Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Bleach:The Dark Hole Ch.5-The Long Lost Friend

"Momo...!" Momo smiled walking up to us both. "Hello Shiro-chan and Brittany-chan, I am back thanks to you both." She bowed her head to us both thanking us. Unohana smiled moving to the sofa. "Let me explain please come sit down." She said waiting for us to sit. Toshiro helped me walk over to the sofa. Momo sat by Unohana while she smiled. "Your office is the same as ever Shiro-chan." He growled softly. "Call me by Captain Hitsugaya not Shiro-chan!" She laughed moving her hand up to her lips. I sat down slowly smiling at Toshiro. He blushed moving to walk next to me before he sat down. "Alright, now let me explain I did use your energy Brittany to save Momo as you saved Toshiro from sealing his hollow self away. It takes a lot of energy to do that." She told us while she moved her hand up to her lips. "Which is why I tried it on Momo and the energy replied great! Momo came back to live her hollow was sealed away." Toshiro looked at me shocked my energy could do such a thing. "She is the last clan of the Haku's I expected no less from them do this we could save people from their hollow forms!" Toshiro said looking at me. I smiled at him knowing I can't do much now with such low energy. "Yes she could save more lives that way...but now it be impossible with such low energy." Unohana said looking at me. Momo looked at me worried. "You saved us both from death Aizen....he is!" I knew Momo loved him and had feelings for him. I hope she now knows how cruel he is and that he should be killed. But... knowing her- "I want him dead!" She yelled with such hatred in her voice. Unohana pat her on the back. "Don't be so hard on yourself Momo. You just recovered..." She got up leaving the room. Toshiro knew it was me who helped Momo which he is most grateful. Momo got up from the sofa. "We should go out to eat!" "At this time?" He asked looking at Momo. "yes, yes!" I nod my head getting up slowly. Toshiro moved his arms around me. "Careful..." I nod my head forgetting I am still recovering myself. Momo noticed Rangiku, Alice, Chris and Azumi came in. "I inivited them too!" Toshiro looked annoyed. "You had to call them in?" Alice smiled running up to me hugging my arm* "Chu..." I smiled at Alice. "Its okay Toshi we can go out to eat." Toshiro looked at me and smiled. "Alright let's all go." Rangiku cheered with Azumi. "YEAH!" We left to the ramen shop sitting at a big table for all seven of us. I sat at the end with Alice and Toshiro. Alice reached for the sake. "Alice...." Toshiro said in a don't you dare kind of tone. "But I am old enough! I can handle it..." He sighed remembering from last party. "Alice wait how old are you?" "Old enough to drink..." Toshiro glared at her. "Just one try of it okay?" She took one sip. Her face instantly turned red and she hiccuped. "A-Alice?" Alice moved to sit on Toshiro's lap. "I wuv you Dwaddy." He leaned back looking at the ceiling. "I told you not to drink but you..." Alice kissed him on the lips. His face turned red. "Dwaddy why don't you lwove Mwommy?" He gasped. "I love her! Just... she is recovering and-" "Shh! Its okay." He picked her up walking to her room moving her in bed. "No getting up. It is past your bed time." Alice rubbed her eyes hugging her teddy bear while she smiled. Toshiro sighed watching Alice. "Toshi-kun?" I shook him on his shoulder pointing to Alice. Alice was already drunk with Rangiku and Azumi. "YEAH PARTY!" Toshiro moved his hand up to his head. "Ugh...this is why I-" I whisper in his ear. "Its okay they are having fun." He smiled looking at me. He knew I was right making them not have fun be like him telling me to not kiss him and work. "Your right." We ordered ramen for all of us while they ordered more sake.  "B-Bri you should drink." Momo gave me some water with ice cubes in it. "No she is recovering you guys are not good at helping her now are you?" Azumi moved closer to Momo. "I am to! Sake... hiccup is... hiccup good for...hiccup. Momo sighed looking at Toshiro for help. Toshiro shook his head. "Even if I help you they just be even more crazy." Momo moved chop sticks in Azumi's nose. "Your too close." Azumi took them out of her nose and moved the other side that wasn't on her nose in her mouth. "Look guys... I am a walrus!" We all laughed at Azumi seeing how funny her face looked. The ramen came to our table but we all talked to each other about happy things and Rangiku went on about her night with Chris while Chris face turned dark red. I smiled at everyone but something was making me feel tense what about Aizen? Would he come and take me again? I mean...I wasn't a threat he didn't stop us so what is he planning...? We later left the ramen shop, Azumi left with Chris and Rangiku. Momo asked if she could stay with us for a little bit. Toshiro had a spare room for her in the barracks. So he of course said yes. Alice went to sleep quickly when we put her to bed. She still slept like a child. I lay down next to Toshiro in the bed moving my fingers in between his. The moon shined in on us showing some of his face. His eyes glowed with the moon which made it hard to not look away. "Today was fun wasn't it?" "Yes it was." I said moving closer to him. Toshiro moved his arms around me pulling me in close to his chest. "Good night Brittany." "Good night Toshiro." I said closing my eyes hoping we stay this way forever or at least be able to have peace for a bit longer...Just a little bit longer.

Back at Wako Mundo in Aizen's lair...
"Aizen it has finished." A man said with pink hair, he had purple nails on his hands. "Thank you." He said looking at the new espada. "Ah you look better then that new one since I want you to take their child and you must do it and make sure you leave Brittany a good present." "Yes sir." He looked like Toshiro but his eyes were emotionless and he left the world to the Soul Society. He knew taking Alice be easy since he knew I trusted Toshiro which he was made from the hollow of Toshiro. "I won't fail you Aizen-sama." He said moving down to 10 squad barracks.

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