Saturday, November 26, 2011

Bleach:The Dark Hole Ch.9-Azumi...likes who?!

Azumi walked back with Steven to Rangiku's office. "Here he is!" She blushed the whole time thinking she get's to be witht he hottest guy here. Rangiku stared at Steven her eyes watched him. "Your a cuttie!" Steven blushed being in the room with two beautiful ladies. He must follow Captain Hitsugaya's advice but not like he just go grab for their breasts. He ain't like that... Chris walked in seeing the guy. "Rangiku, I hope your not flirting again." "No sweetie!" She ran over to Chris moving him up against her lips. Steven blushed seeing her kiss the guy who just came in. Azumi pulled Steven out of the room. "Sorry! My captain she and him...they are married." Steven figured that when he saw how close they were. "I see. What about you?" He asked smiling at her. Azumi looked at the ground. "Well... he left me." Steven gasped staring at her shocked. "He... what?" "Left me." She said with tears in her eyes. Azumi felt stupid crying over him. He is nothing but a cold hearted snake. She should get over him... Steven bowed. "Sorry! I should not have asked Miss Hanshia." He bit his lip feeling so stupid he asked her when they just met. Azumi smiled touching his shoulders. "Its okay! I don't mind. I mean I just am getting over losing him. He....he was Gin Ichimaru." She said turning her back to Steven. "My first love." Steven looked at her back seeing her eyes were sad and lonely. He felt that he wanted to hug her. To say its alright I am here. But...doing that just make her hate him thinking he is a pervert. "I am not here to leave you Azumi. I will protect you if I need to." He said in a serious voice. Azumi looked at him in shock. She wanted someone to protect her just as Brittany had Toshiro to protect. She was jealous I had someone while she... "Oh thank you Steven! That makes me so happy." She said moving up to him hugging his arm against her chest. He blushed a lot looking at her. "S-Shall...we go?" "You wanna go out with the gang?" He blinked his eyes. "Gang?" "Yes! Brittany, Toshiro, Rangiku and Chris all come! You should too." She said smiling at him. "I be happy to join you guys." Steven said looking at her. His heart was beating in his chest. "Alright! Let's go tell Rangiku-san." She ran with Steven back in the office. 

"Seems like Azumi found someone new." I said sitting on the bed. Toshiro sat behind me massaging my shoulders gently. "He did seem very nice. I just hated how he touched you is all..." "Toshi he isn't going to flirt with me. I am only yours." His face blushed looking at my back. "I know I just...wanted to only touch you and lost control." He moved his fingers against my back feeling my back popped. "Oh did that hurt?" I looked back at him while smiling. "A little but its better now." He smiled moving his arms around me, his hands touched my stomach. I moved my hands up to his feeling the baby kick my hand. "Oh the baby is moving!" Toshiro felt the kick moving me closer to him. "Yes... seems like our baby is very happy." He lay his head against my back. He worried that Alice be scared and alone but he knew he had to wait. We can't just rush in that be foolish and Aizen wants that. Alice... forgive me. 

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