Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Bleach:Dark Bounts Chapter 1-Dark Bounts

"Bounts have been detected!" The guy said hitting the sign with a small hammer. Yamamoto had all the captains come in the room. I waited by Toshiro watching Yamamoto. "All squads are to follow orders by who I choose to lead these squads." He looked at Toshiro. "Captain Hitsugaya, you will be that command officer." Toshiro gasped looking down. I smiled at Toshiro moving my hand against his back. He looked at me with a smile on his face. Mayuri looked annoyed at us. 

"Will, you two be serious?! We got no time to watch your l-" Jyushiro smiled at Toshiro. "Good luck." "T-Thank you..." Toshiro looked at Yamamoto. "I will do my best sir." Mayuri laughed. "Just don't let Brittany distract you." Toshiro glared at Mayuri. "Alright now let's move out!" Yamamoto yelled. All the squad captains left to their squad barracks. I waited in Toshiro's office while he talked to the squad members. Alice was in her crib looking at me. I watched her with my two blue eyes. She blinked her eyes slowly. "Chu!" 

Alice raised her hand while she smiled at me. I moved up to her crib, moving my arms to pick her up. "Your so cute!" Toshiro came in seeing I was snuggling with Alice. Hearts came out from me while holding Alice. Alice pointed to Toshiro with her little finger. I lookd at Toshiro seeing he looked at me. He smiled walking up to Alice. I held Alice close against my chest. Toshiro moved his hand on Alice's head gently. 

"The Bounts are close so I will send in a squad to stop them... please stay here." "But!" He looked at me with his eyes staring into mine. I moved Alice in the crib. "Yes I will stay here." Toshiro moved his hand up to my chin. "Thank you. I can't predict what they will do... you being here will keep me from being worried." 

He told me before moving in with his lips up against mine. My eyes closed feeling his lips up against mine. "Alright I won't go I promise." He walked up to the door. I opened my eyes again to see he left. But I sense they are close but not that close to harm me. If only... I can help. I looked at Alice knowing she be safe here. I left out of the room running outside hoping I not run into Toshiro. If I do, then he may be very upset.

 I noticed some bounts ahead of me. "Stop right there!" I used flash step moving behind them. Cain moved in front of me. I stopped looking at Cain seeing the other bounts didn't move. "I won't let you harm my leader." He told me being taller and stronger then me. "Then you will die." I moved my hand at him sending sharp, ice crystals at him. He smiled seeing they hit him with no effect. "Such a weak attack...but I rather you leave before you get hurt badly."  

Kariya moved his hand sending a red energy at me. I didn't have time to dodge as I got hit moving back into some buildings. He laughed watching me land. "Such a weak girl. But I sense she has something more that she is holding back." The people around ran over to me. "Miss Haku!" I looked at them worried. "Run..." I coughed out blood seeing my clothes were ripped and my pants were burned off by the attack. 

All I had is my bow, with my pants up to my knees and my sleeves were burned off and I had to be careful around him. Kariya smiled looking at Mabashi. He nod his head. The other bounts left leaving Mabashi alone with me. I got up moving back to where the other bounts were seeing a guy  just stood there. "Ready?" I gasped looking around. He moved in front of me with his leg. I jumped moving behind him. He smiled watching me. "Your very jumpy but seems you know close quarter combat." "Hado#33 Shakoho!" I moved a light at him hoping I at least hit him. "Your too slow..." He grabbed me at my neck holding me up. 

"Ritz I believe I got a present for her Captain." "I understand!" A small doll came out moving in my chest. I gasped feeling my body was losing control. He dropped me on the ground leaving out of sight. "Have a fun time Captain." He laughed before leaving out of sight. "Captain... its terrible one of your squad members has been. Well she isn't hurt completely but she is knocked out." "Is it Rangiku?" "No sir." Toshiro followed the man after him hoping it wasn't me. 

Hoping I be safe. He followed him seeing something he didn't want to see. "Brittany..." He saw my robes were ripped and I was wounded. "I will take her to my office go help the others!" "R-Right!" He left in a hurry. Toshiro moved his arms around me moving me up to his chest. "Brittany... why?" He carried me back to his squad hoping he could at least save me. Brittany I do hope you wake up so I can find out. Find out why you disobeyed me, but more I wanted you to be safe.... Brittany please wake up. 

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