Sunday, March 18, 2012

Bleach:Tsuin Tamashi {Twin Souls} Chapter 1-Tsuin Tamashi

It was on this day I remember becoming a soul reaper with my twin sister… we did have different color hair but looked the same. I was the youngest while my twin Rachel Hiramori was the oldest. She was calm, sweet, kind, and also strong. She made the best food in the world! Back then when we died… we lived in the Soul Society which soul reapers had sent us there saying it’s a peaceful place. 

But back then they didn’t know the hollows would attack and eat souls… we were unlucky that day. But we met two twins who came the same time we did. They were very young same age as us… “Hey there.” “H-Hi.” I said moving behind my sister. “Sorry she is very shy.” “It’s alright around here we have to look out for each other right?” The boy asked moving his hand out to Rachel. “My name is Fujimaru Kudo.” “And, my name is Matsuri Kudo.” 

“Nice to meet you both my name is Rachel Hiramori. I moved from behind Rachel bowing my head. “And… m-my name is Brittany Hiramori.” “Nice to meet you both.” Fujimaru smiled with a big grin on his face. Matsuri shook her head. “Just ignore him! He just loves the attention.” “At least I am not serious all the time.” He teased Matsuri. “I am not!” Rachel laughed looking at me. “We will be together right?” 

I nod my head smiling at them both. We became friends after that and looked out for each other… but one day I felt very weak as though I needed food. My sister had the same thing and we had no idea why. That time we heard hollows and Matsuri and Fujimaru hid with us. We didn’t make a sound. We hid knowing that if we made a sound they would find us.

 I didn’t want to be found and killed… I wish evil things would go away! In my mind I wished I could have the power to stop them…. So we could all be family and live on. But… “I smell you.” The hollow said in a deep voice. He laughed we felt chills down our spines. I was so afraid I ran out of hiding. 

“Wait Brittany don’t!” I felt the hollow slashed at my chest falling on the ground. Rachel saw I was on the ground not moving from my wound. She cried feeling I was her closest thing to a family… our parents died and when we woke up we were here. “Brittany!” “Rachel wait don’t go!” Matsuri yelled seeing the hollow stopped. 

“Seems I didn’t get so lucky four twins… I will come for you.” He left moving out of the hut we were in. The two captains ran in seeing the children. “The hollow got away!” “Seigen, someone is hurt a little girl… she won’t make it.” Seigen bit his lip knowing he have to take me to his sister. “I will take her you take the kids.” 

“But… even with help they can’t heal a wound that deep.” “Trust me.” Rachel knew she had to pray I survive. “Please soul reaper save her…” “I will!” He picked me up in his arms moving out of the hut to run back to his place. Urahara knew even if he tried he could never save that girl. I felt my dream in my head was of voices in the room. 

They were familiar while others weren’t…”Will she be okay?” Rachel asked not wanting to lose me. “She is going to be fine.” Konoka said with a smile on her face. “Her wound was very deep but I was able to save her.” 

Seigen watched me sleep thinking of his past experience he was weak back then. He saw that in this girl being so weak and helpless. “You guys can become Soul Reapers and fight those evil hollows. With your power I am sure you can beat the toughest hollows yet…” 

Konoka looked at Seigen knowing that way wouldn’t be good for them now. “Seigen let them rest.” She said looking at him seriously. “No he is right.” Fujimaru said looking at me. “Brittany lost because she was afraid… if we were Soul Reapers we could have saved her.” Konoka looked at Fujimaru. 

“Please rest a bit before you decide.” Urahara walked in seeing I was still resting. “Seems like she will rest a bit how about we talk about this?” Konoka didn’t want to hear this from him. “I don’t want to hear this from you to Urahara! I want them to be save not waste their life.” “They won’t lose.” 

He knew from the start they have the power to do it but he suggest they don’t. “But I know what you’re getting at… joining would mean they put themselves in danger.” Seigen had faith in all of them even this girl. “What is your little sister name?” “Brittany Hiramori.” “That’s a nice name.” “She would be too scared to join… let alone talk to you guys.” 

“So, she one of those shy types?” Urahara moved his hand up to his chin. Seigen looked at me watching me sleep. “I think she shouldn’t become one if she is afraid. She not good in battle against them…” Rachel had decided she knew she wanted to protect me. “I will join!” They all watched Rachel seeing her eyes had determination. 

“That’s a good look.” Rachel looked at them confused. “You have the eyes of determination.” Seigen nod his head. “Let’s let your sister sleep.” “Yes sir!” They left into the other room. Konoka started to make dinner. She had thoughts of these kids being Soul Reapers she didn’t want to lose either of them. Seigen looked at his sister knowing she hate the idea of them being Soul Reapers but they have their own choices. 

“Well I am glad I could save you all… losing souls isn’t good and we fail.” “Thank you for saving us!” They all yelled in unison looking at Seigen. Konoka smiled watching them. She wondered how Brittany is if she is shy she shouldn’t be afraid of her. She hopes I wake up soon… They all had dinner going to bed to sleep getting some rest before thinking about really joining. 

“Do you think we should wait?” “Nah I think we should join at least now…” Fujimaru said looking at Matsuri. “What do you think Rachel?” “I want to join and get power to help and save my sister.” They both nod their heads. “I want to do that for you too Rachel and my brother.” Rachel looked at them with a smile on her face. 

“Then let’s join when we wake up we can become soul reapers!” She knew when I woke up I would be alone but Konoka isn’t scary I would be alright… Konoka ran in the room seeing the kids have left with Seigen to join the academy. “I have to let them know!” She saw Urahara came inside the house. “What’s the matter?” 

“I can’t find Brittany she is gone!” Urahara thought I went back to the Rukon District but why would I do that? “She is a fool! That hollow could be waiting for her…” He looked at her worried. “You should go search for her!” “I will try my best.” 

He left out of her house. “Brittany… where have you gone? Your sister will be worried.” Konoka grabbed her chest afraid of what happen next. Please be safe… I don’t want Rachel to be heartbroken not with her at this age. She wouldn’t be able to handle it.

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