Friday, February 10, 2012

Bleach:Spice of Life Chapter 2-Classes

I felt something warm on my legs feeling it was something like… I sat up quickly feeling the sun was out and I grabbed my phone. “Seven already oh no I am going to be late!” Toshiro sat up rubbing his eyes seeing I was freaking out. “Brittany what’s wrong?” I notice he was next to me on the roof. “Toshiro…kun?” He didn’t leave? “It’s already seven we need to hurry.” 

Toshiro smiled moving close to my ear. “Classes don’t start till eight.” He got up slowly staring at the sky. “But you’re right we do need to get ready.” “Yes…” I got up with him feeling the wind blow on our hair. We left back to our rooms moving to grab our clothes. Rukia smiled wearing her black pants with her long, red sleeve shirt. “How was sleeping on the roof?” I gasped dropping my blue dress on the ground. “U—Uh…um… that wasn’t!” Rukia smiled knowing that Toshiro had his arms around me when she checked. “I believe that Toshiro likes you.” “W—What…?! 

That is possible Rukia we were just.” “He had his arms around you while he was sleeping others would find you two love each other.” My face turned red thinking why would he do that. Does Toshiro really love me? I moved to put on my blue dress with my leg stockings while I moved my ribbons in my hair putting my hair up in two braids. “You look very cute Bri-chan.” 

“I got a new nickname too.” Rukia smiled moving earrings in her ears. “Ready to go?” She asked moving to carry her binder with a pencil inside. I grabbed my laptop in a bag while I had paper in there. We left to our classes Rukia had art while I had a different class. We said for lunch we meet back in our room. I had web design to see Toshiro was in the class. 

“T—Toshiro?” Toshiro saw me while he smiled. T—That smile! I grabbed my shirt feeling it was like my heart reacted every time he smiled at me. I walked over to the seat next to him. “Can I sit here?” Toshiro nod his head wearing a long, brown sleeve shirt with a white collar at the top he had black pants on with black socks. “Do you wear shoes?” I moved in the chair next to him. “I don’t see you wearing shoes either.” I saw my leg stocking is all I had on. 

“Oh no! I forgot…” Toshiro smiled hearing the first class started. “Don’t worry about it.” We started to learn about Web Design but it seemed like I couldn’t concentrate on class. Toshiro moved a note in front of me. “Are you okay?” I read the note feeling my face turned red to pull out my phone. Toshiro saw I had a phone while he wrote down his number to give it to me. 

I grabbed it looking at the number seeing he whispered. “To text.” I smiled at him adding his number in my contacts while I wrote down my number. He added my number while he smiled. The teacher walked up to the front row talking about the web design and what we would be learning. “My name is Jyushiro Ukitake and I will be your teacher for this class, also I can hand out candy if you guess the right answer.”

 He said with a smile on his face moving his finger up to the basket full of candy. Toshiro saw the candy knowing he could tell all the answers but why give us candy? I got up from my chair moving to the basket of candy. “Wait Brittany!” Jyushiro laughed softly watching me go for the candy. “Alright you all can have one piece.” We all picked out our candy to sit back down in our seats. 

Toshiro sat down in his chair looking at me. She so cute… she loves candy I should get her some just to see her smile. I looked at Toshiro showing him a text saying I love you. His face turned red moving his candy in his pocket. He felt funny just seeing that text and why would she write that? Is it as a friend kind of way…or is it even more? Toshiro wanted to ask what it meant but that make her blush though he wouldn’t mind. He heard the bell rang while he sighed. 

I have to wait till later then. “Toshiro I will see you later.” He nods his head standing up walking out of class with me. I held my bag to my chest with my phone in my bag as well. Toshiro smiled leaving me to his next class while he had his hands in his pocket. I left to go to art while I saw the teacher was a girl. She had long black hair in a braid in front of her chest. “Welcome.” I noticed a girl sat in one of the chairs. “Oh good I am not the only one!” 

I smiled walking up to the chair next to her. She had her hair down with black hair with a skinny body like Rukia’s and she was short. “My name is Momo Hinamori it’s nice to meet you um…?” “Brittany Haku is my name and nice to meet you too.” “Shiro-chan?” I blinked my eyes turning around to see Toshiro had the same class. He gasped feeling like they did this on purpose. 

“Toshiro you had this class too?!” “Don’t forget me too Momo-chan!” “Ah Steven you’re here too?!” She moved out of her seat running up to Steven. My face turned red seeing them hug. “I am guessing you’re my only students here.” The women said smiling at everyone. “Seems like it.” We all sat down in the chairs but I moved so Steven could sit by Momo. I sat in the back with Toshiro feeling like this is fate. If we have all the same classes then… it would be like they did this on purpose. 

Toshiro sent me a text asking me what the message earlier meant. I gasped forgetting about it but I did say I love you to him in the text. I text him back while I felt nervous just telling him. Toshiro saw I was shaking while he smiled. Maybe she just said it as being friends. We started to draw on our papers in front of us. Toshiro looked at me seeing I was red just drawing and he smiled. I drew a heart without noticing and I gasped. Toshiro gasped also seeing his name near the heart. 

“Brittany?” I got up grabbing my phone and my bag to run out of the class room. “Shiro-chan, what did you do to her?!” Steven sighed shaking his finger at Toshiro. “You really shouldn’t tell the women to stop staring.” “I didn’t! I…” Unohana saw my image to understand what is going on. “Please go after her Toshiro.” “Uh…sure.” He grabbed his bag not sure if he would be back in time to return. He ran out of the classroom knowing I go up on the roof.

 I stood near the fence on the roof trying to climb over it. Toshiro grabbed me from behind feeling he grabbed something soft. I moaned softly feeling his hands on my breasts. “S—Sorry but please don’t kill yourself.” “But… I didn’t mean I mean… I did but I wanted it to be special.” Toshiro turned me around moving his lips up on my forehead. “It’s okay please I love the image.” “You do?” He nods his head moving his arms around me dropping his bag. “I could never hate it… hearing you say you loved me I had to find out if, you loved me or it was just you loved me as a friend.” 

My eyes widened feeling he was warm with his arms around me. “So don’t go throw your life away! I… can’t see you do that over that image.” He said moving to look into my eyes. “After all we are friends right?” I felt tears down my face hearing such words made me want to cry. Toshiro held me close with his hand on my head and the other on my back. He whispered in my ear softly. “And I love you too.” 

I moved my arms around him feeling like crying my tears out in his shirt feeling all the worries in my heart was just wasted. I could of died and never been able to hear him say those words. He let me cry while he smiled feeling my hair gently with his hand. Rukia pointed at us both. “Ah so you two are in love already! Such young love to happen up on the roof…” 

Toshiro jumped seeing Rukia was standing next to him. I had tears down my face while I sniffed feeling my eyes were tired just from crying. “So… what happened? It’s lunch already.” I gasped looking at Rukia. “Sorry I lost track of time.” She smiled at Toshiro. “You want to come join us?” “Sure I love to.” We left to go to lunch seeing Steven and Momo joined us. I had fun at this college so Mommy and Daddy you don’t have to worry! I am… happy ^-^

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