Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Bleach:Chapter 3:What is your name?

Ichigo defeated the last hollow out of breath. “Why, so many?” “I do not know… but seems they were after someone a human like you. She had this energy that must have been good for them.” Rukia said staring at her phone. “But I sensed a captain was here.” “C-Captain?! You mean you guys have Captain levels?” Rukia nod her head thinking about it. 

“They are very strong but all 13 court guard squads has a Captain but if they sent one I have to ask Urahara about it.” “Urahara?” “He works at a candy shop here in town. Come on Ichigo let’s go!” Ichigo picked up his body. “You better move back in your body it is still in the middle of the day.” “Oh, right!” Ichigo moved inside his body returning back while he left with Rukia. Jannie ran to the field where she sensed Ichigo. “Ichigo…kun where did you go?” 

She asked running in the direction of his spiritual energy. She had to find out why he was hiding things from her. They told each other everything… she was there for him when he lost his Mother. Ichigo you idiot! I ran up the hill seeing the sun was still out in the sky. It was warm outside feeling the summer heat on my skin. “So hot…” 

Toshiro agreed it was very hot he wanted to go inside. “Brittany, how long have you lived here?” “Since I was born…” Toshiro looked at me annoyed. “So you never came here when you were around the age fourteen?” I thought about it remembering seeing Toshiro face with tears and he was on the ground. “Toshi…kun.” He blinked his eyes seeing I was crying. 

“Don’t cry, Toshi-kun…! Don’t cry.” He gasped moving in front of me he noticed I was rubbing my eyes. Something is not right…only she called me by that nickname. “You have to be…” I opened my eyes looking at Toshiro. “Toshiro-kun, what’s the matter? You look worried.” 

He moved his hand up to my head feeling nothing was wrong. What happened? She told me not to cry but…she was the one crying. What did she see? Toshiro moved his hands up to my face gently. “You scared me you just cried and I didn’t know why.” I gasped seeing the image of Toshiro crying but I felt a tear fall from my face. “I…don’t know why I cried I just…” 

Toshiro knew he had to have them examine my head I am remembering things that only he knows but maybe… He heard his phone ring grabbing it out of his pocket. “Yes, what is it?” “CAPTAIN!” He pulled the phone away from his ear. I looked shocked at the phone hearing a woman’s voice. “Toshiro-kun…is that your girlfriend?”

 Toshiro covered my mouth with his hand walking with me inside my house. I moved my bag on the sofa waiting for Toshiro he was talking outside. “Rangiku, don’t do that ever again!” “Did I surprise you?” “You gave me a heart attack.” “Now Captain, what is this girlfriend?” “What?” “I heard a girl next to you…Captain you have been having fun haven’t you?” 

Toshiro face turned dark red thinking of me being more than just a friend. I moved up to the door trying to listen. “I think they are a couple…he was cute too!” I whispered moving into the kitchen to make some eggs. Toshiro looked at the door sensing I was there but now in the kitchen. Did she say…I was cute? “Captain you should answer me!” 

“It’s nothing! Now get back to work.” “Aw you’re no fun.” She sighed softly moving on her bed. “I am your Captain not a gossip person…go bother Renji or someone else! I am on vacation and you should be working.” “It’s too much besides I heard that you found a girl from hearing the guard when I had to visit squad 12.” 

Toshiro eyes were in shock thinking why did she go there? “I had to give them some papers that got mixed with ours…though it’s strange that happened.” Toshiro tried to think if he was meant to come here and Rangiku to hear about it. No way would the head Captain do that. “Rangiku how much did you hear?” “I heard about a girl and they…oh sorry Captain I have to go.” 

“W-Wait Rangiku tell me before…” He heard the line was beeping in his ear while he closed his phone. Damn… I wanted her to talk only time she does cooperate. I opened the door slowly wearing a pink apron. “Toshiro-kun, do you like eggs?” He looked back seeing I was in an apron and he blushed a little. “I…well never had eggs.” “Then you will like them!” 

I said closing the door running in the kitchen. He got up moving his phone in his pocket. I don’t mind if it’s like this… staying with her I can be calm and not worry about anything. What is this feeling? I feel happy for some reason. He walked back inside closing the door behind him he saw I was wearing a light, blue dress with white leg stockings. 

He blushed even more seeing I had a blue rose on the side of my head. He gasped seeing an angel in the room he couldn’t look away. What is wrong with him? No women have this kind of power… but she shining in his eyes. What is it? I turned seeing Toshiro smiling at him while I was making scramble eggs. “You like my eggs…I learned from my parents and they were good at making food.” 

Toshiro smiled back at me walking in the kitchen. “I am sure they are delicious.” I moved some scramble eggs up to his lips. Toshiro blushed on his cheeks smelling the eggs. He never smelled something like it but it wasn’t a bad smell. He opened his mouth slowly moving his hand up to my wrist. I gasped feeling he moved my fingers in his mouth feeling his tongue up against my fingers. 

“T-That…tickles!” Toshiro tasted the eggs feeling they were delicious. He tasted my skin it wasn’t bad either. He moved my fingers out of his mouth seeing I was blushing a lot. “Sorry only way I could taste the eggs.” I didn’t mind but it was just so sudden. 

I moved my hands up to my chest. He moved to the table pulling out the chair. He knew this was a bad idea he scared me. I moved a plate of eggs in front of him. “Don’t worry I am not scared Toshiro-kun.” He looked up at me seeing I wasn’t trying to run. “I am glad I will be careful not to surprise you again.” He noticed I handed him a fork. 

He never saw this before maybe they use it here a lot. I sat in a chair next to Toshiro having a plate of scramble eggs myself. He moved the fork on the egg remembering him having it from my fingers. He felt it was a lot better than eating them himself. “What’s wrong Toshiro?” He ate the eggs slowly pointing to my finger. “I like it better when I ate them from…” 

I moved the eggs up to his lips with my finger holding onto one. Toshiro moved his hand up to my wrist gently. I knew this time I be ready but it still tickled but maybe Toshiro likes when he eats from someone else. I smiled at him feeling he held onto my hand after he had the eggs. He looked at my hand for a while. “Toshiro-kun…?” He remembered holding onto a girl’s hand but it was smaller since they were children. 

He had my hand up to his face while he closed his eyes leaning his head back. “It feels warm…” I felt his face was soft but warm also with my hand. My heart was beating a little faster with his touch. I grabbed his other hand and held onto it looking at him. He opened his eyes slowly staring at me. I smiled at him not be afraid of him even if we just met I felt we met before. Ichigo ran with Rukia to Urahara’s seeing a shop at the end of the road. 

“Seems normal enough…” “Of course he wouldn’t draw attention to himself unless he wanted them to know.” Ichigo walked up to the shop with Rukia seeing two kids in the front. “I see they still are with him… Ururu and Jinta.” “Seem like normal kids to me.” “You think so but…Ururu is very strong.” Rukia said walking up to the front door. 

“Oh, hey Rukia and who is this strawberry?” “S-Strawberry…?” Ichigo asked sounding annoyed. “He is a friend of mine now I like to see Urahara.” She opened the door not taking no for an answer. “Well, well if it’s Rukia and Ichigo… come on in. I already had visitors earlier.” Rukia walked inside with Ichigo inside the shop. Ururu closed the door slowly. 

“So, you want to know who the captain is.” “Yes and how long he will be staying?” “I can see why you are worried but do not worry he is not after you.” Rukia grabbed her cup of tea. “Then, who is he after?” “Brittany Haku.” Ichigo spit out his tea feeling it hit Urahara’s face. “I first get glass of tea thrown at me then you spit it in my face…” 

He moved his sleeve up to his face wiping the tea off. Rukia shook knowing the Haku is very important to us. “The Haku… I thought they died out!” “No actually she is in Ichigo’s classroom you only been here a day so you never knew. But if he finds out her name it’s all over they will have her go back home.” Ichigo slammed the cup down on the table. 

“Brittany been here since she was born she never belonged to the Soul Society!” Rukia knew Ichigo is wrong the truth is she came here when she was fourteen. “Ichigo… she is from my world her memories been erased and also, she is very important to us. Our duty was to find her ever since her parents died… we been searching.” Urahara nod his head looking at Rukia. 

“We kept her safe and hollows follow her she kept running but I think she would leave to be safe and keep people around her from getting hurt.” Ichigo knew he couldn’t stop me but if they force me to go back he knew he had to stop them. “What if she forced to go back?” “I don’t think she be forced the Captain she is with…they knew each other she just forgot about it.” 

Rukia looked at Urahara shocked. “What is his name?” Urahara got up on his feet moving over to the window. “Toshiro Hitsugaya is his name and he is Captain of squad 10 you should know Rukia Kuchiki.” Rukia gasped remembering Toshiro but she never talked to him. “I see…so she knew him and she must know Momo as well.” “Momo…?” 

“She is Toshiro’s friend well childhood friend.” Jannie saw the shop knowing Ichigo was in there but she knew someone with Ichigo that girl Rukia was a soul reaper. “I can’t let Ichigo fall into their hands.” Urahara looked outside while he smiled. “Ichigo you have a stalker.” “S-Stalker?” “It’s a girl she seems to know about where you go… I didn’t even do anything yet she can follow you by your spiritual energy.” Ichigo gasped looking at Urahara. 

“Should I let her come in?” “Yeah…I wouldn’t want her to wait outside till I leave.” “You have something to ask me?” “Yeah who and what exactly are the Haku’s.” Urahara laughed softly walking over to the door. “You don’t have to worry about Brittany being evil if so they lock her up. But they are very known the Soul Society…” Rukia smiled looking at Ichigo. 

“More like they are respected and she would be treated like a Princess is one way of putting it.” Ichigo gasped looking at Rukia in shock. “I didn’t know she was that important!” “Now you know even my family would respect her for they lived for generations in the Soul Society.” “What, you mean your family would…respect Brittany?” “My family also is nobility in my world.” She said seeing Jannie ran inside to look shocked. “It’s you!” 

Jannie walked up to Ichigo. “Ichigo…” He backed up a bit trying to move away from Jannie. “Why, you follow me?” “I was concerned for you… I am your friend aren’t I?!” Ichigo knew that also he never knew she could follow him. “Jannie, how long have you been able to sense my spiritual power?” “For a long time I can even see soul reapers.” Rukia knew she saw her since she followed Ichigo. Ichigo got up on his feet. 

“I am sorry but I have to go.” Jannie looked at Ichigo worried. “Ichigo…don’t run!” Ichigo looked at her seriously. “This doesn’t concern you! We have a job to do killing hollows is my job now. You can follow me but you just end up being dead.” Urahara walked inside the room touching Ichigo’s shoulder. “Just let her hear about Brittany.” 

“B-Brittany…?! What do you know about her?” She looked at Urahara seriously. “Ah, I see you know her too.” Jannie knew I was important seeing Urahara watch her every time she left home. “You been watching her making sure she didn’t get hurt…now answer me!” Urahara knew he couldn’t fool her. “I see you noticed.” Ichigo looked at Jannie in shock. 

“You mean you saw him?” “Of course… I knew you come to him and ask him about those hollows today.” Urahara sat down looking at all of them. “Let’s begin our talk now.” Jannie sat down next to Ichigo and by Rukia. “I am sorry for being rude…my name is Jannie.” 

Rukia shook her head. “No, I was being rude my name is Rukia Kuchiki.” Jannie shook her hand smiling at her. Rukia smiled back holding onto her hand. 

Ichigo smiled watching Rukia and Jannie. He hopes he can stop the captain from taking me but it’s all up to me. Brittany… don’t go with them! You belong here with us. You are our friend and we won’t let you fall into their hands… 

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