Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Za Yasha Sekai:Chapter 1-The Demon World

It was two years after the battle with Aizen and I was a lot stronger and a bit older but not by much. I haven’t visited the world of the living since the last time I left with Rukia. Ichigo must be out of high school by now. Toshiro told me I could visit but I see Jannie since she can still see ghosts. 

“You can go visit Jannie today.” “Really?!” I asked sounding happy that I can have a vacation but it be without him. He had too many papers to do his whole desk was full and he got half of them done. Toshiro sighed moving his hand up to my face. “Just don’t get lost okay?” “Yes!” I said feeling his hand against my cheek. 

His hair changed he doesn’t have his bang hanging over his head and he wore a scarf like Byakuya did. He also was calmer and didn’t lose his temper except when Rangiku would upset him. “Watch over Rangiku okay Toshi?” He growled standing up moving to grab my hand. He moved his hand up to my robes and moved me up to his lips. My face turned red looking at Toshiro he was still the same. “Be careful I do sense something but it could be my imagination.” 

“Yes…” I opened the gate with my zanpakuto staring at Toshiro. He showed me his soul phone he had on his desk in case I needed help. I smiled moving in the gate leaving to go to the world of the living. Toshiro saw the gate closed while he reached for it with his hand. “I have to let her go by herself.” He said softly. Rangiku sat up from the sofa while she hiccupped.

 “So…you do miss her already captain!” “Shut up!” He hit her on the head. “Get back to work!” “Y-Yes…” She said softly rubbing her head. I ran through the gate to end up near Jannie’s house. “Jannie chan!” I ran up to her. Jannie had her hair up in two braids while she saw me. “B—Bri…chan?” She ran over to me with her arms around me. “You should of told me you were coming!” I smiled at her feeling bad since I just now heard of having vacation. 

“Actually…Toshiro just now gave me a week off to come here.” “A week?! But wouldn’t you miss him?” I took out my soul phone to send him a text. “I can still talk by text but I won’t do it often since he needs to finish up work.” I saw I had a message already by Toshiro. Jannie looked at it while she laughed. “He can’t even work without you there.” 

“I miss you already… =_= Rangiku driving me crazy but, please let me know when you get there.” My face turned red replying to Toshiro moving my fingers on the keys. “Toshiro-kun, I am here and do not worry I am at Jannie’s house. I do hope you be alright and if Rangiku causes too much trouble you can always call Chris.” I sent the message back to him while I smiled. “Let’s go tell Ichigo.” “Oh wait… he can’t see me so I have to change.” 

Jannie forgot that Ichigo lost his spiritual energy so she have to hide the fact that she fights the hollows. I touched my chest changing into my human form and wearing the last thing I had a yellow dress with ruffles under it, the bow was small in the back with white sleeves that were see through and I had white leg, stockings. Jannie face turned red seeing me change. “That always makes me get goose bumps that you don’t need a soul candy just to change.” 

“I do if I need my body or my soul to come out I need Maria.” “Maria?” “She my gigai and she is very shy.” Jannie tried to imagine me being even more shy. She laughed softly looking at me. “She is just like how you use to be!” “I guess you’re right since I was shy.” Jannie smiled grabbing my hand running to go find Ichigo. I saw the snow started to fall while I smiled at Jannie. I went to Ichigo house seeing his two sisters have grown up. “Hey Bri-chan.” 

“Bri…chan!” Yuzu ran up to me with her arms around me. Karin was happy to see I was well and my hair style changed. “How is the shorty?” I giggled softly thinking of him twitching hearing that word. “He is fine… but you shouldn’t call him that.” Karin laughed softly looking at me. “You’re right he be like… I am not short!” She tried to copy what he does.

 I heard my phone go off looking at the message seeing it was from Toshiro. Karin smiled grabbing my phone. “I bet it’s from him!” Jannie sighed looking at me. I gasped reaching for the phone. “Karin…chan wait!” She read the message with her face turning red. “He said he had candles waiting for you.” My face turned red also looking at her. “W—Well yes… when I return we do sit in his office with candles.” Jannie hit Karin on her head. “Dummy!” 

We all laughed while I grabbed my phone to answer Toshiro. I slept at Jannie’s house lying down in her bed next to her while I stared at my phone. Toshiro had said he had to do more paperwork and he talk to me tomorrow. But…I feel like I can’t sleep I hear a noise in the sky. I got up eating a soul candy to leave Maria by Jannie. I have to check it out! 

I left in the sky hearing the noise even more. It…sounds like hollows breaking in. I felt the wind was cold but thanks to the scarf it did protect my face a little. “Such strong power…but I sense that it isn’t a hollow.” The sky broke leading to a different world. A demon reached his hands out to me grabbing me from the sky. I gasped being pulled inside. 

Maria held onto my phone sensing I had been taken away. She sat up scared I was gone after I went in that world she could not sense me no more. Toshiro heard his cup break into pieces while he grabbed his work. “Jeez these cups keep breaking…I swear that Rangiku!” He heard his phone go off while he picked it up. “Jannie-chan…Jannie chan.” Maria shook her gently showing her the phone. “What?” “Call him Jannie-chan.” “Call who?” “Bri-chan…is gone.” 

Jannie sat up seeing that it was Maria inside my body now and she sensed I was gone. “B—Bri…chan.” She called his number while she was shaking. “Hello?” Toshiro answered the phone waiting for a reply. “Bri…chan?” He got up out of his chair moving to the window. “This is Jannie…I—I had to call you.” “Oh hello Jannie is Brittany okay?” Jannie started to cry feeling her tears fall from her face. “Brittany is….” He waited for an answer looking outside at the sky.

 “She is gone!” He gasped leaving out of the room to the front gate. He could not wait no longer… He had to leave. “Jannie wait I will be right there!” He said telling her in the phone to wait for the door to open. “Wait a moment Captain Hitsugaya.” He saw the head captain with a few other squads. “Head Captain…I am sorry but I am going after her!” 

“We realize that but I want you to send two squad members with you.” Rangiku ran up to Toshiro with Azumi, Momo and Steven. “We are going too!” “You…guys don’t have to come I just need to—“ “Shiro-chan, she is not the only person you belong to.” 

He looked at her annoyed. “That wasn’t my intention…” Steven touched Toshiro on his head. “Why we are coming along.” Rangiku hugged her captain up to her chest. “Captain we are coming!” He pushed her away moving in front of them. “Alright…but be careful.” He ran in the gate. They followed behind him wondering if I was okay. Bri…chan we are on the way! 

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