Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Bleach:The Dark Hole Ch.2:The Dark Hole

The next morning I heard voices outside saying the captain is back. I immeditaly woke up leaving off the bed to find Rangiku in the room next to the one I was in. "Rangiku?" She looked sad. I was afraid of what she tell me what happened. Rangiku stared into my eyes her hazel eyes were filled with such sadness. It made you want her to tell her what was wrong before you broke into tears. "Rangiku.... is Captain Hitsugaya coming?" She hugged me quickly crying in my robes. "He's dead!' I gasped feeling my chest hurt from what she told me. I was so shocked that I fell on my knees and cried. Rangiku held me close letting me cry while she closed her eyes. Captain you idiot! You just died with Momo and....and! I hate you for leaving Alice and Brittany behind. She thought to herself for now she has to prepare a funeral. That day was sad with all hope was lost when I heard her say he was dead. I wanted to die with him but... I wasn't there to stop him. We all put flowers down on his tombstone, all of us cried but me mostly I stayed there waiting for him to come out and surprise me. Be a bad joke if he surprised me now. Toshiro why did you die? Why...? Rangiku touched my shoulder feeling the rain started to pour hard. Our robes cling to our bodies. "Rangiku... why did he die?" She looked at me with tears down her face. "He...he wanted to save Momo and knew only way was to die with her. You see, she became a hollow and he couldn't even kill her." She squeezed her fists tightly feeling it hurt but she didn't care. "He is a idiot for leaving you and Alice behind!" She yelled falling on her knees. "Rangiku-san..." I knew she suffered the most watching him die. I knew I should have gone! I knew I should have... but now its too late. 

It was a year later after all that happened and I moved on by being the lieutenant and rangiku was Captain of squad 10. Alice had become in our squad and was lieutenant after me. She was very smart taking after Toshiro. I knew she pass quickly and I also saw you inside her Toshiro...I went to see Toshiro's tombstone everyday to tell him everything so he listen. I believe he tell me that's good after I said Alice had passed but not hearing his voice killed me inside. "Toshiro I want to see you! I wish you could have....or stayed alive." I said with tears down his face. Then it hit me. Aizen must have planned this. He must pay! I had to go but in secret Rangiku would only stop me saying its dangerous. So I left that night to go through the gate secretly since I can pass through without a butterfly. I went through the gate to Wako Mundo which is where Aizen stayed at. He made hollows that have cracked masks which are called Arrancars and also he made other stronger ones called Espada's. I only heard from Toshiro about it that it mean trouble if he used them against the Seireitei we need a stronger force. I arrived at Wako Mundo seeing there was no sun but a dark sky with a moon. It was a world where the Hollows lived so no sun fit them perfectly but why Aizen come here? He just wants to be king well he isn't going to win. I ran forward hoping I don't get spotted but since he lives here he know I am here. Aizen noticed me on screen from his TV. "Ah. So she has come." He smiled nodding his head at a boy. The boy left soon afterwards going to where I was at. I stopped running sensing a familiar presence. Is it...him?! No. It can't be. The boy landed a few steps behind me, he whore white pants with, a white long sleeve shirt and his sword was behind him with a black cloth behind him holding his sword in place. He looked at me with his turquiose eyes staring deep into my back. I turned around quickly seeing it was him, the one I wanted to see all this time. "T-Toshiro?!" His eyes looked like no emotion in them as if he was a empty shell. He didn't even run to hug me or tease me. It...was him yet, not him he was standing there looking at me. "Such, a nice warm welcome don't you think?" Aizen said over Wako Mundo where I was at. "A-Aizen...! What have you done to him?" I asked with tears down my face. "He...he." "He is now a espada or hollow you should say. I changed him and I believe he is better this way not a weak Captain he more suited to be here." Aizen said laughing after he said that with such evil. "W-Why do you make him and Momo hurt each other?! You got what you wanted just....just leave them alone!" Aizen got up from his chair. "I did it because I was bored and I needed to get rid of that girl once and for all. She was just a tool nothing more and Toshiro. I knew you come for answers or you wouldn't be here." He said sounding more happy that I have come. "I want to test him out." I gasped noticing Toshiro moved grabbing my neck. I jumped landing on the ground afraid he have him kill me. "Don't be afraid Brittany. Just kill him and you be saved once again..." Kill him? I thought in my head. That I can't do...I came to get answers and to know he is alive and still here makes me happy. "I can't." Aizen laughed. "I knew you were soft...besides its been a year hasn't it since he died." Toshiro moved for me again disappearing behind me. He moved his sword slashing at my back. I cried falling to the ground feeling scared of his new self. This was like my dream. He was evil and scary..."Good work Toshiro." Aizen said watching me on screen. "Wonder if she can attack the guy she loves." "Ah, hi Gin and I wonder that too she have to if she wants to live." He said moving his hand up to his chin. He walked up to me slowly his feet moving on the sand with each step. I have to....get up. I moved my legs on the ground feeling his hand against my neck. He slammed me against the ground. "Your weak. You should come back when your ready!" He threw me across the ground watching me bleed. "T-Toshi..." He froze feeling that name cause him to act differently. "Doesn't Toshiro know how to kill?" "He just toying with her." Gin looked at Toshiro noticing he was different. Aizen, doesn't know that he is holding back. Because Brittany is here he can't fight very well. I stared at Toshiro seeing he was on his knees. Did...that name hurt him? I hated seeing him in pain even if he wasn't the real Toshiro....or if he is. I can knock some sense into him. I ran over to him not caring if he stabbed me I at least need to help him. "Toshi please!" I moved on my knees, moving my arms around him slowly feeling he was shaking a lot. He was trying to fight it and he needs to hear my voice. Toshiro hands were shaking afraid he hurt me, but he didn't know why he felt such need to protect me. Aizen noticed Toshiro was shaking. "Seems he is not wanting to kill her." "Looks that way Aizen. What should we do?" Gin asked grinning at him he knew Aizen had no choice but to kill Toshiro but if he did that then he probably make him even better. "I will let him go. I don't need him no more I will let his hollow take over and eat her." Aizen said leaving out of the room. "Aizen you sure are cruel." Gin said following after him with a smile still on his face. "Toshi!, Toshi! Please calm down." I yelled holding onto his back feeling his hands grab my arms. His breathing quickened as he was trying to get himself together. She feels so soft. Where have I felt this feeling before? He moved me on the ground gently. "T-Toshi..." My face was red with him on top of me and I couldn't move. Was he going to kill me? I asked myself thinking it be fine. I finally did see him after that day he left this world. "Let her go!" Rangiku moved her sword at Toshiro. Toshiro picked me up moving up in the sky. "W-Wait... you are!" She was shocked that it was Toshiro. A girl beside Rangiku looked up her eyes shocked of who she saw. "T-Toshiro?" She asked not believing her eyes what and who it was. Toshiro moved me on the ground while he pulled his sword out. "I won't let you get pass." He moved his sword slashing at the girl. "Azumi-chan!" Rangiku yelled seeing he moved too fast for her to fight him. "You monster! You hurt Brittany....and now Azumi!" She remembered me, Azumi and her eating together and going to the hot springs together. "They are your friends! And....Brittany she is-" Toshiro grabbed her neck having a cero appear near his hand. "I don't know Azumi and you... but Brittany." He paused feeling pain when he said my name. Rangiku knew that now be a good time to give me the bottle. "Brittany catch!" She tossed me a bottle and it landed in my hand. "What you give her?!" He asked moving her on the ground forcing the cero at her chest. "Brittany hurry!" I didn't have time to think I knew this was a bottle to make him weak but I have to save Rangiku. "Toshi stop!" He let her go grabbing onto his head feeling pain in his head again. I moved my legs over to him feeling the sand was soft under my shoes. I took my shoes off to run faster before he recovered. The bottle was medicine to stop someone or make them weak. I just had to get close to him enough so he drink it and then.... My tears formed from my eyes the thought of stabbing him through the heart would break me in two. I moved the bottle up to my lips drinking a little. Toshiro recovered seeing I was in front of him and he didn't move but grab his sword. "I should end this..." Rangiku called out her sword blinding his way of seeing me. "Damn!" He cursed. He had to end it before he falls into her hands again. He searched around but the mist was too hard for him to see. I grabbed his shirt looking up into his eyes. "Forgive me." He gasped confused by what I meant by that. "W-Wha-" He felt my lips up against his while his eyes were shocked. I had the medicine go down his mouth while I was crying. I have to... I don't want to kill him. He felt weak falling on his knees and he dropped his sword. Rangiku called back her mist seeing Toshiro was on the ground. "Azumi!" She ran over to her checking to see if she was alright. I pulled my lips away from his feeling how soft his lips were. I wanted to kiss him again but I have to hold back, or I will lose myself. Toshiro looked up at me his body was weak and he lay on the ground smiling at me. "I guess you win and now...I am happy to have been weakened by you." He closed his eyes slowly remembering his mission before his death. "Captain wait!" He stopped knowing she want him to not go. "What about Alice and Brittany? You can't just die and leave them!" She yelled afraid he go and die leaving me behind. "She would stop you too so don't say she wouldn't..." "Rangiku... I am sorry I just can't turn my back on Momo." He said looking back at her with a smile on his face. "Momo is-." He winced in pain feeling stupid he died leaving me behind. Brittany... I sat on his lap with tears down my face. I can't do it...no! I just be ending his life like before. I moved my head on his chest not able to do it after all this time I wanted to get Aizen but...but! Toshiro is alive and he may be a hollow but he smells the same. And his body hasn't change. He opened his eyes seeing me crying on his chest. "B-Brittany... please don't cry." He moved his arms around me on was on my back while the other was on my head. I lift my head up a little seeing his eyes were staring into mine. "I told you...I be back." He said softly feeling his head hurt. "T-Toshiro!" I hugged him tightly crying in his chest. He came back! He... but how? He moved his hand up to his head. "Wait... what is this?" "You are a hollow and Aizen brought you back." I said moving off of his chest. "I have to do something... I will restore your powers." Toshiro looked at me surprised. "Restore them?" He moved his hands to open his shirt seeing he had a hole through his chest. "Brittany... I am a hollow. You should have-" "I won't kill you! I already lost you once." I touched his chest sending my energy inside him. He felt his body was very weak from the medicine. "Brittany... no you can die." He wanted to stop me but he couldn't due to the medicine. He bit his lip afraid I die saving him. I knew giving him all my energy may not save him but I have to try. "Toshiro... I am just so happy you are back. I-I was sad you died because you left Alice and I, I really wanted you to come back but...but!" I felt my tears fall down my face remembering that day he left this world. Toshiro felt the medicine was still in effect. Damn! I hug her but... the medicine. "Brittany I am so sorry.... I wasn't thinking when I died with Momo. I really wanted to save her but I felt I let her down and leaving her was hard to do." He looked at me with sad eyes afraid I wouldn't believe him. "Toshi..." I whispered softly seeing the hole started to close. Rangiku helped Azumi over to Toshiro and I. "Its working Brittany!" She said. I knew it would work if I used all my energy but what would happen to me? Would I die? I had fears of dying and never being with him again. I forced all my energy out at once seeing the hole disappeared entirely. "You did it!" She hugged me gently happy to see he was okay. The horn on the side of his head disappeared while his skin turned back and he looked like himself again. "Let's go before Aizen knows you changed." Rangiku opened a gate back to the Soul Society. We left quickly not wanting to stay any longer. We arrived back with Toshiro taking him to be checked by Unohana. "Oh my!" She saw Toshiro was alive but wearing clothing by the Espada's. "Brittany found him in Wako Mundo... please Uno-" I fell on the ground feeling my energy was low. Unohana moved me on a bed checking my energy. "She low on energy! I need to give her some and quick." Toshiro looked at his body feeling all my energy was inside of him. "She saved me by using her energy. I believe I can give it back." "What if your hollow form comes back?" Rangiku asked worried Brittany energy with it gone it would return him back to the way he was. Unohana stared at Toshiro shocked. "She changed you back by her energy?" She asked shocked I had so much power. "Then... please come over here Toshiro." She said reaching her hand out to him. He walked over to her. "This may hurt. But I am sure Brittany will be happy to know that she sealed your hollow, no actually she removed it." She said thinking it was impossbile to change someone back yet she did it with her own energy. Brittany Haku you are amazing... she thought to herself while she was preparing for my energy to be transfored back. Toshiro watched me worried in his eyes of losing me. He knew losing me be like how I felt when he died. He never wants to see tears on my face again. "Brittany hang on!" He yelled hoping this will work. He hoped that somehow I will be alright. But if it all fails he want to join me... but then he lead the same mistake of hurting Alice their only child. I won't let you die Brittany...I won't let you die!

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