Thursday, November 10, 2011

Summer Sun Ch.2-School Days?

Ch.2-School Days?

The next morning I heard my phone vibrate. It was six o clock very early. I was not good at being on time. My body moved up. I sat on my legs, rubbing my eye. So tired. "Good morning." Toshiro voice was behind me. I  jumped hitting my head on the wall. He helped me sit up. "Sorry. Your Father said it was a good idea." Father did? Hearing him say that makes me happy. To hear good morning from a handsome guy. He kissed me on my head. The pain... its gone. "Ready?" He asked. I notice I was still in my pj's. "Wait!" He laughed at me. He was teasing me! Why do I have to meet such a child? I asked myself. "Alright, alright." He said. Toshiro got up off my bed. He left my room closing my door. My face was all red. He so mean. I whispered. I moved my pj's off. I threw them in the basket. Now what to wear? I notice he was wearing a school uniform. Mine was on the chair by my desk. I moved over to my desk. It had a t-shirt with a round puffy shoulders, a short checker skirt with, black leg stockings. "Cute." I put the uniform on. The mirror showed me how short it was. But, its so cute! I ran out of my room. Toshiro sat at the table with a cup of tea. He notice the uniform. "Very cute." I blushed a lot. He had a vest with his black shirt, a collar on the top near his neck. His pants were black. "Now you ready?" I nod my head. We left the house. I walked beside Toshiro. I notice the road we had to go on went to the city. He moved his hand out to me. My body froze. He wants to hold hands? No... I should do it. Toshiro smiled. Would he wait? Even if its forever? Toshiro smiled. His hand is inviting me. My hand moved up to his. He held onto my hand. His hand did feel cold. But against my heat it felt very good. We left down the road to the town. The fog was around us. I moved my hands to grab his arm. He looked at me. "Are you scared?" I gasped. "No! I..." He smiled. "Don't be scared. I promised you." He said. I remember he promised to keep me alive. I nod my head. We passed through the fog to the town. The buildings were tall. I notice the barrier again. "That barrier..." Toshiro stopped. "So you can see it." "Can... others see it?" "Only a few." He said softly. "Can you see it?" I asked. Toshiro closed his eyes. Maybe I asked too much. I walked a head of him. I did something bad. He opened his eyes quickly. Toshiro gasped. His hand grabbed my arm. He pulled me back. I heard howling. Toshiro had me against his chest. He covered my face. "Damn dogs." He hissed. He was like a cat. I held onto him tightly. He sensed they ran away. He let me go. "Sorry." He looked down at me. "They gone?" He nod his head. "But to answer your question. I can see the barrier." He said. He didn't let me go. Was he in love? "Now let us go." "Yes!" I ran with him into town. We reached by a huge building. It was a academy. "Were here." He said letting my hand go. I walked by him. We walked inside the school. "I can stay by you. I am here to protect you." He said in my ear. My face was red. "No, you don't have to." I said. He smiled at me. "I got no where else to go." He said in my ear again. I grabbed my face with my two hands. "Come on. We need to pick up your schedule." He said. Why is he by me? We just met yet. I feel we are the same. Or... he seems lonely. We walked up to the office. "Hello Toshiro. What brings you here?" "A new student." "Ah! That's right." She handed me my schedule. I took it from her hands. I had eight classes. 

Welcome to Summer Sun's Academy!

1. English   

2. Art
3. Lunch
4. Web Design
5. Math
6. Keyboarding
7. P.E. 
8. OFF
Toshiro left with me. "How is it?" He showed me his schedule. I notice it was the same. "Wait!" Its the same. But... why?" "Your Mother wished you have protection." He said softly. "But, I am in no danger. Except from last night." I said. I was shaking a lot. My body just acted. Toshiro put his schedule away. He hugged me close. "If, you hate the idea. I can ask them to change it." My chest hurt. I didn't know why. "NO!" He backed up surprised. "I mean... I love to have a friend." He smiled. "That's great." We walked together to our first class. A girl crossed her arms against her chest. "Who is that?" "A new student." A girl bowed next to her. As if she was a queen. She had blonde hair to the middle of her back, her body was skinny like a model. She had blue eyes with red lipstick on. She wore a cheer leading outfit. The shirt was to above her stomach, her skirt was under her butt. "Sarah, we tried to keep up with all the girls here!" A guy bowed in front of Sarah. He bowed his head. She bit her lip. Her eyes watched me with anger. "Who is she?" The guy looked up at her. "We couldn't find anything." "What?" She stomped her foot. The girl backed up scared of her. She had two braids for her hair, she was very smart. Her hair was black with hazel eye color. "Emmy go research! Hurry before I make her regret being here." Sarah ordered. Emmy had already checked. "I tried. I tried!" She begged. "But... its blocked by a system I don't know of. I tried." She bowed her head. Emmy hated Sarah. Sarah had caught her kissing her boyfriend and she had pictures of them together. She bit her lip. Sarah smiled at me. "So? You want to take him away?" She grinned. "She, won't stay very long." I  got to class with Toshiro. "We, have a new student. Brittany Haishia." "H--Haishia?" Some kids whispered. "She is..." Toshiro sat in the back row. Emmy ran in. "Sorry! I was late." She said moving to her seat. "Ms.Haishia, you can sit by Toshiro Haiku." The teacher said pointing out where he was. Emmy gasped. S--She is! Haishia's daughter?! She was shocked. "Thank you." I said. I walked past Emmy. Toshiro smiled. Its like he knew I sat next to him. My feet moved up to the desk. "Wait! Teacher Sarah sits here." A girl yelled having her cheer leader outfit on. She was tall with her hair down. "Akia sit down. You don't make the rules around here. I do." I blink my eyes. Sarah walked in. Her hair shined in the light. "Sarah you sit in the front row." "What?" She stopped. I sat in the chair by Toshiro. Sarah walked to the front row. Toshiro sighed. He felt his phone vibrate. He looked at it. The teacher had us read. We read the book out loud. My heart beat in my chest. Toshiro knew I faint. He raised his hand. "Yes?" "Can, I take Brittany outside?" The teacher saw I was shaking. "Of course." He got out of his seat. "Come on Brittany." He touched my shoulder. I jumped up. "Huh?" Everyone laughed softly. I left with Toshiro. "Sorry you were shaking." "I am sorry." He shook his head. "Actually, I have to go. But please stay here till class ends." He said. His voice was serious. "Yes. I promise." He left. He ran down the hall. Sarah came out of the class room. "Ah! Hi there." I saw two guys by her. "Hi." "I want you to come with me." She grabbed my hand. "Wait. I have to stay here." "Don't listen to him. He doesn't own you." She walked down to a dark area. "Its..." I felt my body froze. Sarah laughed. "Little tramp! I hate you." She yelled. "So, we can bite?" "Of course." She said. A guy moved me against his chest. B--Bite? What, was she talking about? I cried for Toshiro. I should have not been alone! He laughed. I saw a mirror. It showed a guy. He had fangs. F--Fangs?! My eyes widened. He bit me on the neck hard. I gasped. My breath got knocked out of me. The pain was too much. Sarah smirked. Emmy stood where I used to be. Where is he? Toshiro ran back seeing Emmy. "Emmy?" Emmy cried. "Brittany has!" He looked around. "Where is she?" "Sarah.... she." He gasped. "No...!" he ran away. I fell on the ground with two fang marks on my right side of my neck. "Now stay away from Toshiro. Or else." She warned me. "I'll let them eat you again." The guy laughed. I cried again. She is so cold. Toshiro kicked a guy into the wall. Sarah gasped. "W--Who's there?" She noticed Toshiro. "Toshiro...! You bas---" Toshiro had the guy sleep. My vision was blurry. Sarah saw anger in his eyes. "I can't believe you...!" Emmy ran over to me. "Brittany!" "Emmy...! you skank." Toshiro tackled Sarah against the wall. "She... told me what you planned. She tried to stop you. Yet, you over being a slut couldn't stop." Sarah was scared. "Your a monster. Just like them..." She said. He smiled. "Funny you call me that... yet." He let her go. "YOU! You attack a human like you." Emmy moved me up  slowly. She gasped. "No..." Emmy touched the fangs on my neck. Sarah growled. "She took you away." Emmy moved up to Sarah. "You had her get bitten!" Toshiro eyes widen. He moved next to me. His hands on my shoulders. He felt my neck. "How dare you." He growled. Emmy slapped Sarah across the face. "Your a pig!" She yelled moving out of the room. Sarah was shocked. Toshiro picked me up in his arms. "Brittany." He left the room. Sarah bit her lip. "Why... those!" She looked at her servants. "We must stop Emmy. Change her! Do anything." "Yes S--Sarah!" They left quickly. I woke up seeing a room. The curtains were open. The light was dimmed by some clouds. I touched my neck. I felt the fang holes. Toshiro walked in the room. "How do you feel?" He asked. His eyes looked sad. Made me want to cry. "Just scared. V--Vampires live at that academy. He bit me so hard." Toshiro walked over to the bed. "I am so sorry. I... failed you." His hand touched my face.  His hand was cold and white. "Toshiro... are you like them?" He sighed slowly. "Yes. I am." I moved my finger up to his lips. He chuckled softly. "I won't bite." He got up. "I will have those vampires pay. Its death for attacking you." "Then Sarah be...!" My eyes widen in shock. "Don't worry we will erase her memory." he moved up to the window. His movements were so angel like. I could blink and he be gone. I knew of our differences. "The fang marks... I have to hide them." Toshiro smiled. "I can erase them. I am older then you think. But since you know... we must be careful." He said. "Our other family do meetings to do our own rules in this world. It, was your Mother who created the barrier." He walked up to the bed. "And, the technology. She wanted peace to our races." He explained. The history of it was amazing. No wonder people knew my last name. "Not even your Dad knows. That, is why ur Mother asked my parents to protect you when you came here." He added. Mye yes sparkled with everything. "So! Vampires are real." I said happy to have met them. It, was a day but I had a memory of them. He laughed softly. I smiled at him. I mean if you fell for a vampire. All books I read had humans love them. He had my neck up to his lips. "Toshiro" "No biting. I need us to be a secret from your Dad." He whispered in my ear. I grabbed his back gently. He felt so strong. His body was strong. He licked my fang marks slowly. My skin felt cold from his tongue.  My fang marks were disappearing. He moved off the bed. "Rest for now. I did tell your Dad you are here so he won't go to the school." He told me. I notice his eyes were warm again. "Thank you Toshiro." He blinked his eyes. "Can, you stay by me?" He closed his eyes. "Of course." He moved a chair by the bed. I watched him sit on the chair. "Now sleep. You, will need it for our food." My lips moved into a smile. "Yes!" He smiled. His eyes opened slowly. "I do love your kind. So special." His fangs were showing. My eyes closed slowly. "Ten, I love you." I whispered beefore I fell asleep. He blushed a little. "Brittany..." Tasha walked in the room. "How is she?" "She is fine now. She knows were vampires." He stared at me. He looked happy. Tasha moved a white, feathered fan up to her lips. "I am happy she has come back." Her eyes watched her son. She left the room slowly. I was happy here I felt I had a secret. A secret, so dark. I loved him. He loves me, I am sure. Toshiro I want to know more about you. I want to hear everything. Even if its sad. Please tell me.

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