Thursday, November 24, 2011

Black butler: Ch.2-The Man Who She Calls....Demon

The table was set for Master Ciel to come out and eat. I stood by Bardroy, Finnian and Meirin. We all were standing waiting for Ciel. "How long is he gonna take?" Bardroy asked sounding impatient. "Calm down Bardroy or you may grow wrinkles with all that worryin." Meirin said pointing her finger at his face. I smiled at them. "Do not worry he will come so stop worrying and smile." I said in a sweet yet caring voice. "Such a angel!" Finnian said moving his hand up to his chest. "Finnian, control your tongue." Ciel came up to the chair moving it back so he could sit down. "Y-Yes sir!" He blushed looking at me. He saw a angel and wasn't gonna let Ciel ruin his fun. "One more look at her and you will be fired." Ciel warned him. "Sir!" Bardroy looked at Finnian annoyed. "I told you...Finny he be mad." "But who told him?" Sebastian smiled standing behind Ciel's chair. "All of us shall eat. Come sit down." I followed behind them seeing Kanna ran up to me. "Kanna there you are!" Kanna hugged me legs hissing at the dog that followed her inside. Meirin looked at Kanna. "She like a cat." "Is that so bad?" Ciel moved his fingers up to his spoon. The dog ran out whining from hearing Kanna hiss. "No! Just...isn't that weird?" Meirin asked seeing Sebastian give her that glare. She shut her lips and sat down with Bardroy and Finnian. Kanna and I sat across from them we were to sit close to Ciel. Ciel moved his spoon in the spoon. "Who made this?" "Brittany my Master she is very good I did not teach her nothing." Ciel knew I learn how to cook seeing how I was a women and grown up. He moved the spoon up to his lips tasting the soup in his mouth. We all watched him waiting. Sebastian knew he like it since he tasted it before giving it to him. "Well Master? How is it?" "I bet its like angel food with-" Ciel threw a dart at Finnian. "Ow!" "Quiet you." He swallowed the soup. "This is amazing!" He yelled sounding happy with the food. I smiled at him. "That's great! I tried my best at making it." Ciel smiled at me. My face turned red looking at his smile. He praised me its been so long since I seen him as a child. "I from now on want Miss Brittany Amia to cook the meals." "Y-Yes sir!" "What?! I don't cook?" "Bradroy your food is terrible. Last time you burnt the beef!" "Not my fault...its so complicated." He complained. "Now all of you let's eat." Sebastian said clapping his hands to slience the noise. Kanna ate her soup slowly looking at the pictures on the walls. I ate slowly feeling Finnian stare at me again. Maybe I should tell Ciel... I don't want to break his heart. "Finnian, what did I say?" Ciel asked in a serious tone. Finnian gasped looking down at his soup. We all ate our food in silence while I helped clean up afterwards. "No, need for that Brittany I like a word with you." Ciel said grabbing my hand. He ran upstairs to his study room. "What is it Master Ciel?" I asked bowing my head to him. "You can stop the bowing...I know you came here to see me right?" "Ciel....I did and also to get, well I-" "Has your Foster Father been a bad man?" He asked looking into my eyes. "Well...I. I mean... I don't want you guys to get in trouble!" "Please tell me." He begged moving his hand up to my face. "We are friends aren't we?" I blushed. "Yes... we are." I moved my hands up to his. His hands felt warm but his eyes looked scared for me. Sebastian came in. "I also had a feeling you were running from something, because no one would want to be our maid so quickly." "I knew I couldn't fool you both. You see... the foster Dad he beats on me and he wanted to do that to Kanna I used my body for his needs." Ciel moved his hands away from mine. I started to cry thinking of his whipping and him burning me. "He burned me until I screamed... Kanna wanted us to go here. She begged me but I couldn't just show up. That man gave me up hoping he get money from you." I said moving my hands up to my face. "I left so I could be free from him and since I am working for you.... I-" Sebastian touched my shoulder. "We did pay to have you here and also Ciel paid the full price to have you be here for a while." He said smiling at me. "You mean as I am your maid for a long time?!" I asked sounding happy. "Yes and we can keep you since he did a contract for us to keep you which is strange if he was smart enough... he know that we buy you and we pay back money or he expected you to get money from us. The fool!" Ciel showed me the contract. I read it seeing that they did buy me and Kanna plus our house and he  doesn't get a thing. "Why he sign it? I thought he....liked us." "He wants our money or our company to work with him.... he may have wanted to get you to marry him." My face lit up in horror of merrying this guy, the guy who hurts me so much. "I don't want that!" Sebastian touched my shoulder again. "We do not either he is a sick man right Master?" "Right. We will pay this man a visit later." He left out of the room. "That butler is..." "He is well... different you may say." I nod my head. "Well go to your room and sleep you got a long day ahead of you." "Yes sir!" I bowed to him. "Call me Ciel." "But... im your maid." "Please only you can call me that. The others are my servants... they mean nothing to me." He whispered looking into my eyes. I smiled at him. "Alright Ciel I will." He smiled back. "Im glad you agree. Now go to bed." "Yes." I left his room running down the hall. Ciel smiled looking at the contract. "You bastard.... touching her that way you will pay! You do not know that she is a noble and if the news get's out you will be a broken man." He moved a chess piece on the paper while he laughed. I went in my room seeing Kanna was in the room next to me asleep. She hugged her blankets. Sebastian had left the room. "I made sure she is safe so do not worry if anyone tries to break in, I will know." He smiled shutting her door. I waved to him as he walks away down the hall. Such a weird night... that man. I wish they could arrest him but what can Ciel do? He just get in trouble and get himself killed! I should be fine. I just got to sleep. I moved on the bed seeing the moon from my window. It shined bright with a blue like light. So beautiful... I smiled thinking of what that man would say, the demon I call him. He be surprised if he saw Ciel. My body moved under the covers and I lay down on the pillow. Another day maybe I can start a new life. Maybe even not see that man again.... oh please let that happen! Please let me be free once again.

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