Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Kingdom Hearts Chapter 1-The Dark World

It was dark in this world… the rain would fall all the time. I never saw a sun only thing was a heart moon. I ran from creatures seeing their eyes were golden and their bodies were black. The small creatures were like heartless. I ran up to a tall building wishing I could get inside but it was locked. I would become one of them with my heart taken. 

I felt cold from the rain all over my clothes and I was confused and lost. Where have I gone? A boy threw a key blade in front of me. My heart was beating so fast seeing the key blade had caused a barrier around me. “Time to die heartless!” The boy said grabbing his key blade he moved in the heartless cutting them down with his key blades. 

I watched as the heartless disappeared from him attacking them with a key blade. “Wow…” His eyes looked at me after he was done he took off his black hood that was on his hair. “What are you doing here?” He walked up to me having his key blades disappear. “I… don’t know.” He knew I was lost by my eyes they looked scared even, lost. 

“My name is Roxas I am from that building up there.” He pointed to the white tower that was up ahead. “But I shouldn’t take you there. I don’t know but when I look at you…you must be from the light.” The light? Does he mean that I am not like him? “But you look the same as me.” “I am a nobody I live for darkness, I have no heart or no emotions.” 

He lives in darkness…? Like this place? “You are not a nobody!” I ran up to him touching his shoulders. He looked shocked in his eyes feeling my hands were warm. “You are a human like me! I just know you have a heart you just don’t know where it is…or you have no emotions because you were trained to be like that.” He felt his chest hurt feeling something in him. 

What is this? I have no heart yet…I feel a kind feeling something warm. “Hey wake up!” I felt someone splash water on my face feeling it was by a friend. “Toshiro?” He moved his hand up to my face gently. “You were asleep by the train station again.” ”Train…station?” I asked feeling my head hurt from that dream. Toshiro sighed pointing to the others. 

I saw Hayner, Olette, Pence, and, Roxas. Wait… Roxas? I remember seeing him wearing a black, cloak in the dark city. “Come on we need to get back.” Toshiro told me having his hand out to me. I stared at his hand thinking of back in our home world. “Yes, let’s go.” I touched his hand feeling my dreams got weird after the next. It was from our home island back where we had ocean and lived on a small island. 

“Come on Brittany let’s go for a swim.” My brother Sora told me wearing his blue swimming trunks. I had my two piece, blue swimsuit with string tied on the sides and it had white color on it with a design of blue, polka dots. “Come on the water is nice!” I felt like this had to be a dream but like the last one I should just go with it. I ran up to the water feeling someone hug me from behind. 

He has his arms around me with silver hair. He and I been friends since we were little I remember meeting him he was very shy. His Grandma told me he had no one to play with. So I was seeing him and we got closer… “It seems like Toshiro and Brittany are more than just friends.”  

Toshiro smiled moving from behind me. “Seems like you two need to get closer or else you just be alone all your life.” He said laughing at them both. Kairi growled throwing a beach ball at him.  Toshiro used his ice freezing the ball after he looked at it. 

“No fair using your magic!” He moved his tongue out of his mouth at Kairi seeing she laughed. I wish this dream last forever but what I feared is that I never see this place again… my home. I felt someone poke me with a stick while I sat up quickly feeling my head wasn’t as confused since that dream I always wish to return. A girl with brown hair smiled looking at me. 

I noticed I was asleep in the shade by a tree. “Why are you all by yourself?” She asked looking at me worried. “I was…I don’t remember how I got here.” “My name is Azumi and I found you here it is very late and surprised me someone be out when it’s 3 a.m. in the morning.” 

I got up quickly feeling I must have been sleep walking again I did that on my world. Toshiro always had to come find me since he remembered I always lie by the ocean. “Sorry I always do that in my past… I don’t know why.” Azumi smiled sitting beside me looking up at the sky. “It’s alright I do that too back on my island.” “Island…? I see so you aren’t from here either.” 

“Yes I lived with friends and also I have dreams.” She had dreams as well? I wonder what kind of dreams… Azumi smiled thinking of her dreams she was in a dark world but she met people she never have met before. “I had a dream of being in a world with no sun but I met a strange person.” 

“Strange…?” “He had red hair and he used two weapons… I really thought it was real but woke up and was by the train station.” I gasped remembering that’s where I woke up at and I was on the train. “Then… did you go to that white tower?” Azumi was shocked I know about that white tower. 

“I went inside it but how do you know about it?” She asked staring into my eyes. I knew she was curious how I knew about it. I didn’t go inside but Roxas told me and he wasn’t how he is now. It’s like he lost his memories of that place and who he is. “I had the same dream as you but…I never went in the white tower.” 

Azumi gasped feeling that she and I may be having the same dreams. She wanted to know more. She wanted to ask me everything of my dreams so far. She feels I may be able to answer her questions or at least feel how she felt. She wanted to know more… Azumi smiled looking at me with her hair blowing in the wind, with the sun shining on her eyes. 

“What is your name?” I smiled back at her feeling my hair blow in front of my eyes. “My name is…” I moved my hand up to my face feeling the cool, summer breeze. “It’s Brittany.” 

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Bleach:The Dark Hole Chapter 4-Home

Toshiro moved his wings around me hearing Steven used his lighting. “Such a weak attack.” Toshiro had his wings around me and him. I felt he had me against his chest feeling it was cold. The lighting hit the ice breaking a few pieces off. I opened Toshiro’s shirt seeing a hole in his chest. I gasped feeling his chest there was a hole. “Brittany… I remember you, everything about you and our children.” “Then you should return home!” 

“I belong here…as you can see I am no longer like you.” “I am not a spirit Toshiro…I a—“ He covered my lips with his hand gently. “I know you are a human and a spirit like Ichigo. I also know you have powers of a soul reaper already inside you and that I was the one, who helped you learn to control it.” He said moving his hand away from my lips.

 I moved my hands up to his chest seeing this before. “A…hollow?” Toshiro moved his hands up to my face gently. He moved his right hand through my hair slowly. “I am a espada like everyone here I am not a hollow like Ichigo was.” I remember seeing he lost control once. 

It was a mask on his face and Toshiro didn’t have one he was in control. “I see you are a espada.” He felt disgusted with those words for some reason he hated it. He hated being here; he hated seeing my face in pain. Why? “Why do you look at me with pain in your eyes?” 

He moved my face up to his; we were in distance of kissing each other. “Why?” I knew he could see it… he could see I was in pain. “I never want to see you have a hole in your heart! I never… thought Aizen be so cruel. Even with Momo he had you kill her and you died as well…” Toshiro looked at me shocked in his eyes. “Momo?” “Yes she is your friend! 

The people out there are your friends… but you can’t remember because you lost your memories you are a empty soul!” I moved my arms around Toshiro not wanting to let him go. “I want you to remember! I want you to smile again you look so serious…it hurts me.” Toshiro leaned his head back feeling he was weak against me. “Please… don’t let me go.” 

My tears fell from my face feeling I had to use it. I have to protect Steven and Rangiku. “Forgive me.” I moved my lips having my tongue move inside his lips slowly. Toshiro was shocked feeling his body freeze his ice on his back was falling apart. He felt weak against my body his bankai wasn’t working. “W-What…have you done?” Steven gasped seeing Toshiro bankai was disappearing. 

“Toshiro you will feel weak… I will save you.” “You can’t save me!” I moved his body on the ground feeling his energy was weak against the medicine I gave him. “I gave you something that makes your body go weak.” Toshiro bit his lip feeling he couldn’t move his hand to stop me. 

But why was his body so hot? He felt that this was making him excited and his lower body was reacting so much. “Brittany…you being on top of me is making me turned on by this.” He looked away his face turning red. Steven face turned dark red thinking about me doing this to him before. “Bri-chan… that is naughty!” Rangiku smiled looking at Steven. 

“Why are you so surprised? They are married after all.” Steven knew that but still…he knew that he had things he wanted to try with Momo but how many things have they tried? He thought of it grabbing his nose. “Steven you need to let go and not worry about it.” I have to distract him even though right now he is being naughty like he always does. 

I moved my lips up against his neck. Toshiro gasped feeling his arms are still numb he couldn’t move them. Damn! Just when I want to touch her too… He sighed letting my tongue move against his neck. I knew I had to heal his hole in his chest. But…can I do it? I moved my hands on his chest in front of his hole in his chest. Toshiro looked at me shocked. “What are you doing?” 

“I will save you even…if I die.” He gasped wanting to move his arms. “No Brittany…please stop!” Rangiku gasped feeling I created a ice shield around Toshiro and I. “No Brittany…” Steven tried to hit the shield with his sword. “Damn! Brittany don’t follow Toshiro! Aizen will just use you like he did with Toshiro. Do you really want that?” 

I knew what they were saying and I say them to burn my body so Aizen could never use it. I used my energy to heal Toshiro’s chest. Toshiro gasped feeling the hole change and start to disappear. He winced in pain feeling it hurt since he had no heart. I felt my energy heal the hole in his heart bringing him back feeling I had little energy left to still move around. 

Toshiro felt his heart return while he had all his memories come at once. Toshiro gasped feeling all his memories came in his head while he closed his eyes. Rangiku looked at me seeing my energy was low. “Bri…chan.” Steven noticed my shield went down shattering like ice. “Brittany!” He ran over to me seeing Toshiro wasn’t like them. “You did it!”

 I nod my head feeling weak from using so much energy. Rangiku ran up to Steven. “We better leave before Aizen sends his espada to come get her.” “You are right.” Toshiro opened his eyes moving to sit up quickly. “Captain!” “Rangiku?” He noticed I was looking weak sensing my energy was low. He touched his chest feeling the hole was gone but he felt my energy was on him. 

Brittany…you did all this just to save me when I left you. He picked me up in his arms moving me against his chest. “Let’s move out!” Steven knew we had the real Toshiro back. “Yes sir!” Toshiro left to exit out with using the Haku gate. We left safely knowing Aizen couldn’t mess with the Haku gate once opened. “Seems they escaped.” 

“I didn’t know she had so much power… she is very strong and this I could use to make a better espada.” Aizen said with a grin on his face. Toshiro came out of the gate with Steven and Rangiku moving to his office he had me on the sofa. “Brittany!” He touched my face with his hand feeling my energy was low. 

Unohana appeared behind Toshiro seeing me on the sofa in a weak condition. “She needs to rest her energy is low.” “But what if it drops?” “Do not be silly Captain! She will recover.” Unohana said with a smile on her face. “I know how her energy works I been her doctor since she came here.” Toshiro knew she was right. “Thank you.” 

Unohana smiled seeing he was alive but she knew it was by me from my energy gave off a scent on him. “I see she saved you which is why her energy is low.” Rangiku took off her haori. “Captain I was only being Captain till you come back…this is all a dream.” “I am really here Rangiku.” He grabbed the haori looking at his clothes. Rangiku gave him some black robes. 

“Here you go.” Unohana left the room smiling at Steven while she walked by him. Steven knew she must have known Aizen was after Toshiro. But why? Why would he create him as a espada? He was lost and confused but…Momo is still dead. Aizen I will make you pay! I will make you die a painful death until then I won’t stop till Momo can see that you are dead.

 I will make sure you die by our hands…Momo please forgive me if I show you blood this time. Rangiku touched Steven shoulder. “We will make him pay I can promise you that.” She walked away from Steven while she smiled. Steven knew she was right he just had to patient.

 He wished he could see Momo just one last time… just once. He wondered how I felt seeing Toshiro there in Hueco Mundo. Did I freeze up? Or did I be able to talk? 

He has to ask me when I wake up and how I felt the day Toshiro died. But he knew after Toshiro is gone from that room he will ask why he died and left me all alone. I will not stop till I get answers and why you made her suffer Toshiro… 

Bleach:The Dark Hole Ch.3-Toshiro...is a Hollow?

Steven remembered seeing Momo every day of his life but since she died since Toshiro and Brittany left to go find her. He had a bad feeling Momo was gone already. “Captain Hitsugaya and Lieutenant Hinamori have been killed.” Steven eyes widen in shock hearing the news from one of the guards. “No, that can’t be!” Ukitake yelled worried about me he knew I be vulnerable to Aizen. 

“Where is Brittany?! Is she safe?” “She is not waking up but she is alright.” Ukitake knew this be hard for me to hear the news when I woke up. “Steven I know this is heart breaking… but it’s the truth.” Steven ran away to see Momo’s body. It can’t be true! He thought to himself. She was strong and even if hollows were by her she never let herself be taken down so easily. 

She had to see something or be lured by someone! He reached to see Toshiro and Momo both being in coffins to have a ceremony of their death. “Momo…and Toshiro you both died.” He ran past them looking for me. Rangiku grabbed Steven’s shoulder seeing he was out of breath. “Calm down Steven she is alive no wounds what so ever.” 

“But… both of them are dead! How, can Toshiro just leave Brittany like that?!” “He did it to protect her you wouldn’t understand… though I wonder myself why he left her like that.” Steven couldn’t get it… he never leave his friends to die. But if Momo was found why didn’t Toshiro bring her back? He couldn’t think of any other option then leaving me behind? 

He punched the wall being so angry he wished he could knock some sense into Toshiro. “Steven… do you want to see Brittany?” He looked at her shocked. “She not dead?” “No she is alive and resting but you can still go visit.” Steven had to see me even if I was resting. He ran in squad 4 barracks seeing I was resting on the bed with guards watching over me. 

“Excuse me.” He said walking up to my bed. He noticed I was pale but Unohana was feeding me liquid food through a small hose into my mouth. “Hello Steven Sato.” She said calling out his name. “How is she?” “She is alright just resting but I do believe she has a coma.” “W-What?!” “She was struck hard with seeing both her friends die in front of her… how would you feel?” 

Steven eyes were shocked seeing my body lie there. “I should have gone! I should have at least gone with to help.” Unohana touched his shoulder feeling he was shaking. “Do not blame Captain Hitsugaya for this. I am sure she never blame him but I know this must be hard for you.” “Why won’t you blame him? He is the one who let Hinamori die…”

 He looked at me knowing I never blame Toshiro. “She says the same I am sure… I can’t believe you guys forgive him.” Steven left out of the room in anger. He had to find a reason why but asking a dead body won’t help. It leaves him alone he couldn’t ask me since I am in a coma. “Brittany…please wake up or I don’t know what I do.” 

He knew I be out for a while but he did meet someone to help him. He met Alice my daughter. “Why do you look so sad mister?” “You’re Alice Hitsugaya am I right?” “Yes Mister Sato I am Alice Hitsugaya.” He saw me inside her knowing I look like her since it is my first child. “I heard about your Father I am terribly sorry.” “I am too Daddy was the best soul reaper and now he is dead.” 

Steven felt like tears should fall from her eyes but she seems too calm. “Why do you not cry?” “I did cry… but I want to be strong for my Daddy.” He gasped seeing courage in her eyes. “I want to be strong for Mommy who is now asleep waiting for someone.” Steven felt like he was calm after all that happened he knew he couldn’t blame Toshiro for his lost. 

They were going to have a child Momo and him. He knew that it wasn’t his fault just that someone had got to Momo. He will train to battle him at that cost! I noticed sand all around seeing the moon in the dark sky. “Hueco Mundo…seems so lonely and quiet.” “Welcome to my land and where you can find all the answers.” “W-What do you mean?!” 

“Look behind you.” I turned around slowly seeing someone familiar. My eyes widen in shock seeing silver hair but his clothing was different. He stood there emotionless like he had no feeling at all. “Toshiro…kun.” “He been waiting for a long time to see you.” I walked over to Toshiro slowly feeling the sand touch my feet it felt soft. 

Toshiro didn’t move his body he stood there like he had been there for the longest time. I hugged Toshiro gently moving my arms around him. Aizen smiled watching me on a screen in front of him. “So touching it is… but you have plans for him don’t you?” Gin asked with a smile on his face. “I do. Sadly to say this reminds me of my little Momo.” 

Toshiro looked at me feeling something soft and warm. He moved his arms around me moving them at a fast speed. I couldn’t even see them if he wanted to he could kill me. Maybe if I died I could die in his arms… Toshiro-kun will you kill me now for not saving you? 

Aizen knew he could just harm me enough so I would be in their control against the soul society or even change me to be like him a espada. “Now Toshiro.” He said softly watching me. Toshiro moved his hand in my stomach. I coughed out blood feeling he stabbed me in the stomach. “T-Toshiro…” He pulled his hand out moving his foot at my stomach. I touched my stomach healing it instantly while I ran away forgetting my zanpakuto. 

“Oh no!” Gin watched seeing I forgot my zanpakuto. Toshiro moved his hand near my neck feeling he grabbed my shirt. “That was foolish…to forget your zanpakuto.” He felt I was someone in his memories but he didn’t know why he wanted to keep me close. I struggled against his grip he could kill me if he wanted to. So why do I run? 

It isn’t Toshiro… he never try to grab my shirt unless he wanted to hug me. But this one wants to kill me his own wife. I had my hand in front of my face showing an ice, made ring. Toshiro gasped feeling a memory come to him of giving me that ring. His eyes widen in shock feeling he wanted to just grab me around his arm and take me away. But he has to kill me no matter what. 

“Bankai.” He said letting me go having his sword out pointing it in front of me. His ice wings were on his back with his ice, feet and ice in front of his hand with his left hand having a dragon holding onto the sword. His tail was ice as well like a dragon tail. I was shocked seeing his bankai I always loved watching him use it. We would always go in the skies and fly around but… I have to get serious. 

I have to! I can still fight even without Kori No Hana. He noticed I was getting serious with my energy around me. “This energy…” He remembered feeling it go out of control but this one was in control but he remembers the energy it was cold like his, but it was like he was in the snow lying beside me. “Britt…any.” He grabbed his head with his other hand feeling I came into his mind.

 I noticed Toshiro was in pain and shocked that he was hurting. I ran to him moving my arms around him feeling his ice wings. “Toshi-kun, don’t fight! Please remember my voice… I met you in the past with Momo.” He gasped feeling his chest had a hole in it but he felt his heart if he had one would be beating so fast now. He felt my chest was warm moving his face against my chest. 

It’s warm! It…is warm. Aizen smiled knowing I change him if I stayed too long. “Seems, like it failed he can’t fight her unless it is someone else.” Gin said looking at the screen with a grin on his face. Aizen knew it was impossible with me being deep inside his memory even if he erased it. “I sense that someone has come to rescue her.” “I think they were foolish to come.” 

“Toshiro… that tickles.” He didn’t care knowing it was me but part of his memory only was seen when he saw me. Steven had left with Rangiku ready to come save me. “Brittany we are coming!” Steven said running with Rangiku on the sand in Hueco Mundo. Brittany, why did you go? Aizen would never want to save Toshiro for you… so why? Rangiku asked worried that I be killed. Brittany please be alive! 

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Bleach:Hana Kaori Chapter 2-Ai Hana

Toshiro moved in between my legs moving his tongue against my pussy slowly, having his hand move up my stomach slowly. “T-Toshiro…” I moaned softly feeling his tongue was going inside my pussy feeling I was wet already. “You are wet…” He moved his penis inside of my pussy slowly. I moved my arms around his back feeling it was tight against his penis. 

Toshiro felt how tight I was while he moved in slowly. “Brittany…you’re also tight.” He moved slowly feeling he reached deep inside me. “Brittany do you want me to do it inside… or outside?” I smiled looking at Toshiro pointing to my pussy. “Can’t you say it instead of pointing?” He smiled looking at me. “Then you better enjoy it all.”

 I gasped feeling Toshiro’s cum go inside my pussy. “Its…warm.” Toshiro moved out of inside my pussy feeling the scent wasn’t gone yet. He could keep going but that make me get pregnant. I sat up slowly moving Toshiro on the bed gently. “Brittany…wait if I keep going you will be pregnant.” “It’s okay.” Moves my head down to his penis, having my tongue lick against it slowly. 

He grabbed onto the bed feeling his body got weak when I did that. I moved my tongue a little faster feeling his penis got hard from my tongue. “Your body is acting up again Toshiro.” He smiled moving his hands on my face. “Can you get on me?” I moved on his penis slowly feeling it was tight against my pussy again. “It… feels good.” Toshiro moved his hands on my waist feeling it was easier this time to have sex with me. “Yes it feels so good Brittany.” 

I moved on his penis feeling his cum was inside me. I forgot how long or how many times he went inside me but it was very late when I woke up hearing my phone alarm ring. I rubbed my eyes sitting up seeing today would be Saturday. “Good its Saturday… Brittany or we be late.” Toshiro lay under the blankets not remembering what happened. “And we didn’t eat either…” 

Toshiro knew I may be pregnant now thanks to that scent. “Where you get those scent sticks from?” “Well Mr. Urahara gave me some and Ichigo too.” Toshiro sat up from the bed grabbing my hands. “We need to see him now!” “Yes… let’s go.” I moved new bra and underwear on to look through my clothes. “What should I wear?” 

Toshiro put on his boxers moving his jean pants on and a long, sleeve shirt. “Anything will look good on you.” I grabbed a blue dress putting it on with, white leg stockings with a small blue, ribbon at the top. Toshiro moved the skirt to the dress up a bit. I gasped looking back at him. “Toshiro you shouldn’t do that… we already had sex too many times.” 

He moved a scarf around my neck having a scarf around his neck with the same color. “I am just loving your body isn’t that what you do with mine?” He was right I did love him so much I love everything about him. “We should go.” I nod my head leaving with him to Urahara’s. I had the box of sticks in my hands while we got there. Urahara was lying on the ground. 

“Wake up!” Toshiro kicked him on his stomach. Urahara sat up looking around seeing Toshiro and I. “Explain about these right now!” I knew Toshiro was upset but did he really hate the whole thing? “So you two used it huh?” “I thought it wasn’t just a scent not that it make me…” His face turned red remembering he couldn’t even control himself. 

“That is because it only affects soul reapers and Toshiro you are one so you probably had urges like crazy.” Urahara looked at me knowing I would be pregnant now with the many times he had sex. “Did you…go inside her?” Toshiro face got even more red thinking about it. “Too many to count I lost track since we both must of fell asleep at the time.” 

I touched my stomach not sure if I was pregnant but if I was would I have twins? “Depending on how much you did go inside of her… she may have more than just one child.” Toshiro looked at me knowing my body can’t handle that many children at once. “Brittany I am sorry we both didn’t know this would happen…” “It’s okay I don’t mind really since it is with you.” 

Toshiro smiled grabbing onto my hand gently. “Just make sure she is safe with her if, she is pregnant the hollows will…” “I understand and I won’t let them hurt her.” Urahara knew this stuff be dangerous but he heard mostly the soul reapers here used it. “Everyone here had it even Ichigo but in his case he had two girls.” Toshiro looked annoyed thinking about it. 

“That guy is sick… having two girls.” “It would be if Rangiku was with you and Brittany so not very different.” “That would be even worst! She isn’t someone you want to have that stuff with. I would be in hell most likely…” Urahara laughed watching us both. “So you were lucky Ichigo knew after that he be in hell.” “Poor Jannie and… who else?” “Rukia.”

 Toshiro thought of Byakuya being angry while he grabbed his cup of tea. “That’s also Ichigo’s fear is Byakuya if he found out then Ichigo be in trouble.” I drank from the cup of tea feeling bad for Ichigo. “I also heard Momo had used the same stick with Steven.” Toshiro spit out his tea on Urahara’s face. “Toshiro you should fix that habit of spitting your tea.” Urahara wiped his face with a cloth slowly. “So… why did you make this stuff?” 

“You know soul reapers don’t have this kind of sexual thing… since humans have other things I thought we should have something.” Toshiro knew we didn’t need such a thing us soul reapers aren’t like that. “This would have been better if you just gave it to women.” Urahara knew that be a good idea for woman to have when they need sexual desires. 

“That’s a great idea! I just had to test it out…” “You could have found a volunteer!” “That’s right I could have!” He moved his fan in front of his lips while he laughed. “But how you get Brittany to get them? I bet you said she smell nice!” “Her kind is different from any of the others… I made hers smell so it would be good when she uses it with you.” 

“W-What do you mean?” Urahara smiled. “I added watermelon scent in there and also I added the same effect just I made it so she smell or look delicious to you Captain.” Toshiro gasped remembering that I looked good even with my clothes on. “So it did work!” Toshiro hit Urahara on the head. “You know I could have had her for food if you’re not careful!” 

“I know you wouldn’t just eat her up Toshiro… I meant sexual wise.” Toshiro knew that’s what he meant but still if he couldn’t control himself then he could of have thought she was food. “Toshiro you didn’t think that you were thinking of eating me the other way.” I said with my face turning red. “It felt…” Toshiro covered my mouth not wanting me to say that here. 

“Anyway I do think you should be careful who you give it too Rangiku is one that shouldn’t be trusted with it.” “She seems to use it with Chris just fine.” “For once she didn’t use it on other men.” “No she seems to only want to be with Chris she asked me personally to make something that could please her.” Toshiro got up moving his hands in his pockets in his pants. 

“Well I wanted to ask you about it and now I know what they do.” “So don’t be doing it way too often.” Toshiro glared at Urahara moving his hand out to me. “Let’s go back home.” “Yes Toshiro.” I moved my hand up to his gently. We left soon after to go back home thinking about what Urahara had said. I heard a familiar voice in my house. 

“Bri-chan!” Momo moved her arms behind me moving a brown stick near my nose. Toshiro froze it turning it to ice. “Momo don’t even light that!” Momo smiled seeing it was frozen now. “Aw you spoil my fun! Seems you guys already tried it.” Toshiro sighed knowing he couldn’t say no or lie. Steven sat on the sofa with a cup of tea. “Why are you guys here anyway?” 

Toshiro asked sounding annoyed. “We wanted to see if you guys have used it.” Momo said moving over to Steven. “We did but… I never knew it do that to me.” Steven smiled standing up with Momo. “We should let them be.” “You are right… and Brittany be careful.” She left with Steven while she laughed. “What does she mean by that?” 

“Does she mean when I get pregnant?” Toshiro sat down on the sofa being exhausted already after seeing Urahara and then meeting Momo here. “I hope she means that if not…than she better have not set any of those sticks in the house.” I gasped running around the house to search for them anywhere. But I didn’t find any but I handed Toshiro a condom. 

He threw it at the wall with his hand reaching out in front of him. “We should have food then maybe later we can have a bath.” Toshiro knew we could relax since it is the weekend. “Alright let’s do that.” I smiled moving in the kitchen since last time we did that stick with the scent but it wasn’t good for us both. 

I made us some food while Toshiro waited. It was a nice dinner but I feared that the school might investigate the stick scents. We will have to wait and see… After this weekend was over we both heard our phones go off with our alarms. Toshiro sat up looking at his phone knowing it was time to get up. He saw I was sucking on my finger while he laughed. 

“Brittany it’s time to get up.” He said pulling my finger out of my mouth. I moaned softly trying to move my finger back in my mouth. “Give me five more minutes…” Toshiro smiled moving to take off his clothes slowly. He put on his school uniform feeling he was too tired to go to school. But since I had to go he had to also. “I wonder if they heard about that stick scent…” 

I sat up quickly grabbing my phone. “Oh no I am late!” “I told you to get up.” He sighed throwing me my school uniform leaving out of the room to make some toast. I felt I should wear my new underwear I had but I never tried it on since I knew that I was going to do the scent he love me even more. I took off my underwear moving watermelon underwear with small, ruffles at the top with a pink bow. 

My bra had the same watermelon design but with a red ribbon at the top. “Are you ready yet?” I quickly put on my school uniform not wanting him to see what underwear or bra I was wearing. “I’m coming!” I grabbed our bags running down the stairs to the kitchen. Toshiro smiled handing me my piece of toast. “Ready to go?” I nod my head leaving the house with Toshiro locking the door and moving the key in my bag. 

We left in a hurry to reach the school in time. Momo and Steven had just arrived. “You two should really go to bed early.” “We did!” Toshiro yelled grabbing my hand to walk past them. “Seems like he is in a grumpy mood again.” Momo said softly leaving to her class with Steven. I sat in the classroom with Toshiro seeing Azumi was next to Ren in front of our desk. “Good morning Azumi-chan!” “Good morning, Brittany-chan and good morning Toshiro-kun.”

 “I told you to stop calling me that with the kun thing.” Azumi smiled looking at me. “So how was trying the scent stick?” Toshiro looked at Azumi annoyed knowing she tell everyone. “None of your business.” “What?” Ren pat her on the back gently. “We should try it tonight.” “You’re right I really want to see how it felt.” Azumi blushed a lot taking out her phone to text me. 

“How did it feel?” I read her text seeing Toshiro looked at my phone. My face turned dark red reading it. I replied saying it was good but I lost count how many times Toshiro had gone inside me. Azumi blushed a lot feeling her face was red. “Alright class let’s begin.” He took out the box of scent sticks moving to take one out with a lighter. 

I grabbed Toshiro’s hand moving to run out of the classroom. Toshiro gasped running with me not wanting to lose himself in front of class. Azumi blinked her eyes seeing we had left out of the room. The teacher smiled knowing we had to know about it to leave out of the room. “Seems like they already used it but it just scent nothing can happen.” 

We reached the top of the school up on the roof out of breath. “I knew this would happen!” Toshiro grabbed the fence feeling his body didn’t change so he didn’t smell any in the hallway. “Toshiro… I feel funny.” Toshiro looked at me seeing I covered my mouth.

 “Brittany…?” I fell forward feeling my head had a high fever and I felt very sick. Toshiro caught me in his arms moving on the ground gently. “Brittany…” He looked down at me being worried. I hope there isn’t a scent for those humans if so… then we got trouble! Toshiro thought to himself holding me close. He hope I just had a fever if not he have to take me home and he can’t let me lose control to it either. Brittany hang on! 

Friday, February 24, 2012

Bleach:The Dark Hole Chapter 2-Momo is missing?

I walked with Toshiro down the hall to squad one for a Captain’s meeting while I held onto Shiro in my arms. We arrived just to see all the other Captains coming inside the meeting. “Everyone here?” “We are all here sir.” Ukitake said staring at me. Shiro was asleep while he moved a little in my arms. Toshiro had me stand on the other side away from Mayuri. 

“So is that your second child? How many more before you are satisfied?” He asked pointing his finger at Toshiro. “None of your business.” “Why…you little!” Kyoraku laughed softly seeing me with Toshiro. “I am happy for them both.” Soifon face turned red thinking about it and she sighed. “Enough!” She yelled seeing Mayuri stopped talking. 

“Now we have urgent report of hollows in the area where I sent squad five lieutenant Momo Hinamori to the world of the living… but it’s has been a whole month and she hasn’t reported back.” Yamamoto said looking at all the captains. “Where is your lieutenant Ukitake?” “He said he couldn’t come due to his lack of sleep and work.” “I see…so he has been worried about her.” 

Toshiro looked at me knowing something has gone wrong. Momo never leave us in the dark… she let us know. “Toshiro… should we?” Toshiro nod his head walking out of the line with me. “We like to request to search for Momo Hinamori sir.” I nod my head holding onto Shiro in my arms. Yamamoto looked at us both while he knew we ask him of this. “I accept your request I want Captain Hitsugaya to go with you Brittany Haku. And take care do not go if it is too dangerous.” 

“Yes sir!” Toshiro and I both said while we bowed our heads to him. “Captain meeting dismissed!” I took Shiro to Unohana telling her to take care of him for a while. “Alright I will need some of your milk before you go.” “Yes ma’am.” I let her take out some of my milk for Shiro when he wakes up.  Unohana knew this feeling it felt like we were too late but she hoped for the best. 

“Be careful and do not let your guard down.” “I won’t Captain Unohana.” I said leaving Shiro behind I told Alice to stay with Rangiku. She was staying with Chris for the time being. We opened up the gates to run down the dark hall to the world of the living. “Brittany stay on your guard!” “Yes!” We came out of the gate landing on the ground. 

Toshiro helped me stand up while he didn’t sense anything unusual. Toshiro looked around thinking of searching but we have to split up. “Brittany… w—“ “Toshiro we should go shopping!” “Hey we are on a mission.” He said moving his hand on my head. “Ow…” “We don’t have to—“I tackled Toshiro seeing a cero shot from behind him to see it came from the direction behind us. Toshiro looked around trying to find out who that was. “Momo-chan!”

 I ran up to her seeing she had her back turned to me. “Momo…chan we came to save you.” She turned around slowly with her eyes looking black inside with golden as her eye color. “M-Momo…chan?” Momo her lips went into a smile grabbing at my neck. Toshiro gasped seeing it was Momo but she looked more like a hollow almost like an arrancars. 

He moved using a spell on Momo to have her arms go behind her. She growled in pain feeling the spell was against her will. I fell on the ground shocked at what Momo has become. Momo broke the spell to growl at us both. I gasped seeing Toshiro was shaking with fear on his face. “I-It… can’t be!” I was shocked seeing Momo wasn’t herself she was… 

“Brittany she is no longer the Momo we know and love… I have to do something.” “Toshiro you can’t kill her!” He knew this be a stupid idea but he had to try saving me was the one thing he was here for. “I am going to stop her!” My fear was that he kill her but he said he wouldn’t so… Toshiro moved at Momo with his sword. “Toshiro…”

 I noticed a large ice being formed near her. Momo gasped in shock feeling he stabbed her in the stomach. “Momo…I will take you with me and I know you will be happy.” “Shiro…chan.” She felt the ice shatter feeling she had her sword in Toshiro as well. “Thank you…Shiro-chan.” She fell with Toshiro under the ice. I gasped seeing my hands were shaking seeing both of them with blood next to them. I fell on the ground afraid to move from this spot. 

Toshiro…Momo…they both! “Brittany wake up!” Rangiku shook me gently feeling I was unconscious. “They both are dead lieutenant.” Rangiku gasped staring at me with her eyes being worried. “No…Captain why did you do this?” They later took their bodies to bury them in Soul Society in squad 10 and squad 5 graveyards. 

But I was still not waking up and I was laying on the bed in squad 4 barracks. “Brittany still hasn’t woken up from all of this…” “Seems like it was hard on her.” Rangiku sighed looking at me lay on the bed. “Captain…and Momo both are gone with Brittany out like this Alice and Shiro are worried.” Steven watched me lie on the bed with tears in his eyes. 

“Momo… and Toshiro you both left. But what can we do now?”  Ten years have passed since then and it was quiet with Shiro being old enough he was the youngest age to start the academy. Alice passed her academy and was now in a squad. She watched me a lot hoping I wake up to see how far she has become. 

Even Shiro wished I wake up just once to see us. I opened my eyes slowly hearing Alice and Shiro both yell. “Mommy!” “Shiro… and Alice.” They both cried on my robes feeling I was alive. I smiled at them remembering that Toshiro was dead along with Momo. I started to cry moving my hands up to my face. “Mommy…” 

Alice knew I remember that Toshiro their dad is now gone. Shiro grabbed my hands moving up to my ear. “Mommy I will protect you now.” I moved my hands away seeing Shiro wasn’t a little child anymore. “Shiro…you are in the academy?” Alice smiled wearing black robes with her hair in twin tails. “I also joined with Mommy’s squad so when you woke up you would be proud of us. I want to protect you as well Mommy!” 

She grabbed my hand with Shiro looking at me with determined eyes. Shiro had gone to go tell the Captain I had woke up. “My, my surrounded by them must be hard and with your husband gone…we are surprised you are well.” “I remember…I been gone for a long time or I was dreaming.” “Yes for ten years you were out but Steven also learned to overcome his lost. 

He even is Captain for squad 5.” “The captain for our squad…” “Is Rangiku Matsumoto… she also is high enough to use her bankai.” Rangiku has trained so hard since I was away… “But now that you are alright you seem to be in a good condition.” She told me moving her hand on my forehead. Toshiro… why did you have to go? I do wonder if Steven could overcome the pain of losing Momo. 

But I feel that Toshiro or that he must be alive… though I know in my heart he is gone. Unohana let me go taking me back to squad 10’s office. Alice and Shiro helped me by holding each of my hands. “Captain she woke up!” Rangiku sat in the seat where Toshiro always sat in. I gasped remembering coming back from turning in my work. “Welcome back Brittany.” He said with a smile on his face. I started to cry feeling the pain in my chest would never go away. 

Rangiku knew it was painful to have Toshiro be gone. “No more crying you should at least visit his grave.” “His tomb…?” “Yes where he was buried.” I changed out of my robes into a long, sleeve blue shirt with a long, dark blue, skirt under to my knees with ruffles under the skirt. I wore black, leg stockings under it and wore no shoes.  I nod my head leaving them to go see where Toshiro was. I saw his name on the tomb and flowers was around. 

Alice had her name in ice on the ground while Shiro’s had a dragon beside his name. “Toshiro I am awake now…you do not have to worry you can rest in peace. I should too live in peace and move on.” I said softly knowing that once Toshiro dies I have to find someone else or just protect our two children. I prayed for him to come out and say I never was dead only it was an act. 

But I felt his energy die out so he had to die… “Toshiro please… if you are alive please come back.” I prayed but nothing can bring him back. Toshiro is gone forever and I can’t bring him back. “Are you sure?” A voice said near me to be someone familiar. “I know how to bring him back… your precious captain.” 

I saw it was Aizen he had opened the gate to Hueco Mundo. I gasped knowing it had to be a trap. But… if it’s true than Toshiro can come back! I ran in the gate without thinking hearing it close behind me I ran until I saw sand all around and the sun was nowhere in the sky. 

“Welcome Brittany to my land.” I knew it was a trap he was luring me here… but I have to ask him what he meant about bring Toshiro back. I have to! Sorry everyone I know coming here won’t solve anything but I have to find out. I have to! 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Bleach:Hana Kaori Chapter1-Hana Kaori

“Toshiro I got some pocky you want to share?” I asked Toshiro running up to the roof of the school from the stairway. Toshiro turned to look at me wearing the boy school uniform. “Sure.” He said smiling at me. I ran over to him handing him a piece of pocky. It was chocolate while I had strawberry flavor. “Seems you like strawberry more than chocolate.” 

“It so sweet flavor pocky I love it a lot!” Toshiro had his pocky in his mouth. “Not as sweet as you are.” My face turned red on my cheeks hearing him say I was sweet. “I also found something for tonight as well it has a nice scent!” “I see. I will be looking forward to this scent.” We left off the roof to go to the rest of the classes though Toshiro wasn’t a human like me. 

He was a soul reaper. I met him long before when he saved me from a hollow who wanted to eat my soul. I learned later that he was the one I met in my past and we loved each other ever since. Rangiku was his lieutenant. She was very sweet but can tease Toshiro. “Hey captain have you heard of this?” She showed him a stick. “What is that?” 

“It’s very amazing… I had it and Chris and I—“ Toshiro grabbed my hand leaving the room. “I want to go home already.” “To that scent?” Toshiro stopped looking at me. “Yes… let’s hurry up before Rangiku catches up to us.” I smiled walking with Toshiro out of the school feeling my heartbeat fast just thinking of the scent. It made my body hot and I heard of the rumors that a soul reaper it makes them go crazy.  

But Toshiro is strong soul reaper… he shouldn’t lose control over a scent right? We got to my house which was cool from the a/c being on and the ocean was close if we had to go in for a swim. “I will go get the scent.” Toshiro grabbed my arm moving me up against his body. “T-Toshiro?” He grabbed my chin with his finger gently moving his lips up against mine. 

I moved my hands around him, moving them up against his back. His lips taste like the pocky from earlier with my strawberry pocky. “Your lips taste sweet again…” “Toshiro…” He let me go moving his hand up against my face gently. “How about we eat first?” I nod my head slowly knowing we have all night for that scent. “What should we have for tonight?” 

Toshiro pointed to me with his index finger. “T-Toshiro… maybe that scent already came to your head.” He smiled looking at me with his eyes watching me. “I can’t help it you just taste too good.” I smiled knowing I felt the same about him and kissing him made me very happy. 

I walked in the kitchen thinking mac n cheese with mashed potatoes will work. Toshiro sat on the sofa taking off his shoes moving them on the floor. “Such a long day…” He wondered what the scent smell like. Maybe it be sweet how I smell after my shower… he thought about it some more feeling his body got hot. No, no! I have to stop or I will have her see my body reacts.

 I came out of the kitchen letting the food cook moving next to Toshiro. Toshiro jumped seeing me next to him wearing the pink, apron. “You shouldn’t wear that near me.” “Why?” “I may want to snuggle with you… and maybe make out.” “But I love when you snuggle.” “And…the make out part too?” I nod my head laying my head on his lap. 

Toshiro moved his hand on my head gently. “Toshiro I’m excited for tonight.” He was too though he wasn’t sure he could wait any longer. “That scent… can you get it now?” “Oh of course!” I got up leaving to run to my room. He smiled waiting for the scent he knew it smell sweet and being with me it be romantic. I grabbed the stick seeing I had to light it so the scent will go in the room. 

“I hope he likes the scent.” I walked back to Toshiro lighting the stick while I moved it in a vase. Toshiro smelled it feeling the scent was doing something to his body. What is this? He gasped grabbing his shirt. “Toshiro what’s wrong?!” I ran over to him touching his face gently. “Brittany… what is that stuff?” He grabbed his pants feeling his body react. 

“I want to…” I gasped moving to lay him on the sofa. “I will get you some water.” Toshiro grabbed my waist pulling me back to lie on top of him. “Please stay here.” He moved his tongue up against my neck slowly. “T-Toshiro… but the food.” He forgot about the food moving to let my waist go. “I will be right back to shut the stove off.”

 I ran to the kitchen turning the stove off. It didn’t work… Toshiro is he is… I ran back to Toshiro moving to the couch slowly. Toshiro got up feeling his mind was going blank. “Brittany… I can’t hold back.” I knew this would happen since it was for soul reapers but. I moved helping Toshiro up to walk with him to my room. 

I moved him on the bed slowly feeling the scent did make my body get warm but not like how he is. Toshiro looked at me seeing I looked beautiful standing there. “Brittany…maybe there is a cure.” I took my clothes off walking over to him. He gasped seeing I was naked while he wanted to kiss me. His mind wasn’t his own anymore he just couldn’t stop. 

“It’s okay Toshiro I am fine with it.” Toshiro smiled knowing that it’s fine for us to do this but he won’t be himself or won’t know how many times it will last. 

“Then enjoy it Brittany.” I smiled moving to lay down next to Toshiro wanting to enjoy it with him. “I will.” I can enjoy it because It would be Toshiro pleasuring me and I won’t worry. Toshiro… I wonder how long it will last. Toshiro moved his hands on his pants taking them off with his boxers. I was ready for him even if it was painful… Toshiro I hope no one else has this stuff.