Sunday, December 11, 2011

Bleach:Chapter 4-New Friends and Lost Memories

Ichigo walked to Jannie's house seeing she wasn't herself. "Hey." He called out to her. Jannie looked at the ground thinking of someone, someone she forgot. Who are you? She asked herself. She saw me but it was blurry and hard to see. "Are you.... my friend?" Ichigo moved his lips up against Jannie's lips. She gasped feeling something soft against her lips. 

I-Ichi? She used to call him that when they were little. She still had those feelings of loving him even now. But something.... it was missing. "Come on." Jannie pulled away her face all red. "I-Ichi...kun." He smiled grabbing her hand. She left with him to school feeling she is missing someone but no name comes to mind. We arrived back in the Soul Society. 

The place looked very different from my home the buildings were like in the village but we were back in old Japan times. "Do you like it? I may have you wear something else." "Oh that's fine." I said looking down at my dress. Toshiro sighed walking with me to squad 10 barracks. "And, I was liking you wearing that dress..." "T-Toshi..." 

We walked inside his office seeing a women was sitting in his chair. "Welcome back Captain." He growled. "What, are you doing?!" She moved up to me, being behind me having her hands lift  up my dress. Toshiro blushed a lot shaking his fists. "R-Rangiku!" Rangiku moved her hands around me touching my stomach and legs. "So soft! Captain..."He grabbed my arm moving me up against his chest. "That's enough! Get back to work." "Yes Captain." She left with a smile on her face. "Sorry... I didn't think she do that." He had his arms around me. 

I felt safe in his arms like he was my soldier and I was the princess. "Forbidden love." He blinked his eyes looking at me. "What is forbidden?" "Um...! Well I thought of you as a soldier and me as a princess. We, fell in love which made it forbidden." He smiled at me with his face all red. "S-So... we fall in love?" "Y-Yes!" I moved my head up against his chest smelling his scent. His mint scent that smothered me. He moved closer to me feeling how soft I was. 

He was happy. I can finally be close to her. Thank you Rangiku.... Later he sat at his desk working on paperwork telling me its one of his jobs as a Captain. "I will go make you some tea." I ran out of the room to the kitchen. I know my Mother made my Father this tea. She showed me many times... I have to make it be perfect! Toshiro smiled looking at his paperwork. "Like we are a married couple..." "Oh! And who are you thinking of Captain?" He gasped standing up quickly. 

Azumi came up from hiding in front of the desk. "So cute! You love her don't you?" He shook his fists. "!" He threw his cup of tea at her. She jumped backwards running out of the room. He felt his face was red the thought of them teasing him about it. What....if she was there and when they teased him? Would....she like it? 

He sat down in his chair working on his paper work. All he wanted was me to smile, he loved to see me smile and it remembered him of my smile back when he was young. I ran back with the cup of tea hoping I made it right. He heard me run in while he smiled. "I am glad you made it back safely." "Sorry... I did make it wrong the first few times because its been a while." I said moving the cup of tea in front of him. He picked up the cup looking at it. 

It had a different color then his green tea. But he wasn't afraid... it was made by her. Toshiro moved the cup up to his lips tasting the tea. I waited for him to say if he liked it or hated it. My heart break if he threw it at me and told me to make some more. I... "Its good!" I gasped. "Really?" He moved in front of me. He was so fast! He grabbed my hands. "How you do it?" "M-My Mom taught me..." I looked away from him seeing he was staring at me. Toshiro hated when I looked away. He loved those ocean eyes that looked into his. 

His hand moved under my chin feeling it was soft. He moved my chin up so I looked at his eyes. My face turned red just looking into his eyes. His eyes were like the ice, of something cold. "C-Can you make it for me from now on?" He asked his face all red. "Of course!" I said softly. "I love to do that for you." He smiled warmly at me. "I'm happy you say you will. Better then the tea here I can say that for sure!" 

Azumi stood by the door with Rangiku behind her. "Who is she?" "I don't know but... the Captain he is happy." Azumi nod her head. She never seen him smile at a girl. A human girl... she must be important to him. "That girl is Brittany Haku." Steven came up from behind them both. "S-Steven Sato!" Azumi face turned red seeing he was smart to know who she was. "S-Steven your so cool!" 

Steven moved his hand up on his head rubbing it back and forth. "Well not hard to figure out... I mean why would they bring a human?" He looked at me staring hard feeling that I had to be the last of the Haku's. Or they wouldn't bring me. Azumi knew Steven was right about me. Yamamoto never allow a human here unless... "What are you guys doing?" 

Toshiro asked sound upset. "We...We thought a party!" Rangiku grabbed me running away. "Hey! Come back here." Toshiro yelled. "Just a change of clothes Captain." He shook his fists. "Damn her!" Azumi saw Toshiro left after Rangiku. "Shall we go meet her there?" "Sure!" 

Steven walked with Azumi down to the ramen shop. I was sitting at the ramen place hearing other soul reapers whisper to each other. "Don't worry once my captain see you... he will be very happy." Toshiro ran up to Rangiku. "Come on Rangiku I-" He stopped seeing what I was wearing. He noticed I was in a maid outfit with the skirt very short and I had short sleeves, with lace stockings. I blushed deeply looking at Toshiro. "Say it." She whispered in my ear. 

She laughed wanting to see the look on Toshiro's face. "Y-Yes..." I moved up to Toshiro bowing my head to him. "Welcome back home Master!" He gasped feeling his face turned red with me being his maid. Rangiku smiled moving her arms around me. "Good job Bri-chan." He heard everyone around him start to clap wanting me to do some more stuff. "R-Rangiku!" He shook his fists at her. "Right I will get her clothes." She left getting me some robes. 

I sat down ont he bench embarrassed to say such a thing. But... I wouldn't mind being his maid but wouldn't that make me as his wife? I touched my face with my hands. N-N-No! that wouldn't be right. Toshiro sat next to me moving his lips up to my ear. "D-Did you agree to doing that?" I gasped looking at Toshiro to move away from him. He moved closer to me having his hands pin my arms down. I fell backwards laying on the bench. He blushed a lot remembering in the past while he leaned down kissing my neck. "T-Toshi...kun wait were not alone."

 I whispered seeing he wasn't listening to me. W-What if they come back? No... I don't want them to but why do I feel like he done this before? I saw a vision of us laying down like we are now but I was younger. "Toshi-kun, what if your Grandma sees us?" "Don't worry about it." He kissed my neck moving down to my chest. "Toshi....kun." I whispered feeling he kissed my neck still. Rangiku came back watching Toshiro. "C-Captain?" 

Azumi face was red while she smiled. "Young love..." Steven blushed watching Toshiro and I feeling his face was hot. Toshiro stopped seeing I was staring at him. "B-Brittany I..." He got up shocked on his face. Why? Why did I... He saw that I was smiling while he blushed even more. "Toshi-kun I had another vision." He gasped. "Where, are her robes Rangiku?" She handed it to Toshiro. 

He took them grabbing my arm. "Wait here." He told the others moving me to the bathroom in a large one bathroom for family members. "Toshiro?" I felt he moved me on the ground. "Tell me the vision." His face was turning red the thought of what I saw could be the same that he was doing. "U-Um... we were younger back in the village.

 But you were kissing my neck down to my chest." I tried to explain while I took my maid clothing off slowly. He threw the robes on me turning his back to me. I must not look! I-If I do... she wil- "Toshi-kun, can you put it on for me?" He gasped looking at me. "I was happy... but it was a dream right?" He moved me up against a wall. Toshiro moved his hands against my wrists. My body was frozen by his movement, he truly was fast and...he scared me. 

"Toshiro... we shouldn't do that again. I should get dressed. Tosh--" He moved his lips up against mine deeply while he closed his eyes. I was shocked he kiss me after the kissing on the neck. Did we... I saw me kissing him the same but I was the one who forced him. Toshi... I kissed him back feeling his lips up against mine. Why... do I love him so much? This is hurting my head. I can't even remember these but being with Toshiro I been wanting to just stay by him. 

He pulled away from my lips feeling he was nervous and embarrassed. "Sorry... I did it again. I just can't stay away from you these feelings for you, they won't go away!" "F-Feelings? Toshi I don't remember." I moved my hand to my head. "I know... but I can't wait. I don't want to force you." "Then don't! You can do what you want I don't mind wi-" He moved his finger up to my lips. "No... I will not force you. I want you to remember then we can love each other." He moved his finger away slowly feeling how soft my lips are. His blush turned even more redder. 

H-His blush is so cute! How can I not stay away? I hugged him tightly feeling my maid outfit fell down. He gasped looking down at me seeing I was only in my bra and underwear. S-She... is half naked. No I want to stop her but... He closed his eyes moving his arms around me slowly. I lay against his chest feeling I was safe against his chest that nothing could break his hold on me. 

I even wished I could stay in his arms foever... but that be selfish wouldn't it?  I grabbed the robes trying to put them on. He laughed softly seeing I put them on backwards. "Wrong way silly." He fixed them for me tying the bow in front of me, feeling he was close behind me. I looked in the mirror seeing I had a pink bow in the back. "Its cute!" I yelled moving around in the mirror. Toshiro walked up to me. "It looks good on you." He touched my shoulder. I smiled at him. "Thank you for helping me." He nod his head. We left out of the bathroom to our bench.

I had fun with all of them. They may be new people but Azumi was very nice and she loved or had a crush on Steven. He was very smart almost like a kid who knows everything. I envy him if I did that I wouldn't have failed my math. "Good afternoon." "Hi Byakuya." Azumi waved her hands at him. He sighed. "Its Captain Kuichiki." Rukia moved up to the table. Toshiro moved so she could greet me. "Be careful Yamamoto wants you to watch her all the time. Do not leave her side." 

He whispered in Toshiro's ear. "Even bring her at Captain's meetings we can't have the enemy take her." "Enemy?" He asked looking at Byakuya. He smiled at Rukia. "I do hope she has at least a girl who she can talk to..." He walked up next to Rukia. "Welcome Miss Haku." He bowed his head to me. "U-Um! You don't have to bow..." I got up bowing my head down to Rukia and Byakuya. Rukia moved her hands on my shoulders. "Do not be so formal. It is alright..." She said smiling at me.

 I lift my head up slowly smiling at her. "Y-Yes!" They left soon afterwards meeting me seems like their job. But what did he tell Toshiro? Was it important? Steven bowed leaving with Azumi while holding hands. Rangiku waved to us both running after them. I grabbed his hand gently. "Ready?" He blushed deeply nodding his head once. "Yes... let's go." He left with me walking with me feeling my hand was warm. He never felt so happy to hold someone's hand. 

He always feel cold to everyone that he kept to himself. But with me here... he seems to have a soft heart. We got back to his office seeing it was warm inside. "I will sleep on the couch alright?" "B-But!" "Its okay until we are ready..." His face was red the thought of us sleeping together. He cursed how his heart beat just thinking of me, or holding me in his arms. 

I grabbed his hand walking in the other room. I saw the bed was a king size kind of bed. He slept in here all by himself... wishing he could find me. "Please Toshi-kun..." He nod his head moving his golden star, clip off of his green cloth. He put the sword down next to the pillow he was going to sleep on. I lay down under the blanket. He lay down next to me his arms were around me, pulling me up against his chest. My face was red feeling his arms around my small body. But I felt protected by him... I do hope I can sleep like this again. Please...let me stay here for a long time. 

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