Saturday, December 31, 2011

Bleach:The Arrancar Chapter 6-Training and Missing

I woke up feeling something warm, something soft and gentle. My eyes opened up seeing a shirt but it was a long, sleeve black shirt. I looked up at their face seeing it was Toshiro. But maybe it was Fufu since he does love to snuggle. I couldn’t tell the difference when they are asleep. What should I do? I couldn’t just say one of their names I could be wrong… Toshiro moved in his sleep grabbing my arms. I gasped feeling I was being pulled to lay on top of him. 

“T-Tosh…I mean Fufu.” I had to figure out who it is. But how do I know? Rangiku walked in seeing I was on top of Toshiro. “Captain what are you doing?!” I gasped seeing Rangiku walked in the room. Toshiro opened his eyes slowly seeing Rangiku. “What, do you want Rangiku?” “Um…Toshiro-kun.” I whispered softly looking into his eyes; Toshiro gasped seeing I was on top of him and very close to his face. “B-Brittany…how did you get here?” I moved off of Toshiro feeling nervous. 

“You moved me while you were next to me.” Toshiro face turned red feeling embarrassed. Rangiku laughed softly. “Captain you’re so cute when you blush!” “Shut up.” “Come on Brittany we need to go train.” I nod my head leaving with Toshiro to Urahara’s shop. “Training again?” “Yes this time she won’t be weak.” We went to the underground place again. I felt I could do this with Toshiro’s help I won’t be weak. “I will use my bankai but this time you must fight me.” “F-Fight?” I asked shocked I have to fight him. “Only way you will be able to use your power.” 

I knew that be the only way but Toshiro doesn’t seem bothered by it. “Alright you better get ready.” I was ready but Toshiro must feel like he wants to push me to know my powers. I moved away from Toshiro standing a few feet away from him. Toshiro called out his bankai having his wings again. “Ready?” I nod my head watching him as Urahara told me never to keep your eye off the enemy. Toshiro used flash step moving behind me. I gasped feeling his sword slash at my back. 

I landed on the ground feeling the ground was cold and turned to ice. Toshiro watched me seeing I was shaking. “Go easy on her Captain.” “Urahara…I didn’t think she do this.” “Back in the fight she wanted to protect Momo so that determination drove her to bring out the power. She can’t because she loves you too much to fight you.” Toshiro gasped looking at me seeing I had tears down my face. “Brittany…I’m sorry.” 

He dropped his sword moving next to me, his hands were around me moving my head up to his chest. I wiped my tears away with my hand slowly. “You, don’t hate me right?” He looked down at me shocked. “Of course not…I love.” He stopped afraid I not love him back. “I love you a lot. I wanted you to have your powers so you could fight with me against my enemy why I was being serious.” I looked up at his eyes seeing he looked sad. 

“You don’t have to be afraid to say I love you because…I love you. It’s strange to love you after meeting you but I have a feeling we met before. He leaned down moving his lips against mine; his arms were around my back holding me close. I closed my eyes slowly moving my lips into his, feeling his lips they were soft but being close to him felt like I could do anything. Urahara smiled moving his hand up on his hat. “Seems like today will be a long day.” 

Later at school Ichigo was walking with a girl. She had long black hair, she was like a model everyone respected her. But she did have a small attitude but one thing was she loved Ichigo. “Jannie why the long face? Is it because I didn’t come over last night?” Jannie looked at him. “No it’s not that just where has Brittany been?” Ichigo stopped forgetting to tell Jannie. 

She knew about everything so why not tell? “I will tell you later at my house.” “You better keep that promise or else.” She hugged his arm against her chest. Ichigo face turned red of the thought what she punish him with. They went to school holding hands walking by students who watched them. Jannie hoped I was alright not seeing me here was like I wasn’t even here in the first place and it bothered her. 

But she knew that I must be sick or something… Toshiro pulled away from my lips slowly looking into my eyes. “Can you fight me now?” “Yes I can Toshiro-kun.” He smiled letting me go moving back to where he his sword was. I got up knowing I have to do this. But I felt my power inside me calling out to fight. Toshiro disappeared behind me moving his sword at my back. I turned around moving my leg at his sword feeling ice came out from my foot. 

Toshiro gasped seeing his sword was turning to ice from just one kick. Urahara watched me seeing my energy was being controlled. “Good she remembered our training.” Yoruichi walked next to Urahara with her hand on her side. “Seem, like she finally remembered.” “You’re right. I hope she can finally use her power and help us battle the arrancars.” 

I ran up to Toshiro moving my hands at him. He dodged everyone moving away from my hands. “Brittany, you’re doing a good job. I can see your power it’s being controlled much better.” He stopped looking at me seeing my energy was glowing around me and a mark on my chest was glowing. “The Haku mark…its glowing.” I looked down at my chest seeing the mark was glowing. 

“I feel the power but…it’s only because of you Toshiro.” His face turned red feeling embarrassed I say that. “It’s not all me Brittany. You did most of it by believing in yourself.” “Thank you Toshiro.” “Your welcome Brittany.” He felt that if I could remember the training I could fight alongside him. “Now for sword training.” Urahara knew I had a zanpakuto even being a human I have one. “Her sword is locked away inside her.” Toshiro looked at Urahara. 

“Locked…away?” “Yes, her parents wanted her powers to be locked away so she could not find any hollows but her power leaked out being near Ichigo or any soul reaper like yourself.” Toshiro eyes were shocked looking at Urahara. I walked up to Toshiro moving my arms around his waist. “Toshiro-kun, I know you can help me.” He let his ice shatter. 

“Thank you Brittany.” He moved his arms around me slowly. His hand moved in my hair slowly, feeling my hair was very soft. “Toshiro…” I lay against his chest feeling his heart was beating very fast. “Oh before you two make out. I may want to warn you it is lunch time we can make some food.” “We aren’t making out Urahara…” He shook his hands forgetting his hand was in my hair. “Ow…Toshiro your hand its still in my hair.” 

Toshiro stopped shaking his hand moving it out of my hair. “I’m so sorry Brittany!” He saw my hair was a mess. Yoruichi smiled watching us both. “Come on you two I can brush her hair when we get our food.” Toshiro grabbed my hand gently walking after Yoruichi. Urahara watched me leave with Toshiro. “I wonder if they will…” He smiled following after us. 

Ichigo walked with Jannie to their table for lunch. “I have to know! Where is Brittany Ichigo?” Jannie asked with her bag of lunch on the table. “Alright…alright.” Ichigo said sitting in a chair next to Jannie. Jannie took out her sandwich waiting for Ichigo to tell her everything. “Brittany is with one of the captain’s from the Soul Society.” Jannie looked shocked at Ichigo. “Are they going to take her away?” “I am not sure yet but if they do it’s for the best Jannie.” 

She got up hitting the table. “It’s not fair! Brittany belongs here…her family came here sh-“ “You heard of the stories you know she lived in the Soul Society Jannie.” He squeezed the water bottle upset that they take me away. I had friends here and once that happens they all forget. Jannie hated this feeling of losing me it was like a painful piece of her heart going away from her. “I see… well I can now see why you hid such information from me.” 

She sat back down in her chair. “Jannie…” She knew it be goodbye but she at least wanted to see her. “Can we see her?” “I can ask and see.” Ichigo moved his arms around Jannie. “It will be alright.” Jannie knew she can be alright with Ichigo. She be fine… We had food at Urahara’s while we trained some more till sunset and Toshiro taught me how to use a sword. “I am sure by tomorrow my training you can be able to use a sword and fight.”

 He said while sitting on Orihime’s roof. I sat next to him staring at the sky. The stars in the sky were shining with little lights and I saw a shooting star. “I am only getting better because you taught me Toshiro.” He grabbed his pants feeling his heart was beating very fast. “I just taught you what I know that’s all.” I smiled looking at Toshiro. He looked at me feeling lost in my eyes.

 I leaned closer to him moving my lips up against his. Toshiro closed his eyes laying down on the roof feeling lost in my kisses. I lay on top of him moving my head on his chest. Toshiro looked up at the sky. I wonder if I can help her get her zanpakuto… if not then I will not give up. I want to make her happy even if it’s doing these things. I rather her be happy and smile, but the hollows will bring nothing but pain. Can, I really help her? 

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