Monday, November 28, 2011

Bleach:The Lunar World Ch.1-The New World

I remember those books you read, about vampires coming out at night. Or where the werewolves come out on full moons. I truly loved those but only to find that they are fake I even tried looking for them. Jannie told me that I was very brave to want to find them. "Brittany, you should just stay home for tonight okay?" She was worried for me but I knew that I had to find it. "Sorry I know you go out with Ichigo again." I said smiling at her warmly. Her face turned red the thought of being with Ichigo again. "Ichi...welll he, he is very sweet." She whispered thinking of their kiss last night. She finally had the courage to tell him she loved him. "Alright but please promise me." She grabbed my hands. Her eyes stared into mine being scared. "I don't want to lose you." "Jannie-chan..." 

I moved my arms around her. "You won't." I told her.  Jannie heard a knock on my door. Ichigo came in dressed with a long, black shirt with a red tie of a bow at the collar of his white shirt under the black one. His pants were black also. "What are you being Jannie?" "Oh now you want to call me that." She said pushing on his arm while she blushed. I noticed she made two bite marks on her neck. She must be his vampire lover for today is Halloween. and I was dress as red riding hood.  

Ichigo waved leaving with Jannie. "I better go." I ran out of my house to a forest. This forest was foggy with snow on the ground.  The snow looked like a snow wonder land, filled with ice and forest. The ice cling to the trees as I passed them. My feet walked in the snow feeling cold but it felt nice since I loved the snow and ice. My parents called me the ice child. I heard footsteps behind me, they sounded very rough and scary as if I was in a movie where the girls get murdered. My feet moved on the snow running past some trees feeling the snow disappeared and it was very dark. I stopped seeing behind me it was darkness still. "W-Where am I?" I asked looking around. 

The trees looked scary with no light on them. I walked forward slowly feeling my feet weren't cold but they were on something soft. "Its very creepy." I whispered walking to a hill seeing a white hair boy. He had a tail and ears but he had fur on his arms they looked white as the snow. On his chest was more of that white fur. He was picking some flowers from where he sat moving his tail in happiness. S-So cute! I thought watching him stare at the flowers. He looked so young. He looked at me shocked to find me here. I blushed seeing his eyes were on mine. He moved up to me his eyes were still in shock. "H-How did you get here?" "I..." 

My hands moved up to my lips. The white hair boy moved some white snow off of my legs. "Your such a mess." He said standing like a inch away. My heart beat in my chest of him just touching me. "U-Um... are you dressed up as a wolf?" He blinked his eyes forgetting today was Halloween. "Yes but I am a werewolf." He said smiling at me. I fell backwards feeling dizzy with just his smile. He caught me in his arms shocked. "Hey! Don't faint..." He looked around hoping I came with some friends but he did smell I was human. His thoughts were that this girl seemed to be lost and somehow got here. He couldn't tell her the truth, the truth that he was really.... He smiled showing his fangs a little. "Really... humans are interesting." He said picking me up in his arms before he ran the direction I came from. 

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