Thursday, February 2, 2012

Bleach:Dark Souls Chapter 10-Fallen Shinigami

Urahara looked at Toshiro. “So you joined against Kageroza?” “Yes you don’t have to worry I rather not fight against her.” Urahara knew who he meant, the one person who he loved the most he couldn’t fight. “Kageroza had this planned out for you to kill her didn’t he?” “Yes, to kill her so you guys go up against the original and not trust him when his plan failed he wanted me to capture her.” “Then you loving her…was your own doing?” 

“Yes…” Kira face turned red. Hisagi looked at Kira. “Don’t think about it!” Kira blushed even more. “Now you got me thinking about it even more!” Urahara smiled watching Kira and Hisagi. “Everyone does it why are you so surprised?” Toshiro leaned against the wall crossing his arms while he smiled. “I don’t see why you guys are so red about it… all I did was have sex with her.” Rangiku smiled looking at Toshiro. “Now I know you’re his reigai… he wouldn’t say it out loud like that.” “Toshiro is very quiet right Rangiku?” Orihime asked smiling at her. 

“That’s right!” Toshiro smiled looking at Rangiku and Orihime. “So I am on your side I won’t even move from this spot if you don’t trust me.” He said sitting down on the ground. Urahara sensed nothing from him that would attack them but if he says that. Then he truly is telling the truth. “Well we could put a barrier from her energy that would keep you inside.” “By her… you mean Brittany’s barrier?” “Yes but we have no need we all can fight you.” 

Rangiku sighed. “You do realize he is a captain not some human right?” “That I am aware of but why would he join us?” “To gain our trust then kills us off… Kageroza would plan this after all he made him almost kill Brittany!” Rangiku got up not trusting him. Toshiro looked at Rangiku. “I see you’re stubborn as well.” “What was that?” “So grouchy.” He moved over to behind her at a fast speed. They all gasped seeing how fast he moved. 

“Oh come now Rangiku you should know that I am not like the real Toshiro.” Orihime smiled at Toshiro. Urahara looked at them smiling. But he really wondered if the captains got to Kageroza in time. I sat in the barrier next to Toshiro and Steven watching Kageroza. He bit his lip being fooled by them makes him angry. “Go mad… Raiku!” His zanpakuto changed to have two blades on each end. I broke down my barrier standing behind Toshiro. “Let’s go.” I ran with Toshiro after Kageroza. “Such foolish soul reapers.” I moved behind Kageroza moving my right leg at his face. 

He got sent back into a wall crashing through it and landing outside. Soifon moved next to me with Yoruichi. “Good job Bri-chan.” I stood behind them smiling. “Thank you.” Kageroza appeared behind me reaching for my arm. Toshiro stood behind me moving his sword at Kageroza. “Back off!” Soifon stood in front of me. Kageroza smiled jumping away from Toshiro’s sword. 

“So touchy today Captain Hitsugaya.” “Shut up! I am not letting you touch her again…” He ran after Kageroza swinging his sword at him. Kageroza dodged each one. Momo used Tobiume on Kageroza’s back. “Burn him Tobiume!” Steven took out his sword calling out lighting to strike down at Kageroza. “Too weak!” He moved his sword turning it to the right creating a circle to appear of a green color, the fire ball Momo sent it was recorded. “See that Soifon?” 

“Seems he is up to something.” I looked at Kageroza wondering what that would do. He was good at studying the precipe world. Kageroza knew that their defense was good but not so well thought out. “I am impressed at how far you gotten… but.” He moved past Momo and Steven using flash step near me. Toshiro gasped moving in front of me. Kageroza laughed already grabbing me. He moved up on a higher place with a small ground with me in his hands. I tried to move away from him. 

“L—Let go!” Soifon bit her lip feeling stupid. He was after her all along… “You bastard!” “Soifon calm down he can’t do anything with her.” Yoruichi said moving her hand on Soifon’s shoulder. “You think so?” I felt my energy being taken from him feeling they were going to the fallen reigai. I gasped trying to pull away from Kageroza. “This…energy it’s hers but!” 

Yoruichi was shocked looking at the reigai coming back. “That’s not good.” Toshiro knows my energy is strong but being used in that matter could poison it. “Now, with her energy I can re-make my reigai as much times as I want!” Soifon looked at me seeing my mark was fading into a dark black color. “You fool! If you cause her to turn evil then…” “Then she will submit to my will.” Soifon growled shaking her fists. “Soifon look out!” Komamura moved his sword near her. 

Momo gasped moving away with Steven. “Brittany fight him!” “She can’t with under that pressure her mark will change.” Toshiro looked at me afraid of the worst. I felt my mark turn black while my eyes turned blank. Momo gasped. “Bri-chan…” Yoruichi looked at Kageroza. “You’re a fool.” Unohana moved behind Yoruichi. She gasped jumping back to feel her sword cut at her stomach. “Yoruichi!” Momo yelled feeling her reigai attack her. 

“Momo-chan!” Steven fought his own reigai feeling weak. I jumped down moving up to Toshiro moving my hands at him. He dodged my hands moving up against the wall. “Bri…chan.” He remembered watching me sleep while he knew one thing that Kageroza couldn’t stop. “Kageroza you forget that I know how she responds.” “Responds…? Are you talking about her body?” He smiled watching me. “Finish him!” Toshiro knew I kill him since I am not myself. 

I raised my hand up in the air. “Bri…chan and Kageroza I told you!” He moved his sword in the ground moving his hand at my breast. Soifon stabbed Komamura in the stomach with her sword twice. “You’re finished…and—“ She felt her face turn red watching Toshiro. “W-What are you doing?!” Yoruichi smiled watching Toshiro. “I get it now… Soifon don’t act so surprised. He the only one that can stop her.” Kageroza looked at me angry in his eyes. 

“Finish him I said.” Toshiro moved his other hand on my breast gently. “You can’t order her when I touch her like this.” I moaned softly feeling my mark was still glowing black. “T—Toshi…kun.” He moved me against the wall gently. “S—Shiro…chan.” “He knows what to do. Let’s finish our reigai Momo-chan.” “Right!” Momo saw her reigai turned to ice. “What?” Steven gasped seeing Toshiro was near Kageroza. “You…!” Reigai Toshiro moved his sword at Kageroza. 

“How dare you hurt Brittany.” “You follow them now?” He smiled twirling his zanpakuto. Reigai Toshiro moved down in front of me and Toshiro. “Oh? You know of my attacks?” “I don’t trust you… and I never did.” Toshiro looked at his reigai confused. “What’s going on?” Yoruichi smiled looking at his reigai. “I see now… glad to have you on our side even if you are a reigai.” He looked at Yoruichi. “Thank you.” Toshiro looked at me seeing my mark was still black. 

“Hey original…” “It’s Toshiro Hitsugaya!” He smiled looking at him. “Protect her.” He moved up to Kageroza swinging his sword at his. “I won’t lose to a monster like you…”  “I could make you even better once I kill you.” “Kill me? Seems like you just use us for your own selfish reasons… I was a fool to not see it.” He landed next to me. “I will come for her again. But…seems I don’t need to since you can’t stop her now.” He disappeared. “I will be back.” Yoruichi sighed. 

“What a coward.” “We better go into hiding.” “You’re right.” “You want to stay here?” “Just for a little bit.” Yoruichi said to Kukaku. “Seems like you had a tough battle.” “Well almost…if our friend here didn’t show up.” Kukaku saw the two Toshiro’s. “Now I can see why you having problems. I heard of this reigai business but never thought it was that serious.” She said letting them come in. I winced in pain feeling my mark was glowing black. Momo sat beside me touching my head. 

“Her fever is up…what does this mean?” “Her energy been corrupted.” Reigai Toshiro sat in the corner looking at them. “Kageroza… I will make you pay for hurting her.” “Hey! I will take him down. “You? You couldn’t even last a minute against him.” Toshiro got up walking to the reigai. “You couldn’t either!” Momo sighed looking at Steven. Steven smiled watching the two of them. 

“How about you both team up and fight against him?” “Work with him?” I sat up moving at Momo’s neck. Reigai Toshiro grabbed my hand moving my wrists down while sitting on me. “He very fast.” Toshiro blinked his eyes watching me. “I knew I should of done it sooner…I have to get rid of the evilness in that mark.” “Better hurry she won’t hold back this time.” Reigai Toshiro held my wrists down. Toshiro moved next to me. 

“Sorry Momo… but you better be on guard next time.” Steven knew he was right. “Momo let’s go to our room and get some rest.” “Alright and Toshiro take care of her and you too, reigai Toshiro.” He nods his head at her with his eyes glowing, a light blue. Momo left with Steven knowing she can’t do much for me now. Toshiro moved his hand above my mark using his energy to take away the darkness from my mark. I winced in pain feeling the darkness leave my body. 

Reigai Toshiro held my hands down gently seeing my eyes opened with tears in my eyes. “Brittany…” Toshiro sucked the energy out feeling it was very dark energy. Kukaku came in moving her hand to take the energy seeing it formed into a dark ball. “This I should take care of.” My eyes returned to normal while I was blinking my eyes slowly. “Thank you.”

 She left the room closing the door. “This is very dark energy.” Yoruichi watched Kukaku. “I am glad he could take it away… but only a little if he makes her reigai with that energy we may have a problem.” “Do not worry Brittany is strong she won’t lose.” Kukaku left walking away while holding the dark, purple ball. “You are right Kukaku.” She left after Kukaku. Reigai Toshiro let my hands go slowly. I opened my eyes seeing Toshiro. “Brittany how do you feel?” 

He watched me seeing I was myself. “Toshiro…I am fine.” I said smiling at him. Reigai Toshiro grabbed my breast. “This is how you ask.” “How is that asking?!” Toshiro grabbed his hand moving it away from my breast. “Have some privacy! She is still recovering.” I looked up seeing reigai Toshiro. “Reigai Toshi?” He smiled looking at me. 

“Hello Brittany.” He said staring at me with his eyes. I blushed being confused why he is here…and with us. Did he change? Or…is this his plan to trick us? I have to see and find out but if he did join us then… would we be stronger? 

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