I have to miss breakfast again. 

I moved quickly putting on my clothes while I grabbed my bag running outside trying to hurry for school. It was a sunny day with a few clouds in the sky nothing to worry about me being soaked when I get home. I ran inside the school finding my locker in the school. I opened it seeing letters fall on me while I fell on the ground. “Brittany!” 

A girl ran up to me moving the letters trying to find me. She glared at the boys who gave me so many. “Go find someone else!” She helped me sit up seeing my eyes looked terrible. “Brittany what happened?!” “I couldn’t sleep…” Jannie she was my best friend since we were little she been here for me. “Again, they keep sending them even if you refuse.” 

“I am okay I am sorry…Jannie-chan.” She shook her head helping me walk to class. “You forgot your shoes again.” “O-Oh… It seems I have!” She sighed petting me on the head. “Seems like I have to take care of you every day.” I giggled softly walking with her to our classroom. I heard girls were giggling about the new student. “I saw him he was cute!” 

“What’s going on?” Jannie asked walking up to her desk which was in front of mine. I moved in my seat sighing slowly. Today must not be my day… from last night and the few days before that I haven’t been able to sleep well. The teacher came in moving her books on the desk. “We have a new student he came from different city and is coming here for a while.” 

Everyone watched the door happy to see the student. Jannie sat down in her chair looking at her friends. “Who is the new student?” “Just wait and see!” Orihime smiled glad we get new students in the classroom. Uryu stared at the door and moved his fingers up to his glasses. Another person to watch out for… He thought in his head looking at everyone. 

“Come in.” The boy opened the door walking in the room having his hand in his pocket. I gasped looking at the boy he looked like the one in my dream. He was older but he looked the same and I sense something from him. I noticed a blue color around him like from the girl I saw earlier. “My name is Toshiro Hitsugaya.” 

The girls screamed happily hearing him introduce himself. Toshiro watched all the girls seeing they were freaking out except one girl in the back row. At least she seems quiet and not crazy like the others. “Toshiro-san you can pick where you want to sit.” “Thank you.” He walked down near the row by where I sit. My heart was beating in my chest. 

What is this feeling? I looked the other way afraid my heart would break. Toshiro sat in the chair in front of the desk that was next to mine. He felt calm next to me while he looked at my direction seeing my cheeks were turning red. Does she have a fever or something? He felt concerned but he didn’t know why… He sighed taking out his phone looking to see I was holding a cell phone. 

“Alright class now everyone stop staring at Toshiro-san and look at the chalk board.” Toshiro notice everyone had text books of math which he didn’t need since he already did school. I was shaking moving my text book out to him. Toshiro looked at me seeing I was shaking. He smiled grabbing the text book to whisper thank you. I gasped feeling my face turned dark red. 

He knew now that it wasn’t that I had a fever but I was shy. Very shy to even speak… I sensed a hollow close by standing up I grabbed my chest feeling dizzy. Toshiro moved over to me grabbing me while he jumped backwards out of the room seeing the hollow reached in the classroom breaking the window. I gasped seeing the hollow’s hand was huge.

 The teacher gasped looking around. “What was that?!” “Teacher both Toshiro and Brittany are gone!” Jannie felt something was strange as she saw the hand reached for me. “That boy…” She saw Ichigo came in the room. “Ichigo-kun!” She moved over to him tackling him on the ground. “Ichigo where have you been?” “I had something…and why are you on top of me?!”

 Ichigo asked seeing a hand from inside the room pull away. A hollow? He moved Jannie sitting her on the ground. “You can see it can’t you?” Jannie asked looking at him seriously. Ichigo was shocked Jannie could see it. “Jannie, you can see them too?” Jannie nod her head hearing a girl came in with black hair. She looked at her sensing something about her wasn’t human. 

“Ichigo, can I speak to you outside?” Ichigo jumps standing on his feet. “Y-You…why are you here?!” “Ichigo this is no time for questions let’s go!” She ordered him looking at Jannie. “Stay here.” Rukia ordered Jannie to stay while she left with Ichigo. “Who was that?” I held onto Toshiro feeling he jumped away from the hollow moving outside of the school. 

“Toshiro… are you human?” Toshiro shook his head eating a green pill moving out of his body. “Protect her Fufu.” Fufu moved his arms around me running away from the hollow seeing other hollows surround him. He jumped up while holding me moving his leg at the hollow’s face kicking it against the ground. 

I was shocked that Toshiro left his real body and this being he calls Fufu is moving. Toshiro moved next to me and Fufu seeing the hollows were following me. 

Fufu let’s go to Urahara’s for now.” Fufu nod his head leaving with Toshiro while he held onto me. I knew something was happening I never seen those creatures. Only in my dreams and I heard nothing of Soul Reapers… I know Mister Urahara can help. I just hope I find out why these dreams been coming to me night, after night. I want to know… 

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