Monday, January 30, 2012

Bleach:Dark Souls Chapter 9-The Reigai Vs The Originals

Kira heard the gates opening looking up in the sky. Orihime was healing their wounds after I was gone I couldn’t heal them. “Thank you Orihime.” “You’re welcome but… Brittany is she okay?” “We can’t be for sure.” Reigai Toshiro came out of the gates smiling at them. “Ready for some more?” Orihime gasped seeing he was alone. “Where is Brittany-chan?!” She asked staring up at Toshiro. “Oh? You mean that girl…?” “She has a name!” Kira looked at Orihime. 

“Don’t let him get to you. I am sure the real Toshiro got her back.” Orihime knew she shouldn’t worry but she couldn’t just wait. “I know but…Brittany she could be dead.” Hisagi looked at Orihime knowing the worst if we had to prepare my funeral. “You won’t only suffer… she been a friend to us. Even family I hate to do a funeral if she is dead.” Toshiro looked down at them knowing Kageroza will have him be killed but if he dies here he doesn’t have to worry. 

“She is not dead!” He yelled at them. “What?!” They asked staring at him in shock. Toshiro knew they wouldn’t believe him. He jumped down in front of them. Hisagi moved in front of Orihime. “Get back Orihime.” Toshiro looked at the ground. “I want you guys to kill me.” “W-What?” Kira asked sounding shock in his voice. “Kageroza will have me not work for him but the best thing is for me to die here. I have helped her escape before I left.” 

Kira looked at Toshiro curious. “Why would you betray him?” “I love her… I couldn’t stand seeing her in that condition. I wanted her to help my original the one person I will fight later. But, I need her to be alive she would have been locked away in that place not free as she should be.” He looked away from them blushing on his face. “She like an ice princess but if caged she have no freedom.” Hisagi knew that Kageroza was a fool to give them emotion or memories… 

Toshiro loved me with all his heart. But one thing is to die seems like he is running away. “Why don’t you face him? Face him with us?! We can beat him if you’re with us.” Toshiro looked at Hisagi shocked in his eyes. “You trust me like that? I am not planning anything you can even have me be tied up if you choose.” “Is he into bondage?” “What’s that?” Orihime took out some whips and chains. 

“Bondage is a very known thing here in the world of the living… people do it for their loved ones but also you are tied up and struggle wi—“ Kira covered Orihime’s mouth. “I don’t think we need to know anymore.” Kenpachi laughed walking up to behind them. “So did you turn already reigai Toshiro?” Toshiro moved his sword at Kenpachi. “Run!” Orihime looked at Toshiro in shock. “He won’t wait forever…” Hisagi nod his head at Orihime. 

She ran away looking for Ichigo. Kira watched Kenpachi knowing he is very strong. “Seems you have went with them how foolish.” Toshiro moved his leg at Kenpachi’s stomach. “Whatever…” Ikkaku moved up to Toshiro. “Let me battle him if you truly are on our side… then I want to fight him to the death.” Toshiro left Kenpachi moving in the sky. “Alright he is yours.” Hisagi smiled watching Kira. “Guess we can go help Ichigo now. I do have trust in him but seems strange he change on our side so quickly.” “Very strange… but let’s go.” They left soon after leaving Toshiro. 

“Stop the act! You do know you won’t get away from his grip…” “Kageroza could care less about me… he just used me to get close to her.” “I won’t fall for it again.” Kenpachi smiled watching Toshiro. “That girl is nothing but a human… don’t get so distracted by that weak girl!” Ikkaku had his sword and sheathe come together to form a spear. “Shut up and fight me Captain!” “Alright let’s go.” He moved his sword down at Ikkaku. Toshiro watched them fight hoping I was able to help his original. Brittany… be strong. I was healing Toshiro, Momo and, Steven’s wounds. 

Steven noticed it was really me while he smiled. “Thank goodness you came.” “Steven-san, you shouldn’t move after all your wounds are healing.” Steven smiled knowing I was right. “I know. I am just so happy that you’re really here the real one… that was scary.” He looked at Momo knowing she must have felt the same. I healed Momo’s wounds feeling Toshiro had more wounds than Steven and Momo together. Steven looked at Toshiro seeing he was in danger. 

“Heal Toshiro Brittany.” He looked at me worried. I knew Toshiro needed it the most he was stabbed a lot of times. “Yes…” I moved over to Toshiro moving my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat. He opened his eyes looking at me. “Brittany, do not grieve for me… I let my guard down against your reigai.” I cried on his chest feeling it was my fault.

 Steven smiled watching me knowing I blame myself for everything. Toshiro moved his hand on my head gently. I looked at him with tears down my face. “How many times do I have to tell you not to cry?” He moved his tongue up against my tear licking it away slowly. I touched my face with my other hand feeling his hand was against my face. His hand feels very warm against my cheek. He smiled looking at me with his lips curved into a smile. 

“How long are you going to lie on top of me?” He asked pointing to Soifon battling the other reigai. I gasped moving off of him knowing now I can’t be lying on him and crying. “S—Sorry!” Momo opened her eyes seeing the ceiling but her wounds felt no pain. Steven smiled looking at Momo. “Morning sleeping beauty did you enjoy your nap?” He grabbed her hand moving it up to her lips. Momo gasped sitting up seeing me with Toshiro. “Imposter how dare you sit by us and heal…” 

She stopped seeing I was smiling. “B—Brittany chan… is that really you?” She asked with tears in her eyes. I finished healing Toshiro’s wounds seeing he got up standing next to me. I looked at Momo with a smile on my face. “Yes Momo it’s me Brittany. I came after you guys got hurt and saved Toshiro before she killed him.” Momo saw Soifon and the other captains. 

“So now we battle the reigai.” “I would say you should rest but they do need your help.” Yoruichi moved over to inside my barrier. “Brittany I want you to stay out of this fight… if we need someone to heal us, that is you for the time being and Kageroza is trying to capture you.” Soifon moved next to Yoruichi. “We can’t allow you to get captured by him again.” I knew getting captured wouldn’t help them he could make a new reigai even stronger… I don’t need him to research on me. 

“I will stay here then.” Yoruichi looked at Steven and Momo. “You two ready?” Toshiro gasped looking at Yoruichi. “I will go fight as—“She looked at him seriously. “No you stay and protect Brittany.” Soifon smiled looking at Toshiro. “Don’t be useless and make out with her okay?” Toshiro face turned red shaking his fists. Momo and Steven left with Soifon and Yoruichi. “Why you!” “Toshiro-kun…” I grabbed the ribbons in my hair. 

It was a good idea I changed my hair look or they wouldn’t recognize me. Toshiro sat down inside my barrier wanting to attack the reigai for what they done to me. But so far he couldn’t do anything. I sat down next to Toshiro. “Toshiro…” He looked at me seeing that I was still alive even being captured they haven’t hurt me. “Brittany… I am glad you are alive but I think we should do a scan just in case.” “But… you would need stuff to do that.” 

He shook his head moving his hand up to my head. “I can sense if anything is wrong no matter what.” Kageroza looked at Toshiro smiling at him. “Ah… so he wants to try erase whatever I done to her? But you are too late.” He looked at me. She will do whatever I wish since I will use a spell to have her listen to me. I looked at Kageroza feeling Toshiro used his energy while I winced in pain. “I knew he do this… and this spell is nothing but a mind spell for you to attack us when we beat him.”

 I felt the spell inside me disappearing over Toshiro’s spiritual energy pouring inside me. “T—Toshiro…kun.” He moved my head on his lap. I gasped feeling the spell was gone. Kageroza looked at us while he watched the battle. I think now be the best time… He smiled looking at me. I felt no pain of someone inside my head, someone like Kageroza when I came I still felt I didn’t want to be close to anyone. But now thanks to Toshiro I can. I moved my face against his legs. 

He smiled moving his hand on my head moving it back and forth petting my head slowly. He smiled at Kageroza whispering softly. “You lost.” Kageroza grabbed the railing where he was standing. You won…? I don’t think so Captain Hitsugaya! Kira found my mod soul seeing I was hiding behind a tree. “Is…that?” “Maria is her name and she only trusts Toshiro and since he isn’t here.” 

“Isn’t his reigai here?” Maria hid behind the tree looking at Kira and Hisagi scared in her eyes. “Scary men…I wish my owner was here there are scary men out to get me.” Hisagi sighed watching my mod soul. “Couldn’t she pick one that was…different?” Toshiro landed next to Hisagi and Kira. “What’s the matter?” “Ah! Thank goodness you’re here you see her mod soul… only trusts you.” Toshiro looked at Maria. Maria ran over to hug Toshiro with hearts appearing above her head.

 “I see… I am guessing she choose it this way.” “Yes that way her mod soul doesn’t get lost or taken.” Kira saw Rangiku was having problems with the captain reigai of Komamura. “Seems they are having problems…” “We will go help.” Toshiro nod his head seeing they left while he looked at my mod soul.  We are the same… but the real Brittany is she alright? Rangiku landed against the tree coughing out blood. “Rangiku are you alright?” Maria ran over to stand in front of Rangiku. 

“Ice barrier!” She yelled creating a barrier in front of Rangiku and her. Toshiro gasped seeing my mod soul had the same powers as me. Komamura moved his sword down at the barrier. But… only she can do a little from the original she is like him. “Why do you stand there comrade?” He asked Toshiro seeing he wasn’t attacking them. “Did you turn already to their side? Don’t believe their words…” “I didn’t get changed by them.” 

Toshiro pulled his sword out moving his sword at Komamura’s large sword from his bankai samurai. “I choose to help them!” Komamura growled at Toshiro. “You realize you won’t be able to stay alive after he hears of this?!” “I don’t care.” A flame appeared on Komamura’s bankai burning it in a large, flame. “Could…it be you Captain Yamamoto?” “Wrong.” Azumi moved her sword in Komamura chest. “I am Azumi Hanashia! Of squad 3.” She said moving her sword out of Komamura quickly moving it down his back. 

“You reigai caused my Brittany-chan such trouble…I should end all of your lives in one hit.” Komamura felt she was strong but how? She just a small child…compared to the head captain. Nozomi saw Azumi was strong like me. “W-Whoa…” “That’s Azumi she very strong.” Ichigo told her seeing her face was shocked. Nozomi smiled looking at Ichigo. “So, you guys are friends right?” “I wouldn’t say that.” Azumi kicked Ichigo in his chest. 

“How dare you say that… you bastard!” Her hair was red like it was on fire. Nozomi blinked her eyes watching Azumi. “So… you’re Nozomi the mod soul we are to protect.” Nozomi knew every soul reaper has to protect her but…they die. Toshiro watched Azumi remembering how he annoyed her a lot. “Great the fire dragon is out…” Azumi body twitched hearing what Toshiro said. “What was that?” She moved in front of him with her eyes glaring at him. 

Fire was around her as her hair was still red. “It was nothing fire dragon.” “I am no fire dragon! Besides aren’t you our enemy Toshiro-kun?” “You have no right to call me that fire pig.” Nozomi blinked her eyes watching them. “Don’t worry they do this all the time.” Ichigo told her. “Fire…pig?” She grabbed his robes. “You reigai…” Kira appeared next to Azumi. “Ah good you arrived and…” He saw Komamura turned to dust leaving a red pill. “A soul candy?” 

“We should keep it to hand over to Urahara.” “Seems like all that’s left is Kenpachi.” “Let’s leave it to Ikkaku and take Nozomi back to his place for now.” “Your right and you reigai can talk to him.” Toshiro nod his head slowly. “Alright.” He knew they won’t trust him but he had no plans to let them off guard. He just wants to see that I am alive. They left leaving Ichigo to stay behind. 

I watched the fight go on while Soifon had come for me to heal her which I did after a while but seems this fight could go on forever. Kageroza heard his reigai lost only one left while he growled “Such foolish weak reigai.” Toshiro smiled looking at Kageroza. “Seems you are going down Kageroza Inaba!” He stood beside me in the barrier I had formed. “What?” “You lost just admit it.” Kageroza looked at me then at Toshiro. “I have not lost.” “Then where your plan now?”

 He asked moving his hand back to his sword. “You’re standing in front of her.” Toshiro looked at me shocked in his eyes. “What?” I moved my hand in his stomach from behind him. “B—Brittany… why?” He coughed out blood feeling weak. “Such a foolish Captain… you think I wasn’t prepared!” He started to laugh seeing Toshiro was bleeding from his stomach. Yoruichi moved behind Kageroza. “You’re the fool.” Soifon moved on the other side of him.

 “We saw through your stupid plan.” The reigai captains were turned to dust and defeated. Kageroza saw I moved my hand out of Toshiro. Toshiro looked at Kageroza and smiled. “W—What?! I had her under my spell…” “You thought he wouldn’t notice? Toshiro is very close to her and a spell like that is child’s play for him.” “So you’re the foolish one.” Soifon said moving her foot at him. Kageroza moved away from them. “I will not lose!” I pulled my hand out of Toshiro feeling blood on my hand.

 I hated to stab him but it was to fool Kageroza. Toshiro landed on my chest feeling a hole in his stomach by my hand. I started to heal his wounds feeling tears fall down my face. “Toshiro…” He smiled looking up at me. “Brittany you did well thank you.” I knew the plan it was hard but I had to fool him and I wanted him to think I was in his control. But it’s okay now  I am beside Toshiro. I will always protect him…. no matter what. 

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