Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Bleach:The Hotel Maids Chapter 1-The Hotel Maid

It was a start of my new job in the world of the living I knew nothing of anything of Soul Reapers or even thinking of meeting one. It was during the summer that I found this job from my butler that was in this hotel owned by my family. 

“I know you will make your family proud Miss Haku.” My face turned red hearing my butler say that. “We are getting visitors today they will be staying and I hope you treat them nicely.” 

“Y-Yes sir!” I said in a nervous voice. I never done this before and dressing up as a maid I may have to practice a lot more. “I bet she faint if the guy is hot.” A woman said coming out with her hair up in a ponytail, she had blonde hair with a black long sleeve shirt with a skirt up to under her butt and her apron was in front of her dress. “Star be nice she never done this before.” 

A girl came out with long, blue hair down to her waist. “Emmy you are going to do this as well?” I asked sounding even more nervous. “You two just drop tea on their laps.” “Star you are so mean!” Emmy said grabbing onto her hair. “O-Ow! Stop that Emmy that hurts!” I laughed softly hearing voices in the main lobby knowing that they showed up. 

“Now Rangiku we won’t be staying long.” “I know Captain! Just Chris and I may have our little fun.” Chris chuckled softly with his face turning red. “Rangiku…” “Just you two behave! No causing trouble here.” Toshiro said crossing his arms waiting for someone to come out. “I want you ladies to pick a room which is out of this hat.” 

He took out a hat from behind him. Star stared at the hat. “I hope I get one with the cute guy!” “Well make sure he isn’t taken first Star.” They both moved their hands in the hat. I was so nervous what if I got someone who yelled? I touched my face afraid of someone bigger than me. “Brittany it will be alright.” Emmy said moving her hand up to my shoulder. 

“After all if they cause trouble we will be there to back you up.” “Thank you two!” I said moving my hand in the hat. “Sorry for the wait.” The butler came out walking up to the front desk. “How many rooms will you be need?” “Three each and just warning these two couples back here may need privacy.” The butler stared at Rangiku and Chris. 

“Captain don’t say that!” “Well its true isn’t it? I have no need for that.” Momo smiled looking at Toshiro. “You find someone and bring them here I am sure.” “I don’t do that Momo that be perverted guys! I rather work on my paperwork.” The butler smiled watching them. “Such nice friends I say.” They looked at him and laughed. “Come on Steven I hope we get the best room!” 

The butler handed them keys to each one of them. “Well this way.” They all followed him seeing their rooms were close to each other. “I thought you guys want to come visit each other if you need to.” “Thank you.” Toshiro looked at Momo and Rangiku knowing they bug him every day. Rangiku grabbed Chris hand moving in her room seeing it was large room with a large bed. 

“Wow!” “I will be sending someone to take care of each of you.” “You mean…our own maid?” “That is correct.” Toshiro knew he didn’t need such care but having them help him may be helpful if he needs tea or some food. Momo moved with Steven in the room next to Rangiku’s. “I love this place!” Steven never had seen such a large room in his life. 

“It is perfect and also there is a beach by this hotel.” Momo looked outside seeing the beach from her window. “We got to go there tomorrow!” Toshiro walked in his room moving inside seeing the large bed. “Seems like these people are rich but having nice hotel does help and a clean place.” He said moving to close his door. He needs to relax and hopefully they keep themselves distracted.

 He noticed the beach knowing they drag him into going outside even though they have someone to go with. “I better start on my paperwork.” “Now Brittany do your best not to mess up!” “I-I won’t.” I said walking up to near the door. Star walked up to a door knowing they asked for privacy but she wouldn’t be surprised why they came here. 

“I bet these two love birds are doing it right now.” Emmy gasped feeling her face turned red. “Star you are disgusting! How, can you like to see that?!” “I see it on TV or on a video or movie it’s no surprise.” Star knocked on the door gently. “That must be our maid!” Emmy sighed knocking on the door gently. Momo opened the door slowly. 

“Hello there! I am your maid for the time being please forgive me for bothering you.” Momo smiled welcoming her inside the room. I was left in the hallway thinking what to say. What can I say that welcome them? I moved my hand up to the door knocking on it gently. I hope I don’t bother him… he did seem like he was angry. 

Star looked at me knowing I was going to faint. Rangiku opened the door slowly. “She is so adorable!” Star moved her hand through her hair slowly. “Why, thank you and you are beautiful yourself.” Rangiku smiled letting her walk inside. “I feel bad for your friend.” Star closed the door behind her. “Don’t worry I am sure she be alright.” 

“No really! My Captain can be very strict and he might yell…” Star sighed looking at the door. “If she doesn’t learn to stand pressure she won’t ever learn.” She said knowing she helped serve for me since she joined here. “You mean you know about her?” “Yes I been working here for a long time and she is very shy and she trips a lot.” “Sounds like she wouldn’t be for the job.” 

“She wanted… to help us. It was a big request we never heard from our Princess.” “Princess? I didn’t know you still had Princesses here.” Chris looked at Rangiku and smiled. “Well seems like there are.” “She is the richest person in this place and owns a lot of places like this one.” Rangiku gasped looking at Star shocked. “She so popular then!” 

“Yes I mean her parents owns this hotel and she lives here. Well she lives in a house but the hotel is her main home.” Rangiku thought of her parents not seeing them anywhere. “Where are her parents?” “They died when she was young I am afraid.” She only heard this when she joined by the butler. Her and Emmy wanted to make me happy even if it meant working so hard to make sure I was up for school and ready for anything. 

“You guys worked so hard for her but…when did you join?” “Since she was little.” Chris gasped thinking they be little too. “You guys were children when you joined?!” Rangiku asked sounding shocked by this story. Star couldn’t tell them the truth. She isn’t human or she is dead already but she is a… I saw the door opened while I bowed my head hitting the door.

 Toshiro looked at me seeing I was dressed in a maid outfit. He opened the door moving his hand up to my head. “Are you alright?!” “I-I am s-sorry I just…wanted to say I be…I be.” I fell forward feeling very dizzy. Toshiro caught me in his arms feeling my head was very hot. He moved me on the bed gently using his ice to have the air be a little cool so I could breathe in the air with my body being very hot. 

“I am sorry for the trouble sir.” The butler walked in the room. “It’s no problem she just hit her head when I opened the door then fainted.” “She tried her best… but seems like she tried too hard.” He said seeing I was sleeping peacefully on the bed. “Could you watch over her? I need to go out for a while and I can’t watch her while I am gone.” 

Toshiro looked at the butler thinking something was strange to trust a stranger. “Are you sure? I mean I could be a stranger…” “Well a stranger with powers I am sure you are not human.” Toshiro eyes widened looking at the butler. “I already know you guys are not human but from the Soul Society.” Toshiro got up from his chair looking at him. 

“I am sorry to surprise you but I am the servant to the great Haku family.” Toshiro knew this guy must have been in the Soul Society but, wait the Haku…? He gasped looking at the girl thinking I was their last air to the Haku family. “You are correct that is Brittany Haku the last bloodline I am afraid they lost their lives…” “I see.” 

He moved in the chair now understanding his request. “I now understand why you trust me.” The butler smiled bowing his head to him. “If she wakes up please tell her I will be out for a while.” He left the room closing the door behind him. He noticed a mark on my chest moving my apron down a bit to see the mark was of a snow flake. 

“That is the Haku mark… but why is she here? And why would they be hiding her?” He knew Urahara was trying to keep her hidden from the Soul Society. Why did he do that? Was he afraid… what happen to him? Toshiro looked at me seeing I was nibbling on the blanket. “I think she is hungry…” Toshiro whispered softly looking at the phone he had in his room. 

He walked over to pick it up when he heard two maids ran in the room. “Don’t fear we brought in food!” He looked at them surprised. Emmy she gasped looking at Toshiro. “He is cute.” Star hit Emmy on the head. “We have to feed her! You remember she tried to eat the blankets…” Toshiro pointed at me. Star gasped. 

She moved over to me picking me up. “Brittany if you don’t wake up they will come touch you.” I opened my eyes and grabbed a pillow. Star noticed Toshiro moved grabbing my arm. “Who do you mean by they?” Star looked at Toshiro while she sighed. “Men if they saw any girl in a maid outfit…they try to touch her. Men are pigs that way!” 

Toshiro knew they thought he do that too. “I am not interested in that kind of thing.” Emmy smiled looking at Toshiro. “You got a kind heart mister.” “Emmy stop drooling over him and help me feed her!” “No need I will do that.” Star looked at Toshiro in shock. “You mean you do that?” “I was ordered to protect her by your butler.” 

“Why would he do that?” Star asked looking at Toshiro she knew he was hiding his spiritual pressure. “I see now.” She grabbed onto Emmy pulling her out of the room. “Brittany don’t be afraid the butler had him watch you.” She said before leaving the room. Emmy closed the door and smiled. I sat down on the bed looking at Toshiro. “Thank you for helping me.” 

I bowed my head to him. Toshiro checked my head seeing a bump. “You hit your head pretty hard.” My face turned red seeing he was worried about me. Other men tried to touch me or even force me to kiss them. “But you are welcome Brittany.” Oh that’s right he heard my name! “I got up hearing my stomach growl. “Why don’t you sit down and let me feed you?” “B-But!” 

He grabbed the food opening the window to see a balcony with a table outside and two chairs. “Come on I can’t let you starve.” I nod my head moving off the bed to walk outside with him. 

“What is your name?” “My name is Toshiro Hitsugaya.” He said looking up at the sky. He saw the moon was full with the stars shining in the sky. I smiled walking outside with him. “That’s a nice name Toshiro.” Toshiro looked at me seeing I stared up at the sky. 

He felt his heart was beating in his chest. He thinks there is something wrong he never felt like this to a girl. Not even Rangiku… so why? I smiled at Toshiro feeling he wasn’t as bad as I thought. “Toshiro-kun you are very sweet.”

 Toshiro gasped looking away with his face turning dark red. “Thank you…” He looked at me seeing I was happy. He wonders what will happen if the Soul Society found out that she was here. Would they send me back? Or let me stay and work here? He had to wait and see but he was afraid I be scared to leave. Brittany… what would you choose? 

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