Friday, November 25, 2011

Bleach:The Dark Hole Ch.7-Aizen's Plan

I came out of the bathroom wearing my blue kimono but I did clean off my make up and my hair is down. "You ready?" "Yes. Thank you for watching." "Your welcome Hitsugaya not be happy if I didn't do my job." He said with a smile on his face. I smiled back at him. We walked back to his office. "I may rest but you can leave." Jyushiro smiled. "I will stay until he comes back." He said. "Besides you both just well... we heard you outside but the guards waited." "You mean...?" I asked my face all red from them hearing us. "We can't disturb you both besides seems like its been a while." He smiled at me. I felt so nervous that I wanted to hide and not come out again. But its okay... they all know that we are married and that will happen. I moved in our room going to the bed, I moved under the covers. Jyushiro stayed behind waiting for Toshiro to come back. "Hitsugaya you must hurry and find Alice... I fear I know who taken her but if you find her then you should be happy. But... what is he really after?" Jyushiro asked himself feeling uneasy. Toshiro ran back to his barracks very late panting deeply seeing Jyshiro was still there. "I-Is... s-she okay?" He tried to catch his breath. "Yes she been asleep this whole time." He got up from standing by their office door. "Thank you." He opened the door seeing it was dark inside his office. "But, please be careful with you two wanting to have sex now." he touched his shoulder. "W-What are you talking about?! We did no such thing..." He yelled walking inside. "We heard you before coming but waited so please don't be embarrassed." Toshiro face was red knowing they must of enjoyed hearing us have sex. "Was it a good show for you perverts?" "W-What?! No. Captain we weren't just listening in." He smiled at Jyushiro. "I am sorry guess that be wrong if you guys were with Alice missing." Jyushiro smiled leaving from the door. Toshiro shut the door slowly. What a day! He thought with the guards leading him everywhere where Alice would be. But he sensed that Aizen had something to do with it. "Damn you Aizen! How dare you take her... you won't live again once we fight you." He said squeezing his fists. "I swear it!" He sat at his desk seeing the paperwork was very tall. "Better get started."

The next morning I felt sick to my stomach, I woke up sitting up in my bed seeing Toshiro wasn't there. "Toshiro?" I moved in the next room seeing he was asleep at his desk. "T-Toshiro!" I saw he was drooling and all his work was finished. He worked too hard.... I felt sick, very sick like before. But this time it felt worse. I ran to the bathroom moving to the sink. I felt a certain feeling like I was... Toshiro opened his eyes slowly he heard throwing up. Wait! He got up from his desk moving to the bathroom. I threw up again in the sink seeing Toshiro in the mirror. I gasped looking at him shocked. "Toshiro...!" He moved his hands around my waist. "Don't run. Are you...?" He moved his finger under my chin staring into my eyes. I stared up in his eyes seeing he was worried. "I do got morning sickness so yes." He gasped. "We only did it once... last time it was more then just once." He moved his head up against my chest. "Toshi?" He moved his arms around my back feeling I was shaking. "I am sorry now you can't...if we have to battle Aizen you be alone." He whispered softly. "Its okay. I know if Alice is there you can battle and you win." He smiled moving his lips up to my ear. "I won't lose. I can promise you that." I giggled softly looking at his eyes. "I know you won't." We left out of the bathroom to the sofa. Toshiro noticed I recovered some more where I don't need to lean on him. Which he did miss having help from him all the time. "I'm gonna miss carrying you a lot." He blushed looking at me. "Oh. If you miss it so much... you can still carry me." His face turned redder. "I may have to if you get pregnant." He said in a teasing voice. "Toshi..." I knew I wanted him to carry me or protect me. But, Alice... she is in their lair what can we do? If we all leave it be so reckless he destroy the world of the living. The place I met Toshi at and the place I loved. Alice please be safe....

Alice woke up seeing she was in a room which didn't look like her own back in the Seireitei. "Mommy! Daddy..." She got off the bed hearing someone open the door. She noticed it was Toshiro but he looked different. "Wait... your my Daddy but where is Mommy! Your not my Daddy he doesn't wear such ugly clothes." She said looking at him noticing his eyes held no emotion. "You are to stay here until Lord Aizen gives you permission to leave." He said with no emotion just a empty shell. She backed up scared of him. One wrong move and she be dead. A-Aizen! She knew he was the reason when he betrayed the Soul Society he hurt Mommy. "Why do you follow his orders?" She asked hoping he at least have a answer. "I do it because I have no reason to not follow them. I am nothing but his servant and are a game piece that he wants to use to bring your Mother and Father out." She gasped shocked. "NO! I don't want them to get hurt....not again." She said looking at the espada Toshiro with tears down her face. "Daddy died....then came back Mommy got hurt and lost all her energy what makes you think they will come?" "Because their love for you is too strong but if they wait till our battle in the world of the living then you can see them." Alice knew she could wait but what if she get's hurt waiting? Or they hurt her and show her to them by a secret message. She never met this Aizen but she was sure it was soon. "For his plan is to get all of them trapped here and then...destroy everything you love." He said with a evil in his voice. Alice wished to warn them but only the head captain is her only hope of saving everyone from losing everything they loved.... please Mommy and Daddy wait for me. Don't come! Please.

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