Friday, November 18, 2011

Bleach:School Days! Ch.1:New School?

Ch.1:New School?
I was starting my new school year as a sophmore. The school was Karakura high school. My Mom had drove me to school that day. "Bye Mother." I said waving my hand to her. She waved back. "Don't get lost." She teased. My face blushed nervous I would get lost. She drove away smiling. "Mother..." I whispered, now afraid I will get lost. I moved forward one step, when something caught my eye. It was a boy. He walked past me. W-Wow... All I could do is stare. just then, I felt someone hug me. "G-o-o-d M-o-r-n-i-n-g!" "M-Momo?!" I sounded surprised and scared. "Bri-chan, your red." She checked my forehead. "No fever." I felt nervous to have her check my head. There was a crowd. Momo glared at them. the crowed backed up, from her glaring. momo grabbed my hand. We ran inside. The school was big. The kids ran down the hall. "Such imature people huh?" She asked. Her eyes looked around. My breath was taken away by the scenery. Momo notice a boy. His hair was brown. His body was skinny and was a bit taller then her. "Check out the boys here." She whispered in my ear. I thought of the boy earlier. He was very cute and looked quiet. Though... why am I thinking of him? My face turned dark red. Momo looked at me. "Bri-chan, your face is red." She poked my face with her finger. My thoughts came back to me. "Your red again." I gasped. "Sorry." I said. My heart won't stop beating Any thought of him. I be red as an apple. So embarrassing! "Hey Alex." The white hair boy said to Alex. Momo and I both stared at Alex. "Hey." He said hugging the white hair boy. "Been such a long time." "I know Toshiro!" Alex said. He moved his arm away. My eyes watched Toshiro. he was short, but something about him drew me in. momo watched me. Her grin on her face moved into a smile. "You love Toshiro!" She yelled. Everyone watched me. "N-No! I..." She giggled. Alex noticed Momo. "Whoa! She..." Toshiro notice Alex blush. "You never blush for anyone." he sighed. "I know. I-I just love her." Momo blushed slightly. "Scary." She moved behind me. I gasped. "Momo-chan?" Toshiro eyes widen in shock. He saw me his eyes were struck by my beauty. "Yo Toshiro!" Alex pinched his arm. Toshiro shook his head. "Did, you have thoughts for that girl? He asked smirking at Toshiro. "No!" he lied feeling his eyes look at me again. She is cute I admit. I blushed deeply. "Momo, why are you hiding?" "Scary boy looking at me!" She yelled. her arms move around my waist. i notice both Alex and Toshiro stare at us. Badump! Badump. My heart pounded faster. H-He staring! What, do I do? I asked in my head. This... I fell forward. "Bri-chan!" Momo yelled. I heard voices all around. "Momo...chan?" I asked hoping I can go home. No reply. My eyes opened. I saw the nurse. "Good your up!" She said smiling at me. My vision was blurry a bit but her face looked young at least 20 years old maybe more. "This nice boy been waiting to see you." She said pointing over to the wall. Toshiro leaned up against it, his arms across his chest. His eyes were closed but the way he leaned up against it was my boyfriend. My eyes widen in shock. He been waiting for me? No. Its not possible... we haven't met and yet he is actually here. My head was full of questions but one question was added after another!

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