Sunday, February 26, 2012

Bleach:The Dark Hole Chapter 4-Home

Toshiro moved his wings around me hearing Steven used his lighting. “Such a weak attack.” Toshiro had his wings around me and him. I felt he had me against his chest feeling it was cold. The lighting hit the ice breaking a few pieces off. I opened Toshiro’s shirt seeing a hole in his chest. I gasped feeling his chest there was a hole. “Brittany… I remember you, everything about you and our children.” “Then you should return home!” 

“I belong here…as you can see I am no longer like you.” “I am not a spirit Toshiro…I a—“ He covered my lips with his hand gently. “I know you are a human and a spirit like Ichigo. I also know you have powers of a soul reaper already inside you and that I was the one, who helped you learn to control it.” He said moving his hand away from my lips.

 I moved my hands up to his chest seeing this before. “A…hollow?” Toshiro moved his hands up to my face gently. He moved his right hand through my hair slowly. “I am a espada like everyone here I am not a hollow like Ichigo was.” I remember seeing he lost control once. 

It was a mask on his face and Toshiro didn’t have one he was in control. “I see you are a espada.” He felt disgusted with those words for some reason he hated it. He hated being here; he hated seeing my face in pain. Why? “Why do you look at me with pain in your eyes?” 

He moved my face up to his; we were in distance of kissing each other. “Why?” I knew he could see it… he could see I was in pain. “I never want to see you have a hole in your heart! I never… thought Aizen be so cruel. Even with Momo he had you kill her and you died as well…” Toshiro looked at me shocked in his eyes. “Momo?” “Yes she is your friend! 

The people out there are your friends… but you can’t remember because you lost your memories you are a empty soul!” I moved my arms around Toshiro not wanting to let him go. “I want you to remember! I want you to smile again you look so serious…it hurts me.” Toshiro leaned his head back feeling he was weak against me. “Please… don’t let me go.” 

My tears fell from my face feeling I had to use it. I have to protect Steven and Rangiku. “Forgive me.” I moved my lips having my tongue move inside his lips slowly. Toshiro was shocked feeling his body freeze his ice on his back was falling apart. He felt weak against my body his bankai wasn’t working. “W-What…have you done?” Steven gasped seeing Toshiro bankai was disappearing. 

“Toshiro you will feel weak… I will save you.” “You can’t save me!” I moved his body on the ground feeling his energy was weak against the medicine I gave him. “I gave you something that makes your body go weak.” Toshiro bit his lip feeling he couldn’t move his hand to stop me. 

But why was his body so hot? He felt that this was making him excited and his lower body was reacting so much. “Brittany…you being on top of me is making me turned on by this.” He looked away his face turning red. Steven face turned dark red thinking about me doing this to him before. “Bri-chan… that is naughty!” Rangiku smiled looking at Steven. 

“Why are you so surprised? They are married after all.” Steven knew that but still…he knew that he had things he wanted to try with Momo but how many things have they tried? He thought of it grabbing his nose. “Steven you need to let go and not worry about it.” I have to distract him even though right now he is being naughty like he always does. 

I moved my lips up against his neck. Toshiro gasped feeling his arms are still numb he couldn’t move them. Damn! Just when I want to touch her too… He sighed letting my tongue move against his neck. I knew I had to heal his hole in his chest. But…can I do it? I moved my hands on his chest in front of his hole in his chest. Toshiro looked at me shocked. “What are you doing?” 

“I will save you even…if I die.” He gasped wanting to move his arms. “No Brittany…please stop!” Rangiku gasped feeling I created a ice shield around Toshiro and I. “No Brittany…” Steven tried to hit the shield with his sword. “Damn! Brittany don’t follow Toshiro! Aizen will just use you like he did with Toshiro. Do you really want that?” 

I knew what they were saying and I say them to burn my body so Aizen could never use it. I used my energy to heal Toshiro’s chest. Toshiro gasped feeling the hole change and start to disappear. He winced in pain feeling it hurt since he had no heart. I felt my energy heal the hole in his heart bringing him back feeling I had little energy left to still move around. 

Toshiro felt his heart return while he had all his memories come at once. Toshiro gasped feeling all his memories came in his head while he closed his eyes. Rangiku looked at me seeing my energy was low. “Bri…chan.” Steven noticed my shield went down shattering like ice. “Brittany!” He ran over to me seeing Toshiro wasn’t like them. “You did it!”

 I nod my head feeling weak from using so much energy. Rangiku ran up to Steven. “We better leave before Aizen sends his espada to come get her.” “You are right.” Toshiro opened his eyes moving to sit up quickly. “Captain!” “Rangiku?” He noticed I was looking weak sensing my energy was low. He touched his chest feeling the hole was gone but he felt my energy was on him. 

Brittany…you did all this just to save me when I left you. He picked me up in his arms moving me against his chest. “Let’s move out!” Steven knew we had the real Toshiro back. “Yes sir!” Toshiro left to exit out with using the Haku gate. We left safely knowing Aizen couldn’t mess with the Haku gate once opened. “Seems they escaped.” 

“I didn’t know she had so much power… she is very strong and this I could use to make a better espada.” Aizen said with a grin on his face. Toshiro came out of the gate with Steven and Rangiku moving to his office he had me on the sofa. “Brittany!” He touched my face with his hand feeling my energy was low. 

Unohana appeared behind Toshiro seeing me on the sofa in a weak condition. “She needs to rest her energy is low.” “But what if it drops?” “Do not be silly Captain! She will recover.” Unohana said with a smile on her face. “I know how her energy works I been her doctor since she came here.” Toshiro knew she was right. “Thank you.” 

Unohana smiled seeing he was alive but she knew it was by me from my energy gave off a scent on him. “I see she saved you which is why her energy is low.” Rangiku took off her haori. “Captain I was only being Captain till you come back…this is all a dream.” “I am really here Rangiku.” He grabbed the haori looking at his clothes. Rangiku gave him some black robes. 

“Here you go.” Unohana left the room smiling at Steven while she walked by him. Steven knew she must have known Aizen was after Toshiro. But why? Why would he create him as a espada? He was lost and confused but…Momo is still dead. Aizen I will make you pay! I will make you die a painful death until then I won’t stop till Momo can see that you are dead.

 I will make sure you die by our hands…Momo please forgive me if I show you blood this time. Rangiku touched Steven shoulder. “We will make him pay I can promise you that.” She walked away from Steven while she smiled. Steven knew she was right he just had to patient.

 He wished he could see Momo just one last time… just once. He wondered how I felt seeing Toshiro there in Hueco Mundo. Did I freeze up? Or did I be able to talk? 

He has to ask me when I wake up and how I felt the day Toshiro died. But he knew after Toshiro is gone from that room he will ask why he died and left me all alone. I will not stop till I get answers and why you made her suffer Toshiro… 

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