Thursday, February 9, 2012

Bleach:Spice of Life Chapter 1-Moving In

It was in the spring that I decided to join this college after high school I thought it be new and a fresh start. I didn’t expect that when I joined that I meet new friends and people who I never seen before. I got my things inside my room having a roommate but I didn’t see her name. I wonder who it be… hopefully they are nice. A girl came in the room with black hair to her neck with dark, blue eyes her body was skinny with a small chest. 

“Hey there.” “H—Hi!” I bowed my head to her being respectful. She laughed softly moving her hand on my shoulder. “Please… let’s be not too formal.” “She does have manners.” “Brother!” I looked at her brother he was taller but looked very noble like almost as though he is like from a fairy tale of him being a prince. “Brother this is not like that… I am Rukia Kuchiki.” 

She moved her hand out to me slowly. “Well, you should be much respected here being in our family.” “They do not do that here brother!” “Well anyway…she will be your roommate please give her any help she needs and, here is my number.” He gave me a paper with his number on it. “Thank you mister Kuchiki.” He smiled at me while he stared at Rukia. 

“Just call me Byakuya you have respectful attitude.” “Yes sir!” He left the room closing the door behind him. Rukia moved her suitcase on her side of the bed. “I am happy I have such a cute, shy girl.” I blushed deeply feeling honored hearing that from her. “T—Thank you.” “You’re so cute!” Rukia hugged me moving her arms around me. “I should show you my drawings.” “I love to see them!” Rukia pulled her drawings out to show me a white bunny.

 I gasped seeing they looked very cute and I wanted to see more. “They are so cute!” Rukia face turned red remembering Ichigo saying her drawings look bad. “I am happy you like them… a boy called them bad.” “What?! They are totally cute Rukia-chan.” Rukia blushed even more feeling she had someone who truly understood her drawings. “Thank you.” She moved her lips up to my forehead. “Let’s unpack and then later we got to join the dining table.” 

“Yes!” We finished unpacking our clothes putting them in our closet. I had a laptop moving it on the desk that we each had in the room. Rukia had her clothes in her closet with a sword. “You have a sword?” “O-Oh… don’t worry I don’t use it.” “I see.” We left our rooms locking the room so no one could come in and take our things. “Ready to go?” “Yes!” 

I left with her to the dining table while we saw a lot of students were at the table but we had our own seats next to each other. Rukia saw someone familiar to hide behind me. “Rukia-chan?” A guy came up in front of me with red hair he had it down and had tattoos on his body. “Hey Rukia.” Rukia growled hating that he is here too. “Go away Renji!” “How rude…” “Hello there.” I bowed my head to him. Renji looked at me seeing I looked very cute. He blushed feeling like a king. 

“No need to bow my name is Renji Abarai.” Rukia grabbed my hand walking to her seat with me. “Let’s go before he has a crush on you.” She sat down with me wearing a black, t-shirt and blue, jean shorts with black boots to the middle of her legs. “I didn’t ask for your name though…” “Oh! How rude of me Rukia-chan…” She smiled shaking her head. “It’s Brittany Haku.” Rukia smiled at me loving the name it sounded so beautiful. 

She was like the snow princess like herself they could get along just fine. I saw my seat next to me was empty thinking maybe this student won’t come. A boy walked down the hall moving his hand through his hair. He had silver hair, with turquoise eyes color with his black, long sleeve shirt with dark, blue jeans. “T-That boy is so cute.” He looked at the girls knowing he got that every time he comes here. He moved up to the chair next to me pulling it out slowly. 

“That girl is lucky sitting next to him.” Rukia looked at the boy feeling a cold aura in the air like he could kill you if you upset him. “Brittany don’t go near him alright?” I looked at Rukia surprised. “Rukia…” “He doesn’t seem like he want to talk anyway.” Toshiro looked at me seeing Rukia knowing everyone was afraid of him. He sighed crossing his arms against his chest. Some girls moved up to me touching my shoulder. “You should talk to him.” 

“Yeah let us know what he likes.” I jumped feeling pressured just by them asking me. “I…I” Toshiro got up from his chair looking at the girls. They backed up feeling scared. Rukia got up also looking at them. “Why don’t you just go back to your chair? We are not interested.” Rukia said in a cold voice. They ran away being scared. Toshiro looked at me moving his hand on my shoulder. “Are you okay?” I looked at Toshiro smiling at him happy they stopped him. 

“Yes thank you both of you.” I said softly feeling Rukia may trust him more now. Rukia smiled moving back in her seat. “Maybe he isn’t as cold as I thought.” All the girls were growling feeling that I was the enemy. Toshiro looked at them with his eyes seeing they looked away. “I’m glad… I don’t care about them so you don’t have to worry.” He moved his hand away from my shoulder. He said moving back in his seat. We got served food while Rukia was grabbing her own food on her plate. 

I didn’t know what to eat while Toshiro shared his food with me. Seems he wasn’t cold like Rukia said which was good because I needed more friends. We left to our rooms while Toshiro had walked with us to actually be across from our room. “I see so you’re across from us. Come over some time if you need anything!” Toshiro nod his head slowly smiling at us both. 

“Same to you both.” We went inside moving in the room closing the door. “That was fun!” “Yes… but I wonder why girls act that way.” “Oh they are just stuck up… I see it happen before with my brother.” “With mister Kuchiki?” “Yes but we should get changed into our night clothes and rest.” “That’s right!” I changed into my pajamas with teddy bear design on it. Rukia moved putting on a dress for night clothes. “Rukia you’re so pretty!” 

“Thank you.” She noticed my clothes design seeing a rabbits on my clothes. “I love yours as well! The rabbit is so cute.” “Thank you Rukia-chan.” “Now we can rest.” She turned off the light moving in her bed across from me. I moved on my bed under my blankets while I moved my phone next to my pillow. “Good night Brittany.” “Good night Rukia…chan.” 

She smiled closing her eyes falling asleep after a few minutes. I tried to sleep but couldn’t it just seem new here. I grabbed my phone moving out of my room walking to go upstairs to the top on the roof. I notice someone was already there. It was Toshiro who sat there he was wearing something different. He had only his boxers on and no shirt. I blushed seeing him sitting on the roof and staring up at the night sky. I used the ladder climbing on the roof while I moved to sit next to him. 

“You can’t sleep Toshiro?” He jumped seeing it was just me. “You scared me…” “Oh sorry!” He forgot that he was still up here. “I couldn’t sleep so I came up here.” “What? I did the same thing…but I didn’t think anyone else be up here.” He sat back down next to me glad that me being in just his boxers didn’t bother me. He wouldn’t mind me seeing but those other girls want to touch him and most guys would love that idea. He rather has friends who he could talk to. 

“I see that you don’t have many friends.” “Oh no I did back in high school but my friend had to go somewhere for school so I was left alone.”  Toshiro looked at me watching me with his eyes. They weren’t cold as before more like he was worried. “But don’t worry I met Rukia and you too, so I am very happy.” Toshiro blushed on his face a little looking down. “My name is Toshiro Hitsugaya… I am happy you’re not like the other girls.” 

“Oh no… I rather not. If I like a guy I rather get to know them first and then love later after all that would be good right?” Toshiro smiled watching me with a smile on his face. “Yes…I am happy you were next to me.” He lay down on his back feeling his eyes got tired. I lay next to Toshiro smiling at him. “My name is Brittany Haku it’s nice to meet you Toshiro-kun.” He blushed even more on his face feeling I had something the other girls didn’t. 

He must have found someone who actually cares about him and not just want his body. “I am happy to meet you as well Brittany.” We lay there watching the skies as the stars were shining in the dark sky. I felt very happy lying next to Toshiro that I even was able to fall asleep. Toshiro smiled watching me sleep while he didn’t want to leave. 

“Good night…Brittany-chan.” He moved his lips up to my forehead kissing it gently. I slept peacefully even being outside but I knew tomorrow be even crazy with the girls and classes. I hope I can get through it all… by myself. Can I do it Mother and Father? 

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