Monday, December 26, 2011

Bleach {short Story}:Yuki Hana Chapter 1-The Quiet Cries

It was spring in April the rain hasn’t come but Orihime knew her tears never reach Ichigo’s heart. She tried to show it by helping him. She even left her world with her friends to help but nothing. He saw nothing in her only….Rukia. “Good morning Rukia.” She called out to her with Ichigo next to her holding his hand. Orihime stared at their hands wishing hers was Rukia’s but she could never go there. Never… “Good morning Rukia.”

 She said trying to fake a smile. Rukia smiled back at Orihime. Ichigo leaned in kissing Rukia on her lips. “I-Ichigo!” Orihime gasped seeing him kiss Rukia on the lips. Orihime ran away with tears down her face. Why?! Why…? Why? She ran all the way to school with tears falling down both side of her face. She didn’t care if someone saw her she had to get away from them. Rangiku heard someone running by. “Captain look out!”

 Orihime ran into someone falling down. “Ow… that hurt!” Toshiro looked up seeing Orihime had been crying. Her eyes widen in shock noticing he probably saw. “Sorry!” She yelled moving off of him running away from Rangiku and Toshiro. “Captain…was she?” Toshiro watched Orihime run while he kept staring at her. “Seems like she was probably Ichigo being a idiot.” He got up moving his hands in his pocket. “Should we follow her?” “No… I am sure she will be fine.” 

Orihime couldn’t go to school she had to go back home but if she ran back then they see her. Rangiku caught up to Orihime with Toshiro. “I told you to leave her alone.” “Captain that isn’t right she is upset and needs to be happy.” Orihime turned around her eyes filled with tears. Toshiro looked at Orihime watching her eyes. “Captain let’s skip school!” “Well, its not like we have school.” Orihime looked at them both shocked. “Why, would you do this? You both…are ju-“Rangiku moved behind her with her arms around her. “We are your friends.” 

Toshiro smiled moving his hand up to Orihime's face. “So, no crying alright?” She nod her head slowly. “Yes!” They left to go to the mall with other teenagers kissing each other while they walk by. Orihime felt like she was going to cry. “You don’t need to be with someone to do that.” Toshiro growled. “Rangiku…” Orihime felt Rangiku’s lips were just close in range of hers. She could just lean in and they kiss but then she feel even more sad. “Rangiku, she isn’t into women!” 

Orihime was happy just being with Rangiku and Toshiro. “It’s okay I am having fun.” Toshiro looked up at her seeing her smile. He blushed a little happy seeing her smile. “That’s good then.” Orihime smiled at Toshiro moving her lips down to his forehead. Toshiro face turned red. Her lips are soft he thought. He wanted to hold her but in front of Rangiku that be embarrassing. “Captain your red!” Rangiku yelled pointing at him with her finger. 

Orihime pulled away seeing he was all red. “Sorry I just wanted to thank you Toshiro and you too, Rangiku!” She turned to Rangiku kissing her on her right side of her cheek. “Oh silly Orihime it was nothing!” Toshiro moved his hand on his forehead. She felt warm… He stared at Orihime knowing Rangiku has duty to watch for hollows. But he doesn’t have to worry since she is happy.

 Later they went back to school at lunch. Rukia was next to Ichigo with Yumechika, Uryu, Chad, Ikkaku, Rangiku, Toshiro and Orihime. Orihime noticed Toshiro was sitting next to her away from Rangiku. “Toshiro you don’t have to sit next to me.” “I rather be by someone who doesn’t want to touch my leg every time I sit next to her.” He said annoyed at Rangiku. 

“But you always have a funny reaction Captain.” Orihime face turned red thinking of her touching his leg. Ichigo smiled at Toshiro. “Come on Toshiro maybe she just loves you is all.” Orihime heard his voice and it hurt just to hear it. What is wrong with her? Toshiro looked at Orihime moving his hand on her leg. She felt his hand was warm but gentle. She looked at Toshiro surprised. 

Rukia stared at Orihime noticing she was acting different and so was Toshiro. “Where you go Orihime?” “Um…” “To the mall with us she was crying.” “Rangiku!” Toshiro yelled moving his hand away from her leg. Orihime was happy just feeling someone touch her but that feeling went away. She looked down at her legs feeling like she shouldn’t be here. 

She shouldn’t be alive. Rangiku noticed Orihime was sad again and she knew it was because of Ichigo. “Are, you two going out?” Rukia smiled at Rangiku. “Yeah we decided that we should move closer. Since I am here most of the time I thought it be good for us to move ahead.” Rangiku looked at Ichigo serious. “I see.” Ichigo moved his arm around Rukia. 

“We won’t be separated right Rukia?” “That’s right Ichigo I am only yours.” Orihime couldn’t take this! Toshiro sensed Orihime was not herself with her energy out of place it was rising then it go down. “Calm down.” He whispered to her. She looked at Toshiro shocked with tears down her face. “We won’t leave you. I will see you later alright?” 

He said moving out of his chair he left. Orihime was shocked he say that to her. But she knew they had night duty so she be all by herself. After lunch they went to the rest of their classes. Orihime just didn’t look at Ichigo or Rukia she wanted to be left alone. “Hey Orihime want to hang out later?” “Sorry I am busy.” She told Rukia without even looking at her. 

After the last bell Orihime ran out of the room passing by Rukia and Ichigo not even looking at them. She can’t take this no more! She had to do it. She had to find a hollow…let it end her life. But first a bath that will help clear her mind. When Orihime got to her apartment she didn’t care about anything else. She had to take a bath and get this sadness out of her. 

She knew she never have Ichigo, she knew that. But the feeling of him leaving her for Rukia she wanted to just hold him once. She started the water moving the plug in the bathtub feeling how warm the water was. She remembered Toshiro’s hand against her leg, it felt so warm and he was gentle with her. She wanted to feel that again but Toshiro only did it to calm her down. 

She took her clothes off moving them on the ground. Orihime got in the water sitting down just staring at the wall. She really wished it was a bigger bathtub but it’s so small! “Oh, why couldn’t I have a place like Byakuaya’s then she could invite Ichigo over all the time.” Ichigo… he is with Rukia now probably having sex too. Rangiku was on Orihime’s roof looking up at the sky. “Ichigo is so cruel Captain.” “It’s how the world works Rangiku.” 

Rangiku bit her lip afraid Orihime would do something crazy. “Well just watch over alright Captain?” “Alright just be careful Rangiku.” He told her looking down at the ground. Rangiku left moving in the sky. All she could think about is Orihime smile. But since Ichigo loves someone else she is broken in pieces… Orihime finished her bath moving her nightgown on with her pants under her dress.

 She walked out of the room seeing it was dark and no one was around. She remembered Toshiro saying he be here. “He lied…” She fell down on her butt moving her arms around her legs. She cried letting out her tears on her pants. She couldn’t stop the tears no matter if she wanted them to stop. “Are, you going to let him make you cry over and over?” 

Toshiro asked standing next to her. Orihime looked up seeing his turquoise eyes look down at her eyes. He looked serious. “Toshiro…kun?” She asked seeing his eyes never looked away from her, they were staring into hers. Why was he here? Did he want something? She shouldn’t be scared but those eyes always were like cold as ice…colder than anything she ever saw before. 

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