Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Bleach:{Short Story}Yuki Hana Chapter 3-The Truth

Toshiro got his school uniform on feeling he wanted to make her happy again with that blush on her face. He wanted to see her smile. Orihime woke up stretching in her bed. “Good morning Toshiro-kun.” “Good morning.” He replied smiling at her. Orihime moved off of her bed looking in her closet. “What should I wear today for my bra and underwear?” 

He blushed thinking its too soon for him to choose. But she is cute with her just standing there. He moved behind her with his arms around her. “I don’t want you to wear something ugly alright?” She gasped dropping the bra with watermelon on it and the matching underwear with it. “Y-Yes…” He moved his tongue against her neck feeling her heart was racing. 

Orihime moaned softly moving her hands on her chest. “T-Toshiro…I got to get ready.” He chuckled softly moving to sit on the bed. She picked up the bra and underwear wishing he didn’t have to stop. Orihime knew she had to tell Ichigo but she was afraid to. Toshiro watched her seeing her eyes looked worried. “What’s the matter?” She gasped looking at Toshiro. 

“O-Oh! I am just thinking about what Ichigo think about us.” He sighed moving her uniform on her head. “Don’t worry about it.” He helped her into her bra and underwear. Orihime smiled at Toshiro happy she found someone who can make her happy. “But after you defeat the arrancars you have to leave.” Toshiro grabbed her uniform moving the socks on her feet slowly. 

Orihime grabbed her skirt moving it up to her legs putting the button in the hole. “Can’t I just go to school like this?” He blushed a lot handing her shirt. “No you can’t.” She whined moving the shirt on her feeling his blushing was growing even bigger. “You’re so cute when you blush Toshiro-kun!” She moved next to him on the bed with her arms around him.

 He blushed even more feeling his body was warming up. “Come on let’s go to school.” “Yes!” She left with him and Rangiku out the door. They left walking down the street to the school. Rangiku whispered in Orihime’s ear. “How was the sex?” Orihime stopped dropping her school bag. Toshiro stopped looking at Rangiku. “Rangiku stop asking such private things.” 

He picked up Orihime’s bag handing it to her. Orihime grabbed it. How is she going to talk if Rangiku knows too! “It was good and I love him.” Toshiro face turned red. Rangiku smiled hugging Orihime. “Thank you for loving my captain. He has been alone since Momo been asleep.” She whispered in her ear with her arms around Orihime. Orihime smiled at Rangiku happy she can make him happy and he can do the same for her. 

They got to the school walking inside the building. Rukia smiled seeing Orihime but she noticed she was happy. “Good morning Orihime.” “Good morning Rukia! Hey you want to hang out later?” Rukia smiled at her. “Sure! I love to hang out with you Orihime.” “That’s great!” Ichigo walked up to Orihime. “Hey sorry Orihime about yesterday I guess I was being rude to you.” “It’s okay! I love someone else.” She told him running up to Toshiro. 

He gasped seeing her jump at him but he had no time to reach so she fell on top of him. Orihime sat on his stomach looking down at him. Ichigo face turned red seeing Orihime on Toshiro. “Orihime what are you doing?!” Ichigo asked seeing she didn’t move or run away. Toshiro smiled looking at Orihime. “You are being naughty already?” He teased her smiling at her while he looked at Ichigo. Ichigo knew that something went between them. 

“Can, I speak to you Toshiro?” Toshiro helped Orihime on her feet while he moved to stand up. Orihime left with him on the roof. She will protect Toshiro if Ichigo started a fight, but why should he? He has Rukia for himself. “What happened between you two?” Toshiro moved his hands in his pockets in his pants. “Nothing we just are close friends.” “Toshiro tell the truth! You never get close to anyone almost like you’re not human!” Orihime moved her body in front of Toshiro. 

“Ichigo, he isn’t a like that! Toshiro helped me…when I was upset he helped me feel better. He loves me I was hurt seeing you with Rukia but now that won’t bother me anymore.” Orihime looked at Ichigo seriously seeing he stared at her. “Orihime…” Toshiro moved his hand on her shoulder moving her behind him. “It’s the truth Ichigo and why should you care? You have someone and she has me. I am surprised you even ask to do this.” He said looking at Ichigo with his eyes. 

Ichigo backed up slowly. “B-But she a human Toshiro and you-” “So what! You’re a human and Rukia is like me, what’s the difference?” Toshiro glared at Ichigo staring deep into his eyes. “Whatever…I just hope you never hurt her Toshiro.” He said looking at Orihime. “Orihime if he ever does hurt you we all will be right beside you.” Ichigo said leaving to go to the door back down stairs. Toshiro sighed moving his hands in his pockets. “He is so weird.” 

“But he was worried you leave me for Rangiku I am sure.” “What?! Why would I leave you for that nut case?” She laughed moving her arms around Toshiro. He smiled looking out at the city wondering if he be allowed to bring her with him. I am sure if he asked her to become one of them would Orihime want to? He had to ask her later after school. They left to class being together most of the time except when he had to go leave for hollows but she didn’t mind she could wait for him. 

Orihime ran up to Rukia happy they can go out. “Ready to go Orihime?” “I’m ready Rukia let’s go.” She left with Rukia down to the arcade. They played a few games even got a drink. “This drink is so good!” “I know! I love to get it every time I come here.” She said leaving the arcade with Rukia. “I heard you and Toshiro are going out from Ichigo. Orihime I am very happy you found someone just be careful with him…he may get angry and hurt you.”

 Rukia said worried he lose his temper. “Oh don’t worry about me Rukia! I am sure if he does get angry he just leave for a bit.” Rukia smiled at Orihime knowing it bothered Ichigo that Toshiro was with her now. Ichigo you’re a dummy if you really wanted to be with her you should have asked long time ago. She feels like he regrets dating her because he afraid for Orihime. 

Rukia walked her to her apartment seeing the lights were on. “I will see you tomorrow alright?” “Yes Rukia thank you again!” She waved to Rukia seeing she left. Orihime opened her door seeing Toshiro was there talking on his phone. She closed the door behind her moving her bag in her room. She sat on her bed wondering if Ichigo had feelings for her now. But he was too late to even change her mind. All she wanted was to be in Toshiro’s arms, with him she felt she could do anything. 

Toshiro closed his phone. “Orihime, I need to talk to you.” She was worried he was going to say he had to leave but she knew since he was a soul reaper she had to let him go. It is fine now since she could wait for him. Orihime moved off her bed walking in the other room. “Yes Toshiro-kun?” He smiled looking at her worried face. “Don’t; look so worried it’s not like that.” She blinked her eyes confused what he meant. 

“You said we needed to talk does that mean you want to break up with me?” She asked worried that he was only using this to make her be happy. But, maybe that be fine she shouldn’t have hoped she could be with him forever. Toshiro knew she had that idea in her head when he said that they needed to talk but he meant for them to be together not to break up. 

“You got it all wrong I didn’t mean for a break up.” Toshiro whispered in her ear moving his arms around her. Orihime looked at him seeing his smile it always made he happy. “What, did you want to talk to me about Toshiro?” “About coming with me to my world the Soul Society.” “With you…? To your world but am I allowed?” 

Toshiro showed her his phone knowing she wouldn’t understand. “I told them about you that you wanted to be with me and I really believe that they will let you come since you could be in my squad but you will have to go through training but, I know you are strong enough to do it.” Orihime was shocked but very happy she can leave with him and not have to wait. 

“T-Toshiro… I love to be with you!” She cried feeling her tears fall down her face, falling on his arms. He moved his lips up to hers feeling they were soft just like before. “No crying I want to only see you smile alright?” She nod her head moving to look at her stuff. “But I don’t have enough bags to pack for my stuff.” 

“No need I can ask them to come pick up your stuff later you be wearing the squad uniform most of the time.” Orihime knew that they could do that she forgot they are different from how she is. But in her heart she really is happy that he be with her forever. She just had to wait a few more days and she can leave with him. 

Orihime just wanted to leave with him even if Ichigo will hate the idea but she had to just let him be happy with Rukia. Ichigo… I won’t love you no more I have someone else. She tore out pictures of Ichigo from her photo book and began to get ready for her new life, it was to be with Toshiro. But will I be able to pass their school? 

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