Thursday, November 10, 2011

Summer Sun Ch.1-Beginning Era

Ch.1-Begging Era
There was a land I heard about from my Mother. She told me this land had wonderful sites. They had technology with computers and TV's. you could walk outside and the screen pop up in front of you. The phones were able to charge outside with the sun's light. I was excited to come here. My Dad was my only parent guardian. My Mother... she passed away when I was little. "Sweetie, we are here." He said. My eyes looked around. I saw our house. It, was big. A two story house. "Wow!" I said. My expression on my face was in shock. Such a big house. My Dad laughed. "Come on. Help me unpack." He parked the van. "Yes Daddy." He turned the van off. "Well, okay. You can go meet our neighbors." He said softly. "Really?" I asked excited. He nod his head. My hand moved over to the door handle. "Soon we will have a car like theirs." I smiled. I opened the door moving on the ground. It felt soft by the technology. They made it so you could walk with no shoes. My arm pushed the door closed. Such a amazing place! My legs moved to my right foot then left. I notice a barrier in the sky. A barrier? I was wearing a dress down to the middle of my legs. The top went to my shoulders, it had ruffles where my neck is with the top being silky. The skirt was soft with ruffles under my skirt. I wore round shoes. "Ah! There is our neighbors." I ran on a side walk. It lead to a mansion. "So far from my house." My legs were not hurting. The ground technology is very amazing. My ribbons in my hair around my braid on the right side. My hand reached to the door. The door opened so suddenly. My mouth opened a little. I gasped. A boy stopped seeing me. A pale boy looked like he was my age. His hair was silver. Such a young boy! My body froze. I couldn't even say hi. He stood still. His hair was spiky with his eyes being turquoise. Such, a beautiful color. He wore a black, long sleeve shirt with a white collar. His pants were silky with a black color. He had black ankle socks on. I cleared my throat. I never acted this way to a boy. I always was afraid of them. "U--Um... I--I." My teeth bit my lip slowly. He moved his hand out to me. "Hello. My name is Toshiro Haiku." His hand was white as snow. It, was reaching out to me. My hand moved up to his. He waited for me. His eyes on mine. I touched his hand. Why, am I not afraid? I usually ran away. He shook my hand. "My, name is Brittany Haishia." His eyes looked serious. Haishia? He knew that name. My eyes looked down his body. He moved beside his door. "Would you like to come in?" He moved his hand in front of him and he bowed. He is like a butler. "Is it alright?" He lift his head up. "Of course." My lips curved into a small smile. No boy has ever asked me to come in. "Thank you." I ran inside his home. The home had a mint kind of smell. One that you want to smell over and over. The floor had a red carpet where you walk in. Toshiro followed me inside. He shut the door slowly. My eyes moved past the stairs, up on the wall. "Ms. Haishia?" My body jumped moving to face him. He smiled at me. His eyes looked warm. Most boys had lustful eyes. "Please follow me." He said. He moved up to the stairs. I ran after him. My feet was moving carefully up the stairs. He was already at the top. "Toshiro why you---" She stopped hearing other footsteps. I got up to the top. She saw me her eyes surprised. "Hello Ms. Haiku. My name is Brittany Haishia. I came here and is your neighbor." I said. My thoughts were, such a beautiful women. Her lips moved into a smile. "Why, hello Ms. Haishia. I am Tasha Haiku." She had her hair down. It was silver with deep, blue eye color. Her dress was white, with a bow in the back. She had white gloves on. Toshiro smiled at me. "Let me lead you to our dinning table." He said. A knock was heard on the door. "I'll get it." A man said near the door. "Alright John." Toshiro moved to the right passing his Mother. I followed him. Tasha watched me thinking of a women. Haishia? Could she be? She asked herself. She does smell like her. John moved his hand up to the door handle. He opened the door. "Has a girl come here? Young... she is my Daughter." He said. His voice was in fear. "I was afraid someone kidnap her." He added. "Sir, please calm down. What is her name? We will help search."  John said softly. "Alright. Thank you Mister. She goes by Brittany Haishia. I am Shad Haishia." he said moving his hand out to John. John smiled. "Ah! I heard she was here." "So, then. Your our neighbor." John smiled letting his hand go. He moved away from the door. "Please come in." "Thank you. Um..." "Oh, right. My name is John Haiku." Tasha smiled moving down the stairs. "I am Tasha Haiku." She moved like a goddess. Shad stared at her. He couldn't look away. Tasha stood by John. "Come. For dinner. Your daughter has joined us as well." Shad walked up the stairs quickly. "Um... such a big place." Tasha laughed. Her laugh was a very sweet peaceful laugh. Shad smiled. "Yes. We do get lost. Mostly my son." "You have a son?" "Yes. He is a gentleman. He won't do anything I promise." She told him. Her legs moved to the stairs. Shad followed after her. John was following after Shad. Toshiro lead me to a long, rectangle table. It was very long with women as maids waiting by the wall. Toshiro moved me to the end. "You can sit here." He said pulling the chair out. "Will, you sit by me?" His face blushed. My expression was scared. "I, well... um. My parents won't bite. So, please do not worry." He said. He sounded nervous. Was he shy? Tasha came in with my Dad. "Dad? Your here too?" Toshiro looked at Shad. My Dad moved up to me. Toshiro moved away from me. He watched my Dad closely. I hugged my Dad. "Dad i am fine." He rubbed my back. "I thought I lost you." John sat down across from where we stood. "Come. Sit." He looked at the maids. They moved to go get the food. Shad sat down in the chair. "Do you guys always eat here/" "yes. We also have parties. But, mostly where we eat food." She said moving next to John. Toshiro sat by his Mother. He was across from me. I had my hands on the chair. My body moved on the chair. I sat down feeling the chair was very soft. Shad looked at me. "So? Is he your type?" My Dad asked. My face was red. "Daddy!" Tasha smiled. Her eyes watched me. "Such young love." She added. Toshiro sighed. He seemed tired. He must think I am annoying. He is cute. But, he must have a girl friend. The maids brought in plates of meat, mashed potatoes, mac n cheese. Seemed they had everything. "We made so much." Tasha said. Her expression seemed happy. "We never have guests." Shad smiled. "Then, let us visit more often." Tasha nod her head. I looked at Toshiro. He seemed upset. "Um... where is your bathroom?" I asked. Tasha looked at Toshiro. "Sweetie, can you show her the way?" He got up without even complaining. "This way." I got up. "Thank you." My feet moved after him. He had his hands in his pockets. He seemed mad. "I am very sorry Toshiro. Me being here must be annoying." I said. He stopped. I closed my eyes tightly. I was crying. How could I cry? In front of him. So pathetic! Toshiro turned to face me. He saw I was crying. "You did nothing. I was stressed out by my parents." His finger moved against my eye. He wiped my tear. "Now. Come let's take you to the bathroom." He said. I opened my eyes. He was close. I bowed feeling my head against his chest. He stared at me. "Still, you must miss your girl friend. I am sure you can leave and---" He pulled me close. My breath quickened. "I do not have a girl friend. I am happy, please believe me." He whispered. I moved my hands on his chest. "Yes. I do believe you." his body felt comforting. I actually could trust him. He moved away from me. "Come on." He walked down the hall. I followed him. He smiled. I notice family photos up on the wall. It was of his family. He walked up to two door.s "Girls and boys?" "A joke for guests." I laughed softly. "I see." He moved against the wall. "I'll wait here." I ran in the bathroom. It looked very clean inside. I moved one of the bathroom stalls. I noticed a black shadow near the window. My eyes widened. I let out a scream. Toshiro had moved in the girls bathroom. "Brittany!" I moved out of the stall. He moved in front of me. I shook through out my body. He stared at the shadow figure. My eyes watched Toshiro. He seemed so brave. The shadow figure left. Toshiro looked back at me. He smiled. "There. Glad you screamed... those are not good to have around." "W--What are they?" I asked. He moved his hand up to my face. "Do, not fear. I will not allow you to get hurt." He said. His words sounded true. "But...but." He silenced me with a finger on my lips. "I promise." If, he was my friend. Or boy friend I... My face turned red. Toshiro smiled. "Why are you blushing?" I couldn't tell him. No, no... he laugh. Toshiro moved closer to me. His hands were on my face. "I---I!" "No fever." He making me so dizzy. He notice my eyes were being heavy. He moved away from me. "I'll let you use the bathroom." I never really had to use it. "Well... actually I never had to use it." I said nervously. He looked at me, his eyes were staring into mine. My body shook in fear. What, if he got mad? or maybe he was upset. He laughed. "You, didn't need to go? You could have told me." "Sorry! I really wanted to tell." I bowed my head to him. "No need to bow. Its alright." He laughed softly. I felt happy I could make him laugh. We left the bathroom. Walked down the hall back to the dinning room. Tasha looked at me. She watched Toshiro. He smiled walking back to his seat. I ran over to my seat. We both sat down. I notice my Dad was gone. "He, had to unpack." "Oh, should I leave?" I notice the time was eight o clock. "No, You should eat." She said. Her cup had red liquid in it. It looked like wine. I also thought it be blood. But, they wouldn't be vampires. They are not like that. If, they were. They be good vampires. My plate had mashed potatoes with a chicken drum and corn. "He did say you love that." "Oh. He did?" My eyes were glowing with happiness. My Daddy is so kind! Toshiro bit his lips. "I have a question." He said softly. "Yes?" I asked. "Do, you love... well believe in vampires?" He asked. His voice sounded serious. So glad he didn't ask that when my Dad was here. Tasha stared at me curious. John smiled. "I do. I have books and read about them. I love vampires." I said excited he asked. He smiled at me. It was so peaceful. My Dad called saying it was late. "We packed the food for you." Tasha handed me a bag. "Thank you." I said moving my hands to the bag. Toshiro followed after me. "We, can't have you walk alone. Now can we?" Tasha said. That is true. After I saw that beast or... was it a wolf? The eyes were red. Red like what vampires eyes have! I walked away with Toshiro. We walked down the long road. There was a empty field by his mansion. It was at least big as a football field. Even bigger. The stars were glowing in the sky. I really hope he and I can meet again. We both stopped by my house. "Um... see you tomorrow?" "At school yes. I love to see you again." he said. He seemed happy. "Vampires... don't say it to my Dad he loathes them." I warned him. He nod his head. "I won't say it around him. Our little secret." He winked his right eye at me. We stood in silence. I really wanted to stay. "G--Good." I am being like a shy school girl. He moved in closer. His lips on my forehead. They felt so soft on my skin. "Good night Brittany." He whispered. He left into the night. I felt closer to him. It felt so real. His touch, his kisses. So... melting. 

Would I see him again?  

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