Sunday, February 26, 2012

Bleach:The Dark Hole a Hollow?

Steven remembered seeing Momo every day of his life but since she died since Toshiro and Brittany left to go find her. He had a bad feeling Momo was gone already. “Captain Hitsugaya and Lieutenant Hinamori have been killed.” Steven eyes widen in shock hearing the news from one of the guards. “No, that can’t be!” Ukitake yelled worried about me he knew I be vulnerable to Aizen. 

“Where is Brittany?! Is she safe?” “She is not waking up but she is alright.” Ukitake knew this be hard for me to hear the news when I woke up. “Steven I know this is heart breaking… but it’s the truth.” Steven ran away to see Momo’s body. It can’t be true! He thought to himself. She was strong and even if hollows were by her she never let herself be taken down so easily. 

She had to see something or be lured by someone! He reached to see Toshiro and Momo both being in coffins to have a ceremony of their death. “Momo…and Toshiro you both died.” He ran past them looking for me. Rangiku grabbed Steven’s shoulder seeing he was out of breath. “Calm down Steven she is alive no wounds what so ever.” 

“But… both of them are dead! How, can Toshiro just leave Brittany like that?!” “He did it to protect her you wouldn’t understand… though I wonder myself why he left her like that.” Steven couldn’t get it… he never leave his friends to die. But if Momo was found why didn’t Toshiro bring her back? He couldn’t think of any other option then leaving me behind? 

He punched the wall being so angry he wished he could knock some sense into Toshiro. “Steven… do you want to see Brittany?” He looked at her shocked. “She not dead?” “No she is alive and resting but you can still go visit.” Steven had to see me even if I was resting. He ran in squad 4 barracks seeing I was resting on the bed with guards watching over me. 

“Excuse me.” He said walking up to my bed. He noticed I was pale but Unohana was feeding me liquid food through a small hose into my mouth. “Hello Steven Sato.” She said calling out his name. “How is she?” “She is alright just resting but I do believe she has a coma.” “W-What?!” “She was struck hard with seeing both her friends die in front of her… how would you feel?” 

Steven eyes were shocked seeing my body lie there. “I should have gone! I should have at least gone with to help.” Unohana touched his shoulder feeling he was shaking. “Do not blame Captain Hitsugaya for this. I am sure she never blame him but I know this must be hard for you.” “Why won’t you blame him? He is the one who let Hinamori die…”

 He looked at me knowing I never blame Toshiro. “She says the same I am sure… I can’t believe you guys forgive him.” Steven left out of the room in anger. He had to find a reason why but asking a dead body won’t help. It leaves him alone he couldn’t ask me since I am in a coma. “Brittany…please wake up or I don’t know what I do.” 

He knew I be out for a while but he did meet someone to help him. He met Alice my daughter. “Why do you look so sad mister?” “You’re Alice Hitsugaya am I right?” “Yes Mister Sato I am Alice Hitsugaya.” He saw me inside her knowing I look like her since it is my first child. “I heard about your Father I am terribly sorry.” “I am too Daddy was the best soul reaper and now he is dead.” 

Steven felt like tears should fall from her eyes but she seems too calm. “Why do you not cry?” “I did cry… but I want to be strong for my Daddy.” He gasped seeing courage in her eyes. “I want to be strong for Mommy who is now asleep waiting for someone.” Steven felt like he was calm after all that happened he knew he couldn’t blame Toshiro for his lost. 

They were going to have a child Momo and him. He knew that it wasn’t his fault just that someone had got to Momo. He will train to battle him at that cost! I noticed sand all around seeing the moon in the dark sky. “Hueco Mundo…seems so lonely and quiet.” “Welcome to my land and where you can find all the answers.” “W-What do you mean?!” 

“Look behind you.” I turned around slowly seeing someone familiar. My eyes widen in shock seeing silver hair but his clothing was different. He stood there emotionless like he had no feeling at all. “Toshiro…kun.” “He been waiting for a long time to see you.” I walked over to Toshiro slowly feeling the sand touch my feet it felt soft. 

Toshiro didn’t move his body he stood there like he had been there for the longest time. I hugged Toshiro gently moving my arms around him. Aizen smiled watching me on a screen in front of him. “So touching it is… but you have plans for him don’t you?” Gin asked with a smile on his face. “I do. Sadly to say this reminds me of my little Momo.” 

Toshiro looked at me feeling something soft and warm. He moved his arms around me moving them at a fast speed. I couldn’t even see them if he wanted to he could kill me. Maybe if I died I could die in his arms… Toshiro-kun will you kill me now for not saving you? 

Aizen knew he could just harm me enough so I would be in their control against the soul society or even change me to be like him a espada. “Now Toshiro.” He said softly watching me. Toshiro moved his hand in my stomach. I coughed out blood feeling he stabbed me in the stomach. “T-Toshiro…” He pulled his hand out moving his foot at my stomach. I touched my stomach healing it instantly while I ran away forgetting my zanpakuto. 

“Oh no!” Gin watched seeing I forgot my zanpakuto. Toshiro moved his hand near my neck feeling he grabbed my shirt. “That was foolish…to forget your zanpakuto.” He felt I was someone in his memories but he didn’t know why he wanted to keep me close. I struggled against his grip he could kill me if he wanted to. So why do I run? 

It isn’t Toshiro… he never try to grab my shirt unless he wanted to hug me. But this one wants to kill me his own wife. I had my hand in front of my face showing an ice, made ring. Toshiro gasped feeling a memory come to him of giving me that ring. His eyes widen in shock feeling he wanted to just grab me around his arm and take me away. But he has to kill me no matter what. 

“Bankai.” He said letting me go having his sword out pointing it in front of me. His ice wings were on his back with his ice, feet and ice in front of his hand with his left hand having a dragon holding onto the sword. His tail was ice as well like a dragon tail. I was shocked seeing his bankai I always loved watching him use it. We would always go in the skies and fly around but… I have to get serious. 

I have to! I can still fight even without Kori No Hana. He noticed I was getting serious with my energy around me. “This energy…” He remembered feeling it go out of control but this one was in control but he remembers the energy it was cold like his, but it was like he was in the snow lying beside me. “Britt…any.” He grabbed his head with his other hand feeling I came into his mind.

 I noticed Toshiro was in pain and shocked that he was hurting. I ran to him moving my arms around him feeling his ice wings. “Toshi-kun, don’t fight! Please remember my voice… I met you in the past with Momo.” He gasped feeling his chest had a hole in it but he felt his heart if he had one would be beating so fast now. He felt my chest was warm moving his face against my chest. 

It’s warm! It…is warm. Aizen smiled knowing I change him if I stayed too long. “Seems, like it failed he can’t fight her unless it is someone else.” Gin said looking at the screen with a grin on his face. Aizen knew it was impossible with me being deep inside his memory even if he erased it. “I sense that someone has come to rescue her.” “I think they were foolish to come.” 

“Toshiro… that tickles.” He didn’t care knowing it was me but part of his memory only was seen when he saw me. Steven had left with Rangiku ready to come save me. “Brittany we are coming!” Steven said running with Rangiku on the sand in Hueco Mundo. Brittany, why did you go? Aizen would never want to save Toshiro for you… so why? Rangiku asked worried that I be killed. Brittany please be alive! 

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