Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Bleach:Spice of Life chapter 3-Sleep Over?

“A sleep over?” I asked chewing my food I got which was a sandwich. Toshiro drank his tea from his cup. Rukia nods her head drawing an image of Toshiro, Steven, Momo, me and her all in our room partying. “R—Rukia-chan isn’t that bad if we do that here?” Renji came over seeing her image and he wasn’t in it. “Hey! Why don’t I join your sleep over?” 

“You’re too serious you probably make my Bri-chan cry.” Renji looked at her annoyed. “Since when has she been your Bri-chan?” “Since now… she is not disrespectful like you!” “Why…you!” Toshiro whispered in my ear quietly. “You glad we aren’t like that?” My face blushed worried we yell at each other. I started to cry feeling like if I fought with him I want to… “Where is the highest roof?” Toshiro gasped staring at me. “Not that again… -.-“ Momo gasped staring at me. “You wanted to jump off the roof?” Steven dropped his spoon looking at me. 

“Why would you want to do that?!” “I was upset and I thought I upset Toshiro-kun when I didn’t.” Toshiro blushed hearing I added the kun after his name. Momo pointed at Toshiro with her finger. “You’re red Shiro-chan.” Toshiro moved his bag in front of him while he hated being with Momo always teased him. Steven laughed with Momo seeing I was smiling. Toshiro watched my smile while he handed me piece of his cookie. I took the piece of cookie moving it up to my lips slowly. 

Toshiro watched feeling his heart beat in his chest just watching me. Rukia smiled moving the bag down. “What are you two doing back here?” Toshiro grabbed his bag feeing he just wanted to run away. “Come on let’s get to our classes and you two behave.” Toshiro got up moving to grab my hand walking away from them. “What is your next class?” “English.” He stopped looking at his schedule. “Do you have it too?” He looked at me with his face turning red. 

“Y—Yes.” I showed him my schedule handing it to him slowly. He looked at it shaking a lot with his eyes looking at the paper. “D—Does it look the same?” Toshiro handed my schedule back in my hands. “You don’t have to worry about be separate from me.” I hugged his arm against my chest moving close to him. “I’m so happy!” 

Toshiro walked to English with me and we sat next to each other while I thought of us having the same classes. It was very strange… Toshiro went to the office to ask about our same classes. They told us that sometimes you pick the same classes and same needs. Toshiro knew that can’t be right… but maybe it was destiny. We walked to our rooms I found that mine was empty with a note. “Bri-chan I went to my friend’s room and you can have a party with just Toshiro.” 

My heart was beating fast in my chest. What do I do? She mistaken that we are in love! Momo left me a message as well saying she staying at Steven’s place and that his room had no roommate N-No… I have to tell Toshiro! But if I do he won’t want to come…I should tell him a lie. No! I left my door closing it gently and I ran over to his door to forget to knock. “Toshiro-kun I got—“ I heard him come out of the room with only his towel around his waist. 

His face turned red seeing the door was open and anyone could see. He moved over to shut the door leaving me inside and he locked it. My heart beats in my chest very fast feeling like it could break out of my chest at any moment. Toshiro heard some voices come down the hall while he moved me on the bed under the blanket. “I will be right back.”

 He moved in the bathroom putting on his clothes. He had his hair down with water dripping down his hair. I moved the blanket down a bit watching him he was wearing his tank top shirt with his boxers on. He looked so cute wearing that with his hair down. He came into the room seeing I didn’t move from the spot he left me. “Sorry I didn’t want anyone seeing you if some—“ 

He heard a knock on the door to move the blanket on top of me. He walked up to the door opening it a little bit. “Toshiro I heard that you are single.” I remember she was from the dining table first time I met Toshiro. “I am sorry I am seeing someone.” “Oh is that so?” She looked down feeling like her heart got trampled on. “Hey look… there is a bunch of guys out there so go find one okay?” She wanted only him. All she could do hates me the one girl he smile at. 

“You jerk…you think you own her don’t you?” “What are you talking about?” “Brittany Haku!” He gasped feeling like he was shocked that someone spread that rumor. “She has nothing to do with this.” The girl slapped him across the face. “I hope she dumps you.” She ran away with tears in her eyes. Toshiro shut the door touching his face. He never felt someone slap him before he hoped that I never do that… He wants to explain to me. 

I sat up moving up to Toshiro touching his hand. He leaned against the wall with tears in his eyes. “Brittany…I caused you problems because you’re with me.” I moved my lips up against his cheek kissing where the girl slapped him. “Toshiro I won’t leave you because of this you are my friend… I won’t slap you either or hate you.” 

Toshiro looked away with tears falling down his face. I grabbed his face with both my hands to move his face so he looks at me. “Toshiro being with me…does it hurt you?” He gasped staring into my eyes feeling like if he said the wrong thing he could lose me forever. “No I never thought that being with you… I was truly happy.” He smiled looking at me moving my head up against his chest. 

“I should take you back or if Rukia finds you’re not there she will know you were over here.” He said moving his lips up against my forehead. I knew he was right but I am afraid to leave since I would be alone this time. “Can you help me with my math homework?” Toshiro did notice I fell asleep while he moved to unlock the door. “Alright let’s do the homework together.”

 I left out of his room going across from his room to my own room. I grabbed my bag feeling it was heavy with my laptop. I moved out of my room closing the door to lock it with a key. Toshiro waited for me sitting at the desk having a chair next to him. “Toshiro I am back!” I came back with a change of clothes wearing my tank top that was navy blue; the skirt was a light, blue color. Toshiro gasped seeing what I was wearing and he felt his body act funny. 

What’s going on? I had on black, leg stockings on while I ran over to sit in the chair moving the bag on my lap. Toshiro took out his homework looking at me. “You ready?” I nod my head taking out my math homework moving it next to his. Toshiro saw I had drawing on it of a heart while he pointed to it. “Oh no I did it here too!” Toshiro smiled touching my hand with his gently. 

“It’s alright if you do that as long as you don’t write my name and yours.” He looked into my eyes feeling his heart beat fast. “Unless of course you want people to know.” My face turned red thinking of everyone teasing me. “N-No…! I mean we are just f-friends.” Toshiro knew I had other feelings I was hiding them as he felt the same for me. “Brittany do you love me?” He asked staring into my eyes. I grabbed my skirt with my other hand feeling I wanted to say yes. 

“I…I.” Toshiro moved closer kissing me on the lips very softly. I moved my lips against his gently feeling his arms moved around me. A woman took a photo from the window while she smiled. “I got it!” Toshiro stopped growling at the woman at the window. “Stay here.” Toshiro grabbed the ladder that the woman had been on. “Rangiku what are you doing?” Rangiku gasped looking at Toshiro. “Uhh photos.” He grabbed her camera from her hand. 

“I am not letting you hurt my friend.” “I don’t think you two are friends.” Toshiro handed me the camera while he pulled her up from the ladder. “Who else is down there with you?” A girl climbed up moving in the window landing on the ground. Toshiro looked around seeing it was Azumi. “Oh great -.-“ I looked at Azumi seeing she had long, brown hair down to her waist. 

“We joined today Toshiro and we are staying.” “Not in here you’re not!” Rangiku held onto my hands. “Please to meet you my name is Rangiku Matsumoto.” “Just leave!” Toshiro yelled pushing the ladder down while he closed the door leading Azumi and Rangiku out of his room. “Go to your rooms!” He pushed them out of the room while he closed the door. I held the camera looking at the photos I saw they got a pic of us hugging on the roof at night. 

“T—Toshiro…kun come here and look.” Toshiro ran up to behind me seeing the photo. He grabbed the camera moving it in closet. “Toshiro?” “I…rather not delete the photo’s I really…” “Like them?” I asked smiling at him. Toshiro blushed moving in the chair next to me. “Now let’s work on our homework.” I nod my head working on it with him while he helped me with the problems I didn’t know. 

We finished most of our homework with some that we didn’t have time to finish. “Toshiro could I sleep on the floor?” Toshiro face turned red pointing to my bed. “B—But that’s you—“ He pointed to the bed that was empty across from his. “I have two I never got a roommate.” “Oh that’s right!” Toshiro moved close to my ear. “Unless you want to sleep with me again?” My face turned red thinking of sleeping with him. 

We weren’t naked or anything b—but maybe it be fine. “Do you want to?” He asked looking at me. I nod my head slowly smiling at him. Toshiro walked up to his door locking it slowly. I sat on the bed moving my brush on my hair slowly. Toshiro blushed deeply watching me brush my hair he felt I was really not a friend, more like I was his… “Toshiro should I sing to you?” “I’m not a kid!” “Aw but you like my singing.” 

I said softly putting my brush away in my back. Toshiro got on the bed feeling his heart beat fast. I felt my chest feeling my heart was beating as fast as his. Toshiro moved near the wall lying under his blanket. “I forgot my blanket!” “Use mine.” Toshiro lift the blanket up waiting for me to lie down. I moved next to Toshiro lying under the blanket moving closer to him. He blushed moving his hand up to his head scratching his head with his finger. 

“Good night Toshiro-kun.” He smiled moving his arms around me slowly. “Good night Brittany.” I closed my eyes sleeping close to Toshiro I felt very close to him. The next morning I heard voices from the window. “Look how cute they are.” Momo whispered to Rukia standing on the ladder next to her. “I know… why I wanted them to get even closer.” 

“So that sleep over was a lie?” “Not tonight! We will have one in our room this time.” Momo smiled seeing Toshiro opened the window. “Do you two ever stop?” He glared at them seeing they left off the ladder. I moved in my sleep drooling from my lips. Toshiro knew he needed to get a curtain and quick maybe do some shopping after classes today.  

He smiled looking at me while he wiped my drool from my lips gently. He knew he had to get ready but he couldn’t while watching me sleep. “Brittany we have to get up.” He moved his finger against my cheek. “Brittany…” He rubbed his finger a little more against my cheek. I moaned softly opening my eyes seeing his eyes staring at me. “T-Toshiro…kun?” He smiled pointing to my phone. I saw it was seven thirty. “Oh no!” 

I sat up feeling my hair was all messy and out of place. Toshiro grabbed my hand taking me to the bathroom. “How do you want your hair?” I looked at Toshiro seeing he had a brush in his hand with his hand going through my hair. “Oh wait a second.” I got up running to grab a box from my bag with ribbons in it. “You can use the blue one.” 

He saw it was a soft ribbon. He thought blue look nice in my blonde hair with my blue eyes. He moved the brush on my hair slowly feeling how soft it was in his hand. I closed my eyes getting shivers in my body of him brushing my hair and even touching it. He moved the ribbons in my hair having a bun on the right side. I opened my eyes a little feeling he covered them with his hands. 

“No peeking.” “Aw but I want to see!” He smiled grabbing a handkerchief to cover my eyes to tie it behind my head. “Is this bondage?” Toshiro grabbed his nose thinking of tying me up. “N-No! I don’t want you to see till it’s done.” I sat still knowing that I can wait. I closed my eyes taking the handkerchief off of my eyes moving it on the ground. 

Toshiro moved his hands through my hair slowly braiding my hair on the left side. He whispered in my ear softly. “You can open your eyes now.” I opened them quickly seeing in the mirror of the ribbon on my right side seeing my hair was up in a bun. “I hope you like it.” I got up with a shocked face staring at the mirror. “It’s not…bad right?” My eyes sparkled just seeing the ribbons in my hair. “I love it!” 

I turned around hugging Toshiro tightly with my arms around him. Toshiro still had on his tank top with his boxers. He needed to put on some pants soon. “I need to get dressed and you too.” He said moving me out of the bathroom. “I hope Rukia is okay.” He knew Rukia would be happy we are closer. “I will make sure no fan girls of mine are in your room.” I giggled softly grabbing my bag taking my homework with me so I don’t get in trouble for that. 

Toshiro opened his door seeing no one was down the hall way. He went across with me to my room. I unlocked the door seeing no one inside. Toshiro turned on the lights seeing Rukia on the floor with Renji. He looked annoyed staring at Rukia and Renji. “Grab your clothes you can change in my room.” I ran in the room looking in my closet to grab new bra, underwear and a shirt that was long sleeve with a skirt and black leg stocking.

 I ran out of the room to close the door quietly. Toshiro smiled walking with me back in his room. He closed his door locking it just in case someone would come in. Toshiro let me use the bathroom first while he picked out his clothes. I put on my pink, long sleeve shirt. It had a white collar on it with buttons in the middle. The skirt was grey with a white stripe near the bottom. 

I moved the black, leg stockings up under my skirt while I saw my hair was still the way he left it. I opened the door seeing Toshiro had finished changing wearing his black shirt with a green, jacket that went down to back of his knees. He had blue jeans, with a belt and his shoes were brown with heels on it a little. “You ready to go?” I nod my head leaving with Toshiro walking with him to our first class. Everyone was staring at us seeing we were holding hands. 

We walked to web design and I felt I didn’t have shoes on again. “I forgot shoes.” “It’s okay I can carry you.” “B-But! We are in public… a-and…” Toshiro moved his lips up against my ear. “I don’t mind besides we are closer aren’t we?” My face turned red just thinking about it. We have kissed and slept together so that shouldn’t be a problem I am sure people have noticed. We sat down in our seats seeing Jyushiro had already started to get things ready for class.  

“You two are early once again.” “Better to be on time then late.” Toshiro said holding onto my hand still. “That is true but make sure you keep your love level to holding hands only.” Toshiro gasped looking at Jyushiro. “We aren’t going to start kissing!” Jyushiro started to laugh watching Toshiro. “I know you two are very good at not doing that so do not worry.”

 I smiled at Toshiro still holding onto his hand. It felt like I was in love with Toshiro but we just met a few days ago and I already am staying with him in his room. Rukia probably knew I loved him even she told me to stay away. But he seemed different than the others. 

I really hope this will last…but I never have been in love with someone before. So… I wonder how Toshiro feels about it or if we just are friends. Maybe this will be our slow start of getting closer. Mother and Father… I am truly happy I found such amazing friends and please don’t be worried. 

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