Sunday, November 27, 2011

Black Butler: Ch.3:The Man Who Broke....Amia

I woke up the next morning hearing Meirin, Bardroy and Finnian whisper like they were in my room. "Look at her!" "So cute." "Come on guys... we can get in trouble." "Oh Bardroy you are so tense!" I rubbed my eyes opening them slowly. "Look! She's waking up." They all leaned in closer seeing my blue eyes stare at them. "Her eyes.... they are like a ocean." Finnian leaned in slowly up to my lips. Sebastian grabbed Finnian. "Do I have to ground you from-" He noticed the cat ears on my head. "Will you guys please leave the room for a second?" He moved them out of the room. "Oh and... please don't make a mess." He threw Finnian at the wall before he closed the door. I sat up in my bed seeing Sebastain walk up to me. "S-Sebastian?" He moved the ears on my head up right. "You should dress up as a neko maid it look cute. By the way... do you love cats or... dogs?" He asked staring into my eyes. I blushed feeling my head to feel cat ears and I noticed the mirror showed my hair was a mess but I had a cat tail. "Um...! I love cats sir." I said softly. "Ah, that is a good choice I love them too. We will get along just fine." He said moving the curtain open on my window. "You better go get changed and dressed we will leave to see that man." My eyes widen with shock of meeting him again. "Right now?" He looked at me moving his hand against my face. "Do not be afraid. We will talk to him alone while you stay in the wagon." He said moving in closer his lips up against my ear. "Besides... my Master is very happy you returned so he wishes that you stay." My face was red the thought of hearing him say that. It made me very happy after his parents death I no longer saw him smile... Lizzy told me he was no longer the child he once was. I believe that. I also wanted him to smile again. "Now come." He moved his hands to unbutton my shirt. "W-Wait! You can't..." "He ordered me to undress you and said to pick out your clothes." "B-But I be naked!" He smiled his eyes were staring at my chest. I wouldn't mind if Ciel.... but him. He is their butler and I am their maid. "You are such a child." He was right its not like he was going to have sex with me like that man did. I let him unbutton my shirt with each button my heart beat ever so fast, I could hear my heart beat it was like a sound you couldn't tell to stop. Sebastian had taken off my pj's while he handed me a light blue dress. The top had another layer where the chest would be with blue roses on the bottom of the skirt and on the sides while the ruffles were at the bottom, with the skirt going up with ruffles up to the waist. "Such a cute dress don't you think?" I nod my head moving my hands up to it. He noticed my wounds on my back and the words on it was "John owns this body." He glared his eyes at the words feeling sick. "Brittany... his name is John?" I gasped forgetting about the words on my back while I nod my head. "Yes. He is the man who did this to me and also he refers I call him Master. I wanted to throw up after....but if I did he whip me again." I was shaking with the fear of him whipping me. "I got a plan to make him stop. But if he takes you I may want to do it just for your protection... but it may hurt." He said leaning closer behind me with his arms around me. "W-What would you do?" His eyes were like a cat with a diamond in the middle and they turn a light pink color. I looked at his eyes noticing they weren't human eyes more like a cat. "I will mark you miss Amia." He said moving his mouth up to my neck. "W-W-What?! Wait... if you do that I could change..." "Don't be silly. This mark is different... it will be a mark so only I can touch you or the ones I allow you to be touched by." He licked my neck with his tongue slowly. His eyes were glowing staring at my neck. I have to be strong... this is just a mark. But what if he can touch me? My body started to shake the thought of his hands on me. "Do not think of him. I am now here to protect you." He moved his teeth in my neck gently feeling how soft my skin was against his teeth. I bit my lip with my teeth feeling pleasure in my neck, it felt as though he pierced through my skin and now I feel like I could faint at any moment. He pulled his teeth out looking at me seeing a mark was on my skin. "All done." Ciel opened the door seeing I was panting and he noticed Sebastian was holding onto me. "What is the meaning of this?! We are going to be late!" "She hasn't had a bath sir. Also... even if he ask her to be back now he can't." Ciel eyes widened seeing a mark on on my left side of my neck. He noticed it had small black wings with a circle around it. "Y-You bastard!" He slammed his hands on the dinning table looking at Sebastian. "She is not your sex toy!" "I was only trying to protect her Master." He moved his hand in front of him. I sat in a chair with only my bra and underwear on as Ciel had us sit at the table. "Still... how is this mark going to prove it? She is now yours Sebastian. I want you to remove it... after all what if she get's married? She can't possibly now." He said frustrated that he act on his own just to protect her. "I know you say that. But this mark only I can touch her or any I allow can. Which means that man John can not touch her no more." "John?" I looked at Ciel my face was red. "He the guy who you are going to see. The man I call demon." Ciel looked at Sebastian and he sighed. "Well you know... by now that Sebastian isn't human by that mark." He said looking at me worried. "Don't worry. I really don't mind since he did it to protect me." I said moving my hand up to the mark. Ciel gasped seeing I wasn't scared or wanting to go back. "You are very strange." "Strange yes... but she is human. I find some humans very interesting..." Ciel glared at Sebastian. "Your a pervert." He looked at me. "Alright. I will let them know we will come a hour later. Go take a bath." "Yes sir." I got up running to the bathroom. "Master are you mad I marked her? You seem to love her more then Lizzy." "Lizzy... she just annoying. But I am because you shouldn't have forced her." "She didn't seem to stop me Master. She actually allowed it knowing it keep her safe." Ciel looked at Sebastian. "Why... did she let you do it? That... doesn't make sense." "She feels safe that only certian people can touch her Master also... what he put on her body made me sick. He put John owns this body. They were burnt letters on her." Ciel gasped looking at Sebastian. "Then... he really must be punished. I want her to hurry so I can see the look on his face when he sees he can't touch her no more." He said with a smile on his face. I ran got in the bathtub seeing it was very big but we were able to use it only because Ciel knew me. If he didn't I be using the regular ones that Meirin uses. I quickly washed my hair with shampoo thinking of the mark. Wait... why am I? "Is the water to your liking miss?" Sebastian asked being behind me. I jumped feeling the shampoo go in my eyes. "Such a silly girl." He moved his finger up against my eyes. I closed them so he could wipe my eyes gently. "You are such a clumbsy girl." He moved his hands away grabbing a bucket of water in it. "Keep your eyes closed." I kept the closed not wanting to get more soap in my eyes. He poured the water on my head softly. I shook my head hearing him laugh. I opened my eyes looking at him. His eyes showed warmness inside. "Come on we gotta hurry." "Right." I got up moving to grab a towel. He took it from my hands. "Ciel, has ordered me to take care of you and him. Plus your sister if she needs help." "Why? Wasn't he mad that you....marked me?" Sebastian smiled moving the towel around me. "He says that I should help you if you need it. He truly is mad about it but now that I told him we can win against John he is happy to see the look on his face." I knew John be angry that he couldn't touch me no more. But I truly want to stay here at the Phantomhive manor forever. We left after I got dressed in the dress Sebastian picked out, I left with them in their wagon while I was afraid. Kanna stayed behind so he can not hurt her since she wasn't marked and she is too young. But I didn't know why he did it. Maybe so he could win or was it over that he liked me? I didn't know... but all I knew was is that I have to be strong for both Ciel and Sebastian. We stopped by my mansion which was very big like Ciel's manor. "Such a big place." "Yes my parents loved it very much." I said looking outside seeing how beauitful it was. What would be inside? All his ugly hands have touched my parent's beautiful things.... he destroyed anything that was disgusting to him. Like all our photos on the wall if my parents are alive they want him to be killed or let the Queen decide his faith. But... all I can do is hope this plan works but what if it doesn't? Even if he takes me back. He can not touch me now....

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