Thursday, March 1, 2012

Shadow The Hedgehog Ch.1-The End of the World

It was that day I remembered that everything in the city I was in…it was destroyed. The invaders had come to destroy us all. Us humans…they seem to be aliens. That day we won’t ever forget, the day when everything was to come to an end. “Sonic, where are you going?” Amy asked running after Sonic. “I have to make sure she is alright.” “Brittany is fine.” 

“You don’t know that!” Sonic yelled running outside feeling he should have went with me. Shadow sensed something was wrong in the city while he ran looking for someone he doesn’t remember. Why am I searching for this one human? They are a waste of my time… The buildings were in ruin with rocks all over the place. 

Everyone was running some were wounded and others were even dead. Shadow moved a rock seeing a human girl. He gasped seeing a school uniform on but the clothes was ripped. He checked the girl’s pulse feeling a heartbeat. I moved my legs feeling pain all over my body. “Sonic…” He knew I was the one girl he could remember with Maria. “Brittany…! Brittany wake up!”

 He helped me sit up moving his hand against my back. I winced in pain feeling I was bleeding on my head. Damn…whoever did this will pay! “Shadow good work, you have done well to kill a human girl.” Shadow looked behind him seeing an alien shaped as a star fish. “Who are you?” “You don’t know who I am?” 

“I don’t now get out of my way!” “That girl… she seems important to you.” “Of course she is! Now get out of the way.” “You dare to defy me…! I will make you pay for that.” He left in the sky sending aliens after Shadow. Shadow picked me up in his arms leaving using his chaos control to teleport. I have to get her to safety before they catch up to me. 

Sonic where are you?! I opened my eyes seeing Shadow. S-Shadow? No… I saw you fall down to Earth when I last saw you on space colony Ark. “Shadow…kun?” Shadow stopped hearing my voice he moved to hide in a building. He didn’t sense any aliens nor did he hear any. 

“Brittany, how do you feel?” He moved me on a chair gently seeing I couldn’t move with my wounds. “I’m okay just…my whole body hurts.” He checked my body seeing I had bruises and scratches but mostly my head is the spot that has blood on it. “You got hit hard…do you remember what happened?”

 He looked around checking to make sure no aliens come out and attack me. “I… was going to school and I didn’t see it coming and a wall fell down on me but I am surprised I am alive.” Shadow thought maybe someone or something save her. “Well I got to get you back to a safe city before they find us.” I knew I was in his way…but why did he save me? 

Or come to save me? “Aren’t I in the way?” Shadow looked at me shocked in his eyes. “I am a human…you could have easily just pass by me and left m—“ Shadow covered my lips with his finger. “Don’t say that! I…don’t understand why myself.” He shook his other fist staring at me. “I have to protect you. I just hear that in my head when I saw you…I knew.” 

Shadow must have forgotten all about me. But deep in his heart he remembered my name. “I am glad you remembered but…maybe if I can find Sonic. “ He shook his head moving his arms around me carrying me in his arms. “You won’t survive there are aliens out there.” “Aliens?” “Yes they are the ones responsible for this attack.” Shadow said moving out of the building running down the road seeing up ahead was dangerous. “Shadow…” 

“Hold onto me.” “Chaos…Control!” He used his power moving through time to stop everything around him. I held onto Shadow seeing everything was frozen. He landed on the other side of the road smiling at me. “I told you I am the ultimate life form.” I giggled softly seeing Sonic running up ahead. “Sonic stop you fool!” 

Sonic tried to slow down seeing me in Shadow’s arms. Shadow moved me away from his arms to feel Sonic run him over. I gasped seeing Sonic and Shadow both rubbing their heads. “Sonic you idiot!” “Hey you should not stand in the middle of the road.” Sonic said softly standing up. “Brittany!” Shadow growled moving to grab Sonic’s arm. 

“Be thankful I found her before those aliens did.” “Aliens attacked the city?” “Yes but I have to get Brittany to safety.” Shadow moved his hands on my shoulder. “You can go back and help I will take Brittany…” “I don’t help humans.” Shadow said looking at Sonic. “That is your job.” Sonic knew Shadow won’t ever help any human. “Then why do you help Brittany?” 

“She is…” Shadow heard aliens around. “Damn I wasted too much time with you!” Shadow yelled moving in front of me. Sonic moved next to Shadow. “I won’t leave just of a few small aliens.” “Then let’s get this over with.”

 I looked around seeing aliens were around. Sonic smiled watching the aliens seeing they weren’t moving to attack. “Why do they not attack?” Shadow didn’t know why either or maybe they are waiting for something. He knew he had to protect me… he won’t let Sonic get in his way. Brittany I won’t let you down. 

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