Thursday, November 24, 2011

Black Butler: Ch.1:The New Maid?

I was starting my new life today, at the Phantomhive mansion where I be as their maid. My younger sister was with me. My family came to a cold and I saw them leave this world. Oh how I wish they could stay! The man who has owned me been very cruel... his family just hurt me so I... "You must be Miss Amia I am their butler Sebastian." He moved his hand in front of him and he bowed to me. "O-Oh!" My face blushed with seeing this man, he looked very handsome. He had the maids inside the home bring in my bags. My little sister Kanna was next to me holding my hand. "Ah! I see that is your little sister am i right?" "Yes Sir." I said moving Kanna in front of me. She looked up at Sebastian her blue eyes looked into his red eyes. "H-Hi... S-Sebastian." He smiled at us both. "Come on, you shall meet with my Master Ciel Phantomhive." "Y-Yes!" I ran after him having Kanna go play in her room while I left with Sebastian to Ciel's office. "Master she has come." "Good come in." I walked in moving up to his desk. "Good morning sir! I am now your new maid starting today." I bowed my head to him. "I see that, and you have good manners. All I want is you to do work around here you understand?" "Yes sir!" I said lifting my head up to him. "Good. At least you don't ask so many questions..." He moved out of his chair up to me. I did see he was short but, he was cute. That kind of cute that you see in someone but don't really say it. He handed me my maid outfit slowly. "Go on. Go get changed and you got this list to do the chores." He handed me the list which had a nice writing on it. "I did go easy on you since its your first time." "How generous Master." "Shut up..." He said looking at Sebastian annoyed. "I will go do them right away sir." I left the room running down the hall. "She seems familiar." "She should... she is Brittany Amia." "A-Amia?!" Ciel gasped remembering me from his childhood. "So...she has come back and too bad my parents are dead to not see how much she grown." He walked up to his desk he looked happy that I have come. He noticed a small girl outside while he ran out of his room. "Master?" Kanna touched the bushes gently seeing the flowers came out of the bushes slowly. "This place needs more flowers." Ciel ran outside seeing the little girl. "Who is that?" "Oh that is her younger sister Kanna." Ciel blushed watching Kanna move around. "She is very beautiful...just like her sister."  "Seems your happy she is your maid." "I-I just am...!" Sebastian smiled touching his shoulder. "Its okay to tell me what you like Master. I won't tell anyone..." Ciel face turned red and he walked back inside. Kanna ran up to Sebastian. "I made flowers for your garden!" He smiled at her. "Great work it does look very nice... I gotta say where did you get those flowers?" He asked looking down at Kanna. "I made them with my hands." His eyes widen thinking if I had the same kind of power the Amia family did have a special gift to them. "Well I love the new art, now let us come inside." "Okay!" Kanna ran inside. He smiled looking up at the sky. "Today be a beautiful day for a new day." He said walking inside slowly. 

Later that night I was to do this big meal for Ciel with the help of the other maids. Which they were very lazy sometimes and just talked worrying what Sebastain think. Meirin was very funny but her love for Sebastian got her blushing. Bardroy was the cook but his food never came out right... he looked very tough but he was sweet. While Finnian he kind of had a crush on me I could tell because he always follow me around and if I told Ciel it just bother him with such silly matters. "Finnian stop flirting or else the Master will get rid of you." Bardroy hit him on the back of the head. "I can't help it! She so beautiful... why doesn't the Master love her?" "He is going to be married to Lizzy you dimwit!" Meirin said looking at me. "But I agree she be a beautiful wife for him and she is very quiet." I was making the food while they watched me with their glossy eyes. "She" "HEY!" Sebastian clapped his hands in front of them. "Stop staring and get back to work! At least she doesn't waste time..." "S-Sorry sir!" They ran out of the kitchen working on their other chores. "Miss Amia please do tell Ciel about Finnian he should know..." "W-Wait! How did you know?" I asked shocked he could see through Finnian's eyes. "I see all miss Amia and I do say you must be bothered by it." He moved closer looking at the soup I was making. "You do know how to cook I can tell you that." I blushed with him commenting on how good my food is. "I always cook for the man who adopted me and took us in." I said staring down at the soup. "He must be very lucky to have such a nice women cook and serve him. Is he to be your husband?" "No! Well...he just is my Father to Kanna and I." I said looking at the ground. I still remember that day he gave me the whip marks and bruises on my back. If I told them it be a burden.... Sebastian looked at my eyes knowing I was hiding something from him. "Well, let us know if you need anything Ciel may be a brat but don't let that bother you. He is trying to act tough but truly, he is happy that you both are here from his childhood." I still remember playing with Ciel from our childhood with Lizzy we all were happy. Kanna wasn't born yet and I took care of her when my parents passed so, she didn't know them very long. "Now don't worry about it. Let me serve our Master your soup while you help those idiots. Get the table ready alright?" "Yes sir!" I bowed to him running out of the kitchen. "I do hope she stays here she can control those idiots...." He said softly. I was happy here with the people living at Phantomhive and I do hope I can stay for a while before returning back.... I do not call it home not no more with that man. He is....he is a demon. 

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