Saturday, December 24, 2011

Bleach:The Arrancar Chapter 1-The New Students and Arrancars?

It was spring in the middle of school in a place called Karakuro town where I lived since I was a child. All I remembered was being with my friend Jannie who always loved a boy named Ichigo. But we still hanged out when we all were little. But that time was over. I missed the times with them but I had to do clean up after school.

 I moved the cloth on the chalk board slowly. "Ichigo should be here right?" "Yes I do feel a strong presence but we shouldn't have problems finding him, he leaks out spiritual pressure." Renji said walking the others. "Such a waste of time. Why can't we just go to his house?" Toshiro sighed. "Come on let's go."  Toshiro walked up to the door. "Open it." 

Rangiku smiled watching the door. Momo looked at Toshiro. "Shiro-chan, I wonder if I can meet a guy." He coughed softly. Renji opened the door slowly seeing a girl. I stopped looking at the people who just opened the door. They look new and very cute. "Hey, have you seen a guy named Ichigo?" Renji asked looking at me. "Maybe he left already." "That means we gotta go to his house then." 

Rangiku said moving her hand through her hair. I fell off the stool feeling the bucket of water fell on my head. Renji face turned red. Yumechika gasped. "Seems like she is a clutz." "Ikkaku that isn't very nice!" Yumechika said. Momo ran up to me. "Are, you okay?!" "Oh look who fell down." A guy said moving by Momo. "Don't help her!" 

Toshiro remembered the boys from his village they always glared at him with cold eyes. He twitched watching me. Why do humans disgust me? I started to cry grabbing my legs. Rangiku walked up to me moving past the boys. "Hey, come on don't cry." She moved her hand out to me. Momo smiled at me. "We are your friends." "W-What are you guys?! She a murder." "She, looks too sweet." "Besides I bet you killed people and blaming it on her is just pathetic." Momo added glaring at the boys. They backed up looking at me. 

I lift my head up seeing the boys were scared of them. "Come on let's go." They left leaving out of the room. "What losers picking on someone like you!" Rangiku helped me stand up. "Come on Rangiku and Momo w-" Momo looked at Toshiro. "Shiro-chan! How could you just stand there..." "My name is Toshiro! And besides you girls handled it I had no need to step in." 

I saw his hands were twitching like, he was angry. "Sorry!" I ran out of the room slipping on the ground moving my head on the desk and I fell on the ground. Toshiro moved up to me checking my pulse. "S-She didn't have to run away like that." Rangiku sighed. "Captain, you scared her." "I don't mean to!" "Well, maybe we should take her with us maybe Ichigo may know who she is."  

Ichigo saw Toshiro carrying a girl in his arms. "Is she..." He covered his mouth. "Your girl friend?" Momo laughed with Rangiku. "Shut up! She is not. We found hr in the classroom but she hurt her head." Ichigo saw it was me. "Brittany Haku! Man... she keeps hurting herself she like Orihime." "Ah! I knew she have someone in common." 

Toshiro heard of that name but he couldn't remember where. "I see... well we need to talk."  Toshiro moved me on my Ichigo's bed slowly. "You see...those arrancars you faced they are powerful and, Aizen has come after you with these powerful arrancars." Toshiro explained while he moved on the bed gently. Momo watched me sleep hoping I be alright. Rangiku played with my chest. 

"She flat chest like you Momo." Toshiro shook his hands feeling distracted. "Man, how can we concentrate with a cute girl in here?" Yumechika said watching me sleep. "Will you guys stop it! I need to tell him or we won't leave." Rangiku smiled at Toshiro. "Come on, Captain I know you loved carrying her and watching her sleep you didn't even look where you were going." Ichigo looked annoyed feeling like he was at the zoo. "So, these arrancars they are hollow but with broken masks?" 

"That's right. Why do you ask?" I moved in my sleep feeling blood hit my face in my dream of hollows killing my parents. Mommy....and Daddy.... I whispered feeling so cold.! Ichigo felt cold seeing the air was foggy with ice on the ground. "Captain...?" "Yes?" Toshiro looked at Yumechika. "If, your doing this can you not get so angry?" Toshiro shook his head. 

"Its not me." Ichigo got up feeling this prescence before. He felt it in class sometimes from me. He knew I was the reason. My mark on my chest glowed as a blizzard was blowing around in the room around me. I woke up shaking in fear. Toshiro gasped feeling such a high pressure, it was higher then his. "Everyone, I will handle this!" "Toshiro, what are you going to do?" Ichigo asked sounding upset. "Calm down Ichigo... I won't kill her." 

Toshiro moved on the bed feeling I could lose control and destroy the house if he didn't stop me. I had my hands on my head feeling the dream wouldn't stop. Toshiro sat in front of me seeing I created a barrier. "Captain!" Rangiku reached her hand out. "Don't touch it!" She pulled her hand back. "Her power could turn you to ice in a instant." Rangiku felt the power couldn't be this strong for a human. Ichigo looked at me worried. "Brittany..."  Toshiro ate a soul candy feeling his soul came out of the gigai moving next to Rangiku. 

"Um... where the pizza?" Rangiku fell on the ground. "Captain you have a retarded mod soul." "Shut up! Yours is more weird then mine is." He told Rangiku moving to sit in front of me. "Brittany... please calm down." I looked at Toshiro shocked remembering he was the one who was twitching earlier. Why did I run? Was...I afraid of him?

 I kept asking these questions. But in truth I remember a boy that was like him. He had that attitude but with me he seemed different. "Toshiro..." He gasped looking at me shocked. She never met me yet. Ichigo gasped staring at me. "Toshiro, have you met her before?" "No." He said softly looking at me. But he felt that I looked familiar from his past a girl with blue eyes like the ocean, her hair was blonde bright as the sun. 

He never forget that yet, he felt she looked the same and that last name. " sounds familiar." "Haku, that's right its the best family in our world the one we been searching for." Ichigo eyes were shocked remembering the story. "Yoruichi, told me that she lost her parents and lived here under their protection. They tried to not let her go back." Toshiro smiled looking at Ichigo. "So, you guys tried to hide her from us? With Aizen being there I am sure that was the best thing if he knows she is here he could have attacked you guys and you be defenseless."  

Ichigo knew he was right. "Damn!" "We should go but just be on alert Ichigo." Ikkaku left with Yumechika out of his room. I felt calm hearing his voice. I fell into his chest laying on his lap. He gasped seeing I fell asleep watching me he remembered the girl again. Renji smiled. "I should go to Urahara's I need to talk to him about this." He left out of the room. Rangiku looked at Momo while she smiled. "Shall, we go captain?" 

Momo was sad she had to leave me feeling she met me before back in the rukon district with Toshiro. A girl with blonde hair like the sun, with her deep blue eyes  of the ocean waters. "Wait." He moved to pick me up in his arms. "We will take her with us to Orihime's house." 

 Rangiku gasped. "But...Captain why?" "She may be targeted and we need to let the Soul Society know." He left out of the room without staying. Momo followed afterwards smiling on her face. Ichigo knew they take her back if they returned... but why now? He growled biting his lip. Damn you! Rangiku left after Toshiro following him. She knew that if they had to return they will. But they must protect this world from the arrancars. When, will they come?

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