Friday, February 17, 2012

Bleach:The Snow of Sorrow Chapter 2-Lost Friend

“Brittany when did you last see Toshiro?” Urahara asked me looking at me. “It was last night he told me of an important mission.” Rangiku stood beside me. “Then that means he is either hiding or he is…” My tears fall down from my face. Dead? No… Toshiro! I ran out of the room having tears down my face. “Brittany!” Ichigo looked at Urahara with his eyes being angry. 

“You idiot!” Rangiku sighed knowing it’s best to leave me alone. Orihime grabbed Rangiku’s arm. “Rangiku…” “You keep searching Orihime I have to go back.” She opened the gate with her zanpakuto. “Our squad may be in danger but they won’t hurt Brittany.” She left in the gate knowing this isn’t a good day. “Let’s keep looking as Rangiku says Brittany is very important to them even if she does something all they do is locking her up.” 

Ichigo knew that I didn’t deserve that after all… I was his friend. “If they do I will save her.” Orihime nod her head leaving with Ichigo, Uryu, Rukia and Chad. They searched for him all day not able to find my spiritual energy. “Brittany wants to be alone…” “She wants to make sure he is alive.” Ichigo knew if he wasn’t I would be heart broken. “Let’s keep looking.” 

“Yes!” They all left searching in the city to not find Toshiro. I ran up to my house seeing the sun was setting. He has to be here! He has…to be. I ran to my house checking inside but I didn’t sense Toshiro at all. “Toshiro… where did you go?” I ran to the places we love to go. The movies, the hotel… but I couldn’t find him. It was dark already and I walked in the forest hoping this would be where he hide.

 I felt a familiar presence.  I ran further feeling the snow was falling around me. It has to be him! I tripped falling down seeing a white haori with a 10 Japanese symbol on the back. “Toshiro!” I noticed he was lying on the ground with pain on his face. “Brittany…” He moved his head on my laying on my lap. I noticed his stomach wound was really bad. “T-Toshiro… what happened to you?” 

I held onto him using flash step to take him to my house in my room, moving him on the bed. He winced in pain feeling his wound hurt still. I opened up his robes seeing the wound and I saw he moved his head a little while he was resting. He grabbed my hand feeling something soft. “Brittany…” He whispered feeling he could sleep with me by his side. 

I moved to lay beside him holding onto his hands. I should help his wound for now. I got up sitting on his legs holding one of his hand gently. Toshiro whispered my name over and over. It was making my heart beat fast just hearing him whisper it. I moved my tongue up against his stomach licking the wound slowly. Toshiro panted feeling his body was acting funny and he moved a little holding onto my hand. 

I felt the wound was closing while I smiled moving bandages around his stomach slowly so part of it is wrapped up then I cut it, typing the bandages together. “There we go.” “What are you doing?” Toshiro asked having his eyes opened seeing I was sitting on top of him. “T-Toshiro…!” I hugged him tightly feeling my tears fell from my face onto his chest. 

Toshiro moved his arms around me feeling I was really there. “Brittany I am very sorry I worried you a lot didn’t I?” “What happened to you?!” He moved his hands down to my waist. “Toshiro… you shouldn’t do that.” I covered my mouth running to the bathroom feeling very sick. Toshiro sat up with his eyes being shocked. He remembered me being this sick before… wait! 

He thought I couldn’t be pregnant. He fixed his robes moving next to me his arms were around me holding my hair up so I could throw up in the sink “You’re pregnant aren’t you?” I gasped feeling my stomach I did feel weird since we came here. “I am glad I had you stay behind… you would have lost our child.” I nod my head moving to look at him. 

He moved a tissue up against my mouth feeling he had a mission to do. He knew he couldn’t just abandon me and the child. But… he had to make a choice and it would affect how I feel as well. “Toshiro you don’t want to be here… whatever happened you were hiding from the Soul Society. I know having a child again will put you on stress and also, you rather leave than have to deal with me or the baby.” 

I said looking at the ground I felt like I was in the way. Toshiro noticed I was crying he couldn’t stand to see me cry. He pulled my face up against his lips feeling they were soft but dry. “Don’t say that. I did… meet someone from my past but if I leave you now you will be defenseless and I be the fool!” “But Toshiro…” He moved his arms around me holding me close to his chest. 

“You are my wife and I love you very much. I can’t just leave you! Unless you want to leave with me…?” “L-Leave with you? But… would that be possible?” Toshiro kissed me on my neck softly moving down to my chest. “Of course it will. You always been at my side I can even tell you about Kusaka.” “Kusaka?” 

Toshiro had me sit down on my bed knowing I listen to him about anything. “I will tell you…” He felt a spiritual pressure picking me up he left out the window running away. “Toshiro?” He moved running away from my house to use flash steps away from my house “That was someone from the Soul Society.” Toshiro knew it was Renji and Kira they were following me. 

“I must keep you safe now and our child.” I leaned my head against Toshiro wanting to stay with him only and I would be fine. But…the others were searching for him. Toshiro ran in a deserted old building moving to sit me down on the bed gently. “We should be fine as long as I block out our energy.” “Thank you Toshiro I forgot to do that and they caught us.” 

“It’s alright I can run thanks to you closing my wound.” I smiled at Toshiro knowing us being here I won’t be able to find a sink to throw up in. Urahara appeared before Renji and Kira. “You guys should just go back.” “We can’t! It is orders to get Toshiro Hitsugaya and bring Brittany as well!” “Why her?” “He took her with her and we sensed something about her energy being not normal.” 

Urahara smiled moving his hand up on his hat. “I may know what is going on with her and you know Toshiro won’t leave her now.” Kira was shocked remembering my energy being down. “S-She…is!” “Yes she may be pregnant.” Kira bit on his lower lip. “How dare he put her in danger like that?” “She isn’t in danger…well he is wants to solve this alone.” Renji knew backing out know is going against orders. “I’m sorry but we can’t do that.” 

Urahara smiled grabbing his sword. “Then I have to stop you here.” “Mr. Urahara please would you be reasonable!” Kira knew this wouldn’t solve anything but a war. “Urahara you leave us no choice.” He pulled out his sword. Yoruichi appears next to Urahara with her arms crossed against her chest. “The real threat is not Toshiro. You guys are so blind…” 

Renji gasped seeing Yoruichi. “Move it!” “Urahara let’s hold them off here.” “Yes… for Bri-chan, such a cute lit—“Yoruichi punched him in his stomach. “Don’t talk to my student like that!” Urahara coughed holding onto his stomach. “O-Ow Yoruichi that hurt!” Renji blinked his eyes staring at them. “He deserved that one.” “Yeah… I can’t believe she trained with him.” 

Hisagi watched them both knowing that disobeying the law of the Soul Society they will have a war starting. But… with me being pregnant we can’t just attack Toshiro we could end up hurting me and the baby as well. Toshiro rubbed my stomach feeling a kick from my stomach. “There is someone in there and he is growing… but soon it may be where you will have him. I have to finish this before that happens!” “Kusaka… was he your friend?” 

“Yes… but central 46 we had the same zanpakuto so they had us fight each other.” Toshiro still remembered he hated that day and he wasn’t a soul reaper yet. I listened to Toshiro hearing about it I really wished I could of stopped it somehow. “I… won and squad 2 came in and killed him.” My eyes had tears down my face feeling like Toshiro have been wounded ever since then. 

“Toshiro… it’s not your fault. You didn’t do anything wrong… I-I wish I could of stopped you.” “Even if you did they still want us to fight… having two same zanpakuto is not normal.” He moved closer to my face having his tongue lick my tears away. “Brittany even if you did… I never want you to be in such danger or even see me kill him.” 

“But you didn’t!” Toshiro gasped knowing that I was right but he still had to solve it. “I have to stop him!” “And you will Toshiro.” He looked at me surprised. “I thought you try and stop me…” “Toshiro if it is something you need to do than I will follow you and stay behind you.” “Behind me…? You are no longer just a friend you are beside me.” I giggled softly smiling at him. 

He was right we are married now with our first child now with the second one… I know that I can survive. “Toshiro I will be beside you always…” “Yeah and you will always be in my heart.” He moved his lips against mine lying down on the bed next to me. 

We closed our eyes falling asleep while Toshiro put up a barrier with his energy hidden and mine he knows that Renji and the others will come. But he won’t let them take me away or stop him. I won’t let you guys interfere! 

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