Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Bleach: Chapter 3:Soul Society?

My eyes widened forgetting something to tell him since it was a dream or memory. I don't know! I turned the water off running out of the bathroom without thinking before I left. "Toshiro!" I ran downstairs running up to him. He blushed looking at me seeing I was naked. The boy cleared his throat looking at me. "U-Um... well Captain i didn't think you were that close." 

He coughed looking at my body. I looked down seeing I was naked while my face was all red. Toshiro moved up to me he had a blanket on my head. "Shall we begin?" The boy asked. "Can't she change first?" Toshiro asked. He shook his head. "I, am very busy and if we do this now we can see if she is the one you been searching for." Searching? I looked at Toshiro confused. 

Was he searching for someone...?  Toshiro looked at me seeing I was confused. But he couldn't explain now. "Brittany, do not worry we just need to see something and you may need to be asleep for that time." It must be from when I told him about my vision. I lay down feeling the boy put a thing on my head. It felt as though it was reading my mind. "Its okay." 

He had told me seeing I was looking scared. "We are going to put you to sleep now." Toshiro sat next to me moving his hand up to mine. "I will be here if something happens."  I nod my head at him closing my eyes slowly. I felt the boy turned the machine on and before I knew it... I was asleep in a deep sleep. The boy noticed a video appear on his screen of a village. "Captain!" Toshiro moved next to him. 

He gasped seeing me as a little girl standing behind him with the hollow in the village. The boy noticed the hollow come for us both. "Toshiro no!" I yelled from the screen with tears down my face. Toshiro had a ice dragon come out, causing the ground to turn to ice. I noticed the hollow was ice just like everything else. He turned around moving his hand on my head. "Don't cry. I promised to protect you didn't I?" I nod my head slowly. 

The vision ended causing the screen to be black. "Brittany...." He looked at me seeing I looked like that little girl with those, dark blue eyes. "Captain I will take this back to the head captain." "Alright." He left in a gate taking his equipment. I sat up quickly opening my eyes. Toshiro noticed the blanket was on me and he smiled. "Its dark Toshi-kun." He gasped remembering I called him that as a child. I moved the blanket off touching my lips. "I.... don't know how I know that name."  

Toshiro helped me stand up. "Come on, you need to get into some clothes." He said softly. I smiled at him walking upstairs with him to my room. "Head captain we may have found her... but we didn't see a mark. But a video of her past memories appeared." Yamamoto looked at the door. "Show me the clip." 

The boy showed him the clip smiling at Yamamoto. "So you have found her." "You sure?" "Yes she has her Mother's eyes and I am sure she is Brittany Haku."  "Horo, please send Captain Hitsugaya and Brittany Haku back here." "Yes sir!" He ran out of the room smiling.   I had on a yellow dress. The top have a small V shaped vest with sun flowers on the dress and short sleeves, while I had a bow tied in the back. I wore white leg, stockings. "You look pretty in that." 

I blushed staring at Toshiro. "T-Thank you." He heard his phone ring. "Toshiro...?" He took his soul phone out opening it. "A message?" He read the text seeing my name. "What is your last name?" "That's right! I never told you." I bowed to Toshiro slowly. "Its Haku."  He smiled looking at the phone. "I thought so." "Toshiro?" I asked softly. He moved fast he was hugging me close. "I found you." I looked at Toshiro shocked. "Found.... me? Why were you searching for me?" He let me go having his body come out of the gigai. 

He was in his robes with the white haori. "I been searching for the last clan of the Haku because...." He stopped looking at the ground. I grabbed his hand gently. "You can tell me." He looked at my hand hearing the gates appeared. "I was asked to bring you back to my world, my home the Soul Society. But... leaving means you can't come back and you won't be remembered by anyone here." I gasped looking back knowing Jannie and all my friends be sad. 

But... I am happy to have met Toshiro. He was nice to me since I saw his ice. But if he was looking for me then.... did we meet in the past? I looked back at Toshiro. "I want to go with you." He smiled holding me close to him, his arm went around my waist. "Then let's go." I nod my head. We both walked in the gate leaving this world behind. I had no regrets I be with Toshi-kun. I wonder who I meet once I get there....

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