Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Bleach: Chapter 2:Hollows and Soul Reapers?

We reached Urahara’s candy shop  moving inside to see they were having dinner. “Ah! So good of you to show up…” “Seems like you knew I come.” Fufu moved me on the ground gently running up to the food. “Fufu you never change…” I looked at Toshiro knowing they can see him and if Urahara knew he was coming. Did he know about everything? 

About why my dreams came to me of Soul Reapers? And…that boy he seems familiar. Urahara looked at me seeing I was lost. “Did you guys run into trouble?” Toshiro crossed his arms against his chest. “You know very well what happened you can smell them can’t you?” Toshiro asked moving to stand beside me. “She was attacked by a hollow! Not just one hollow but many.”

 He said now knowing why so many hollows came in the world of the living it was all because of me. He knew telling me about them may not be good since I seem to have less sleep. Urahara saw my eyes had black lines under them. “I see now it makes sense.” Toshiro sat down slowly moving his hands on his lap. “Now tell me everything…” I looked at Toshiro seeing he was serious. “But…” 

Toshiro looked at me looking worried. “Yes, what is it?” “You look like… a soul reaper.” Urahara knew that since Toshiro came I be remembering but he knew I had dreams about it because my own self had sensed he be coming. “Oh where to begin…? Captain Hitsugaya, why don’t you tell her about the Soul Reapers first?” “Can’t you talk to her about it?” “You feel close to Brittany don’t you?” 

Toshiro grabbed his pants tightly with his hands feeling Urahara was right. “I knew it! I mean I never seen you save a hum—“ “Idiot it is our job to help souls or humans if they need our help…luckily I came or that hollow would have taken her!” “Yes… you are right and Ichigo wouldn’t have been much help.” I gasped feeling Ichigo was fighting the hollow. “Well he was late anyway.”

 Then it was true my dreams Ichigo was becoming something from his late Father had stopped being. Toshiro felt close to me but he didn’t know why he knew he hated seeing me look troubled. “Don’t be worried so much.” I looked at Toshiro feeling my eyes hurt and I was very tired. But those dreams to come back…those dreams that I can’t sleep at night. “I will try not to.” 

Toshiro moved his hand up against my face gently. Urahara smiled watching Toshiro he looked at Ururu. She nods her head going to get some watermelon.  I touched his hand feeling mine was still shaking from what all happened. I noticed my vision changed to the boy sitting next to me with his hand on my face. He had a smile on his face watching me with his turquoise eyes. 

“Toshi…kun.” Toshiro gasped looking at me shocked in his eyes. “H-How do you know that name?” Urahara knew that keeping me from Toshiro be impossible. “Captain she knows you from her past… I can’t keep it from her even if I tried. Dreams she been having were all about you.” Toshiro moved his hand away from my face touching my hand. “So that’s why her eyes are black… she can’t sleep.” 

Urahara nod his head. “I am sure she can sleep now.” He chuckled moving his finger at Toshiro. “With you by her side…she shouldn’t have troubles sleeping.” Toshiro knew I be more nervous to have him next to her all the time. “That won’t work Urahara Kisuke.” “Why not?” “She is a girl and I am a boy…she be more nervous than happy to have me there.” 

“But hollows may follow her back from my place to hers.” Toshiro knew that was true so he couldn’t just leave her. “I understand but…” He looked at me seeing I wasn’t upset about it. I trusted Toshiro and I know he is strong since he is a soul reaper I sensed Ichigo had powers inside of him. “I trust you Toshiro-kun.” I said with a smile on my face. “See? You were worried for nothing and if she does get nervous…” 

“Yes, go on what if she gets nervous?” Toshiro asked looking at Urahara. “You can always snuggle with her in her bed.” Toshiro threw his glass at Urahara. Urahara moved his head seeing the glass hit the wall. “I am not like that!” I smiled looking at Toshiro. He looked at me feeling my smile brought him back to his past of a girl with blonde hair. 

She was beautiful and this girl…reminds me of that girl I met. Are you the one? “Brittany you should let Toshiro take you home. And, Toshiro try to keep an eye out for her…how long will you stay?” Toshiro knew he came here on vacation but also to find out why the hollows have been appearing and only Yamamoto sent him on this task. “I am on vacation but Yamamoto told me to find out who is responsible for the hollows appearing.” 

Urahara knew that he meant me but to send Toshiro alone he may want to take her. “I see… I mean you can tell them Brittany did it but you have no proof.” “Urahara the proof is that I was attacked protecting her.” He said grabbing onto Fufu. “Besides you know that she is in danger outside of this place.” “Her house has a barrier.” Toshiro moved inside of Fufu having the pill in his hand.

He moved the pill in his pocket. “Then I won’t have to use my powers as much.” I got up moving behind Toshiro. He felt I was shaking against his back. He knew I was scared seeing hollows but he felt the need to protect me. “I will protect her and let you know what they decide.” He left holding onto my hand walking outside. “Who do you have to tell?” Toshiro took out his phone. 

“My superiors… the Soul Society another world from here it’s where I live.” I saw images of being in the Soul Society with Toshiro. “I think I know what you mean…” “I don’t know what will happen but if I have to take you back it’s only because we know the hollows are after you and it makes the humans here… they be food.” My eyes widen not wanting others to be in pain because of me. 

“I will go with you Toshiro I feel it is home to me. Here…it’s not.” Toshiro gasped looking at me seeing I wasn’t lying. “But you were born here you can’t have a home there.” Toshiro has to be right…what am I saying? Toshiro walked with me out of the town seeing a beach and up on a hill was my house. “So that’s where you live.” “He put a barrier just so I be safe him…and Yoruichi.” 

Toshiro thought to himself thinking they may be hiding something. But he has to stay longer to find out. He sent in his report and said a girl a human girl is the problem. “Head captain a report from Captain Hitsugaya of a human girl… seems the hollows follow her in large numbers.” Yamamoto thought to himself thinking about who this human could be. “Seems I was right to send him… I want you to ask him her name.” “Y-Yes!” The guard left out of the room back to the squad 12 barracks. 

“You want us to ask him that?” A boy asked looking at the guard. “It is Captain Yamamoto’s orders do not disobey.” “I won’t bother my Captain with this he just finds it boring…” The boy said telling one of the girl’s at the computer to ask Captain Hitsugaya the name of the human girl. 

“Let’s hope she isn’t important otherwise she have to leave Karakuro town.  Toshiro walked up the hill with me seeing the home he felt something about the barrier it was a power he remembered a spell.

 But he has to wait to find out more about it…when he asks the Soul Society to check it out. He wondered if I was the same girl from his past he only remembers a little girl and she probably aged by now. Brittany… I will protect you with my life. I won’t let the hollows have you. 

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