Thursday, December 15, 2011

Bleach:The Spirit World Chapter 3-Training and Enterance

Ichigo ran with the others seeing a gate. "Is that...?" "Yes that is the Seireitei where Brittany is." Ichigo looked at it thinking of when the white hands grabbed me and pulled me away. "Brittany, was taken right to them... she was helpless!" Ichigo squeezed his fists. "She wanted to fight but now she is caught and in their trap." Yoruichi sighed. 

"That did happen because I knew this would happen to her." Orihime looked at Yoruichi worried. "Why didn't you tell her?" "Even if I did she be scared and I didn't want to break her courage to come here." Jannie knew that Yoruichi if she told her Brittany would stay behind. "But... you told us of her family wouldn't they keep her alive." "Yes, Jannie they will and they want to find her after all these years but a captain here would be very happy." 

Ichigo blinked his eyes. "A certain...captain will?" Yoruichi nod her head. "Yes... he knows her more then anyone. He would have came to the world of the living but he had to wait. He remembered her since he got his memories back." She heard some souls came out looking at them. "Seems we got company." Jannie looked around seeing they were souls. "They just are souls... we need to think of a plan to get to the doors but t-"Ichigo ran up to them. "Wait! You idiot." Ichigo looked back. "I am just fine! Now let's go." Jannie ran after Ichigo. 

"Wait Jannie!" Orihime ran after Jannie. "Well guess they can't wait." Uryu whispered to Chad. Yoruichi sighed. "Fools..." Chad ran with Yoruichi. "Hey! Don't leave me here." Uryu ran after them. Back in the Seireitei I noticed his office had a lot of books on shelfs with two sofa's. "Wow it is a office." Toshiro walked up to his desk seeing a pile of paperwork. I walked inside moving on the sofa slowly. "Do you want some tea?" "Oh! I can make you my own tea." 

Toshiro looked at me surprised. "I love to try some." "Okay!" I looked around for the kitchen. He laughed softly walking out of his office. "Its this way." I ran after him moving next to him. He walked in the kitchen seeing Rangiku. "Rangiku?" She saw me standing next to him. "Was she allowed to be set free?" "Yes by Yamamoto." He told her everything. I got the tea ready while I smiled. "So, she really is from the Haku family...?" "Yes so she will be with me in my office no questions asked." He told Rangiku walking away from her. I finished pouring it in the cup. 

"Here you go." Toshiro smelled the tea seeing it wasn't green tea, but the tea was a pinkish maroon color. Rangiku smiled at me. She was happy that we didn't kill a human. But those other Ryoga's they must be strong. I am sure they won't get in so easily... Toshiro moved the cup of tea up to his lips. I waited for what he say. He probably spit it out if it was bad... or would he just be quiet and not say anything? He swallowed some tea staring at it. 

"Um... if its bad I can not make it again." Toshiro put the cup down. "Captain that bad?" Toshiro looked at me while smiling. "Its good. Its like nothing I had before... I just was surprised how good you made it." Rangiku ran over to me. "Its really good?" "Try some." Rangiku picked up the cup moving it up to her lips. We both watched her seeing her eyes lit up. "S-So good! It calms my soul..." She put the cup down. 

"Brittany please make our tea... it be our secret. Only we can have it." "Oh... you really like it?" Toshiro nod his head. "I do." "And so do I!" I smiled at them both. "I will do my best!" Rangiku bowed to me leaving the room. "Let's go back." "Yes!" I left with Toshiro back to the office. I was to beginning training but Toshiro said he give me a break till tomorrow. "I gotta work on paperwork so you can wait on the sofa." "Oh can I watch you?" 

He blushed moving in his chair. "If you like..." He grabbed the paintbrush moving it against the paper. I drank the tea I had in my hands. It tasted just like my Mom's her peaceful tea to clam the soul. She was the best... but she i- I gasped seeing her getting slashed by the hollow. My body was shaking remembering them being slashed in front of me, their blood hitting my face. 

"M-Mother....Father." I whispered moving my hand out to them. Toshiro grabbed my hand. "Brittany..." He moved his hand on my head. "You should forget such painful memories." I noticed Toshiro was in front of me, his hand was calming me down. "Toshi...kun." He leaned down moving his lips on my head. "You can sit on my lap till you calm down if you like." "B-But..." He helped me stand up. "Its okay I am worried you break down again."

 He walked over to his chair pulling me next to him. I followed him looking at his hand. It was warm, almost like it was calming me. Once I let go....I. Toshiro sat down quickly moving his arms around me. I gasped feeling I was on his lap with my back against his chest. He had his arms around me pulling me against him. "Is this...better?" My heart was racing, with his arms around me I couldn't think. "I-I-I..." Toshiro leaned in closer moving his lips against my ear. 

"You what?" "It is better! It...just being this close I never been this close to a guy before." He bit his lip thinking if any guy tried this... he be angry. I smiled leaning against his chest. He continued on his paperwork while his heart was beating as fast as hers was. He felt their hearts were very close with the same beat. He could count how many beats, but that just distract him from his work. I looked at his work seeing it was about his squad.

 I sat up moving up to the desk. "So much work." Toshiro looked away seeing my skirt with my black leg tights showing. His face was red trying not to stare. I looked back seeing he was looking away with his face all red. "S-Sorry!" I sat back down on his lap staring down at my legs. Toshiro looked back at me seeing I was all red. "Its okay... I don't mind." He finished his paperwork with me on his lap. I didn't say anything I didn't need to. I could sit here forever, even a long time and not be bored. But... why is he so close with me? Its like I known him forever.

 I can be this close without refusing. Why is that? I wonder how Ichigo and the others are doing... I do wish they won't come. Ichi would come here for me. But in my heart I feel I belonged here. Yoruichi must have known she wanted me to come.... she told me I would be happy, but was it to meet Toshiro? Or save Rukia? I...I don't know which one it be. "You can sleep on my bed. I do need to stay up but if you need anything please call for me." He told me. He helped me into his bed moving the blankets on me. 

"Thank you Toshiro." He smiled moving his hand up against my face. I blushed feeling his hand was warm, it was calming me. He rubbed my face with his hand slowly. I closed my eyes feeling I fell asleep with his kindness, he was calming me. I was like a bird that was scared but he took care of me. He was a angel... from above where I can not reach. I can't reach where he is...He is the angel that is not reachable....

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