Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Bleach: Chapter 2:Hollows and Soul Reapers?

I opened my eyes seeing the room was dark but I heard noises downstairs. It sounded like someone was here with me. I moved out of my bed running out of my room. I moved down the stairs hearing the oven being turned on. I ran up in the kitchen. "Jannie! I love Tosh-" I noticed Toshiro was standing in the kitchen in his school uniform. He blushed deeply turning his head looking at me. Oh no! I....I almost.

 He smiled on his face. "Who do you love now?" I backed away slowly afraid saying the rest of it. He knew I say his name if he wasn't here. "You love me.... right?" He asked staring into my eyes. "I...well, I just from yesterday seeing you at the park." I said remembering his form with the wings. He smiled at me. "I didn't think you could see that... I am not a human like you." "But I can see you now... you saying others can't see you?" "Not normal people can only those who have spiritual energy like you did." He turned fully so he could see me. 

I notice he had a hold to his sword. "Do not be scared. I will not attack you... this is a sword for hollows." "Hollows?" He smiled walking up to me. "Let's sit on the couch I will explain everything." I nod my head walking with him to the couch. He sat next to me with his hands on his lap. "Hollows, are spirits like me but I am a soul reaper which, kills hollows that have been spirits but my other job is to lead spirits to my world the Soul Society."

 I stared at him trying to imagine what a hollow is and... a soul reaper? "You mean in that robes that you had on earlier?" He smiled looking down. "I guess... you can say that. But yes that is what I wear, when being a soul reaper." "The sword...? Is that your weapon for killing hollows?" He looked at me seeing I looked at his sword. "Yes... but we also use kido spells to stop them too. I am a  captain level soul reaper, even if I don't look it. I am older then you." 

He did seem young like he was in grade school but, he was a ice prince. "Your like a ice prince." He blushed. "I am?" He asked staring at me. He was shocked anyone would call him that. Let alone be able to see him... who was she? He had to find out. "But... maybe later I can take you with me to see me fight a hollow." "R-Really?! Wouldn't....I get in the way?" He shook his head. "I will protect you." He said. "Besides you won't know what it looks like even if I did describe it to you." He got up from the couch. "You got school so hurry up."

 I forgot about school but I rather not go with all this new information. I know  since no one can see him, he must want it as a secret. "I won't tell anyone I promise! Besides... they wouldn't believe me." I said softly standing up. He smiled at me walking to the kitchen. I noticed my school uniform wasn't on me which I did have it on. D-Did he change me? I notice I had my pj's on. 

They felt soft against my skin and I smelled a familiar scent. "Its...his scent." I whispered smelling the clothing. I ran up the stairs moving to my room. These hollows and soul reapers seem very familiar, as though I seen a hollow before. But where have I...? I gasped feeling my body froze with images in my head. I saw a hollow in a small village with a boy. 

He had silver hair like Toshiro but he was younger and he was in front of me. "Toshiro!" I yelled feeling tears down my face seeing the images were gone. I felt a hand touch my shoulder. "Brittany! Brittany!" He shook my shoulders seeing I was crying a lot. I fell against his chest feeling I was very dizzy.  "Brittany..." He shook me gently feeling how soft I was against his chest. He moved his arms around me, moving his body a little bit closer. He felt the need to hold me, to stop those tears I had. 

He wanted to just hug me until I woke up. But he hoped I sleep for a long time. My eyes opened slowly seeing I was in my bed once again. But outside the sun was setting. "Oh no!" I got out of my bed to notice Toshiro was standing by my bed. "T-Toshiro...?" He looked at me worried. "Are you okay?" All I remember was that vision and me calling out his name. "Sorry! I scared you didn't I?" He nod his head slowly. "Just don't do it again." He moved on my bed looking at me. I blushed a lot looking away from his eyes. He was worried about me? But... "Oh! I saw a vision...well it was in a village."

 He looked at me shocked. "You sure this wasn't a dream?" "No! I am sure it wasn't...I was awake at that time." I whispered looking at him. "So? What was it about?" He asked watching me, as though I was a mouse and he was a cat. "I saw a it had a mask on it." His eyes widened in shock thinking of a hollow. "But then I saw you....and you were younger and that's when I called your name." I said smiling at him. He gasped feeling I could be that same girl from his past. But no....maybe she dreamed of it. She had to! "Alright. I do believe you though but you should go take a shower you did not take one yet right?" "That's right!" I grabbed a towel running to the bathroom. "I wanna hear more about your home when I get out!" I yelled before closing the bathroom door.

D-Did he believe me? I asked myself thinking maybe he thought I was a  I turned the water on slowly feeling it was cold at first. Toshiro got up walking out of my room. He had to tell the Soul Society maybe they know what to do. I moved in the shower feeling the water hit my body. I remember the vision so clearly...

 Toshiro he protected me. He saved me. But maybe it was all a dream.... "Hi, squad 12 I got something I need to ask you." He talked in his phone staring upstairs. "Yes Captain Hitsugaya?" The boy asked waiting for him to reply. "Can, a human have memories deep down in their mind?" "Well... I believe so yes. But why do you ask?" "Because this girl had memories of me and back in the Soul Society. I believe she is...." 

He gasped. "I-I can go there right away! We, could of found her Captain!" Toshiro blinked his eyes hearing the phone was dead. "Maybe I should of waited..." He smiled looking upstairs still. "Doesn't matter maybe now I can see if its a dream....or if its real." He had hope it was. He been searching forever for the one he heard was the last clan of the Haku. The one soul reaper of the family who was the best in the Seireitei. He had hoped.... only to hope she was the one.

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