Sunday, February 19, 2012

Bleach:Spirit World Chapter 1-Shinuyasha

It was summer when a friend of mine I lost… but I knew going in the Soul Society wouldn’t be the best idea but only way to save her. Rukia Kuchiki was my best friend and with Ichigo and the others we truly were happy. But we decided we wanted to do this and we will bring her back! “Ryoka where are they?!” I woke up hearing voices of calling that word “Ryoka.” 

What is a Ryoka? I asked myself feeling my clothes got ripped from the landing and I sat up slowly seeing I was in something warm. It was very hot water that you find in hot tubs or hot springs. I looked around hearing squad members run around where I was at. I lay down on the ground feeling someone grabbed my shirt. “Hey! What are you doing…” The boy stopped seeing me. 

“Where are your robes?” He was wearing a white haori with the number ten on the back with black, robes that Ichigo wears. He is a Captain… “If you are from my squad you shouldn’t be wearing these… clothes. Rangiku set you up to it didn’t she?” He asked softly moving me in his arm. I gasped feeling he had his arm around my waist and moved me on the side of him. “I guess you never even went to the academy right?” I didn’t know what to say since I am a Ryoka. 

“I…I.” He looked at me seeing I looked scared. “I see.” He moved in his office sitting me on his desk. “Wait here.” He left in a instant leaving me in his office. I looked around to hear his voice again. He handed me some robes. “Wear those for now and I will find out what happened.” “Intruders Captain near our rounds.” “Tell Rangiku to search the area.” 

B-But… I am one of them! I wanted to say but after he did this for me. But how can I explain? I don’t remember how I got there… I was with Ichigo and the others and now to be dressed like them. I couldn’t turn away someone’s kindness. The guy looked at me seeing my clothes were ripped. “Captain I must say I didn’t think you force a girl to…” “Idiot… I found her this way.” He turned his back from me glaring at the guy. “I will go tell Rangiku.” 

He left closing the door. “You can change I will not look.” I smiled at the boy who I now should thank for giving me robes but… what should I do? If I am not in their computer system, I be thrown in the cell and useless to everyone. “What’s wrong?” “I never tried one of these on.” Toshiro gasped looking back at me. “This is my first time…can you help me?” 

Toshiro turned slowly moving his hands on my bow that was tied on my shirt. He blushed a lot feeling my skin is very soft.  He had me stand on my feet taking off my skirt and my underwear next with his hands grabbing the robes. “What about my bra…and?” I pointed to my underwear. “You can wear those!” He put on the white robes first tying a bow in the front keeping the robes in place. 

“Oh Captain I don’t have a…sword.” He gasped knowing every Soul Reaper has a zanpakuto. Did I just come from the academy and he gave me robes? “Where is your zanpakuto?” I gasped forgetting they all have them and if I say that I am a Ryoka he throw me in the dungeon. May as well just say it… “I… um… well you see.” Toshiro put on the black robes moving to tie a bigger white bow in the front. “I am sure you just left it in your room. 

Next time bring it unless you just started at the academy I would need to get you different robes.” “I… can’t remember.” “By the way my name is Toshiro Hitsugaya and since you’re not in my squad yet. I will tell you that you can call me Toshiro and don’t worry I will have Captain Unohana check you out later.” She must be a doctor I hope she isn’t those crazy doctors I hear on the news. 

“D-Does she cut you open?” Toshiro noticed I was shaking thinking of being cut open. “No she is very sweet she will not do that.” He said with his lips in a smile watching me. “Oh! That’s good I was…oh! My name is Brittany Haku.” Toshiro gasped knowing that last name. I-It can’t be… Brittany?! He moved his arms around me hugging me tightly. 

I gasped feeling he moved so fast I couldn’t see him move. “I found you…Brittany.” He moved his face against my chest slowly moving me closer to his body. I was shocked that he hug me so close. Found me…? What does he mean? I saw a vision of sitting next to a boy with watermelon and I was smiling. 

The vision was bright but then I saw my parents take me away from Toshiro seeing he was crying. “Toshiro…?” I reached my hand out in front of me feeling I touched his face. He moved his hand up to his face. “Yes… I am here.” He laid his head against my chest moving his arms around me. I can only remember so little yet; I feel I know him such a long time. 

Why do I have these feelings? I never met him in the past have I? No! But… being close to him I have a feeling I have. Toshiro… that name brings back memories of our days when we were little, I remember the sweet taste of watermelon and the talks we had. It was hot in the summer with the sun like a hot, oven shining down on us. I remember… but where have I been? I know one thing for sure is that I remember him. But Rukia… what should I do? 

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