Saturday, December 24, 2011

Bleach:The Arrancar Chapter 2-Soul Reapers....and Mod Souls?

They arrived at Orihime's place late at night, with Orihime cooking something very weird. "Making food again Orihime?" Rangiku ran up to her seeing her food had ketchup on the muffins. Momo looked at me worried. "Don't worry Momo she be fine." He moved me down on the ground gently. "I am going to patrol th-" "No Captain you stay here with her." 

Rangiku ate a soul candy leaving with Momo. Orihime blinked her eyes seeing me. "Brittany-chan!" She ran up to me checking my head. "You need ice." Toshiro looked at Orihime. "Why ice?" "Her body heat is going up and ice always calms her down." Toshiro moved his hand on my face feeling I was super hot and he pulled his hand back. "She burning!" 

"You go out on patrol I will stay here." Toshiro looked at me worried. "No I need to stay here encase a hollow shows up or...a arrancar." Orihime knew I was in danger from when she heard of who and what I was. "I wish she could of been with you guys sooner....but Ichigo said no." She said softly looking down at me. Toshiro looked at her. "Ichigo, would be the fool but now she be safe somewhere else. We will have to wait but you should go take a bath." "Wanna join?" 

He coughed. She smiles standing up running to the bathroom. Toshiro sighed watching me rest. "I should of gone on patrol this is useless...if I leave it to my mod soul he never get the job done and what if they come?" He ate the soul candy coming out of his gigai seeing his mod soul watch him. "Can, you watch over her?" His mod soul nod his head. "Yes sir! I can watch her." "Don't be must watch her she is very important." 

Fufu was his name but he really was not good with everything around him.  "I will be back soon." Toshiro left to go find the others. He couldn't stay there or he might want to wake me up. He just couldn't! I woke up feeling someone touch my hair and it felt like my body was shivering. Fufu stopped seeing I woke up sitting next to me. I sat up slowly seeing its the same boy from before but he was acting different. "Um..." I looked around not sure where I was at. 

Fufu touched my face with his hand gently. I gasped feeling hot from his hand. "Your hot...and sweaty too." He said moving to have a ice cube against my face. I jumped feeling it was cold but it felt good against my skin. Orihime came out from her bath wearing her night gown with pants under her tank top that went down to under her butt. "T-Toshiro!" She ran over to me seeing he shook his head. "I'm Fufu his mod soul." "Fufu?" I asked looking at him.

 He did seem different almost like he didn't have a grumpy side. "B-Britany let's go take a bath with Fufu." "B-But..." I  gasped seeing she already had one. "Its okay." She grabbed Fufu and my hand taking us to her small bathtub. I-I can't do this...I be naked and what if the real Toshiro comes back? He be upset. "Besides you need a bath Bri-chan." 

Fufu sat down looking around. "So...where is the food again?" "Fufu-kun, you can't just sit and think of food again!" She grabbed his shirt. He lift his arms up letting her take off his shirt. I gasped seeing he didn't mind seeing two girls naked. B-But... "Fufu-kun?" He looked at me. "Aren't, you worried at all? I see us. Well..." Orihime had his shirt while she stared at me. "Bri-chan, come on! You can't take a bath with just your clothes on." 

 She moved over to me taking my clothes off. "Besides, I learned from Rangiku that it helps to take stress out from a nice, hot bath." She said with her clothes already all off. Fufu watched Orihime and looked at me. He knew his orginal self would love to see her naked. But he is such a old man he thought with how Ranigku is always teasing him.  

Orihime started the warm water. I sat down waiting for the water to be warm hoping no one comes back in the middle of our bath. Fufu moved his arms around me, moving me up against his chest. I gasped seeing he was very warm but he was smiling. "Your so cute!' I felt my body got even hotter with him hugging me close. Orihime smiled at Fufu. 

"She is...! She so cute." She turned the water off. "Alright everyone get in!" Fufu let me go moving to take his pants and underwear off. I had sat in the water looking down thinking of seeing that. My face turned all red. Fufu sat in between us. He reminded me of a cat the way he sits. Orihime smiled at us both while she had her hair in a bun. I had my hair down but my heart was pounding so fast I wanted to run. Fufu hugged me tightly moving his head against my chest. "Fufu...kun." 

He smiled with hears above his head. "Your so soft.." He was like a little puppy who wanted attention. I moved my arms around him petting his head and rubbing his back. Orihime blushed watching. "So cute..." He wasn't like those men who hated me. He loved me but it was just like a brother and sister. Orihime smiled softly. The door opened with Toshiro looking worried. 

"W-What....?" He saw his mod soul was happy snuggling with me. I gasped seeing Toshiro he wore a black kimono like robes with a white haori on top. "Oh Toshiro-kun! We were taking a bath." She said waving her hand out to him. Toshiro growled. "Idiot!" He moved his hand moving them in the water. "We, dont' have to time to be having fun!" He picked me up leaving the bathroom.

 Orihime blinked her eyes. "Seems like he is angry." Fufu smiled still being happy. Toshiro sat me down on the ground slowly. I felt so embarrassed he take me away but what if I stayed any longer? He shut the door to the bathroom moving back to the room I was in. "I told him to watch you not join! W-What was he thinking?!" Toshiro asked sounding very upset. "Toshiro-kun, are you jealous?" 

He gasped looking at me seeing I had no clothes on. It never bothered him before but...staring at my body it was like Momo's but maybe smaller. He grabbed his haori moving it on top of my head. "Its not that...I was scared the arrancars took you or hollows." He whispered looking at me with his face a little red. "I didn't think you the classroom you were twitching." I whispered moving my hands in front of my lips. "I thought you hated me." 

Toshiro closed his eyes. "That's not it. I wasn't angry or mad, I am so sorry if I seem like that. I remembered in my past when guys like that were scared of me they even pick fights with me." I opened my eyes watching him he seemed sad almost like he was lonely. "I am not afraid I just was scared someone hate me again." I whispered moving my hand up to his but I stopped remembering he can get angry. 

Toshiro watched my hand seeing I was all wet with water. "Come on...I am sure Orihime has clothes for you." He had me look throught he clothes while he waited leaning against the wall. I put on a bra and underwear making sure the haori didn't show him anything. The clothes were very cute! I grabbed a long sleeve shirt that was soft and silky. 

The shirt was a navy, blue color with a short, ruffle skirt that was light blue. I put on black leg stockings under it moving the haori off of my head. "Ta da!" He smiled taking his haori back to smell the scent off of it was mine. We went back in the main room to see Orihime and Fufu came out. 

"You two! Next time leave Brittany out of it." Toshiro yelled moving up to fufu. "And you..." Fufu smiled running over to me. He hugged me close moving his arms around me. "Onee-chan!" Toshiro shook his fists. Orihime laughed softly. "Seems Fufu-kun loves Brittany." 

Toshiro knew that when he saw he snuggled with me. But it bothered him for some reason. He moved Fufu away from me. "I have to tell her the truth about everything....and who she really is." Orihime moved Fufu next to her while she watched me. "Brittany, the truth is...I am not a human like you or Orihime. I am a soul reaper and my job is to kill hollows or those demons you seen with masks on their face and the red eyes." 

"Hollows..." I thought about seeing the one that killed my parents. My eyes widened in shock moving my hands to my head. Toshiro touched my head gently feeling my energy was going to rise if he didn't touch my head. "Calm down they won't get you I promise." I nod my head seeing he was dressed as Ichigo was when I saw him outside one time wearing that same robes. "Then...your here to protect us?" 

"Yes, mostly souls who need help to pass on that is our job. But now we have a main enemy he betrayed us and left to Wako Mundo."  "Wako....Mundo?" He nod his head  looking at me. "Where all hollows live he has taken his place there." I now understand that's where they came from. So they live in a different world and the hollows too. 

"Do, you understand now?" He asked waiting for my reply. "Also, not normal humans can see me so if you see me now you got energy way bigger then mine I can say that for sure if you could control it..." "Me?" I asked looking at Toshiro. Toshiro nod his head looking at the screen. "I am sure they want you to go back but if I am here they may let you stay so please bare that in mind as I tell you this." "I see."

 It be best but...who am I? Why would I be important to them anyway... I have to ask but I am afraid of the answer. But, I feel like I knew Toshiro in my past and he seemed to be very kind to me. Toshiro....were you the one that protected me in that village so long ago?

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