Saturday, February 25, 2012

Bleach:Hana Kaori Chapter 2-Ai Hana

Toshiro moved in between my legs moving his tongue against my pussy slowly, having his hand move up my stomach slowly. “T-Toshiro…” I moaned softly feeling his tongue was going inside my pussy feeling I was wet already. “You are wet…” He moved his penis inside of my pussy slowly. I moved my arms around his back feeling it was tight against his penis. 

Toshiro felt how tight I was while he moved in slowly. “Brittany…you’re also tight.” He moved slowly feeling he reached deep inside me. “Brittany do you want me to do it inside… or outside?” I smiled looking at Toshiro pointing to my pussy. “Can’t you say it instead of pointing?” He smiled looking at me. “Then you better enjoy it all.”

 I gasped feeling Toshiro’s cum go inside my pussy. “Its…warm.” Toshiro moved out of inside my pussy feeling the scent wasn’t gone yet. He could keep going but that make me get pregnant. I sat up slowly moving Toshiro on the bed gently. “Brittany…wait if I keep going you will be pregnant.” “It’s okay.” Moves my head down to his penis, having my tongue lick against it slowly. 

He grabbed onto the bed feeling his body got weak when I did that. I moved my tongue a little faster feeling his penis got hard from my tongue. “Your body is acting up again Toshiro.” He smiled moving his hands on my face. “Can you get on me?” I moved on his penis slowly feeling it was tight against my pussy again. “It… feels good.” Toshiro moved his hands on my waist feeling it was easier this time to have sex with me. “Yes it feels so good Brittany.” 

I moved on his penis feeling his cum was inside me. I forgot how long or how many times he went inside me but it was very late when I woke up hearing my phone alarm ring. I rubbed my eyes sitting up seeing today would be Saturday. “Good its Saturday… Brittany or we be late.” Toshiro lay under the blankets not remembering what happened. “And we didn’t eat either…” 

Toshiro knew I may be pregnant now thanks to that scent. “Where you get those scent sticks from?” “Well Mr. Urahara gave me some and Ichigo too.” Toshiro sat up from the bed grabbing my hands. “We need to see him now!” “Yes… let’s go.” I moved new bra and underwear on to look through my clothes. “What should I wear?” 

Toshiro put on his boxers moving his jean pants on and a long, sleeve shirt. “Anything will look good on you.” I grabbed a blue dress putting it on with, white leg stockings with a small blue, ribbon at the top. Toshiro moved the skirt to the dress up a bit. I gasped looking back at him. “Toshiro you shouldn’t do that… we already had sex too many times.” 

He moved a scarf around my neck having a scarf around his neck with the same color. “I am just loving your body isn’t that what you do with mine?” He was right I did love him so much I love everything about him. “We should go.” I nod my head leaving with him to Urahara’s. I had the box of sticks in my hands while we got there. Urahara was lying on the ground. 

“Wake up!” Toshiro kicked him on his stomach. Urahara sat up looking around seeing Toshiro and I. “Explain about these right now!” I knew Toshiro was upset but did he really hate the whole thing? “So you two used it huh?” “I thought it wasn’t just a scent not that it make me…” His face turned red remembering he couldn’t even control himself. 

“That is because it only affects soul reapers and Toshiro you are one so you probably had urges like crazy.” Urahara looked at me knowing I would be pregnant now with the many times he had sex. “Did you…go inside her?” Toshiro face got even more red thinking about it. “Too many to count I lost track since we both must of fell asleep at the time.” 

I touched my stomach not sure if I was pregnant but if I was would I have twins? “Depending on how much you did go inside of her… she may have more than just one child.” Toshiro looked at me knowing my body can’t handle that many children at once. “Brittany I am sorry we both didn’t know this would happen…” “It’s okay I don’t mind really since it is with you.” 

Toshiro smiled grabbing onto my hand gently. “Just make sure she is safe with her if, she is pregnant the hollows will…” “I understand and I won’t let them hurt her.” Urahara knew this stuff be dangerous but he heard mostly the soul reapers here used it. “Everyone here had it even Ichigo but in his case he had two girls.” Toshiro looked annoyed thinking about it. 

“That guy is sick… having two girls.” “It would be if Rangiku was with you and Brittany so not very different.” “That would be even worst! She isn’t someone you want to have that stuff with. I would be in hell most likely…” Urahara laughed watching us both. “So you were lucky Ichigo knew after that he be in hell.” “Poor Jannie and… who else?” “Rukia.”

 Toshiro thought of Byakuya being angry while he grabbed his cup of tea. “That’s also Ichigo’s fear is Byakuya if he found out then Ichigo be in trouble.” I drank from the cup of tea feeling bad for Ichigo. “I also heard Momo had used the same stick with Steven.” Toshiro spit out his tea on Urahara’s face. “Toshiro you should fix that habit of spitting your tea.” Urahara wiped his face with a cloth slowly. “So… why did you make this stuff?” 

“You know soul reapers don’t have this kind of sexual thing… since humans have other things I thought we should have something.” Toshiro knew we didn’t need such a thing us soul reapers aren’t like that. “This would have been better if you just gave it to women.” Urahara knew that be a good idea for woman to have when they need sexual desires. 

“That’s a great idea! I just had to test it out…” “You could have found a volunteer!” “That’s right I could have!” He moved his fan in front of his lips while he laughed. “But how you get Brittany to get them? I bet you said she smell nice!” “Her kind is different from any of the others… I made hers smell so it would be good when she uses it with you.” 

“W-What do you mean?” Urahara smiled. “I added watermelon scent in there and also I added the same effect just I made it so she smell or look delicious to you Captain.” Toshiro gasped remembering that I looked good even with my clothes on. “So it did work!” Toshiro hit Urahara on the head. “You know I could have had her for food if you’re not careful!” 

“I know you wouldn’t just eat her up Toshiro… I meant sexual wise.” Toshiro knew that’s what he meant but still if he couldn’t control himself then he could of have thought she was food. “Toshiro you didn’t think that you were thinking of eating me the other way.” I said with my face turning red. “It felt…” Toshiro covered my mouth not wanting me to say that here. 

“Anyway I do think you should be careful who you give it too Rangiku is one that shouldn’t be trusted with it.” “She seems to use it with Chris just fine.” “For once she didn’t use it on other men.” “No she seems to only want to be with Chris she asked me personally to make something that could please her.” Toshiro got up moving his hands in his pockets in his pants. 

“Well I wanted to ask you about it and now I know what they do.” “So don’t be doing it way too often.” Toshiro glared at Urahara moving his hand out to me. “Let’s go back home.” “Yes Toshiro.” I moved my hand up to his gently. We left soon after to go back home thinking about what Urahara had said. I heard a familiar voice in my house. 

“Bri-chan!” Momo moved her arms behind me moving a brown stick near my nose. Toshiro froze it turning it to ice. “Momo don’t even light that!” Momo smiled seeing it was frozen now. “Aw you spoil my fun! Seems you guys already tried it.” Toshiro sighed knowing he couldn’t say no or lie. Steven sat on the sofa with a cup of tea. “Why are you guys here anyway?” 

Toshiro asked sounding annoyed. “We wanted to see if you guys have used it.” Momo said moving over to Steven. “We did but… I never knew it do that to me.” Steven smiled standing up with Momo. “We should let them be.” “You are right… and Brittany be careful.” She left with Steven while she laughed. “What does she mean by that?” 

“Does she mean when I get pregnant?” Toshiro sat down on the sofa being exhausted already after seeing Urahara and then meeting Momo here. “I hope she means that if not…than she better have not set any of those sticks in the house.” I gasped running around the house to search for them anywhere. But I didn’t find any but I handed Toshiro a condom. 

He threw it at the wall with his hand reaching out in front of him. “We should have food then maybe later we can have a bath.” Toshiro knew we could relax since it is the weekend. “Alright let’s do that.” I smiled moving in the kitchen since last time we did that stick with the scent but it wasn’t good for us both. 

I made us some food while Toshiro waited. It was a nice dinner but I feared that the school might investigate the stick scents. We will have to wait and see… After this weekend was over we both heard our phones go off with our alarms. Toshiro sat up looking at his phone knowing it was time to get up. He saw I was sucking on my finger while he laughed. 

“Brittany it’s time to get up.” He said pulling my finger out of my mouth. I moaned softly trying to move my finger back in my mouth. “Give me five more minutes…” Toshiro smiled moving to take off his clothes slowly. He put on his school uniform feeling he was too tired to go to school. But since I had to go he had to also. “I wonder if they heard about that stick scent…” 

I sat up quickly grabbing my phone. “Oh no I am late!” “I told you to get up.” He sighed throwing me my school uniform leaving out of the room to make some toast. I felt I should wear my new underwear I had but I never tried it on since I knew that I was going to do the scent he love me even more. I took off my underwear moving watermelon underwear with small, ruffles at the top with a pink bow. 

My bra had the same watermelon design but with a red ribbon at the top. “Are you ready yet?” I quickly put on my school uniform not wanting him to see what underwear or bra I was wearing. “I’m coming!” I grabbed our bags running down the stairs to the kitchen. Toshiro smiled handing me my piece of toast. “Ready to go?” I nod my head leaving the house with Toshiro locking the door and moving the key in my bag. 

We left in a hurry to reach the school in time. Momo and Steven had just arrived. “You two should really go to bed early.” “We did!” Toshiro yelled grabbing my hand to walk past them. “Seems like he is in a grumpy mood again.” Momo said softly leaving to her class with Steven. I sat in the classroom with Toshiro seeing Azumi was next to Ren in front of our desk. “Good morning Azumi-chan!” “Good morning, Brittany-chan and good morning Toshiro-kun.”

 “I told you to stop calling me that with the kun thing.” Azumi smiled looking at me. “So how was trying the scent stick?” Toshiro looked at Azumi annoyed knowing she tell everyone. “None of your business.” “What?” Ren pat her on the back gently. “We should try it tonight.” “You’re right I really want to see how it felt.” Azumi blushed a lot taking out her phone to text me. 

“How did it feel?” I read her text seeing Toshiro looked at my phone. My face turned dark red reading it. I replied saying it was good but I lost count how many times Toshiro had gone inside me. Azumi blushed a lot feeling her face was red. “Alright class let’s begin.” He took out the box of scent sticks moving to take one out with a lighter. 

I grabbed Toshiro’s hand moving to run out of the classroom. Toshiro gasped running with me not wanting to lose himself in front of class. Azumi blinked her eyes seeing we had left out of the room. The teacher smiled knowing we had to know about it to leave out of the room. “Seems like they already used it but it just scent nothing can happen.” 

We reached the top of the school up on the roof out of breath. “I knew this would happen!” Toshiro grabbed the fence feeling his body didn’t change so he didn’t smell any in the hallway. “Toshiro… I feel funny.” Toshiro looked at me seeing I covered my mouth.

 “Brittany…?” I fell forward feeling my head had a high fever and I felt very sick. Toshiro caught me in his arms moving on the ground gently. “Brittany…” He looked down at me being worried. I hope there isn’t a scent for those humans if so… then we got trouble! Toshiro thought to himself holding me close. He hope I just had a fever if not he have to take me home and he can’t let me lose control to it either. Brittany hang on! 

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