Monday, December 5, 2011

Bleach: Chapter 1:The Ice Prince

The day was passing by, a normal day and boring in the school I went to. I was unaware of the people I meet or things I never knew about. It was here I learned the truth of the so dark world that I could never have known. It was that day I met a boy, a boy who showed me the truth. He was... "Brittany!" A girl yelled throwing a pillow at my face. "H-Huh?" I asked sitting up in my bed seeing it was Jannie. "Time for school!" She said moving my clothes off of my body. Jannie was my best friend since elementary she always protect me. Even, if she were to get hurt she didn't care. Her hair was to her waist, with her navy blue eyes and her body was slender and skinny like a model.

 Her clothes she wore matched her skin and her outfits were like a pop star would wear. She could be a singer and no one could stop her and they all adore her. "Come on." She brushed my hair having me sit in a chair in front of the mirror. "How, are you going to get a boyfriend? If your always in bed." My face blushed red of dating someone. She always tease me about a boyfriend since her and Ichigo are close, very close. I had my hair down to my waist, my long, blonde hair was soft with a shine when I was in the sun. I was known as the princess at my school everyone adored me and Jannie. But my body was skinny and short then her I never be a model. 

I always was teased about being short, that Jannie tell them straight being short isn't bad. Just makes you faster then tall people. "Ready?" She asked me. "Yes." I left with her out of my house. The ocean looked beautiful with the sun shining on the sparkling water in the morning. We both ran into town to our school. We reached our school with a few minutes before the bell rang. I ran in the classroom with Jannie out of breath. "Did, you hear?" Jannie looked at the girl. "Hear what?" "A new student!" Jannie looked at me. "Here your chance! If its a guy....go for it." She elbowed me in the side. My face was red the thought of going after the boy. But if a girl then it be fine. "Good luck Bri." The girl touched my shoulder moving to her seat. I sat in the back with Jannie in front of me. 

Next to me.....well no one right now. It was empty. Ichigo came in with his friend Chad. "Hey you two." He said to us. Jannie blushed. "H-Hi Ichigo." She moved her hand through her hair. I was curious who the new student was. Was it a boy...? "Alright class as you heard a new student." She moved her books on her desk. "Come on in." The door opened slowly, everyone watched as a small  spiky hair boy walked in with his hands in his pockets.

 Jannie passed a note. "He's so short! Like you. :P" I gasped. "Jannie-chan... T.T" "I am Toshiro Hitsugaya."  He said softly. "Go pick a spot." He left near the back row. I noticed it was near the row I sit in. W-What? My heart started to beat of seeing him sit here. Why? I never get this way to boys. Not any boy had this effect on me. But he had a prince like figure or he could be a model! What's with me and....models? He moved next to the desk that was beside me. He looked at me seeing my face was dark red. He blushed a little. What, is this? He sat down asking himself why he even blush after looking at a girl. Was she a angel? She looked like one just sitting here. But.... she can't be like me. The teacher began to talk writing on the chalk board. Toshiro stared at me with his eyes trying to figure me out. I felt a stare. It was as if he was staring right thru me. My hands grabbed my chest feeling his stare not go away. 

W-What? I-Is he...? I looked at him seeing he looked away quickly. I whispered softly. "Do you need anything?" He looked at me shocked. Her voice is so gentle. He blushed even more wanting to hear it some more. "N-No. I am fine but thank you." He told me. I smiled at him. "Good."  I thought of how his voice was, it was gentle but had a little deep to it. But he must be shy like I am. He swallowed slowly feeling he had to ask her around. Just so he can hear that angel voice once again. "D-Do...." He stopped looking at me with his face being red. "Yes?" I smiled looking at him. 

The teacher was writing on the chalk still while we were whispering. He looked away for a while thinking if he should really ask. " want to show me around?"  My eyes warmth up with happiness that he ask me. He could have asked someone else but it was me... "Yes!" The teacher moved up to me. "Yes to what....miss Brittany?" "U-Uh....yes to um." "Sorry Teacher I was asking her something." He said standing up from his chair bowing to her. The teacher smiled at him. "Its okay." She walked up to her desk. I sighed in relief. He looked at me with a smile on his face. I smiled back at him happy he didn't get in trouble. When class ended we had to go separate ways but I promise to meet him here. My next class I was with none of my friends. I felt lonely. 

The teacher talked about math which my worst subject. Maybe Toshiro will know how to do it. When lunch came I waited near the class room for our first class. Toshiro walked up to me with his hands in his pockets. "You ready?" He asked when he reached me. I nod my head walking with him. We both went to the caferteria. "Here is the....well the Caferteria." I pointed out to him. 

He stood close to me his scent was in the air. It was a mint kind of scent. It was nice... Toshiro and I got our food to sit down at a table. "I am so bad at math." "Really?" He asked eating some rice with chop sticks. "Yes.... I try to study but I never get any of it." He swallowed his food. "I can teach you. But... I-" He heard his phone go off while he gasped. A hollow? He cursed it for coming now when he was getting to know me. "Toshiro?"  He got up from his chair. "I need to go somewhere please wait here." He ran out of the caferteria. "Toshiro..." He seemed so worried of something. I wonder what it is... I waited but the bell rang and I had to leave but he left his bag. Should I go to class....? I grabbed his bag taking it with me. I knew I can give it to him at the end of school. If.... he comes back. At the last class I didn't meet him again. Was he.... just part of my mind? No! He was there. 

I just gotta find him! I moved down the road sensing something, something very cold. Wait... this is! I ran down the sidewalk seeing a park I use to go to when I was little. I noticed Toshiro was there. But he wasn't wearing his school uniform. He had his sword in front of him in a robe I never seen before. It had a white haori with the number 10 written on the back. He had black, robes on under it with his sword out. "Hyorinmaru!" He called out causing the ground to turn to ice. I walked slowly on the ground feeling the closer I got. I weaker I became. I couldn't just leave.... he was, he was so beautiful. "Ban....kai." He whispered softly having ice, wings of a dragon on his back with his tail. He had dragon claws with dragon feet. 

The air felt so cold that the sky turned black from his bankai. He had ice flying around him. I couldn't look away.... why is that? My mind was filled with just wanting to know what or who he truly was. I got dizzy falling on the ground. I dropped his bag feeling I landed in the grass. Toshiro gasped seeing me on the ground. His eyes widened in shock. C-Could she....? He stopped his bankai form having the ice shatter. "Brittany!" He ran over to me moving his arms around me. He felt I was shaking with drool down my lips. "Brittany.... you shouldn't have co-" He saw I had his school bag while he smiled. She is very interesting.... she can see me in this form and she also seems to have some spiritual energy. I have to find out more about her. He thought while he carried me in his arms moving away from the park. I felt so relaxed like I was in the sky being set free from this boredom. I just hoped I can stay this way forever.... Oh please set me free to a world where I can truly be happy.

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