Thursday, March 22, 2012

Bleach:The Shinigami Akademi Chapter 1-The Academy Shinigami Begins!

I ran from my estate hearing my two maids yell at me to hurry. I felt the sun on my skin seeing it was just staring to rise for my day of a busy and important day in the Soul Society. The academy shinigami of the beginning of my days where I become a Soul Reaper… I felt the road was long from my estate but I notice other academy students were walking to the academy so I must be in the right place.

 I got to the academy seeing others had friends. “Hey there.” I heard a male voice call out seeing he walked up to me. He had short hair to his neck; his hair was black tied up in a bun. “I am Kusaka Sojiro it’s nice to meet you.” “Hello Mister Sojiro my name is Brittany Haku.” “Haku…? You mean from the great noble family such as the Kuchiki family?” 

“Yes I am like one of the clans but I am the last line from the Haku.” “I am sorry to hear that but I am not here to just use you for money. I want to be your friend.” Kusaka said with a smile on his face. I smiled back at him happy such people avoid the nobility and actually want to be my friend. We walked inside to our classroom and I saw a boy in the back row. 

He looked like he was lonely even everyone avoids him. “I hear there is a genius who joined but rumors say he could be the child prodigy.” Kusaka whispered in my ear walking up to where his friends sat. “I will catch you later.” I nod my head walking up to the back row. I felt bad for him sitting all by himself. I moved to sit next to him seeing he was shocked I sit near him. 

“Hello there my name is Brittany Haku.” I said softly moving my hand out to him. “I am Toshiro Hitsugaya nice to meet you.” He moved his hand up against mine. I felt his hand was warm but he seemed to be shocked I talked to him. “Hello Toshiro it’s nice to meet you.” I said with a smile on my face. He looked at me with his face turning red. “

Nice to meet you to.” He said moving his hand away from mine slowly. I took my books out moving them in front of me while I was happy. I think people misunderstand him. He isn’t scary or a monster like they say. Toshiro looked at me thinking why did I talk to him? Didn’t he seem scary? All the others kids avoid him but me…he felt I actually had a heart. 

“Why did you talk to me?” “You seem lonely and I am alone too.” Toshiro gasped looking at me. “You…? But you’re very cute who would to avoid you?” My face turned red hearing he called me cute. “I mean…well you do seem like the type people open up to you.” “I am like you quiet… and alone. I am one of the noble clans the last line of the Haku’s most people wouldn’t want to go near me.” 

Toshiro stared at me seeing I was crying. He moved his hand up to my face wiping my tear away with his finger. “Don’t worry about that I am not out to be afraid of something like that.” “Then you’re like that one student.” “Who?” “Kusaka Sojiro.” He looked at Kusaka seeing he was with some friends. “I see.” I heard the teacher walked in while I listened and wrote down some notes but some things I didn’t get. “This is so hard…” 

“I can help you if you need anything.” “Really?” I whispered softly looking at Toshiro. He nods his head slowly pointing to the notes he had written down. They were all wrote down and neat. “W-Wow… this is amazing!” “Brittany once you’re done admiring Hitsugaya’s notes please keep your voice down.” “Oh I am sorry sir!”

 I felt my face turned red hearing other students laughed at me. Toshiro looked at me seeing I looked down at the desk. After class was over I felt students whisper about me sitting next to a freak. “Hey, do you want to go study?” “Study…?” I looked at Toshiro surprised. “Yeah after all you do look like you need help.” I smiled standing up on my legs. 

“Oh thank you Toshiro-kun! I love to study with you.” Toshiro got up with his face turning red. “W-Well let’s go.” I left with Toshiro to the library sitting at a desk with my books. “Now I will let you know this will be rough.” I swallowed slowly hearing he laughed softly. “I am kidding I won’t go too hard or you may forget everything.” 

His laugh was so cute! I wanted to hug him but that seem weird. “What’s wrong?” I moved my arms around him. “You’re so cute!” Toshiro gasped looking at me he usually hates this kind of thing. But being hugged he felt calm maybe it’s because she is different. Momo would do this and he gets annoyed but maybe he felt the same way. 

He moved his hands on my shoulders. “We should start studying.” “Oh that’s right!” I moved my arms away from him moving to pull the chair out so I could sit down. Toshiro sat down next to me taking out his books. He missed being touched but he really is happy that I can stay near him. He just wanted to see me smile just like with Momo he was happy she finally is out on her own. 

“Toshiro are you okay?” I moved my hand up to his head. He blushed a lot on his face feeling he shouldn’t get lost in his thoughts. “I-I just was thinking that is all.” “Are, you still shocked I am here?” Toshiro looked away being embarrassed. He can’t tell me the real reason she think he is happy I am here. “Toshiro-kun?” 

He looked at me with his eyes staring deep into mine. “Toshiro…kun.” I grabbed his face with my hands. “If you want me to stay you can just ask.” He gasped hearing some people whisper. “Look the freak actually has emotion.” He looked at them with his eyes looking serious. “Oh look he heard you.” “Not like he has a heart.” 

Toshiro had ice form under where they were standing. I saw Toshiro looked at their feet seeing ice was touching their legs. I moved Toshiro face in my chest seeing the ice stopped and shattered from their feet. The two girls gasped running away in fear. “Let’s go!” “Yeah… I bet he was going to turn us to ice.” Toshiro grabbed onto my back feeling he was calm. 

“Toshiro-kun…promise me you won’t use your power to hurt people okay?” Toshiro looked up at me seeing I looked sad in my eyes. “Please…promise me?” Toshiro closed his eyes for a while thinking of my face being sad. He knew I didn’t want him to hurt people but hearing the word freak made him want to kill them. 

He opened his eyes looking up at me and he nod his head. “If they hurt you….I won’t hold back!” “Toshiro…” He showed me his notes while he helps me understand what I didn’t get. It was late seeing the sun was setting. “I am so exhausted!” I said laying my head on the desk I felt so tired. “I hope you remember what I taught you.” 

“I will!” I said with a smile on my face. Toshiro smiled back looking at me. “Well I should walk you home at least.” “You want to stay the night?” He spit out tea looking at me. “I-I have my own place you know!” “But… I want to repay you.” He felt his heart beat in his chest of me asking him over. “Don’t you know if you ask me that…I be--” 

“I have enough room for you if you are lonely at your place they have you stay at.” Toshiro smiled looking at me thinking if he refused she never stops asking. “Alright just for tonight.” “Yay thank you Toshiro-kun!” I walked up to my estate with Toshiro seeing he looked shocked at how big it was. “Isn’t it huge?” 

“W-Well…yeah compared to where I use to live.” I opened the front gate seeing my two maids hugged me. “Bri-chan!” “Bri…chan?” Toshiro asked looking at the two maids. “Oh a guest!” “Is, he your boyfriend?” I blushed a lot looking at the two of them. “No he is a friend.” “But he is a boy…” “A friend Star just a friend.” At least someone got what I was saying… but Toshiro thought he never hear me say friend. 

He walked inside with me thinking of how his heart was acting. With Momo he thought of her as a younger sister. But with me… he felt different almost like his heart break if anything happened to me. But one thing he knew is that he felt warm whenever I was near. If I were to fade away… he didn’t know what could happen, his heart. Would it go cold again? 

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