Monday, November 21, 2011

Bleach:The Dark Hole Ch.1-The Losing Hope

It was in the middle of spring, I had lived in the Soul Society with Toshiro Hitsugaya. He and I had met in one summer when he found me in the world of the living. We been together since then and since Aizen has betrayed the Seireitei and central 46. But our mission now is to get stronger against Aizen. I had stayed behind on this mission since I had to watch over squad 10 while Rangiku and Toshiro had left on a mission after hearing Momo had been captured by Aizen's men. "How, are things?" Jyushiro had asked. He had a worried look on his face. "I am fine!" Jyushiro knew handling one squad must be hard with both Rangiku and Toshiro's paperwork. "I just gotta wait till... they come back that's all." Jyushiro smiled at me, he was glad that I held up since they left a week ago. "They should be back soon." He said leaving the room with his lieutenants. "Keep up the good work!" "We will come back again." She said handing me a basket of candy before leaving after Jyushiro. I looked at the candy with a smile on my face. He always gave me candy to cheer me up. That night it felt very cold, a evil prescence kind of feel but I felt nothing around me. I finished the last paperwork rubbing my eyes slowly. "Mommy... you shouldn't work so hard. Daddy may have to give you that talk again." My Daughter Alice was in the academy but she was able to come home every night. "Sorry...I have to keep up. Or he may really give me the talk of being far behind." Alice shook her head. "No. Everyone doesn't expect you to be caught up since your doing so much." She said helping me to the bed. I let her move me to bed thanking her for removing me from that chair. How can Toshiro sit there and do all that work? It seems so tiring... I remember him telling me something. "How can you do all that work Toshiro-kun?" He sighed dropping his paintbrush. "It takes you a while but you can do it all if you concentrate." He said staring at me with his tired eyes. I put a cup of tea down on his desk. "I wish you luck." "Wait." He said moving behind me. "Y-Yes...Captain?" He wrapped his arms around me pulling me in close. "I do it so I can later spend more time with you. You are the reason I am happy now Brittany." He said in my ear before kissing my neck. My face turned dark red with his words. He meant every word...but somehow I knew he just wanted to spend the whole time with me not do work. "Besides, you being here helps as well." He let me go moving back to his chair. He sighed and started to work on the paperwork again. I smiled moving on the sofa telling him stories so he can work faster. "Mommy?" Alice shook me gently. I opened my eyes seeing Alice worried face. "You just wasn't moving...are you ok?" I sat up seeing I was in bed and Alice lay down next to me. "Sorry. I had a old memory come to me." Alice whispered in my ear. "Of Toshiro?" My face turned red. "N-No! Well..." She laughed softly. "I Knew it!" "Alice..." She touched my arm softly. "Come on, let's go to sleep who knows. He may just come back." She was right I shouldn't worry too much over it. I lay back down on the bed hoping he come back safely and tell me how it went. If he saved Momo-chan. I put my thoughts to rest when I fell asleep I saw him but he wasn't the usual himself he looked more evil. More dark... what was this Toshiro I am seeing? Is he real? or... is he one of them?

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